Putin is Not the Cause of Inflation

Putin didn't cause inflation. We did that through incompetent domestic policy.

Trump was in charge when the supply chain was broken...

Trump did little to nothing to anticipate it or protect it

Biden job is to try and fix it...

GOP job is to complain that Biden can't fix their mess quick enough while the inhibit everything he tries to do...

Did the same during Obama taking over from Bush Jr...

GOP takes no responsibility for the mess they leave and then complain it is not fixed fast enough... They take great offence if you call them entitled..

Biden isn't fixing anything. He's adding to the mess.
First lets establish that he didn't break it...

Even by your initial graphs it is clear that it broke while trump was in charge...

can we agree on that?

Yeah, trump was a big part of it. It started with bush though. Look at the massive increase in QE starting in 2007 with the bank and housing bailouts. Wall street was flush with O's QE's from 2010 to 2016. None of that went to the public and the banks hoarded that money which in turn kept the corpse inflated. Now, 2020, huge stimulus goes out to john q public and there is huge volatility in currency. Inflation was kept in check from 2008-2020 mainly because the banks hoarded all the free govt bucks. Compare that rise in 2007-2008 to the gargantuan leap starting in 2020.
No it's bidens fault because he has inept people working for him and they keep printing money that's only worth the paper and ink used to print them because our money is no longer backed by anything. Our dollar is becoming less valuable is the problem because it isn't worth anything.

Analysts warned us of this last year way before Russia and Ukraine went at it. Our inflation started in 2021.
Biden isn't fixing anything. He's adding to the mess.

Your so-called mess is helping people make ends meet. Many people needed that money to get through the pandemic. Your answer is to drop dead. The pandemic aid ended in May of last year. The child tax credit ended in December. By your logic, inflation should be dropping now. It shows how ignorant you are.
Your so-called mess is helping people make ends meet. Many people needed that money to get through the pandemic. Your answer is to drop dead. The pandemic aid ended in May of last year. The child tax credit ended in December. By your logic, inflation should be dropping now. It shows how ignorant you are.

What money has Sleepy Joe given to American citizens? The Chump Trump at least sent $1,500 which pays for one month rent in shitty (Black and Brown who are Section 8 free rent) areas. Sleepy Joe has given a billion to the corrupt regime in Ukraine, has opened the floodgates in regards to illegal alien invaders into the USA and has printed 100's of millions to "build back better" whatever the f*ck that means, blocked energy production, blocked food production and stuff with ridiculous sanctions that have never worked in the history of sanctions. :dunno:
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