Putin Has Reportedly Fled in 'Doomsday' Plane

Is this the beginning of the end for Putin?

The beginning of the end of this political/military ploy? The beginning of permanent martial law in Russia?
That depends on whether PriggyWinkle fooled them from the outset or whether he was coerced into what looks like a humilating surrender . If the latter , he is a dead man walking . If the former that simply makes Dear Uncles task that much easier before the major advance -- the Gullibles have all revealed their identity and locations .
Scott Ritter's take on Prigozhin's Treason:
Sorted out the Sheep from the Goats or the smart from the fucking Drama Queens . Interesting that Priggy is now exactly where Dear Uncle will want him to take care of invading Poles , NATO troops coming in from Romania or just sailing into Odessa -- metaphorically .Might be another Chess Master brilliance from Dear Uncle and his lovely pals. .
BTW, moonbats, THIS is what an "insurrection" looks like.
Has anyone been charged with "Insurrection."

We've been told by you moon bats that it can't be an insurrection if nobody has been charged with "insurrection."
The source isn't yahoo. Yahoo compiles news stories.

So you need a new excuse for once again being aggressively ignorant.
OhPleaseJustQuit is not capable of being anything other than ignorant.

Any updates? Where did it land? Did it land?

Kremlin denies Putin has fled Moscow as Russia president’s plane ‘disappears’​

Has anyone been charged with "Insurrection."

We've been told by you moon bats that it can't be an insurrection if nobody has been charged with "insurrection."

Congratulations! You’ve made the dumbest post of the year!
From the AP...
The greatest challenge to Russian President Vladimir Putin in his more than two decades in power fizzled out after the rebellious mercenary commander who ordered his troops to march on Moscow abruptly reached a deal with the Kremlin to go into exile and sounded the retreat

Thread fail in just 24 hours.
Scott Ritter's take on Prigozhin's Treason:

Nonsense....this wagner action which unforrtunately was curtailed will have positive ramifications i.e. the weakness of putin put on public display which will stimulate further acts of rebellion.

No one should be confused by russian bot propaganda like above.
BTW, moonbats, THIS is what an "insurrection" looks like.

Most likely a US and UK operation which went badly wrong , or , a very clever piece of Russian-juggling which has escaped detection apparently . But it was no insurrection .
I suggest you question Oddball , he's the one claiming

BTW, moonbats, THIS is what an "insurrection" looks like. Post #3.
MAGA is still pulling for Poootin.
You stupid uneducated confused Moon Bat.

I know scores and scores of real American Conservatives that voted for Trump and not one them have any love for Putin or Russia. Many of them are Cold War veterans that have strong distrust and even hatred for the Russians.

That is a figment of your Moon Bat imagination.

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