putin killed GRU- Wager´s boss Prigozhin I Moscow announced that Prigozhin and Utkin died in the plane crash in Moscow's Tver region.

from hell - the Sun

hence the word holy

Perhaps you misunderstood your doctor and you should not beat every hour onto your head with a base ball vampire ... ah sorry "bat" ... base ball bat.
The Indo-Aryans burned out the evil forest savage thieves with fire, a special hymn in the Atharva Veda is dedicated to this.

This is very similar to the lines of the American anthem, where they burn the British Germans with rockets.

And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
O say does that star spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free, and the home of the brave?

On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep.
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the Star-Spangled Banner! O long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps’ pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the Star-Spangled Banner, in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

To be honest: I never was impressed from the US-American national anthem. If you wash it the water will be blood-red afterwards.
To be honest: I never was impressed from the US-American national anthem. If you wash it the water will be blood-red afterwards.

What has all of this dribbling nonsense from you and Bumpole got to do with the Topic subject? It is like listening to two old dementia ridden geezers making random noises after eating too much .
What has all of this dribbling nonsense from you and Bumpole got to do with the Topic subject? It is like listening to two old dementia ridden geezers making random noises after eating too much .

The problem: He justifies with the totally stupid nonsense which he says about history the idea of a violent Russian expansion.
The problem: He justifies with the totally stupid nonsense which he says about history the idea of a violent Russian expansion.
Ignore him . It is patently obvious to everybody that he has major imbalance and mental health problems . He cannot afford to change opinions withoiut shattering his fragile grip on reality . So , leave him with his obsessions and feeling safe within his dream universe . He cannot change unless his psychosis is unravelled .Winkle the Titty is identical but he is just Sport because he is blind and stone deaf as well as stupid .
No, Russian.

What he says is Russian war propaganda.
Try to humour Winkle the Titty . He is desperate for attention and he is at that stage where just acknowledging him occasionally and paying lip service to his scribbles is all he needs to keep him going .
Try messaging him occasionally . You two should get on well with so much in common and you might make a new friend .Perhaps a first one for both of you .Lovely thought .
As for protests i have seen more police violence on the streets of London and Paris much more, you are totally on the wrong track the Russian army deployed on that road to Moscow if Prigozhin had carried on his men would have been slaughtered, i believe Putin didn't want Russians killing Russians and that was the best way to handle it, if the Capital hill guys had marched on Washington with thousands of armed men with tanks etc how do you think the US Government would have handled it?

You are delusional. If Putin cared about the lives of Russians would he allow 250,000 to die and continue to die trying to capture a small sliver of Ukraine? Even if that number were 1/4 that it's still staggering. All Putin cares about is Putin! He's a thug, he's a kingpin, everyone around him is expendable, except him! The last thing on Putin's mind are the lives of Russians. He didn't stop Prighozin because he couldn't. Usually the most simplest explanation is the correct one. And this situation fits squarely. Putin isn't going to allow anyone to think he's weak under any circumstances unless he has zero options.

If an armed insurrection were to happen in the US with tanks and they killed US soldiers the entire column would be destroyed before they traveled more than 10 miles. They wouldn't allow them to travel 1000 kilometers to DC. This is no different than the Russian brigade that invaded belgorod a while back. Even they probably didn't think they
All Putin cares about is Putin! He's a thug, he's a kingpin, everyone around him is expendable, except him! The last thing on Putin's mind are the lives of Russians.
Very good . Which MSM Fake News sources are educating you ? Do your family think you are a Gullible person or have you kept matters secret?
This is a clear blasphemy. Who is doing this absurde bullshit and why?
for a KGB department led by KGB snitch Mikhailov its ok.


You are delusional. If Putin cared about the lives of Russians would he allow 250,000 to die and continue to die trying to capture a small sliver of Ukraine? Even if that number were 1/4 that it's still staggering. All Putin cares about is Putin! He's a thug, he's a kingpin, everyone around him is expendable, except him! The last thing on Putin's mind are the lives of Russians. He didn't stop Prighozin because he couldn't. Usually the most simplest explanation is the correct one. And this situation fits squarely. Putin isn't going to allow anyone to think he's weak under any circumstances unless he has zero options.

If an armed insurrection were to happen in the US with tanks and they killed US soldiers the entire column would be destroyed before they traveled more than 10 miles. They wouldn't allow them to travel 1000 kilometers to DC. This is no different than the Russian brigade that invaded belgorod a while back. Even they probably didn't think they
There is no Russian Brigade just a few criminals that are the disciples of Vlasov, if you don't know who he was he was a former Soviet officer who collaborated with the Nazis, of course Putin could have stopped Prighozin don't be ridiculous, he was stopped without more bloodshed, we know you would have liked a bloodbath on the streets of Moscow.
Very good . Which MSM Fake News sources are educating you ? Do your family think you are a Gullible person or have you kept matters secret?
Do you think these people actually believe this shit ? it's possible they are so far gone they do.
Meanwhile Ukrainian POWs reveal how they were issued with Speed before combat, no surprise the Nazis did the same in WW2, Zelensky is a coke head so he is probably the dealer.

Try to humour Winkle the Titty . He is desperate for attention ...

What is your problem, Russian? Do you not find your way home from the Ukraine to Russia with all of your soldiers? Go North! And from Belarus to Russia: Go East!
for a KGB department led by KGB snitch Mikhailov its ok.

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I still do not have any idea about what this absurde blasphemic pictures have to do with what exactly. Every orthodox Christian knows that such pictures are a blasphemy and are without any spiritual relevance.

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