putin killed GRU- Wager´s boss Prigozhin I Moscow announced that Prigozhin and Utkin died in the plane crash in Moscow's Tver region.

In Germany, the title of baron ...

Is more or less only well known in Germany because of the wonderful stories from the legendary Baron von Münchhausen, the sewer of many trees of the holly wood.

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Putin richest man in the World? any actual evidence for that bollocks?

Evidence? What do you call "evidence" in this context? As far as I heard Putin personally owns more than 200 billions. This are estimates. Russia and Putin try to hide information about the property of Putin.
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Evidence? What do you call "evidence" in this context? As far as I heard Putin personally owns more than 200 billions. This are estimates. Russia and Putin try to hide information about the property of Putin.
Name a major power leader that you think is "clean and moral" .Of course you cannot .But Volodya made me smile . When he technically left the then KGB to shadow Sobchak in St Petersburg , he and his pals "ran" the Casinos in the region as number two to Mayor Sobchak. I like a bold leader .He came close to being prosecuted for that, which is when he called in favours and was moved quickly to Moscow to be mentored for a time by Boris Berazovsky .
Evidence? What do you call "evidence" in this context? As far as I heard Putin personally owns more than 200 billions. This are estimates. Russia and Putin try to hide information about the property of Putin.
Well i don't have access to his bank account and you don't, we need more than as far as you have heard, can't you see it's propaganda, they just put it out there and hope it sticks, we know Zelensky is corrupt and has a corrupt relationship with loco joe, the latest scandal is the mansion in Egypt Zelensky's mother in law bought as a front, it's documented.
Name a major power leader that you think is "clean and moral" .

No idea what you call "clear and moral", weird criminal.

Of course you cannot .

Konrad Adenauer, Ludwig Erhardt, Kurt Georg Kiesinger, Willy Brandt, Helmut Schmidt, Helmut Kohl, Angela Merkle for example.

But Volodya made me smile .


When he technically left the then KGB to shadow Sobchak in St Petersburg , he and his pals "ran" the Casinos in the region as number two to Mayor Sobchak.


I like a bold leader .He came close to being prosecuted for that, which is when he called in favours and was moved quickly to Moscow to be mentored for a time by Boris Berazovsky .


Russian, leave the Ukraine. Go home!

What has the noble Baron von Münchhausen - a fantastic story writer of nearly totally true stories - to do with the fact that every information from the Russian government is not trustworthy? One day we will perhaps really see what had happened.

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Well i don't have access to his bank account and you don't,

True. But this not worries me. And it also not worries me that Putin has access to your bank accounts, Russian.

we need more than as far as you have heard, can't you see it's propaganda, they just put it out there and hope it sticks, we know Zelensky is corrupt and has a corrupt relationship with loco joe, the latest scandal is the mansion in Egypt Zelensky's mother in law bought as a front, it's documented.

Russian, leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Best date: Yesterday.
True. But this not worries me. And it also not worries me that Putin has access to your bank accounts, Russian.

Russian, leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Best date: Yesterday.
Why would Putijn have access to my bank account? and they are not my soldiers i am English, i just happen to think Russia is on the right side of history at this time.

Who else was sacrificed when Putin had Prigozhin iced? The pilot's and the stewardess were innocent.
Why would Putijn have access to my bank account?

You work for him - that's not a big guarantee for anything.

and they are not my soldiers i am English,

Sure, Russian.

i just happen to think Russia is on the right side of history at this time.

¿Right side? The English and the Russians had been on the same side under Stalin in world war 2. And the English and India under Mahatma Gandhi had been on different sides. ¿¿Right sides? ¿Wrong sides??


View attachment 822331

Who else was sacrificed when Putin had Prigozhin iced? The pilot's and the stewardess were innocent.
You have simply taken the easy way out and just assumed that Putin engineered the incident .This scenario is highly unlikely if you actually start to look at it in detail .Suffice to say that the last method of assassination that even a simple minded person would choose is the very one you are advocating .In public ? Killing many ,including "civilians" ?Creating exactly what gullible peope want to believe ? I have never heard such nonsense .
No idea what you call "clear and moral", weird criminal.

Konrad Adenauer, Ludwig Erhardt, Kurt Georg Kiesinger, Willy Brandt, Helmut Schmidt, Helmut Kohl, Angela Merkle for example.


You literally have no idea what has gone on . Utterly clueless . Another tit bit for you -- because like Winkle you are a tit . What do you think Putin was doing in the years he spent In Dresden as a KGB Officer? Whom do you think he recruited ?
You have simply taken the easy way out and just assumed that Putin engineered the incident .This scenario is highly unlikely if you actually start to look at it in detail .Suffice to say that the last method of assassination that even a simple minded person would choose is the very one you are advocating .In public ? Killing many ,including "civilians" ?Creating exactly what gullible peope want to believe ? I have never heard such nonsense .

Slave, tell your master Putin and his Borg Queens to leave the Ukraine with all Russian soldiers - yesterday!

You literally have no idea what has gone on .

Literally I have this idea what is going on: Putin started a stupid, senseless and criminal war on Europe in the Ukraine. In a worst case scenario this aggression will start a nuclear world war where all human beings will die out. In a best case scenario Russia will call back all of the own soldiers from the Ukraine and Belarus and the tyrants Lukasheneko and Putin and the leading members of their criminal gangs will be brought to the international court.

We live in the best of all possible worlds. So what are your decisions for this world? The best of all possible decisions or the worst of all possible decisions? And what do you think is the opinion of god about your not existing problems which will kill all mankind so you are able to live in Putins happy hell?

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Putin started a stupid, senseless and criminal war on Europe in the Ukraine.
See how you go totally wrong in your first sentence. Get your opening premise wrong and the rest is meaningless . But if you genuinely believe that opening comment , do not bother replying any more .At least until you have studied exactly what went on and was agreed umpteen times since ca. 1990 with NATO and latterly post the Minsk agreements . DYOR and do it thoroughly .

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