Putin is a damn "genius".......

So why are you helping Putin right now? Since it is undeniable that Russia as part of the effort to divide us also put out a lot of anti Trump propaganda and organized protests online for those of you who hate Trump.

Thousands attended protest organized by Russians on Facebook

I Unknowingly Went to a Trump Protest Organized by Russian Agents

Answer to THAT question???...............Simple: Trump Cult Membership Rules

Link? Mr. Laffy Taffy.

You KNOW who you are, Soggy.......lol

I'm not disagreeing with the Gallup numbers. I am disagreeing with the way you lumped to of them together, especially without the context of showing the numbers for the dems.

Moron....what I posted is NOT a defense of democrats........Here is the DIRECT link

Republicans More Positive on U.S. Relations With Russia - Gallup News
Republicans More Positive on U.S. Relations With Russia
Jul 13, 2018 - 40% of Republicans say Russia is an ally or friendly, up from 22% in 2014; 25% of Democrats say the same, little changed from 28% in 2014 ...
So why are you helping Putin right now? Since it is undeniable that Russia as part of the effort to divide us also put out a lot of anti Trump propaganda and organized protests online for those of you who hate Trump.

Thousands attended protest organized by Russians on Facebook

I Unknowingly Went to a Trump Protest Organized by Russian Agents

Answer to THAT question???...............Simple: Trump Cult Membership Rules

So you playing into Russian Propaganda and people opposing trump and attending rally’s organizes by Russian trolls are trump cult members? Read before you comment. I kept it short for you.
Putin needs more Money so he can build up his nukes, invade more land, gain more power, oil prices have been down that is his main money source.
Putin is not our friend. does not mean we should not talk to him, we need to be careful every step we make.
I'm not disagreeing with the Gallup numbers. I am disagreeing with the way you lumped to of them together, especially without the context of showing the numbers for the dems.

Moron....what I posted is NOT a defense of democrats........Here is the DIRECT link

Republicans More Positive on U.S. Relations With Russia - Gallup News
Republicans More Positive on U.S. Relations With Russia
Jul 13, 2018 - 40% of Republicans say Russia is an ally or friendly, up from 22% in 2014; 25% of Democrats say the same, little changed from 28% in 2014 ...

What do you make of the fact that more Democrats consider Russia an Ally than republicans?
What do you make of the fact that more Democrats consider Russia an Ally than republicans?


You're more fucked up than usual, Corny......
.Since when is 25% MORE than 40%?

  • 40% of Republicans say Russia is an ally or friendly, up from 22% in 2014
  • 25% of Democrats say the same, little changed from 28% in 2014
What do you make of the fact that more Democrats consider Russia an Ally than republicans?


You're more fucked up than usual, Corny......
.Since when is 25% MORE than 40%?

  • 40% of Republicans say Russia is an ally or friendly, up from 22% in 2014
  • 25% of Democrats say the same, little changed from 28% in 2014

Wow. I could not have imagined a better post from you to demonstrate how dishonest you are being.

I did not say that more democrats consider Russian an Ally OR FRIENDLY, than republicans.

I said that more democrats consider Russia AN ALLY, then republicans, and they do.

Were you purposefully lying, or are you so self deluded that you really were unable to understand a simple and quite clear question?

Regardless I still want an answer,

What do you make of the fact that more Democrats consider Russia an Ally than republicans?

"Overall, 6% of Republicans now describe Russia as a U.S. ally......Among Democrats, 8% say Russia is an ally."
Only a delusional Trump cult member would STILL deny that Putin desperately wanted Trump to be elected since his hatred of Hillary was without question.

Sure, Putin is a KGB thug, a murderer, one who hates the media, a crook (he is probably the richest person on the planet........somehow, based on his modest Russian president salary....go figure.)

BUT, Putin is a genius.....he may not have had to change one single vote through any of the voting machines.....HOWEVER, he has managed (through his stooge, Trump) to change millions of naive, ignorant, scared minds into thinking that a two-bit, charlatan and demagogue really wanted to MAGA and screw up old alliance.

Proof of that is this, based on Gallup's polling

40% of Republicans say Russia is an ally or friendly, up from 22% in 2014

Putin wanted Trump as president so bad, and now Trump is saber rattling with Iran, a very important state to Putin. I guess Trump didn't get a memo somewhere along the line. You know, don't rattle Putin's cage, etc.
Iran, a very important state to Putin.

Far from it........Putin would LOVE a U.S. war with Iran......

First because the U.S.would lose thousands of lives and billions of dollars...and
Second, Russian oil (and gas) would triple in value as Iran's oil fields and refineries would shut down.

THINK !!!!
Iran, a very important state to Putin.

Far from it........Putin would LOVE a U.S. war with Iran......

First because the U.S.would lose thousands of lives and billions of dollars...and
Second, Russian oil (and gas) would triple in value as Iran's oil fields and refineries would shut down.

THINK !!!!

Iran is an important trading partner with Russia. Check it out sometime.
"Russians are apolitical. their mission is not political life but their mission is the supreme existence of the mind" - Putin
"Russia is too enormous and too powerful to be merely one of the great European powers. only a Slavic union can compete with a united Europe

Russians are people chosen by God to preserve religious truth in the world" - President Putin

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