Putin Caves: Calls Obama to discuss U.S. proposal on Ukraine

Will be interesting when the most transparent regime in U.S. history releases the word-for-word transcript. Then, should Russia release the same, to compare the two.

But since the first will never happen there's not much point in waiting for the second.

I'm sure Russian propaganda has a firm hold on you.
The figure of 100,000 troops comes from Ukraine. It is almost certainly inflated. Russia is establishing supply lines which is even more of an indication of Russian intention than the number of troops.

The only sensible act at this point for Europe to make is stabilize Ukraine. Agitating Kiev into fighting Russia will only serve to give Russia an excuse to invade in force. That will only make things worse. Crimea is gone. They voted. Such it up.
Will be interesting when the most transparent regime in U.S. history releases the word-for-word transcript. Then, should Russia release the same, to compare the two.

But since the first will never happen there's not much point in waiting for the second.

I'm sure Russian propaganda has a firm hold on you.

Damn.....for sure liberal propaganda has a hold on you.

The figure of 100,000 troops comes from Ukraine. It is almost certainly inflated. Russia is establishing supply lines which is even more of an indication of Russian intention than the number of troops.

The only sensible act at this point for Europe to make is stabilize Ukraine. Agitating Kiev into fighting Russia will only serve to give Russia an excuse to invade in force. That will only make things worse. Crimea is gone. They voted. Such it up.


Stop being a 3rd-rate, rw hack. You've been here long enough to know what is expected.
The figure of 100,000 troops comes from Ukraine. It is almost certainly inflated. Russia is establishing supply lines which is even more of an indication of Russian intention than the number of troops.

The only sensible act at this point for Europe to make is stabilize Ukraine. Agitating Kiev into fighting Russia will only serve to give Russia an excuse to invade in force. That will only make things worse. Crimea is gone. They voted. Such it up.


Stop being a 3rd-rate, rw hack. You've been here long enough to know what is expected.
#55 by mudwhistle.

Russian President Vladimir Putin called U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday to discuss a proposal for a diplomatic resolution to the Ukrainian crisis, the White House said in a readout of the call.

Obama asked Russia to "put a concrete response in writing" to the U.S.'s proposal for a diplomatic solution and agreed that Secretary of State John Kerry would then meet with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, to discuss the proposal.

The Kremlin gave a very different version of the call. Though it said Putin "suggested examining possible steps the global community can take to help stabilise the situation," the Kremlin also said Putin drew Obama's attention to "continued rampage of extremists who are committing acts of intimidation towards peaceful residents" in various regions of Ukraine.

The call came as Russia has amassed tens of thousands of troops at the Ukrainian border, reportedly bringing the total near 40,000. A U.S. intelligence report on Wednesday warned of a "more probable" Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Read more: Obama, Putin Phone Call On Ukraine - Business Insider

I saw that one coming...
Russia will take southeastern Ukraine in order to maintain overland rail and road connections to Crimea.

This is inevitable.

It could be over by next weekend of the 6th.

Nothing the West can do to stop it without tactical nukes, and I bet Putin has told the West, "You do that, and I will burn Rome, Paris, and London with hellfire."
If Putin caved when is he giving Crimea back? When are they withdrawing. What did he cave on?

Did he agree that yes he won? "Okay barry, you win I really did kick your ass".
Russia will take southeastern Ukraine in order to maintain overland rail and road connections to Crimea.

This is inevitable.

It could be over by next weekend of the 6th.

Nothing the West can do to stop it without tactical nukes, and I bet Putin has told the West, "You do that, and I will burn Rome, Paris, and London with hellfire."

He'll take more to protect the oil pipelines from sabotage.

Essentially you are right.
Wait, Putin calls to discuss US proposals and somehow he is caving? Has he agreed to any of them? Has he given up Crimea? Has he moved his troops out of the Ukraine?

So how the heck has he caved on anything?
Katzndogz a foreign policy expert now I've seen it all. :thup:

As to the OP, Putin did the right thing by caving

Seriously? You are going along with this Putin is caving nonsense?

Did you guys go to school with Bagdad Bob?
Thread title should read;

Obama caved years ago, Crimea falls b/c obama doesn't have the balls.

Comments from the leaders of our allies;


The military

the leftist media

The EU


Al Gore

and lastly, our future
It's like Mamou Shigemitsu claiming America caved because he signed the terms of surrender on the Missouri.
I just called to say I'm sorry!


RIYADH (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin called U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday to discuss a U.S. diplomatic proposal for Ukraine, the White House said.

It amazes me that this article says the exact opposite of what Rightwingers on this board said would happen yet even now they still won't give Obama credit for ANYTHING.

Hey children you can dislike a president and still give him credit for SOMETHING positive.
Your link doesn't work.

Obama lied about what the Pope and he discussed.

I don't trust a God Damned thing he or his media produces.

You mad bro?

You're hero, Putin, is engaged in another big fat fail.


What are you talking about. Your own link to Reuters says Putin was responding to kERRY'S proposal. Putin isn't rude. Of course he'd respond. He's asked for a diplomatic solution from the get go while Obama, Harper and Cameron have been strutting like banty roosters,

Um Kerry and Obama most likely talked about the proposals before hand...and mostly likely brain stormed over it.

Seriously this amateur hour or something?

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