putin killed GRU- Wager´s boss Prigozhin I Moscow announced that Prigozhin and Utkin died in the plane crash in Moscow's Tver region.

This symbolizes the tyranny of the mother goddess and matriarchy. The Germans hated women but obeyed them. They wanted to kill the Mother Goddess according to Rammstein, didn't they?

The Ancient Mother was the goddess of beer, a German drink.

Ahem. ... Did someone find oil in your head and do you connect your head to the engine oil circuit when you drive car?
Ahem. ... Did someone find oil in your head and do you connect your head to the engine oil circuit when you drive car?
You'd better ask Rammstein about it. It's not me who said that I want to kill the German "Mother"

Because I do not suport your tyranny? To be "limited" from tyranny is freedom.

Where to begin your education? In the kindergarten? "Do not scratch, bite, spit!"

Perhaps it's good to transform Russia into a wildlife sanctuary. Best is to replace your nukes with maces. That's enough responsibility for your form not to start to think.
So stupid that you kindly underline it for all of us to see. Of course you deflected into random nonsense because you could not respond to simple questions . Hop it Nazi boy .
Most likely this is due to the matriarchy of the ancient Germans. In addition, their sun is black.

Difficult to answer precisely, I did not study it.

The "black sun" is a name for an object made with many Swasticas or sig-runes in Himmlers private SS temple. It is called since 1991 "black sun" - on not any reason to do so. The expression "black sun" was invented in the 1950ies. Basic idea of this expression is to refresh the energy of the Nazis. So the "black sun" became an element of the Neo-Nazi subcultures.
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So stupid that you kindly underline it for all of us to see. Of course you deflected into random nonsense because you could not respond to simple questions . Hop it Nazi boy .

What a progress. You did not scratch, bite and spit here. So let take now the next step: Leave the Ukraine with your soldiers and let live all people there in wealthy peace and happy freedom.
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The "black sun" is a name for an object made with many Swasticas or sig-runes in Himmlers private SS temple. It is called since 1991 "black sun" - on not any reason to do so. The expression "black sun" was invented in the 1950ies. Basic idea if this expression is to refresh the energy of the Nazis. So the "black sun" became an element of the Neo-Nazi subcultures.
These are not swastikas. The Germans stole swastikas in America, where they were massively distributed among the Indians, and got into mass culture precisely in the period of the roaring 20s, before the pan-Germanists came to power.

Most likely it was a symbol of an eclipse of the sun. In any case, the Germanic savages did not have any solar cults, they worshiped the Earth, snakes and dogs, they did not like the Sun.

The Germans generally steal everything, they always mimic. The latest example is Trump's mimicry of Reagan.

Marx mimicked progressivism.

The Nazis pretended to be Indo-Aryans.

This is always repeated.
What a progress. You did not scratch, bite and spit here. So let take now the next step: Leave the Ukraine with your soldiers and let live all people there in wealthy peace and happy freedom.
This is exactly what you are doing here - pretending that the German slave Reich was free. Putin is doing the same. He creates another totalitarian bloody Reich under the slogans of Freedom.

And he does it exclusively under the Prussian symbols of the St. George ribbon, the wolf hook and the Berlin bear.
Not a word about the Great Golden Horde and Great Turkestan.
Helios Will judge you according to the law of "first blood". You will pay for every murdered and seduced Ukrainian child by burning a whole family up to the seventh generation. The same will be for every Bengali killed. And so on.
You will disappear from the Earth altogether. Humanity will get rid of the plague.

Indra is already coming.
Tavashtar had already forged his Thunder Cannon.

Do you hear footsteps from heaven?

I never heard anyone say such an amount of detailed supernonsense as you are doing. "Medes" are for example people who lived in Persia 675-550 BC. If Aryans had existed at all then this had been around 2200-1800 BC. So why someone constructs that ¿hypothetic? Aryans had been the ancestors of the Medes is a mystery to me personally. But even if it should be in this way and Aryans really should had existed at all and Aryans indeed had been the ancestors of the Medes - and/or other people who lived once in Persia - then still Aryans had nothinhg to do with Europe.

With the fantasy-Aryans of the Nazis - probably basing on the confusion of the English words "Arians" and "Aryans" - had this all absolutelly nothing to do.


The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on August 27 2023

"Ukraine has been turned into a CEMETARY, there's no one left to fight"

UK Telegraph; Ukraine running out of men. NATO, all resources towards Melitopol

Russia Increases Army Mobilization

The US is disappointed with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and understands that the conflict will not end this year

The United States views the Ukrainian offensive as "disappointing" and "disappointing," acknowledging that Ukrainian forces are unlikely to reach the Black Sea and cut off Russia's land route to Crimea before winter, as they had hoped.
Well that is a question i don't have the answer to.

I do. Putin's actual power in Russia is just in his ability to put down protests and riots against him and the government. That's not enough to stop an actual military assault. That's why Wagner was able to get so close to Moscow unchallenged. That's why Prigozhin couldn't have taken Moscow and proclaimed himself leader of the country. What is Putin going to do, nuke Moscow along with himself?
These are not swastikas. The Germans stole swastikas in America ...

Swastikas had been alll over the European and American world - and not only in case of Asian buddhists or native American Shamans - a totally normal symbol for friendship.

Here an example in sports from 1909: Davis Swastikas - Davis - LocalWiki
... and another example in sports 1916: The Swastikas Hockey Team, c.1916

By the way. Also the expression "Nazi" which the National-Socialists preferred is on its own a very positive expression. It's a short form of a very popular name - like "Joe" for "Joseph" for example. Nazi came from Ignatius. And who was named Ignatius was in very most cases a reliable man who preferred a conservative and traditional way of life. A farmer for example. But not to forget: The Nazis had been the exactly opposite of this. They had no traditions and are no tradition. The Nazis had been a violent revolutionn which ended in the most titanic extended suicide the world ever had seen. And they really never had been anyones friends except the friends of Nazis.
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The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on August 27 2023

"Ukraine has been turned into a CEMETARY, there's no one left to fight"

UK Telegraph; Ukraine running out of men. NATO, all resources towards Melitopol

Russia Increases Army Mobilization

The US is disappointed with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and understands that the conflict will not end this year

The United States views the Ukrainian offensive as "disappointing" and "disappointing," acknowledging that Ukrainian forces are unlikely to reach the Black Sea and cut off Russia's land route to Crimea before winter, as they had hoped.

Russian why do you still try to make this stupid war propaganda? Take your soldiers, go home! That's the very best what you are able to do. To remember: Germany has 30 times more people per squaremile than has Russia. For what do you need other countries? How many of your people will have to die for this absolutelly stupid, senseless and criminal war of Putin? Everyone?

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Ruuis9iahnö whjy do you stikl try tomake thsuin suisid wqar propaganda? Take your soldiers, go home! That's the very best what you are able to do.
At minimum do a visual , spell and sense , check on the crap that you churn out. I am a sincere believer in Free Speech . But you are one of those where sensible use of the term , "Speech" , does not apply. Those who cannot communicate effectively and have little or no knowledge of a Topic should be sidelined . This is supposed to be a Forum, not a site for low IQs to practise communication or find out how to obtain basic information .
... The Nazis pretended to be Indo-Aryans. ...

(1) The Nazis are idiots.
(2) You are an idiot.
(3) => So you are a Nazi.

What about first to try to learn to think about real facts before you live in the delusion the world is a product of your weird form of fantasy which is no fantasy?

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