putin killed GRU- Wager´s boss Prigozhin I Moscow announced that Prigozhin and Utkin died in the plane crash in Moscow's Tver region.

At minimum do a visual , spell and sense , check on the crap that you churn out. I am a sincere believer in Free Speech . But you are one of those where sensible use of the term , "Speech" , does not apply. Those who cannot communicate effectively and have little or no knowledge of a Topic should be sidelined . This is supposed to be a Forum, not a site for low IQs to practise communication or find out how to obtain basic information .
Read again.
Read again.
I always have a modicum of respect for someone who sees his errors and is big enough to apologise , if only obliquely. Well done . Now take a break for a few months , do some reading , brush up on your news sources and continue your English classes .
I do. Putin's actual power in Russia is just in his ability to put down protests and riots against him and the government. That's not enough to stop an actual military assault. That's why Wagner was able to get so close to Moscow unchallenged. That's why Prigozhin couldn't have taken Moscow and proclaimed himself leader of the country. What is Putin going to do, nuke Moscow along with himself?
As for protests i have seen more police violence on the streets of London and Paris much more, you are totally on the wrong track the Russian army deployed on that road to Moscow if Prigozhin had carried on his men would have been slaughtered, i believe Putin didn't want Russians killing Russians and that was the best way to handle it, if the Capital hill guys had marched on Washington with thousands of armed men with tanks etc how do you think the US Government would have handled it?
Russian why do you still try to make this stupid war propaganda? Take your soldiers, go home! That's the very best what you are able to do. To remember: Germany has 30 times more people per squaremile than has Russia. For what do you need other countries? How many of your people will have to die for this absolutelly stupid, senseless and criminal war of Putin? Everyone?

What you should ask is how many more people have to die for US unipolar World Hegemony? what those bastards have done to Ukraine is pure bloody evil, the industrial military complex and the US Reich don't care how many Ukrainian die for their twisted deranged agenda.
That is why the ancient Germans were afraid of "hell". Hell is the sun. Hall-o-win of Saman and Helios.

The German word "hell" means "light". The English word "hell" means in German "Hölle". Hölle comes from "Höhle" = cavern. A cavern is a dark place, an entrance to the "underworld". And "underworld" is in German "Unterwelt". And the German word "Unterwelt" is also a name for the subculture of all criminals.

So if you like to tell others something about the German culture you should first of all try to learn German. Many of your idiocies have to do with analogies from foreign names and expressions which have absolutelly nothing to do with Germans and Germany.

And by the way: How idiotic is it in generell to try to tell a German absurdities about the German culture and civilisation?
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I always have a modicum of respect for someone who sees his errors and is big enough to apologise , if only obliquely. Well done . Now take a break for a few months , do some reading , brush up on your news sources and continue your English classes .

With superarrogant unhuman abstrahotic weird assholes like you it is very easy for Putin to start a nuclear war, Russian. But what is your real motivation for this suicide? Leave the Ukraine with your soldiers, now or yesterday, before this situation will start to become totally uncalculable for everyone on planet Earth.
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Helios Will judge you according to the law of "first blood". ...

Helios = a Greek god. The task of Helios, the shining one, was to steer the sun chariot across the sky, which was pulled by four stallions. In this Eos went before him, Selene followed in the evening.

Ever heard something from the university Wikipedia? Study there before you speak continuously bullshit.
This is exactly what you are doing here - pretending that the German slave Reich was free. Putin is doing the same. He creates another totalitarian bloody Reich under the slogans of Freedom.

Russia is extremely primitive compared with the history of Germany. The German Reich for example never was an empire. "Reich" means realm and not empire. A German king was elected - and when he made a bad job this leaded to his deposition. The German-Roman king Wenzel (who was from Luxemburg and was also king Wenzel IV of Bohemia) was called "the lazybone" and he was fired in 1400 AD. He tried to see in others slaves - on reason to steal their money.

By the way: It is said the Russian tyrant Putin is the most rich man in the world. How comes? Because Russia was so free to give him and his oligarchs all this money and to take it from everyone else?
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The German-Roman king
In fact, it was the country of the Romanians. These were pre-German knightly times. Then the plague broke out, and the Germans destroyed the knightly Romanesque system, they established the bloody regime of the Old Order there.

The true aristocrats of Europe of non-German origin are different from the German court servants. This division is everywhere. In France, these are the nobles of the sword; in Russia, these are the boyar clans. These are knights, barons, and so on.

But the German corrupt authorities began to assign these titles for money to ordinary German servants.
In Germany, the title of baron also remained - the non-German title of freiger, corresponds to the baron. These are non-Germans from Bavaria who will not submit to shameful servants.
Russia is extremely primitive compared with the history of Germany. The German Reich for example never was an empire. "Reich" means realm and not empire. A German king was elected - and when he made a bad job this leaded to his deposition. The German-Roman king Wenzel (who was from Luxemburg and was also king Wenzel IV of Bohemia) was called "the lazybone" and he was fired in 1400 AD. He tried to see in others slaves - on reason to steal their money.

By the way: It is said the Russian tyrant Putin is the most rich man in the world. How comes? Because Russia was so free to give him and his oligarchs all this money and to take it from everyone else?
Putin richest man in the World? any actual evidence for that bollocks?
Russia is extremely primitive compared with the history of Germany.
No "Germany" and "Russia" in your sense does not exist at all. The peoples captured by empires had a much richer history than the swamp savages who built their pathetic systems of slaves and servants on the ruins of great civilizations.

The German lands themselves were extremely backward. The Danube was developed.
The steppes of the Russian Federation have a very ancient and great history. It is the basis of all technological development. The Afanasiev culture of Altai is the oldest cradle of the Indo-Aryans. Age - about 7 thousand years.
Muscovy appeared somewhere around 1400. Prussian Empire (modern Germany) - at the end of the 18th century.
Read again.

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