Putin closes in on major victory ; forcing surrender

As for the complex Russian / Ukraine War, that too has aspects of a “Civil War” among two different Slavic peoples, or of a “national liberation struggle.” Of course it is tragic like all wars, and both the West and Russian chauvinists share historical responsibility for it getting to this bloody point. It has in many respects turned into a “proxy war” between Western (and global) neo-liberal democracies dominated by the U.S. … and Putin’s definitely “illiberal” and thoroughly authoritarian police state
The more I try to comprehend the current events and Europe's 20th century history, the more I feel that Germany loosing the WWI was the worst thing Europe suffered in its recent history.

Without the absurd Versailles treaty there wouldn't have been the Nazis rise in Germany, the WWII (at least as we saw it), Ukraine would have had independence from Russia almost in its current borders (well, under German's protectorate) since 1918, and Europe would have its own liberal powerhouse.

The US supported a wrong side in that war. Or more correctly, a strong Germany wasn't in Britain's plans.
You talk like a classic traitor. You are still aggrieved — 160 years later! — that America’s Greatest President had the courage to run on a platform to defend our nation, that he was elected, and that he ultimately led, at tremendous cost, the struggle to wipe the scourge of human slavery from our shores.

The last thing on earth our nation needs now is another Civil War to tear it apart over … cultural grievances, “Big Lies,” and the shameful opportunist gamesmanship of politicians in both parties.

Of course the Putin’s and XiJinpings of the world might love that!

It was revealing that on Jan. 6th many of the losers and Trump fanatics who broke into Congress were carrying Confederate flags. I’m sure you would love to tear down the “dictator’s” Lincoln Memorial and replace it with one to Jefferson Davis.

As for the complex Russian / Ukraine War, that too has aspects of a “Civil War” among two different Slavic peoples, or of a “national liberation struggle.” Of course it is tragic like all wars, and both the West and Russian chauvinists share historical responsibility for it getting to this bloody point. It has in many respects turned into a “proxy war” between Western (and global) neo-liberal democracies dominated by the U.S. … and Putin’s definitely “illiberal” and thoroughly authoritarian police state.
We're heading towards A split whether you like it or not. You shitlibs are impossible to live with. Grooming kids, pronouns and all your other faggotry is why.

Traitor? That's you AntiFA, BLM loving Chaz/Chop faggots
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We're heading towards A split whether you like it or not. You shitlibs are impossible to live with. Grooming kids, pronouns and all your other faggotry is why.

Really? If so — if there is really to be “a split” — I know you will be on the side of all the aspiring Putins and aggressive, reactionary authoritarians right here in the USA — just like you are in Ukraine!

But decent Americans in the end will reject your slanderous lying, your love of reactionary authoritarianism, just as they rejected the propaganda and self-delusions of the Slavocracy 160 years ago.

You attack everybody who disagrees with you with the same bullshit slanders you just attacked me with. You don’t even know me … or my positions on domestic cultural issues. I’m sick of your disrespect, your insults, your spreading “Big Lies” and small ones — and I’m not alone in this.

Your hatred of our multi-racial, multi-ethnic American Republic is obvious. But personally you are of no account — just another shameless crackpot believer in anti-Semitic and God-only-knows what other conspiracy theories.

Our nation has many serious problems, but you have no realistic solutions. Americans need to recognize that neither major party has a monopoly on righteousness.

Indeed, both parties are pretty damn f*cked up — as are you.
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Really? If so — if there is really to be “a split” — I know you will be on the side of all the aspiring Putins and aggressive, reactionary authoritarians right here in the USA — just like you are in Ukraine!

But decent Americans in the end will reject your slanderous lying, your love of reactionary authoritarianism, just as they rejected the propaganda and self-delusions of the Slavocracy 160 years ago.

You attack everybody who disagrees with you with the same bullshit slanders you just attacked me with. You don’t even know me … or my positions on domestic cultural issues. I’m sick of your disrespect, your insults, your spreading “Big Lies” and small ones — and I’m not alone in this.

Your hatred of our multi-racial, multi-ethnic American Republic is obvious. But personally you are of no account — just another shameless crackpot believer in anti-Semitic and God-only-knows what other conspiracy theories.

Our nation has many serious problems, but you have no realistic solutions. Americans need to recognize that neither major party has a monopoly on righteousness.

Indeed, both parties are pretty damn f*cked up — as are you.
On the contrary I'm about to buy my dream home and enjoy a beach lifestyle..the only fucked I'll be is when hot spring break chicks come on down to party.

You on the other hand have only your hand. Stock up on lotion

Or you can come do something about my posts since you seem to have an issue with what I say quit being a bitch and do something

And I know far enough about you from your postings to know you're just another limp wristed leftist faggot who can only beat his meat

Spank Spank little wank
I'm glad you think people being murdered and their homes blown up are something to laugh at.

I didn't think that in 2020 with BLM and I don't think it now with Biden's War. Without Joe Biden (or at least a real leader interesting in peace) this war would have been over maybe 10 months ago or never started, but instead of talking peace, Joe has made it possible to go on for a decade until all of Ukraine is a smoldering heap.
Yeah, abolish the Federal Reserve, drastically cut military spendings, close military bases abroad, leave military alliances and transform the US into some form of confederation with the federal government having rather symbolic functions.

Is that what you support? It will be interesting to see how this works out.
Absolutely. You might be learning something…finally.

If you’d rather continue the status quo then shut down the war machine and drastically limit the power of this horribly corrupt government, you haven’t learned anything.
You talk like a classic traitor. You are still aggrieved — 160 years later! — that America’s Greatest President had the courage to run on a platform to defend our nation, that he was elected, and that he ultimately led, at tremendous cost, the struggle to wipe the scourge of human slavery from our shores.

The last thing on earth our nation needs now is another Civil War to tear it apart over … cultural grievances, “Big Lies,” and the shameful opportunist gamesmanship of politicians in both parties.

Of course the Putin’s and XiJinpings of the world might love that!

It was revealing that on Jan. 6th many of the losers and Trump fanatics who broke into Congress were carrying Confederate flags. I’m sure you would love to tear down the “dictator’s” Lincoln Memorial and replace it with one to Jefferson Davis.

As for the complex Russian / Ukraine War, that too has aspects of a “Civil War” among two different Slavic peoples, or of a “national liberation struggle.” Of course it is tragic like all wars, and both the West and Russian chauvinists share historical responsibility for it getting to this bloody point. It has in many respects turned into a “proxy war” between Western (and global) neo-liberal democracies dominated by the U.S. … and Putin’s definitely “illiberal” and thoroughly authoritarian police state.
Lincoln was the traitor. Look up the definition of treason in the Constitution. You’ll see Dishonest Abe’s face.
The more I try to comprehend the current events and Europe's 20th century history, the more I feel that Germany loosing the WWI was the worst thing Europe suffered in its recent history.

Without the absurd Versailles treaty there wouldn't have been the Nazis rise in Germany, the WWII (at least as we saw it), Ukraine would have had independence from Russia almost in its current borders (well, under German's protectorate) since 1918, and Europe would have its own liberal powerhouse.

The US supported a wrong side in that war. Or more correctly, a strong Germany wasn't in Britain's plans.
Wow! You ARE smarter than I thought. I’m sorry for being so hard on you. I thought you were just another dumb imperialist warmonger like Dumb Soldier.

However I reserve the right to revert to my former opinion of you at anytime in the future.
I didn't think that in 2020 with BLM and I don't think it now with Biden's War. Without Joe Biden (or at least a real leader interesting in peace) this war would have been over maybe 10 months ago or never started, but instead of talking peace, Joe has made it possible to go on for a decade until all of Ukraine is a smoldering heap.
You have no evidence of that at all
Wow! You ARE smarter than I thought. I’m sorry for being so hard on you. I thought you were just another dumb imperialist warmonger like Dumb Soldier.

However I reserve the right to revert to my former opinion of you at anytime in the future.
Alas, I can't say the same in your regard.
Yeah, I know that you Russians are complete loons, no need to prove that once again.

BTW, westward. Eastward means 'в восточном направлении'.
Badger is an American dipshit.
Twitter nazis have claimed a major pro-Russian poster @GeromanAT. Yesterday, the poster dodged the nazis temporarily by changing to @geromanATbackup, though the Twitter gestapo ended it today.

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