putin killed GRU- Wager´s boss Prigozhin I Moscow announced that Prigozhin and Utkin died in the plane crash in Moscow's Tver region.

You kindly? Putin murders kindly?

You are a master in saying nothing, "defender" of the Russian tyranny. Tell me why you fight against all life on Earth, superintelligent alien.
You really are even more limited than first assumed . So let me spit it out bluntly . Even allowing for your attempt to communicate in a presumed second language, your actual Topic knowledge is non existent. If you claim otherwise , explain Chekalovs security protocols and their implications on the various incident explanations . If you cannot , shut up .
The ancient Germans were chthonists,

We were what? ... God grief. "chtonists" - got it. What a strange word for shamanism. Everyone has ancestors who had been "chtonists" - better to say "members of a or the natural religion". Still today we see everything is animated = in everything lives god = god is life! "Animus" (soul) and "animal" have in the Germanic language English even today a common Latin root.

they were afraid of the sun.

What a nonsense. Tell me why only Germans attribuate the sun with a female grammatical gernder while all other languages in the world see in the sun a male being. And why we see in the moon a male being while al others see in the moon a female form of existence. And tell me why you are afraid of women, Russian.
You really are even more limited than first assumed .

Because I do not suport your tyranny? To be "limited" from tyranny is freedom.

So let me spit it out bluntly .

Where to begin your education? In the kindergarten? "Do not scratch, bite, spit!"

Even allowing for your attempt to communicate in a presumed second language, your actual Topic knowledge is non existent. If you claim otherwise , explain Chekalovs security protocols and their implications on the various incident explanations . If you cannot , shut up .

Perhaps it's good to transform Russia into a wildlife sanctuary. Best is to replace your nukes with maces. That's enough responsibility for your form not to start to think.
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Do not confuse Chthonism with shamanism. Shaman Indo-Aryan cult, Shaman god of the Celts.

Chthonism is the worship of the earth. Read what it is.

Totally uninteresting for me. It never was anything right what you said about history. Fantasy and history are the same for you. I never heard from anyone in history who saw only in the Earth and her creatures gods. I guess an expression like "chtonism" is nothing else than idiocy on a high level of idiocy.

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It may also be related to the skin of the Germans. In the sun they blister and they get melanoma.

The Indo-Aryans called the opponents of the sun Assurs.
Surely the word Hello comes from the wish for a sunny day.

Etymologically, if you say this to a German, you wish him to burn in the sun.

The torch of the Statue of Liberty must be kept away from the Germans. They can steal the cup and pour blood into it, as the Christians did with the Holy Grail.
All non-Aryan gods of Europe,

In Europe never existed Aryans - if Aryans existed at all than Aryans are ancestors of people who live Persia. Persia is in Asia. Because all Jews had been Germans like all other Germans who spoke German or a German dialect like Yiddish Hitler made all Germans to artificial Aryans because the Jews are not Aryans but Semites. In this way worked his racism with a marker. Hitler had on the other side absolutelly not any problem to fight against his self defined "Aryans" - for example against Poles and Russians - and to be allied with not-Aryans like the Japanese or Arabs. All this Aryan nonsense is nothing else than a racist Nazi bullshit.

whose cults were accompanied by bloody drunken orgies, and victims, are variants of the cult of worship of the underground king and mother goddess of the chthonic culture. The very word "God" is translated as a reptile.

What a weird fantasy.

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In Europe never existed Aryans
The Germans are zombified and illiterate. Their fascist regime has always made them slaves.

The rest of the world knows that the Celts of the Hallstadt and La Tène cultures came from the Urals and were pure Indo-Aryans.
Tell me why only Germans attribuate the sun with a female grammatical gernder while all other languages in the world see in the sun a male being. And why we see in the moon a male being while al others see in the moon a female form of existence.
Most likely this is due to the matriarchy of the ancient Germans. In addition, their sun is black.

Difficult to answer precisely, I did not study it.

The torch of the Statue of Liberty must be kept away from the Germans. They can steal the cup and pour blood into it, as the Christians did with the Holy Grail.

This reconstuction of the koloss of Rhodos is an unstable nonsense. And the Holy Grail was in the first story about King Arthus and his knights a serving tureen. Later someone attribuated it with the blood of Christ. And if you are really interested in all this myths around Camelot and what such myths have to do with reality then study the Camelot of Aachen and Emperor Arthur Charlesmagne and his Merlin Alkuin.

This symbolizes the tyranny of the mother goddess and matriarchy. The Germans hated women but obeyed them. They wanted to kill the Mother Goddess according to Rammstein, didn't they?

The Ancient Mother was the goddess of beer, a German drink.
In fact, the Germanic nation was formed from two parts, not counting the captured Celts. These were the savages of Linear-band ceramics and the Hittites expelled from the Hettia. The Hittites transformed the ancient Germanic culture of Neolithic agriculture. They enslaved the ancient Europeans.

This is exactly the reason why the symbol of the German Reichs is the Hittite eagle.
Most likely this is due to the matriarchy of the ancient Germans. ...

Slowly comes out that in former times under Germanics and Celts existed much more female nobles which had been wrongly identified by their "male" grave goods but in the grave had been buried a princess and not a prince. So this will need a lot of new research. Here in our region for example existed many historical reports about the black death - but here never was the black death pandemy. It exists only because "historians" made it.

Nevertheless I still think something like a systemic matriarchat never had existed in any former history. Perhaps we should try to install a matriarchat. Could be interesting to find out how such a matriarchat would work.
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