Putin closes in on major victory ; forcing surrender

No,we've been under federal union control ever since the war. The common man is indebted to a stock broker who is in debt to a banker. The creation of the federal reserve further took power away from the common man and put us all in chains of debt.

The fact you can't see that tells me you just wanna wave the rebel flag, hate minorities and not actually think about what any of it means. You still believe the nonsense they put out as fact without daring to question any of it.

You are the definition of an ignorant hick. Go read something besides Guns and Ammo while you're sitting in your outhouse
He certainly is an ignorant hick. He’s so much more though. Imperialist. Warmonger. Neocon. Bigot. Racist. Fascist. Dumb too.
The Union means strong federal power over the states dumbass. Your definition is what any first grader knows but I see deeper meaning still eludes you

Lee would be embarrassed you post his quotes

You just don't understand. That's easy to see, considering your views on the so called "American Imperialism", and supporting a tyrannical government invading a fellow sovereign nation. You don't know ANYTHING about the confederacy. But anyways, America bad, right?:auiqs.jpg:
Congrats Rusk, you got Bakmut. It cost you thousands of troops, hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles, and months of trench warfare. Yeah, you got Bahkmut, but was it worth it? A random city in the East? You fought Ukraine and Wagner for control for months, and why? Now you got more and more to go. Good luck. You're going to need it.

Maybe check a map. Bakhmut is strategically VITAL in the region, like Bastogne in the Ardennes
If true, it sure took the great big “super power” long enough to defeat a much smaller country.

No,we've been under federal union control ever since the war. The common man is indebted to a stock broker who is in debt to a banker. The creation of the federal reserve further took power away from the common man and put us all in chains of debt.

The fact you can't see that tells me you just wanna wave the rebel flag, hate minorities and not actually think about what any of it means. You still believe the nonsense they put out as fact without daring to question any of it.

You are the definition of an ignorant hick. Go read something besides Guns and Ammo while you're sitting in your outhouse
Yeah, abolish the Federal Reserve, drastically cut military spendings, close military bases abroad, leave military alliances and transform the US into some form of confederation with the federal government having rather symbolic functions.

Is that what you support? It will be interesting to see how this works out.
Sure, that's why when his initial push for Kiev failed, he announced he was interested in the East the whole time, and pulled his forces out and placed them in the East.
You truly are clueless about all aspects . I told you about Bakhmut in another thread .

Now up to 10 000 Ukey Nazis are encircled there and this number one strategically vital position has left Russia in total control --- Kramatorsk and Slavyansk next .Ukey losses trying to hold Bakhmut have been horrific -- tens of thousands .

They never advanced on Kiev . They fooled everybody like you by feinting and then switching east to trap the Ukey Nazi army back and front .
100% successful .

Why not stop guessing or believing NYT , WaPo , CNN etc .
Hey you don't suppose is was to draw off Ukey forces from the main push in the East, right?


They bit off more than they could chew with their first initial push, and they don't want to admit it. It was a failed attack. If Putin was never interested in Kiev, he never would have went near it, instead, focusing his attack on the Donbass against those gay western faggots!
Yeah, abolish the Federal Reserve, drastically cut military spendings, close military bases abroad, leave military alliances and transform the US into some form of confederation with the federal government having rather symbolic functions.

Is that what you support? It will be interesting to see how this works out.
The federal government's role, imo, is to safeguard the liberty and freedoms of its citizens. Not fight never ending wars, not have a police state that spies on and imprisons dissenters, not engaging in regime change overseas, not letting corporations abuse and manipulate the populace.

We can have a strong military FOR DEFENCE not to be the world police. We are not the world's bank. It's not the US taxpayer who should pay for Zelenksy or Babi in Israel to defend themselves.
Sure, that's why when his initial push for Kiev failed, he announced he was interested in the East the whole time, and pulled his forces out and placed them in the East.
Putin wants to defend the regions that are ethnic Russian and that voted to join russia. The only reason to attack Kiev would be to take the capital and make Zelensky capitulate. If Russia wanted they could storm the country and race to Kiev like we did in Baghdad that is not what he is doing though is it? He's defending lands that were abused for 8 years under NATO's puppets and hoping they come to the table for peace negotiations
Putin wants to defend the regions that are ethnic Russian and that voted to join russia. The only reason to attack Kiev would be to take the capital and make Zelensky capitulate. If Russia wanted they could storm the country and race to Kiev like we did in Baghdad that is not what he is doing though is it? He's defending lands that were abused for 8 years under NATO's puppets and hoping they come to the table for peace negotiations

That's what you want to believe, so believe it.
The federal government's role, imo, is to safeguard the liberty and freedoms of its citizens. Not fight never ending wars, not have a police state that spies on and imprisons dissenters, not engaging in regime change overseas, not letting corporations abuse and manipulate the populace.

We can have a strong military FOR DEFENCE not to be the world police. We are not the world's bank. It's not the US taxpayer who should pay for Zelenksy or Babi in Israel to defend themselves.
Yeah, I should admit that if I were an American these ideas would have some of my support too.
The union as in the yankee government imposed on us by Lincoln taking away power from the states to decide their own course without federal interference.

I'm making plenty of sense. You not so much
You talk like a classic traitor. You are still aggrieved — 160 years later! — that America’s Greatest President had the courage to run on a platform to defend our nation, that he was elected, and that he ultimately led, at tremendous cost, the struggle to wipe the scourge of human slavery from our shores.

The last thing on earth our nation needs now is another Civil War to tear it apart over … cultural grievances, “Big Lies,” and the shameful opportunist gamesmanship of politicians in both parties.

Of course the Putin’s and XiJinpings of the world might love that!

It was revealing that on Jan. 6th many of the losers and Trump fanatics who broke into Congress were carrying Confederate flags. I’m sure you would love to tear down the “dictator’s” Lincoln Memorial and replace it with one to Jefferson Davis.

As for the complex Russian / Ukraine War, that too has aspects of a “Civil War” among two different Slavic peoples, or of a “national liberation struggle.” Of course it is tragic like all wars, and both the West and Russian chauvinists share historical responsibility for it getting to this bloody point. It has in many respects turned into a “proxy war” between Western (and global) neo-liberal democracies dominated by the U.S. … and Putin’s definitely “illiberal” and thoroughly authoritarian police state.
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Putin wants to defend the regions that are ethnic Russian and that voted to join russia. The only reason to attack Kiev would be to take the capital and make Zelensky capitulate. If Russia wanted they could storm the country and race to Kiev like we did in Baghdad that is not what he is doing though is it? He's defending lands that were abused for 8 years under NATO's puppets and hoping they come to the table for peace negotiations
Basically, racing to Kiev was what they attempted to do. They deemed Ukraine as an easy prey and dare to launch an offensive from several directions at once, expecting to counter almost no resistance.
Because I know history. Why are you rooting for American Imperialism and regime change? Why are you supporting debt dodging Ukraine? Why are you supporting a nation we did a coup in 2014 to put pro NATO president in power? Why are you supporting a nation that for 8 years straight bombed ethnic Russian living in the east?

I thought you libs were against all this bs? But you're really shitlibs aren't you
Conservatives have always been against the Russkies. At least they have been in my life time and I was born when Harry Truman was President.

We can hope for an Ukrainian victory and the same time decry the the kickbacks the Democrats and Potatohead are getting from this Ukraine aid packages.

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