Putin closes in on major victory ; forcing surrender

And you think your Beggar King Zelensky is a hero?

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It doesn’t matter what or who Zelenski is. Putin can’t hide behind playing that game.
The people who live in Ukraine did not and do not deserve to be invaded any more than you do.

And somehow we are all supposed to believe that while Russia has launched this massive invasion… it’s Ukrainian weapons that are turned on their own people.
That sounds like a lot of propaganda to me .
Bakhmut is a lost cause, a strategic withdrawal should have been conducted days ago to preserve manpower.
The “Khazarian Mafia” ?

Whatever one thinks of Putin’s bloody invasion of Ukraine last February, or of the original “Maidan Revolution” in 2014, people “who are aware” should know full well that blaming the war on a supposed “Khazarian Mafia” is …

… disgusting anti-Semitic & utterly ignorant QAnon-style conspiracy propaganda.

P.S. I note the OP author, Rust Cohle — who claims he understands the complex history of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict — gave a “thumbs up” to this raving and extremely IGNORANT anti-Semitic comment of Russian ultra-nationalist Luiza.
There are quite a few people on this forum like the OP who give a 'thumbs up' to Russian propaganda pieces, conspiracy theories, Russian military advances and the like. They consider themselves patriots, 'America first', and that the nation should be saved from traitors, globalists, perverts and so on.

The main question is how these ideas are widespread among the Americans and how these views can impact American domestic and foreign policy in the future.
There are quite a few people on this forum like the OP who give a 'thumbs up' to Russian propaganda pieces, conspiracy theories, Russian military advances and the like. They consider themselves patriots, 'America first', and that the nation should be saved from traitors, globalists, perverts and so on.

The main question is how these ideas are widespread among the Americans and how these views can impact American domestic and foreign policy in the future.
Russia knows that Ukraine nazis must be physically moved eastward away from Russia's borders. CIA effeminates have been morphing with the Khazarian mafia for the last 70 years.
Russia knows that Ukraine nazis must be physically moved eastward away from Russia's borders. CIA effeminates have been morphing with the Khazarian mafia for the last 70 years.
Yeah, I know that you Russians are complete loons, no need to prove that once again.

BTW, westward. Eastward means 'в восточном направлении'.
Bakhmut is a key crossroad and transportation hub for Ukrainian troops and supplies for the Donetsk region.
Bakhmut is the forward edge of battle. It's not any kind of "hub" for the AFU- no supplies move through Bakhmut destined for somewhere else. Everything that goes into Bakhmut is for defending Bakhmut.
The Russian army capture of Bakhmut will severely cripple the Ukrainian forces
Why? The AFU can just move back and take up positions to the West, just like they did in Lysychansk.
Plus, show the world the determination of Russia to decisively win the war.
Lol, okay. Maybe it will give Russians some encouragement, they've only been trying to take it for 7 months...

After the loss of Izium, the smart thing to do would have been to build defensive positions west of Popasna, and use the resources they expended in Bakhmut to defend Kherson, which has a much greater strategic value.
Born and raised in Virginia myself.

And what do you mean by Union? The United States of America as a whole, or the government? The Government is not a union, the nation is. Please make sense if you're going to go down this road.
The union as in the yankee government imposed on us by Lincoln taking away power from the states to decide their own course without federal interference.

I'm making plenty of sense. You not so much
Keep "the West" out of it.

Let's just stick w/Ukraine and Russia.

Again, are you suggesting that Russia is engaging in some sort of payback?
One cannot keep the West out of it if one knows the history of this conflict which obviously you still don't
It doesn’t matter what or who Zelenski is. Putin can’t hide behind playing that game.
The people who live in Ukraine did not and do not deserve to be invaded any more than you do.

And somehow we are all supposed to believe that while Russia has launched this massive invasion… it’s Ukrainian weapons that are turned on their own people.
That sounds like a lot of propaganda to me .
The people of Ukraine didn't deserve two coups in 04 and 14 either somehow you all seem to gloss over those occurrences
The union as in the yankee government imposed on us by Lincoln taking away power from the states to decide their own course without federal interference.

I'm making plenty of sense. You not so much

The Union and the government of that union are two separate things.
The Union and the government of that union are two separate things.

No,we've been under federal union control ever since the war. The common man is indebted to a stock broker who is in debt to a banker. The creation of the federal reserve further took power away from the common man and put us all in chains of debt.

The fact you can't see that tells me you just wanna wave the rebel flag, hate minorities and not actually think about what any of it means. You still believe the nonsense they put out as fact without daring to question any of it.

You are the definition of an ignorant hick. Go read something besides Guns and Ammo while you're sitting in your outhouse
Screenshot 2023-02-28 152658.png

Remember too, that Putin cracks down on all opposition, political, religious and cultural. The elections held in Russia are in name only. There is only one choice, Putin. And he just decides to one day declare that the citizens in another nation are his, and he just invades? Sure, that's admirable. That's also what Hitler did in the 1930s with the annexation of Austria and Czechoslovakia. It was his justification for invading Poland. Hitler was a great believer in having "God on his side", much like Putin does.


Gott Mitt Uns... God is with us... Evil empires love to use the name of God to justify their "holy crusades".

No,we've been under federal union control ever since the war. The common man is indebted to a stock broker who is in debt to a banker. The creation of the federal reserve further took power away from the common man and put us all in chains of debt.

The fact you can't see that tells me you just wanna wave the rebel flag, hate minorities and not actually think about what any of it means. You still believe the nonsense they put out as fact without daring to question any of it.

You are the definition of an ignorant hick. Go read something besides Guns and Ammo while you're sitting in your outhouse

You are retarded. The Union, meaning states joined together as one, dumbass.

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