putin killed GRU- Wager´s boss Prigozhin I Moscow announced that Prigozhin and Utkin died in the plane crash in Moscow's Tver region.

You work for him - that's not a big guarantee for anything.

Sure, Russian.

¿Right side? The English and the Russians had been on the same side under Stalin in world war 2. And the English and India under Mahatma Gandhi had been on different sides. ¿¿Right sides? ¿Wrong sides??

Typical post from a zombified idiot who actually believes i am Russian, if i was Russian i would tell you, trust me.
See how you go totally wrong in your first sentence. Get your opening premise wrong and the rest is meaningless . But if you genuinely believe that opening comment , do not bother replying any more .At least until you have studied exactly what went on and was agreed umpteen times since ca. 1990 with NATO and latterly post the Minsk agreements . DYOR and do it thoroughly .
These morons have been told and shown what went on, they just ignore it.
Typical post from a zombified idiot who actually believes i am Russian, if i was Russian i would tell you, trust me.

A good one, Russian.

Putin gets up in the morning, goes to the balcony and says to the Sun, "Good morning, dear Sun", to which the Sun replies, "Good morning, esteemed Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Supreme Leader of the new Soviet Empire, 1st Consul of Ukraine, Council Marshal of Kazakhstan and Protector of Belarus". The day passes. In the evening Putin goes to the balcony again and calls to the sun: "See you tomorrow, dear sun", whereupon the sun: "Kiss my backside, jackass. I'm in the West now".

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A good one, Russian.

Putin gets up in the morning, goes to the balcony and says to the Sun, "Good morning, dear Sun", to which the Sun replies, "Good morning, esteemed Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Supreme Leader of the new Soviet Empire, 1st Consul of Ukraine, Council Marshal of Kazakhstan and Protector of Belarus". The day passes. In the evening Putin goes to the balcony again and calls to the sun: "See you tomorrow, dear sun", whereupon the sun: "Kiss my backside, jackass. I'm in the West now".

See how you go totally wrong in your first sentence. Get your opening premise wrong and the rest is meaningless . But if you genuinely believe that opening comment , do not bother replying any more .At least until you have studied exactly what went on and was agreed umpteen times since ca. 1990 with NATO and latterly post the Minsk agreements . DYOR and do it thoroughly .
Putin started this senseless war, he ordered his troops to invade Ukraine, no matter what fantasies you invent to try and justify it. There is simply no way that you or anyone else can deny this, and by attempting to, you sound like you are divorced from reality.
You work for him - that's not a big guarantee for anything.

Sure, Russian.

¿Right side? The English and the Russians had been on the same side under Stalin in world war 2. And the English and India under Mahatma Gandhi had been on different sides. ¿¿Right sides? ¿Wrong sides??

What are you barking about?
Why would they do that when they treat Afrrcans as partners not Colonial slaves, it's the French that need to get out and all the other western neo colonialists.

No idea what you try to say with this sentence. Very short: You are a criminal nation fighting with criminal methods all over Africa. I do not have any idea why you do so - but the facts are clear. Russia gives no one in thé world any chance to ignore Russia. Tomorrow every country is able to be attacked from Russia. You are a threat for the world peace. For a nuclear power your behavior is very far from this what I call "responsibility in the eyes of god". You are like a three years old child playing with a machine gun. Where are your parents, Russia? Who is able to educate you? Hopefully you will not take a look into the barrel while you will activate the trigger.

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No. The history around Celts, Romans and Germanics is unbelievable complex. The history of Russia is extremely primitive compared with this complexity.
the Germans have nothing to do with the Celts, except for the fact that they steal their history.
Is more or less only well known in Germany because of the wonderful stories from the legendary Baron von Münchhausen, the sewer of many trees of the holly wood.
the barons are the descendants of the Avars. The Bavarians were barons because Bavaria is a former Avaria. But Bavaria captured by the Germans is not German.
The German word "hell" means "light"
That is why the word Hell for the German-christians is the place of torment. The forest swamp inhabitants were afraid of the sun, those savage pagans worshiped Hades
The Aryans called such people non-solar Assurs.

Helios = a Greek god
This is a common Indo-Aryan god, his Indian version is Surya, and the Greek one is the Colossus of Rhodes.

Celtic-Latin - Saman (Sam - a variant of the sun, Hallo-ween - the victory of the sun this is a selebration of Saman)

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The Indo-Aryans burned out the evil forest savage thieves with fire, a special hymn in the Atharva Veda is dedicated to this.

This is very similar to the lines of the American anthem, where they burn the British Germans with rockets.

And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
O say does that star spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free, and the home of the brave?

On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep.
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the Star-Spangled Banner! O long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps’ pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the Star-Spangled Banner, in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
the Germans have nothing to do with the Celts, except for the fact that they steal their history.

Except that the Celts are ancestors of the Germanics and the Celts, Germanics and Romans are ancestors of the Germans. And asides of this existed in the middle ages also always very good contacts to the Irish and/or the Scots.

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the barons are the descendants of the Avars.

Baron comes from the Frankonian word "baro" = Lord, Warrior. (Btw: The German word for mister, "Herr", means verbally "Lord".) The noble title Baron is in Germany also "Freiherr"= verbally "free Lord" and "Freifrau" = "free Lady". In Latin this title was always "liber baro".

Wisset, die euch Hass predigen, erlösen euch nicht.
Marie Freifrau von Ebner-Eschenbach (1830-1916)
Know that those who preach hatred to you do not save you.

That is why the word Hell for the German-christians is the place of torment.

Again. The germn word "hell" means light. "Hölle" is the German word for hell. The main attribut of a "Höhle" = cavern is darkness. Hell in sense of Hölle is in such a contextt for example dark matter and dark energy - because we know nearly nothing about what is dark matter and we know absolutelly nothing about what is dark energy. And Hades is bny the way seen in identity with the gods Plutos and Pluton. One of them is a friend of Mickey the Mouse. But who of them?

The forest swamp inhabitants were afraid of the sun, those savage pagans worshiped Hades

No one lives in fear of a Lady. And the sun is Lady for us and not a Lord like Mr. Hades, the Lord of tehn underword, who has a nice dog called Cerberus.

The Aryans called such people non-solar Assurs.

If the Aryans ever had existed at all then they had perhaps called someone something in their hypothetic Aryan language.


Here by the way the god and/or heroe who is called from the Asyrians in their Asyrian language "Assur". Nearly a German if he would had not been an Asyrian. We had called him William or so - but for sure not Lenin, Stalin, Putin or Nothing.
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