Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

Our intelligence community has stated Russia had to have a hand in this, and at least one american was killed. The Putin - - - - - s continue their groveling.

LMAO..our "intelligence community" also said saddam had WMD...and iraq was helping al qaeda...

Our "intelligence community" also said the U.S.S. MAddox was "attacked" in the gulf of tonkin so they'd be able to invade vietnam.

Our "intelligence community" said the Battleship Maine was attacked in Cuba as an excuse to get into the spanish-american war.

Our "intelligence community" thought it was a good idea to nuke 2 cities and kill hundreds of thousands of japanese civilians, but hung german war criminals.

etc...etc...etc...dozens if not hundreds of examples of the government lying in order to inflame the public so they could advance an agenda.

If you believe ANYTHING this government tells you, you are a gold plated fool.

All said at one time, but the WMD info was retracted and ignored. Going all the way back to the Maine of course involves a much different intel set up.
Funny comments coming from those that worship Obama and allow the far left to let the world burn than admit t5hey were wrong!

Typical far left Obama drones..

maybe I will vote for Obama in 2016 since I've yet to do so :eusa_whistle:

And yet the far left will tell their lies to protect that which they protect incestuously.

Lies eh? anything you say moron, you're the only one that believes you anyway.
Personally, I think nuking two cities to avoid a conventional invasion of the Japanese home islands to have been by far the least bad option. A million casualties would have altered the twentieth century.
and you're posting to pretend you're relevant because as witnessed, not ALL despise Putin, Commie butt included.

Why on earth would I post to pretend I'm relevant? I already know I'm not. Nothing I'm saying or doing effects policy whatsoever. I post on the message boards because i like sharing my opinions, watching how others react, and working on my communication skills in general.

so how's 60,000 + postings on this board working out for your communication skills?

Pretty well. Been loads of fun too. Especially laughing at some of the ways people respond as if they are bad ass because they think they have a point.
Any American politician, especially one who once shared one of the major political party's ticket for President or Vice-President, who compares ANY American president unfavorably to a Russian leader who's little better than a dictator, has some very serious loyalty issues

Putin is the dictator that Obama thinks he is
But that's the talking point, so it must be true.

Of Course :lmao:

No talking pount, too many here do not remember learning, or didn't learn, about the KGB; a ruthless terror organization, run by the EVIL EMPIRE*, the Soviets.

*Reagan was correct on THAT.

Well If everybody knew then why was Obama out partying like a Rock Star instead of taking care of business. He's at fundraiser while the SOB Putin is Doing what he Wants to in the world...WHY??? Because He Can...Obama sure isn't going to stop him...

We want a Fucking Leader instead we've got a useless pussy with a pen and a phone. And we see Who he is. It's pathetic that there are still those that will defend the indefensible POS we call mr president.
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Personally, I think nuking two cities to avoid a conventional invasion of the Japanese home islands to have been by far the least bad option. A million casualties would have altered the twentieth century.

What I've always seen is that a minimum of 1 million allied troops would have died and 10 million Japanese, which makes since given how hard the Japanese fought to defend palm trees in Pacific atolls. Frankly I have a harder time believing that only 10 million Japanese dying given how we'd have flattened the island before and during the invasion.
The funniest thing is how the righties say Obama is weak, but also that he's a tyrant.

So, by their own admission, righties are such wimps, pantywaists, metrosexuals and squealing sissies, even a total wimp like Obama can make them his bitches with no effort at all. No wonder they keep hoping their hero Putin will come riding in (shirtless, of course) to save them.

that's because obama is a classic abuser. He can only be a tyrant at home where he has his alphabet army to do his bidding. When he is out in the world among others, he bows to his betters and hides under a rock.
Funny comments coming from those that worship Obama and allow the far left to let the world burn than admit t5hey were wrong!

Typical far left Obama drones..

maybe I will vote for Obama in 2016 since I've yet to do so :eusa_whistle:

And yet the far left will tell their lies to protect that which they protect incestuously.

"Protect incestuously", been playing with the dictionary again?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
The Putin worship CONTINUES along with attacks on the President, disgusting. These posters are either too young, or too blind to know what the KGB was.

Fuck off there Peachpit.

Your boy Obama isn't very admirable. He's one hell of a lousy POTUS.

Nobody worships Putin but everyone see's the difference in a strong leader and and Obama.

From you, I accept that as a compliment, Putin kisser. :lol::lol::lol:

Your compliments must be few and far between then.

Pucker up ther Peachpit. I'm sure Putin would give you a whirl and you can lay one one him.
Of Course :lmao:

No talking pount, too many here do not remember learning, or didn't learn, about the KGB; a ruthless terror organization, run by the EVIL EMPIRE*, the Soviets.

*Reagan was correct on THAT.

Yes the left is noting but talking points and propaganda and the empirical evidence of this comes from every far left post made..

"..........empirical evidence from every post"; this must be a comedy routine.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Every time humans attempt to describe reasons why I should despise Putin, it just makes him sound more and more badass instead.

Well, Putin is a bad ass. He just murdered 298 people. Little kids, toddlers and babies included. That takes a bad ass. If that impress's you, well, it's a free country.
well of course what they do after a plane crash

dump on Conservatives, rwingers and then THE WOMAN

how typical eh?

such pathetic people who does nothing but bring this country down to gutter level
St. Vladimir: The Putin Worship Continues On Fox News | News Corpse

The old saying that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” has been taken to heart by Fox News and much of the Republican Party. That is the only explanation for the ongoing love affair that is playing out on Fox News for the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. Given an opportunity to compare Putin with President Obama, Fox News invariably comes out on Putin’s side

Just this morning Fox strategic analyst Ralph Peters called Putin “gifted” and said that “He is a dynamic, powerful leader with a clear vision of what he wants and the west is leaderless.” Sarah Palin’s schoolgirl crush causes her to see Putin as “one who wrestles bears and drills for oil. They look at our president as one who wears mom jeans.” Sean Hannity was “humiliated for my country” after seeing photos of a shirtless Putin doing a butterfly stroke next to a picture of Obama riding a bike (which was a manly pastime when George W. Bush did it).

Nobody should be surprised that Fox loves a fascist.

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