CDZ Putin has lost all credibility since announcing his reasons for invading Ukraine.

Biden aint corrupt. Trump was. Anyone blind to that is really really blind.

Trump was an arrogant (CDZ), but less corrupt by far than these collective communist globalist democrats. It's reasonable to believe that Trump had some selfish goals mixed into his tenure. But Trump stood against China and other senseless American economic policies, and our economy was improving under him. These days you have to be an (CDZ) to stand up to the other (CDZ) of the world. An unfortunate cold hard reality. Now with the Deep State China-sympathizing Democrats back in office and pushing their agenda our economy is falling right back into the toilet. The reason the liberal media was always trying to prove that Trump was in cohorts with someone (but always failed to prove it) is because it is THEM who are the globalist conspirators and they wanted to make a scapegoat out of the very person who was standing in the way of their conspiracy.
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And that pipeline is now blocked, due to Russia's actions against Ukraine.
Not really, work continues and when the time is right politically it will go into operation. The square-heads/EU are facing a quadrupling of NG prices in the coming year and I don't suspect they will stand for it.
Putin says he invaded Ukraine to protect Russians there from 'genocide' coming from Kyiv.
I've never heard more ridiculous nonsense.

Putin wants the Russian empire (USSR) back, and he's willing to shed the blood of the free and even the innocent to achieve that.

I hope NATO will provide logistical and combat support to the Ukrainians and Latvians, Estonians and Lithuanians. They're gonna need it.

Putin and Xi will never enjoy my support again.
Because Xi sees Putin as a useful idiot, and Putin is letting him.
He's only lost credibility with you.
This is CDZ.

NO foul language, no trolling, etc.

Some posts have been edited to bring them in line with the strict rules imposed here.

Future instances will result in thread bans.
Those who admire him (as we see here every day) probably like him even more.

Aggressive authoritarian nationalist autocrats inspire them, evidently.

So I guess it depends on the point of view.
Meh, Putin's "creditability" as never been in doubt, he's always had the red-ass over the fall of the Soviet Union and has worked to restore it in small and large measures, be it installing puppet governments in former Soviet states or military action when he sees the political situation in his favor.

Indeed, some of you people act as if this is something new......Putin just knows weakness when he sees it, he saw it when he took Georgia and the Crimea and he sees it now.

I mean just turn on CNN, they have their people right on the Russian border filming Russian main battle tank columns rolling into the Ukraine....Putin does not give a shit what the Western media says. He has a goal in mind and will drive towards that goal. If anything he wants the Western press to see strength, it's part of his game.

He ain't stopping till he wants to and certainly not for the likes of Tater who is more interested in using Russia, Russia, Russia, as a foil to try to cover-up the ills going on in our country that he brought a
What ever we do it most likely will be the wrong thing. That's what happens in a divided country.
Putin says he invaded Ukraine to protect Russians there from 'genocide' coming from Kyiv.
I've never heard more ridiculous nonsense.

Putin wants the Russian empire (USSR) back, and he's willing to shed the blood of the free and even the innocent to achieve that.

I hope NATO will provide logistical and combat support to the Ukrainians and Latvians, Estonians and Lithuanians. They're gonna need it.

Putin and Xi will never enjoy my support again.
Because Xi sees Putin as a useful idiot, and Putin is letting him.
I really don’t think Putin worries a lot about his credibility. He just wants to restore the USSR before he dies. Get in his way and he will nuke you.

I just hope Putin has not lost his sanity. This situation would be even more scary if it involves our President with dementia facing off against the President of Russia who is not playing with a full deck of cards.

Is Putin Sane?
Putin says he invaded Ukraine to protect Russians there from 'genocide' coming from Kyiv.
I've never heard more ridiculous nonsense.

Putin wants the Russian empire (USSR) back, and he's willing to shed the blood of the free and even the innocent to achieve that.

I hope NATO will provide logistical and combat support to the Ukrainians and Latvians, Estonians and Lithuanians. They're gonna need it.

Putin and Xi will never enjoy my support again.
Because Xi sees Putin as a useful idiot, and Putin is letting him.
If they are living in the Ukraine, they are Ukrainians, not Russians.
I think he has zero designs on the former Soviet Block states that are now part of NATO. His goal is to bring the Ukraine back into the Russian fold.

If NATO is fool enough to get involved as far as crossing the Ukrainian border then it's game-on in the Baltic states and it goes to hell from there.
If he has no designs on them, why is he demanding they be expelled from NATO and NATO troops and weapons moved back to the Cold War borders?
If he has no designs on them, why is he demanding they be expelled from NATO and NATO troops and weapons moved back to the Cold War borders?
He feels threatened.....It does not mean that he is but that is what he says.
Putin says he invaded Ukraine to protect Russians there from 'genocide' coming from Kyiv.
I've never heard more ridiculous nonsense.

Putin wants the Russian empire (USSR) back, and he's willing to shed the blood of the free and even the innocent to achieve that.

I hope NATO will provide logistical and combat support to the Ukrainians and Latvians, Estonians and Lithuanians. They're gonna need it.

Putin and Xi will never enjoy my support again.
Because Xi sees Putin as a useful idiot, and Putin is letting him.
Well, for the 1 or 2 killings (or narrative thereof,) Putin killed 137 Ukrainians with his Terminator tanks that can hit a pinpoint target from 325 miles away. Each of the 600 Terminators he put in the Ukraine weigh 40 tons, have overnight facilities inside for the soldiers that use them to mass kill a lot of people in a day.

The newer Terminator tanks can engage enemy helicopters and low-flight aircrafts while operating in tandem with air defense systems. It can also take on light armored targets, infantry vehicles, and tanks.

Design conception

Boyevaya Mashina Podderzhki Tankov-72 or BMPT-72 is built on the chassis of the 20-year-old T-72 main battle tank;​
the tank at the time failed to attract much attention and find takers in the military.​
The design of the BMPT-72 was conceived based on the combat experiences of the Soviet-Afghan and Chechen Wars,​
where the Soviet military suffered huge losses at the hands of the Chechen and Afghan guerrillas.​
The tanks in possession of the Soviets at the time were unsuitable for urban environment combat.​
The design of the tanks made them suitable for operations in open terrains​
since the gun barrels lacked the ability to be raised high enough to engage anti-tank gunners positioned at higher positions.​
Putin says he invaded Ukraine to protect Russians there from 'genocide' coming from Kyiv.
I've never heard more ridiculous nonsense.

Putin wants the Russian empire (USSR) back, and he's willing to shed the blood of the free and even the innocent to achieve that.

I hope NATO will provide logistical and combat support to the Ukrainians and Latvians, Estonians and Lithuanians. They're gonna need it.

Putin and Xi will never enjoy my support again.
Because Xi sees Putin as a useful idiot, and Putin is letting him.
Very interesting, so you were a supporter of Putin and Xi. And the only reason you aren't now is you don't like the dynamics of their relationship. Very interesting.
Putin says he invaded Ukraine to protect Russians there from 'genocide' coming from Kyiv.
I've never heard more ridiculous nonsense.

Putin wants the Russian empire (USSR) back, and he's willing to shed the blood of the free and even the innocent to achieve that.

I hope NATO will provide logistical and combat support to the Ukrainians and Latvians, Estonians and Lithuanians. They're gonna need it.

Putin and Xi will never enjoy my support again.
Because Xi sees Putin as a useful idiot, and Putin is letting him.
I'm sure Putin is all shook up because he has lost credibility with some nobodies on a backwater message board. :laughing0301:
Putin says he invaded Ukraine to protect Russians there from 'genocide' coming from Kyiv.
I've never heard more ridiculous nonsense.

Putin wants the Russian empire (USSR) back, and he's willing to shed the blood of the free and even the innocent to achieve that.

I hope NATO will provide logistical and combat support to the Ukrainians and Latvians, Estonians and Lithuanians. They're gonna need it.

Putin and Xi will never enjoy my support again.
Because Xi sees Putin as a useful idiot, and Putin is letting him.
Putin doesn’t need nor care about credibility. He’s like a democrat. The end always justifies the means.
WW3 has started, I think the Chinese have the most to loose and get it !

Wrong on both counts, Putin is a KGB spy and as such a cold blooded killer. So if you want to order you capped just ask him,... "Why ! " In all things meaningless yousee him with this silly lil smile and twinkle in his eyes, so does Xi have the same pose, an so does Kim. Do not let that fool you they are Killers !
Yep, I get sick and tired of all the whinny stubbed my lil toe crap Liberals belch on my plate every day.
The fact that the Donald thinks he can stand there and sound all important when he is just a liar like those mentioned above is astounding gullible is my thoughts about that !
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