Putin Caves: Calls Obama to discuss U.S. proposal on Ukraine

Ooooh..."Putin isn't rude"...just "looking for a diplomatic solution"...while Obama be "strutting"....
I suppose that massing thousands of troops on Ukraine's borders and a military infiltration of Crimea is the height of diplomacy....While meeting with allies to effectively support Ukraine and economically sanction Russia is mere "banty rooster strutting"...
Honey, why doncha catch the next flight to Moscow...I hear they're bringing back the KGB and lookin' for recruits.,,

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Oh bite me. Banty rooster strutting? Damn straight and they look like fools. It won't make a dent on Russia.


And I'm not "pro" anyone or anything. I just believe in truth. We've been handed a pant load over the events in Kiev and the Ukraine and I deeply resent our media becoming worse than the old Pravda.

Putin has welcomed Crimea back with open arms. And they are getting a sweet deal from Russia to stabilize and become a major player in the energy market with Russia's help.

Basically... Putin's just mad as hell because his 'puppet' in Kiev was handed his ass and told to get the hell out the Ukraine if he didn't like the Ukraine turning to the West instead of Russia.

Putin's troop build up won't get him any leverage with anyone. Obama will just tell Putin to get the hell away from Ukraine's border first and foremost, and then, and only then will Obama negotiate with him if Putin's lucky because Obama usually doesn't deal with terrorists.

You are seriously one hell of a whack job.

Obama will just tell Putin to get the hell away from Ukraine's border first and foremost, and then, and only then will Obama negotiate with him if Putin's lucky because Obama usually doesn't deal with terrorists.

Obama doesn't "deal" at all. He caves; He capitulates; He bows; He scrapes. And He does all that without even breaking a sweat!
Oh bite me. Banty rooster strutting? Damn straight and they look like fools. It won't make a dent on Russia.


And I'm not "pro" anyone or anything. I just believe in truth. We've been handed a pant load over the events in Kiev and the Ukraine and I deeply resent our media becoming worse than the old Pravda.

Putin has welcomed Crimea back with open arms. And they are getting a sweet deal from Russia to stabilize and become a major player in the energy market with Russia's help.

Basically... Putin's just mad as hell because his 'puppet' in Kiev was handed his ass and told to get the hell out the Ukraine if he didn't like the Ukraine turning to the West instead of Russia.

Putin's troop build up won't get him any leverage with anyone. Obama will just tell Putin to get the hell away from Ukraine's border first and foremost, and then, and only then will Obama negotiate with him if Putin's lucky because Obama usually doesn't deal with terrorists.

You are seriously one hell of a whack job.


Just exactly what part wasn't true? President Yanukovych fled Kiev as a result of favoring Russia while Ukraine's Parliament eyed the West.

Learn to seriously debate instead of resorting to name calling. Thanks.
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Basically... Putin's just mad as hell because his 'puppet' in Kiev was handed his ass and told to get the hell out the Ukraine if he didn't like the Ukraine turning to the West instead of Russia.

Putin's troop build up won't get him any leverage with anyone. Obama will just tell Putin to get the hell away from Ukraine's border first and foremost, and then, and only then will Obama negotiate with him if Putin's lucky because Obama usually doesn't deal with terrorists.

You are seriously one hell of a whack job.


Just exactly what part wasn't true? President Yanukovych fled Kiev because he favored Russia while Ukraine's Parliament eyed the West.

Learn to seriously debate instead of resorting to name calling. Thanks.

The man was duly elected in 2010. Everyone knew his platform and his vision for the Ukraine. Whether we in the West liked it or not, Russia actually gave the Ukraine a sweeter deal than the EU so for the good of the country, he was going to run with Russia's economic offer. And parliament hadn't even had a chance to accept or reject the offer. The opposition parties refused to hold an actual referendum and new election on this issue of EU vs Russia.

They wanted to overthrow the government . And they did.

He fled for his life from the extremists who were the muscle in the coup. And it's not Putin's propaganda that Svoboda and the Right Sector are far right extremists.

Why just yesterday the new interim President agreed with Putin. He's scared shitless of those who brought him to power. Told you they were extremists.

I'm having a great "I told you so" day.

28 March 2014 Last updated at 07:06 ET

Ukraine leader Turchynov warns of far-right threat

Ukraine's interim President Olexander Turchynov has condemned the ultra-nationalist Right Sector, saying the group is bent on "destabilisation".

Right Sector activists blocked the parliament (Rada) building in Kiev on Thursday night and smashed windows.

They blamed the interior minister for the killing of a Right Sector leader.

Ruh roh.

BBC News - Ukraine leader Turchynov warns of far-right threat
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For a poor honest politician Yanukovych sure did know how to live. You have to wonder where he found the money.

"Ukrainians peering inside the Yanukovych mansion may wonder how many more millions were poured into Yanukovych's lifestyle at their expense. Last week, Ukraine's Acting Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk said that the Yanukovych government had stolen a total of some $70 billion from state funds, Interfax reported."

Fugitive President Yanukovich's Home Reveals Where Ukraine's Millions May Have Gone (PHOTOS)

Ooooh..."Putin isn't rude"...just "looking for a diplomatic solution"...while Obama be "strutting"....
I suppose that massing thousands of troops on Ukraine's borders and a military infiltration of Crimea is the height of diplomacy....While meeting with allies to effectively support Ukraine and economically sanction Russia is mere "banty rooster strutting"...
Honey, why doncha catch the next flight to Moscow...I hear they're bringing back the KGB and lookin' for recruits.,,

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Oh bite me. Banty rooster strutting? Damn straight and they look like fools. It won't make a dent on Russia.


And I'm not "pro" anyone or anything. I just believe in truth. We've been handed a pant load over the events in Kiev and the Ukraine and I deeply resent our media becoming worse than the old Pravda.

Putin has welcomed Crimea back with open arms. And they are getting a sweet deal from Russia to stabilize and become a major player in the energy market with Russia's help.

Basically... Putin's just mad as hell because his 'puppet' in Kiev was handed his ass and told to get the hell out the Ukraine if he didn't like the Ukraine turning to the West instead of Russia.

Putin's troop build up won't get him any leverage with anyone. Obama will just tell Putin to get the hell away from Ukraine's border first and foremost, and then, and only then will Obama negotiate with him if Putin's lucky because Obama usually doesn't deal with terrorists.

You're an absolute retard. I'm embarrassed to read your kindergarten foreign policy assessment. Burt and Ernie could do better than you kidcock. You are an insolent little turd to pretend that you anything about what is going on here. You make us sick.
Putin's troop build up won't get him any leverage with anyone. Obama will just tell Putin to get the hell away from Ukraine's border first and foremost, and then, and only then will Obama negotiate with him if Putin's lucky because Obama usually doesn't deal with terrorists.


The above quote from an earlier post is causing a bit of a stir...as if the poster meant it.

I thought it was a troll and a good one.

It has that precise concurrence of impudence and idiocy necessary to leave one in doubt as to just what the poster's motive might be.

Much the same as when we all wonder what Obama and his Secretary of State, Herman Munster, might be thinking. They seem to believe they need to help Vlad Putin find an "exit ramp" so that he can extricate himself from this embarrassing situation he has gotten himself into....which proves they are both fools...doesn't it?
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Putin will either proceed to take over more of the Ukraine, or he will move on Transnistria, or he will back off for now. If he backs off Obama will drop sanctions and Putin will have won a major victory. If he goes into Eastern Ukraine, Obama will do nothing and Putin will have won a major victory. If he goes into Transnistria Obama will do nothing and Putin will have won a major victory.
What is the downside for Putin in any of these scenarios? What will Obama have won in any of these scenarios?
Oh bite me. Banty rooster strutting? Damn straight and they look like fools. It won't make a dent on Russia.


And I'm not "pro" anyone or anything. I just believe in truth. We've been handed a pant load over the events in Kiev and the Ukraine and I deeply resent our media becoming worse than the old Pravda.

Putin has welcomed Crimea back with open arms. And they are getting a sweet deal from Russia to stabilize and become a major player in the energy market with Russia's help.

Basically... Putin's just mad as hell because his 'puppet' in Kiev was handed his ass and told to get the hell out the Ukraine if he didn't like the Ukraine turning to the West instead of Russia.

Putin's troop build up won't get him any leverage with anyone. Obama will just tell Putin to get the hell away from Ukraine's border first and foremost, and then, and only then will Obama negotiate with him if Putin's lucky because Obama usually doesn't deal with terrorists.

You're an absolute retard. I'm embarrassed to read your kindergarten foreign policy assessment. Burt and Ernie could do better than you kidcock. You are an insolent little turd to pretend that you anything about what is going on here. You make us sick.

Got your panties up in a wad I see. :lol:
Putin will either proceed to take over more of the Ukraine, or he will move on Transnistria, or he will back off for now. If he backs off Obama will drop sanctions and Putin will have won a major victory. If he goes into Eastern Ukraine, Obama will do nothing and Putin will have won a major victory. If he goes into Transnistria Obama will do nothing and Putin will have won a major victory.
What is the downside for Putin in any of these scenarios? What will Obama have won in any of these scenarios?

Putin is looking for a way out. That's it in a nutshell. :lol:
Obama will just tell Putin to get the hell away from Ukraine's border first and foremost, and then, and only then will Obama negotiate with him if Putin's lucky because Obama usually doesn't deal with terrorists.

Obama doesn't "deal" at all. He caves; He capitulates; He bows; He scrapes. And He does all that without even breaking a sweat!

What ARE U talking about fool? Did Putin call our prez to negotiate if Obama "caves"? Who pulled our allies together to sanction Russia and put the brakes on Putin while supporting Ukraine in it's effort to shed oligarchic corruption and turn to the West? Who the hell offed OBL when several president's tried and couldn't?
Stop listening thru ur Obamahatred filters ...and maybe u can quit talking thru ur ass...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Putin will either proceed to take over more of the Ukraine, or he will move on Transnistria, or he will back off for now. If he backs off Obama will drop sanctions and Putin will have won a major victory. If he goes into Eastern Ukraine, Obama will do nothing and Putin will have won a major victory. If he goes into Transnistria Obama will do nothing and Putin will have won a major victory.
What is the downside for Putin in any of these scenarios? What will Obama have won in any of these scenarios?

Putin is looking for a way out. That's it in a nutshell. :lol:

A way out of what?
Obama will just tell Putin to get the hell away from Ukraine's border first and foremost, and then, and only then will Obama negotiate with him if Putin's lucky because Obama usually doesn't deal with terrorists.

Obama doesn't "deal" at all. He caves; He capitulates; He bows; He scrapes. And He does all that without even breaking a sweat!

What ARE U talking about fool? Did Putin call our prez to negotiate if Obama "caves"? Who pulled our allies together to sanction Russia and put the brakes on Putin while supporting Ukraine in it's effort to shed oligarchic corruption and turn to the West? Who the hell offed OBL when several president's tried and couldn't?
Stop listening thru ur Obamahatred filters ...and maybe u can quit talking thru ur ass...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Geeze louise, get up off your knees and take your pads off.

What sanctions have been levied on Russia that is causing Putin to cave?

:lol: Removing travel visas from some diplomats and freezing a few assets. Too funny.

Oh and regarding OBL. Valerie finally let Obama kill OBL. YAY Valerie! She wears the pants in the Oval Office.
Far right reactionary war mongers. You were wrong in Vietnam, in Gulf II, and you will be wrong now.

Or . . . you and your eligible children go enlist and vet your enlistment papers on the Board.

Or we know you for the wankers you are.

You are posers, especially the veterans among you, who know better. Shame on you and your lack of patriotism.
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Putin will either proceed to take over more of the Ukraine, or he will move on Transnistria, or he will back off for now. If he backs off Obama will drop sanctions and Putin will have won a major victory. If he goes into Eastern Ukraine, Obama will do nothing and Putin will have won a major victory. If he goes into Transnistria Obama will do nothing and Putin will have won a major victory.
What is the downside for Putin in any of these scenarios? What will Obama have won in any of these scenarios?

Transnastia won independence from Moldava and sliced off a hunk. They will vote to return to Russia putting Putin virtually in Moldava and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Transnastia has the power as an independent nation no matter how tiny, to exercise their vote. Donetsk in Ukraine intends to breakaway too.

No doubt that Putin has had major victories while obama can't make it onto the board.

Those who think that sanctions against 7 Russian individuals and 4 Ukranians is bringing Russia to its knees can't be helped. They are too far removed from reality.
Obama doesn't "deal" at all. He caves; He capitulates; He bows; He scrapes. And He does all that without even breaking a sweat!

What ARE U talking about fool? Did Putin call our prez to negotiate if Obama "caves"? Who pulled our allies together to sanction Russia and put the brakes on Putin while supporting Ukraine in it's effort to shed oligarchic corruption and turn to the West? Who the hell offed OBL when several president's tried and couldn't?
Stop listening thru ur Obamahatred filters ...and maybe u can quit talking thru ur ass...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Geeze louise, get up off your knees and take your pads off.

What sanctions have been levied on Russia that is causing Putin to cave?

:lol: Removing travel visas from some diplomats and freezing a few assets. Too funny.

Oh and regarding OBL. Valerie finally let Obama kill OBL. YAY Valerie! She wears the pants in the Oval Office.

A little early to be hitting the bottle isn't it tiny?
Putin will either proceed to take over more of the Ukraine, or he will move on Transnistria, or he will back off for now. If he backs off Obama will drop sanctions and Putin will have won a major victory. If he goes into Eastern Ukraine, Obama will do nothing and Putin will have won a major victory. If he goes into Transnistria Obama will do nothing and Putin will have won a major victory.
What is the downside for Putin in any of these scenarios? What will Obama have won in any of these scenarios?

Putin is looking for a way out. That's it in a nutshell. :lol:

A way out of what?

His warmongering.
Putin will either proceed to take over more of the Ukraine, or he will move on Transnistria, or he will back off for now. If he backs off Obama will drop sanctions and Putin will have won a major victory. If he goes into Eastern Ukraine, Obama will do nothing and Putin will have won a major victory. If he goes into Transnistria Obama will do nothing and Putin will have won a major victory.
What is the downside for Putin in any of these scenarios? What will Obama have won in any of these scenarios?

Transnastia won independence from Moldava and sliced off a hunk. They will vote to return to Russia putting Putin virtually in Moldava and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Transnastia has the power as an independent nation no matter how tiny, to exercise their vote. Donetsk in Ukraine intends to breakaway too.

No doubt that Putin has had major victories while obama can't make it onto the board.

Those who think that sanctions against 7 Russian individuals and 4 Ukranians is bringing Russia to its knees can't be helped. They are too far removed from reality.

And those who think Comrade Putin has won major victories are indeed commie-lovers.
Putin will either proceed to take over more of the Ukraine, or he will move on Transnistria, or he will back off for now. If he backs off Obama will drop sanctions and Putin will have won a major victory. If he goes into Eastern Ukraine, Obama will do nothing and Putin will have won a major victory. If he goes into Transnistria Obama will do nothing and Putin will have won a major victory.
What is the downside for Putin in any of these scenarios? What will Obama have won in any of these scenarios?

Transnastia won independence from Moldava and sliced off a hunk. They will vote to return to Russia putting Putin virtually in Moldava and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Transnastia has the power as an independent nation no matter how tiny, to exercise their vote. Donetsk in Ukraine intends to breakaway too.

No doubt that Putin has had major victories while obama can't make it onto the board.

Those who think that sanctions against 7 Russian individuals and 4 Ukranians is bringing Russia to its knees can't be helped. They are too far removed from reality.

According to you there is nothing anyone can do about anything Putin does. Why dont we just surrender to him now and get it over with?

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