Putin Caves: Calls Obama to discuss U.S. proposal on Ukraine

And why the heck not? You refuse to define major victory. The fact that they control Crimea tells us they've won this standoff so far. Because if they had backed down, Crimea would still be under the control of the Ukraine. It doesn't cease to be a major victory just because you say so.

You're definition of a "major victory" is laughable.

Getting everything you want and making the US look stupid sure seems like a major victory to me.

But then you still refuse to give me your definition.

I already gave you my definition. It's there in black and white. Scroll back, re-read and then take a reading comprehension class.
A hard fought battle for Crimea it wasn't. Was it?

No. it is being described as a 'land-grab' by those in the know and that does not include you or I. Putin's taking of Crimea is downright naked aggression. That's how I define it.

Major victories dont have to be hard fought. Especially when the other side capitulates.

Also, I can't help but notice you ignored the question.

No, the taking of Crimea is not a 'major victory'. Sorry.

Kidrocks for your own sake as a poster may I recommend taking "credibility" lessons? In a strange way I actually like you because you are such a good cheerleader for your team. Loyalty like that is hard to find.

BUT and it's a big but, choose your fights wisely. This is a no win for you and who ever you are supporting.

The truth is against you. It is your enemy. And your enemy called the truth has won. We now have the new illegal interim President appointed by the US screaming about the Right Sector.

He is making deals with the IMF and the EU that will crush the Ukraine. This is a very sad point in time for me because I am third generation Ukrainian on my mom's side. I have been following this dogs breakfast since last year.

I am furious and spitting bullets at my leader who is or was a conservative icon to me up here and I want to bazooka barf that EU will now put the Ukraine under their heel.
Most educated people know that The Crimea has been part of Russia since Peter The Great and the Wars with the Turks.

Russia wasn't going to give up it's only Warm Water Port in the East. Just not gonna happen.

What we're all talking about is the sheer stupidity and lack of understanding of Russian politics and history by dimocrap scum. The idiocy and lack of caring about anything other than domestic policy.

They can lie in this Country and get away with it because they have the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM in their hip pocket.

They can threaten the opposition in this Country.

Not so much in Russia. Putin doesn't care what our disgusting, lying, incompetent media says.

What I'm upset about is the boyish amateurism that the lying cocksucker in chief has shown in every single foreign policy decision he has made.

Not just Russian and Crimea, but Egypt when he installed the Muslim Brotherhood, Syria, his desertion of Iraq by refusing to negotiate a Status of Forces agreement (we have one in 124 other Countries) his treating Karzai like a pariah and losing Afghanistan, his ignoring Israel and threatening of them, Benghazi, Libya, Yemen, Iran, North Korea... etc, etc, ad nauseam.

It isn't so much that Putin is sticking his dick up the lying cocksucker in chief's ass,......

Well, yes it is, too.

We're just sick of it. We're sick of the incompetence. Every time this fuck does something, it's Amateur Hour.

Every time. And Putin is going to kick his fucking ass.
Then Turks have right to Crimea as much as Russians.

Don't be upset, even if boy king would want to do something, it wouldn't change a thing. Beside, with changes in our armed forces, we will probably refuse to fight countries that don't have LGBT military.

Putin has no reason to stop. Wondering who's next? Belarus or Finland.
Far right reactionary war mongers. You were wrong in Vietnam, in Gulf II, and you will be wrong now.

Or . . . you and your eligible children go enlist and vet your enlistment papers on the Board.

Or we know you for the wankers you are.

You are posers, especially the veterans among you, who know better. Shame on you and your lack of patriotism.


Like anyone needs to prove anything to anyone on USMB :lol:



Yup, you are all mouth and would head south if things got bad for America. :lol:
None, that's what.

There are many ways to communicate strength and Odummer is afraid to use any of them.

Peace is obtained as a result of strength, not rhetoric


War is usually obtained as a result of strength. The history of mankind will show that. The Romans conquered the world as a result of their strength. Hitler tried mightily and so did the United States in Viet Nam. Strength invites land grabbing and warmongering. Just you look at Putin and Stalin before him.

Crimea voted to rejoin Russia. No matter how many times you tell the lie that Putin pulled a land grab, you cannot erase the truth.

The folks of Crimea were not coerced into voting for reunion with Russia.

The folks of eastern and southeastern Ukraine would vote solidly to rejoin Russia.

The neo-cons here are talking stupidly, as usual. As always.
Ame®icano;8861378 said:
Then Turks have right to Crimea as much as Russians.

Don't be upset, even if boy king would want to do something, it wouldn't change a thing. Beside, with changes in our armed forces, we will probably refuse to fight countries that don't have LGBT military.

Putin has no reason to stop. Wondering who's next? Belarus or Finland.

Alas no. But good try there.

He's not a boy king. He rules nothing. And those countries who ran with the EU desperately want out.

Please, you must understand the EU and the IMF are the death knell of so many countries. This is why I as a Ukrainiian 3rd down on my mothers side am fighting tooth and nail against the west Eu and IMF taking over the Ukraine.

They will kill her.

ETA: apologies Americano I misread your post. Now I understand who you were referring to as the boy king. That'll learn me for trying to shovel a driveway and post at the same time (huge storm here)
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Ame®icano;8861378 said:
Then Turks have right to Crimea as much as Russians.

Don't be upset, even if boy king would want to do something, it wouldn't change a thing. Beside, with changes in our armed forces, we will probably refuse to fight countries that don't have LGBT military.

Putin has no reason to stop. Wondering who's next? Belarus or Finland.

Putin can only fight them off. Moldavia wants to rejoin. You have your Nuland over there trying to buy them off.

Go figure.
War is usually obtained as a result of strength. The history of mankind will show that. The Romans conquered the world as a result of their strength. Hitler tried mightily and so did the United States in Viet Nam. Strength invites land grabbing and warmongering. Just you look at Putin and Stalin before him.

Crimea voted to rejoin Russia. No matter how many times you tell the lie that Putin pulled a land grab, you cannot erase the truth.

The folks of Crimea were not coerced into voting for reunion with Russia.

The folks of eastern and southeastern Ukraine would vote solidly to rejoin Russia.

The neo-cons here are talking stupidly, as usual. As always.

Jake how do we make this better? I've rocked the boards and the comment sections from CBC /BBC/France24/ Al jazeera/ RTto a regular to the Voice of Russia lolol those guys are pretty cool with a conservative. Huff po almost got banned even a couple of long term posters jumped in to my defense but not these guys :D they let me post.

You know from day one I have been screaming "diplomacy" and can anyone answer?

What point are we at? And what should we demand from our leaders from here?
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That prick Putin "caves" when he pulls out of Crimea, which isn't likely to happen as the people of Crimea seem to have expressed their desires...

The phone call was probably more along the lines of, "Yeah, I did it, what are you going to do about it? That's what I thought... Now watch what I do to Finland..."
far right reactionary war mongers. You were wrong in vietnam, in gulf ii, and you will be wrong now.

Or . . . You and your eligible children go enlist and vet your enlistment papers on the board.

Or we know you for the wankers you are.

You are posers, especially the veterans among you, who know better. Shame on you and your lack of patriotism.


Like anyone needs to prove anything to anyone on usmb :lol:



yup, you are all mouth and would head south if things got bad for america. :lol:

You're definition of a "major victory" is laughable.

Getting everything you want and making the US look stupid sure seems like a major victory to me.

But then you still refuse to give me your definition.

I already gave you my definition. It's there in black and white. Scroll back, re-read and then take a reading comprehension class.

And Kidrocksinhead cuts and runs when outed for the lo-lo he is.
Ame®icano;8861 378 said:
Then Turks have right to Crimewantsmuch as Russians.

Don't be upset, even if boy king would want to do something, it wouldn't change a thing. Beside, with changes in our armed forces, we will probably refuse to fight countries that don't have LGBT military.

Putin has no reason to stop. Wondering who's next? Belarus or Finland.

Putin can only fight them off. Moldavia wants to rejoin. You have your Nuland over there trying to buy them off.

Go figure.

Moldava today has no interest in rejoining Russia. Transnastia DOES. This tiny country has carved itself off of Moldava and has independence. When Transnastia votes to be part of Russia there is not a DAMN thing that can be done to stop them. From there, Moldava retuning to Russia is a given. More importantly, Donetsk in Ukraine wants their own Russian vote taking another hunk of Ukraine with them when they go.
Most educated people know that The Crimea has been part of Russia since Peter The Great and the Wars with the Turks.

Peter the Great died in 1725, it was Catherine The Great that annexed Crimea for Russia....1783-84
Crimea voted to rejoin Russia. No matter how many times you tell the lie that Putin pulled a land grab, you cannot erase the truth.

The folks of Crimea were not coerced into voting for reunion with Russia.

The folks of eastern and southeastern Ukraine would vote solidly to rejoin Russia.

The neo-cons here are talking stupidly, as usual. As always.

Jake how do we make this better? I've rocked the boards and the comment sections from CBC /BBC/France24/ Al jazeera/ RTto a regular to the Voice of Russia lolol those guys are pretty cool with a conservative. Huff po almost got banned even a couple of long term posters jumped in to my defense but not these guys :D they let me post.

You know from day one I have been screaming "diplomacy" and can anyone answer?

What point are we at? And what should we demand from our leaders from here?

We don't make it better with those Americans who don't get it.

This is out of America's hands, probably out of the EU's hand, and the IMF made absolutely sure that no one got their money and assets frozen.

This is all make believe by the West.

Ukraine and Russia and Moldava will work it out without much interference from the outside.
The folks of Crimea were not coerced into voting for reunion with Russia.

The folks of eastern and southeastern Ukraine would vote solidly to rejoin Russia.

The neo-cons here are talking stupidly, as usual. As always.

Jake how do we make this better? I've rocked the boards and the comment sections from CBC /BBC/France24/ Al jazeera/ RTto a regular to the Voice of Russia lolol those guys are pretty cool with a conservative. Huff po almost got banned even a couple of long term posters jumped in to my defense but not these guys :D they let me post.

You know from day one I have been screaming "diplomacy" and can anyone answer?

What point are we at? And what should we demand from our leaders from here?

We don't make it better with those Americans who don't get it.

This is out of America's hands, probably out of the EU's hand, and the IMF made absolutely sure that no one got their money and assets frozen.

This is all make believe by the West.

Ukraine and Russia and Moldava will work it out without much interference from the outside.

That's like a hitman and a mark working it out.
Of course this is Jake Fact Free Starkey, dumbest poster on USMB.

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