Putin Caves: Calls Obama to discuss U.S. proposal on Ukraine

Has Putin conceded anything at all? Or is just lowering himself to speak to obama enough?
Don't EVER forget that open mic moment BETWEEN Obama and Putin

They have a backroom deal of some kind going...and you bet it isn't anything good for us...
Kerry is just a clown prancing around beating his chest like some ape
Don't EVER forget that open mic moment BETWEEN Obama and Putin

They have a backroom deal of some kind going...and you bet it isn't anything good for us...
Kerry is just a clown prancing around beating his chest like some ape

obama wasn't talking to Putin. He said that to Medvedev and told him to pass it on to Putin.

"Don't make any moves until I'm reelected and Vladimir gets the keys to the store."

Time to collect.
Really? who said Putin would never talk with Obama?

You do realize that talking with someone while doing what you want isn't caving right?

No you all assumed Putin would do whatever he wanted because Obama is weak in your eyes. Call it whatever you want, but Putin agreeing to diplomacy is the point of all of this.

And as Sallow said, Putin didn't concede to Bush.

Putin is doing what he wants. He ties Obama up in diplomacy that goes no where and Obama doesnt stop him from doing as he wants.

You are seriously blinded with your unwaiverly allegiance to Obama. You will never see until you are willing to accept the truth.

You really expect that Putin would automatically do whatever he wants right away? No American president could possibLy get the arrogant Putin to do that. However diplomacy is the first step to Putin pulling back. Obviously he will try to compromise first. You people claimed Putin would never flinch. He definitely flinched even if it is just the start of moving him out of Crimea.
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No you all assumed Putin would do whatever he wanted because Obama is weak in your eyes. Call it whatever you want, but Putin agreeing to diplomacy is the point of all of this.

And as Sallow said, Putin didn't concede to Bush.

Putin is doing what he wants. He ties Obama up in diplomacy that goes no where and Obama doesnt stop him from doing as he wants.

You are seriously blinded with your unwaiverly allegiance to Obama. You will never see until you are willing to accept the truth.

You really expect that Putin would automatically do whatever he wants right away? No American president could possibLy get the arrogant Putin to do that. However diplomacy is the first step to Putin pulling back. Obviously he will try to compromise first. You people claimed Putin would never flinch. He definitely flinched even if it is just the start of moving him out of Crimea.

Crimea is now part of Russia. The jewel of Ukraine has turned its back on Kiev forever. To believe that Crimea will ever be part of the Ukraine again is to be completely delusional.
Putin is doing what he wants. He ties Obama up in diplomacy that goes no where and Obama doesnt stop him from doing as he wants.

You are seriously blinded with your unwaiverly allegiance to Obama. You will never see until you are willing to accept the truth.

You really expect that Putin would automatically do whatever he wants right away? No American president could possibLy get the arrogant Putin to do that. However diplomacy is the first step to Putin pulling back. Obviously he will try to compromise first. You people claimed Putin would never flinch. He definitely flinched even if it is just the start of moving him out of Crimea.

Crimea is now part of Russia. The jewel of Ukraine has turned its back on Kiev forever. To believe that Crimea will ever be part of the Ukraine again is to be completely delusional.

So tell me, why is Putin even talking to Obama? What could they possibly have to discuss besides Crimea?
How delusional do you have to be to think that diplomacy will move Putin out of Crimea? Putin didn't flinch. He gave obama an ultimatum. Europe stabilizes the rest of Ukraine or Putin will do it with a massive invasion. He fully intends the invasion anyway. The phone call was a courtesy call.
How delusional do you have to be to think that diplomacy will move Putin out of Crimea? Putin didn't flinch. He gave obama an ultimatum. Europe stabilizes the rest of Ukraine or Putin will do it with a massive invasion. He fully intends the invasion anyway. The phone call was a courtesy call.

Pure speculation.
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You really expect that Putin would automatically do whatever he wants right away? No American president could possibLy get the arrogant Putin to do that. However diplomacy is the first step to Putin pulling back. Obviously he will try to compromise first. You people claimed Putin would never flinch. He definitely flinched even if it is just the start of moving him out of Crimea.

Crimea is now part of Russia. The jewel of Ukraine has turned its back on Kiev forever. To believe that Crimea will ever be part of the Ukraine again is to be completely delusional.

So tell me, why is Putin even talking to Obama? What could they possibly have to discuss besides Crimea?

Kerry put forward a diplomatic proposal for the Ukraine earlier in the week. Putin responded.

What one has to remember is that despite disapproval by most of the globe, Crimea voted to rejoin Russia. Our opinions do not matter to Crimea nor to Russia.

Most importantly one of the major reasons that Crimea broke off with Kiev is that Svoboda members were given key positions in the interim government. One of the Svoboda Party platform initiatives were to strip Crimea of their autonomy and ban the Russian language.

It was a no brainer that Crimeans (60% ethnic Russian) said to hell with Kiev and voted the way they did.


Defiant: The Russian flies atop a city clock tower in Sevastopol, Crimea as the region swapped to Moscow time tonight
You really expect that Putin would automatically do whatever he wants right away? No American president could possibLy get the arrogant Putin to do that. However diplomacy is the first step to Putin pulling back. Obviously he will try to compromise first. You people claimed Putin would never flinch. He definitely flinched even if it is just the start of moving him out of Crimea.

Crimea is now part of Russia. The jewel of Ukraine has turned its back on Kiev forever. To believe that Crimea will ever be part of the Ukraine again is to be completely delusional.

So tell me, why is Putin even talking to Obama? What could they possibly have to discuss besides Crimea?


These are interesting exchanges that I have copied above.

I am in the camp that thinks that Putin is always toying with Obama.

What if he wants to talk now for awhile, until he gets his invasion force fully assembled, at which time he will agree to stop assembling his invasion force, at which time Obama will declare something pompous like:

"Peace in our time".

Lets face it folks. Pinheads, Tea Party, Left Wing Loons...Putin owns him.

Its just a question of how bad he is going to treat him over the next 2 years and nine months. Things are probably going to be ugly in the last few months of Obama.
The leftists here show themselves as a bunch of ill informed boobs.
Putin wants to "defuse" the crisis. So what sort of deal is he going to offer? He will offer to pull back his troops in exchange for lifting sanctions. Obama will seize the deal and proclaim he's made peace. Moonbats here will trumpet a major Obama victory.
In fact Putin will have pocketed Crimea, avoided sanctions, and paid no price for it. This is exactly what happened with Iran and Obama's "deal" with them. The Iranians agreed to talk in exchange for relaxing sanctions. Putin paid attention to that and is replaying that win for Russia.
Obama gets pwned again. And the lefties here just. dont. get. it.
You really expect that Putin would automatically do whatever he wants right away? No American president could possibLy get the arrogant Putin to do that. However diplomacy is the first step to Putin pulling back. Obviously he will try to compromise first. You people claimed Putin would never flinch. He definitely flinched even if it is just the start of moving him out of Crimea.

Crimea is now part of Russia. The jewel of Ukraine has turned its back on Kiev forever. To believe that Crimea will ever be part of the Ukraine again is to be completely delusional.

So tell me, why is Putin even talking to Obama? What could they possibly have to discuss besides Crimea?

To distract Obama while he does other things. A freakin four year old would realize that.

(Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin called U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday to discuss a U.S. diplomatic proposal for Ukraine and Obama told him that Russia must pull back its troops and not move deeper into Ukraine, the White House said.

It was believed to have been the first direct conversation between Obama and Putin since the United States and its European allies began imposing sanctions on Putin's inner circle and threatened to penalize key sectors of Russia's economy.

Russia's reinforcement of troops near Ukraine has brought the total forces there to as many as 40,000, U.S. officials estimated on Friday in a build up that has increasingly worried Washington in recent days.

The White House noted specifically that it was Putin who called Obama, who is ending a four-nation trip in Saudi Arabia and had just returned to his Riyadh hotel after talks with King Abdullah.

Putin called to discuss a U.S. proposal for a diplomatic resolution to the Ukraine crisis, which Secretary of State John Kerry again presented to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a meeting at The Hague earlier this week

Russia's Putin calls Obama to discuss U.S. proposal on Ukraine: White House | Reuters

Hmm..did Pooty poot call Bushie after the Georgian invasion?


Do you liberals always play the Bush card when you're guy is getting his butt whipped?

(Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin called U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday to discuss a U.S. diplomatic proposal for Ukraine and Obama told him that Russia must pull back its troops and not move deeper into Ukraine, the White House said.

It was believed to have been the first direct conversation between Obama and Putin since the United States and its European allies began imposing sanctions on Putin's inner circle and threatened to penalize key sectors of Russia's economy.

Russia's reinforcement of troops near Ukraine has brought the total forces there to as many as 40,000, U.S. officials estimated on Friday in a build up that has increasingly worried Washington in recent days.

The White House noted specifically that it was Putin who called Obama, who is ending a four-nation trip in Saudi Arabia and had just returned to his Riyadh hotel after talks with King Abdullah.

Putin called to discuss a U.S. proposal for a diplomatic resolution to the Ukraine crisis, which Secretary of State John Kerry again presented to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a meeting at The Hague earlier this week

Russia's Putin calls Obama to discuss U.S. proposal on Ukraine: White House | Reuters

Hmm..did Pooty poot call Bushie after the Georgian invasion?


No. He withdrew his forces.
The leftists here show themselves as a bunch of ill informed boobs.
Putin wants to "defuse" the crisis. So what sort of deal is he going to offer? He will offer to pull back his troops in exchange for lifting sanctions. Obama will seize the deal and proclaim he's made peace. Moonbats here will trumpet a major Obama victory.
In fact Putin will have pocketed Crimea, avoided sanctions, and paid no price for it. This is exactly what happened with Iran and Obama's "deal" with them. The Iranians agreed to talk in exchange for relaxing sanctions. Putin paid attention to that and is replaying that win for Russia.
Obama gets pwned again. And the lefties here just. dont. get. it.

This sounds about right so far.
Putin doesn't care about the sanctions. They were too weak to do anything. Sanctions against 11 individuals is not going to hurt.

The phone call was a set up to justify the full scale invasion that's coming.
I just called to say I'm sorry!


RIYADH (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin called U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday to discuss a U.S. diplomatic proposal for Ukraine, the White House said.

Yeah, Barry flexed his muscle. Oh wait, he doesn't have any...

If Putin called him, he probably said something like...

"Look Barack, the Ukrainians have a country but they didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen." Or...

" For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of your country."

You really expect that Putin would automatically do whatever he wants right away? No American president could possibLy get the arrogant Putin to do that. However diplomacy is the first step to Putin pulling back. Obviously he will try to compromise first. You people claimed Putin would never flinch. He definitely flinched even if it is just the start of moving him out of Crimea.

Crimea is now part of Russia. The jewel of Ukraine has turned its back on Kiev forever. To believe that Crimea will ever be part of the Ukraine again is to be completely delusional.

So tell me, why is Putin even talking to Obama? What could they possibly have to discuss besides Crimea?

Why? Probably to show him some R-S-P-E-C-T. :D

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