Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

Every time humans attempt to describe reasons why I should despise Putin, it just makes him sound more and more badass instead.

Well, Putin is a bad ass. He just murdered 298 people. Little kids, toddlers and babies included. That takes a bad ass. If that impress's you, well, it's a free country.

And it is written: "He who stands atop the highest mountain of skulls can see the furthest."
St. Vladimir: The Putin Worship Continues On Fox News | News Corpse

The old saying that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” has been taken to heart by Fox News and much of the Republican Party. That is the only explanation for the ongoing love affair that is playing out on Fox News for the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. Given an opportunity to compare Putin with President Obama, Fox News invariably comes out on Putin’s side

Just this morning Fox strategic analyst Ralph Peters called Putin “gifted” and said that “He is a dynamic, powerful leader with a clear vision of what he wants and the west is leaderless.” Sarah Palin’s schoolgirl crush causes her to see Putin as “one who wrestles bears and drills for oil. They look at our president as one who wears mom jeans.” Sean Hannity was “humiliated for my country” after seeing photos of a shirtless Putin doing a butterfly stroke next to a picture of Obama riding a bike (which was a manly pastime when George W. Bush did it).
Good one, RW...

Demented, but a good one, and funny...

This ought to be good for a few laughs...
I told you before the right values bluster, zingers and displays of perceived toughness more than substance.

Thats why Palin is always throwing out zingers and the right mentions how hawt she is...What else matters?
They love Putin because he takes his shirt off and stomps around like a mad man. Must be tough if you are shirtless, right?
They loved when Bush would clear brush..."like a man!" on his estate...err...Ranch! (Manly)

They are like popular school girls who value labels over all
Boy RW must love Putin because he's put up a few threads on the guy.

Tell us now RW. You got a secret hankering for that big bear of a Russian??

In reality, President Putin is just a little bit of a bear. He's only 5'4". He just looks bigger next to obama.
Every time humans attempt to describe reasons why I should despise Putin, it just makes him sound more and more badass instead.

Well, Putin is a bad ass. He just murdered 298 people. Little kids, toddlers and babies included. That takes a bad ass. If that impress's you, well, it's a free country.

The KGB in him cannot be hidden.
I told you before the right values bluster, zingers and displays of perceived toughness more than substance.

Thats why Palin is always throwing out zingers and the right mentions how hawt she is...What else matters?
They love Putin because he takes his shirt off and stomps around like a mad man. Must be tough if you are shirtless, right?
They loved when Bush would clear brush..."like a man!" on his estate...err...Ranch! (Manly)

They are like popular school girls who value labels over all

Lol, and you like your leaders to be queer. Obama is a card carrying member of man's country, a gay brothel in chicago. It's rumored he likes older white men.
more war on women by those they WORSHIP:

WARONWOMEN: Today in 1969, Mary Jo Kopechne died in Ted Kennedy’s car as he fled the scene.

Instead of putting up these childish RW loves Putin threads how about citing us some examples of how Obama has gotten the better of Putin on the international stage show us some examples of Putin being made to suffer serious consequences for crossing the line due to Obamas leadership. I have noticed one common theme in threads like this no one ever disputes the claims made about how Putin is viewed and Obama is viewed on the world stage.
I told you before the right values bluster, zingers and displays of perceived toughness more than substance.

Thats why Palin is always throwing out zingers and the right mentions how hawt she is...What else matters?
They love Putin because he takes his shirt off and stomps around like a mad man. Must be tough if you are shirtless, right?
They loved when Bush would clear brush..."like a man!" on his estate...err...Ranch! (Manly)

They are like popular school girls who value labels over all

Lol, and you like your leaders to be queer. Obama is a card carrying member of man's country, a gay brothel in chicago. It's rumored he likes older white men.

Thanks for the confirmation to what I said..Since you failed to rebut it yanno so let me rebut your school girl retort

Who is it that cries that Clinton was getting BJ's in the Oval Office? Republicans or Liberals?

Also in case you didnt know, taking your shirt off doesnt make you manly nor does shooting innocent people out of the sky
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Any American politician, especially one who once shared one of the major political party's ticket for President or Vice-President, who compares ANY American president unfavorably to a Russian leader who's little better than a dictator, has some very serious loyalty issues

Putin is the dictator that Obama thinks he is

You guys need to get a grip. Obama fully recognizes that the Republicans are being obstructionist, and his options are limited as a result since he talks about it frequently. Putin wouldn't put up with that for a minute.
I told you before the right values bluster, zingers and displays of perceived toughness more than substance.

Thats why Palin is always throwing out zingers and the right mentions how hawt she is...What else matters?
They love Putin because he takes his shirt off and stomps around like a mad man. Must be tough if you are shirtless, right?
They loved when Bush would clear brush..."like a man!" on his estate...err...Ranch! (Manly)

They are like popular school girls who value labels over all

Lol, and you like your leaders to be queer. Obama is a card carrying member of man's country, a gay brothel in chicago. It's rumored he likes older white men.

Thanks for the confirmation to what I said..Since you failed to rebut it yanno so let me rebut your school girl retort

Who is it that cries that Clinton was getting BJ's in the Oval Office? Republicans or Liberals?

Also in case you didnt know, taking your shirt off doesnt make you manly nor does shooting innocent people out of the sky

My retort is true, look it up. If a republican got a bj in the oval office, liberals would go nuts.
Any American politician, especially one who once shared one of the major political party's ticket for President or Vice-President, who compares ANY American president unfavorably to a Russian leader who's little better than a dictator, has some very serious loyalty issues

Putin is the dictator that Obama thinks he is

You guys need to get a grip. Obama fully recognizes that the Republicans are being obstructionist, and his options are limited as a result since he talks about it frequently. Putin wouldn't put up with that for a minute.

The "Republicans" are obstructionist? What have the Democrats offered the Republican congress? Maybe if I learn from your side how to compromise then I'll grasp how it works better.

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