Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

Have the libs admitted that Putin didn't shoot down the plane yet?

But Putin supplied the missiles, gave the training, and is funding the lunatics who did. Under US law, he would be considered an accomplish at the very least.

Get your nose our of his greasy arm pit please....
This is insanity.

Republicans don't admire Putin. Just because someone notices that he is able to outsmart Obama doesn't mean they like the guy. He made Obama look like a fool and that is the only thing liberals seem to hate about him.

The Republicans had nothing to do with electing the guy. Republicans HATE socialism and communism and it was the right who wanted the Berlin Wall down and communism has been something they fought against.

Liberals, in general, seem to embrace communism and socialism. I've never heard criticism of Russia from the left until Putin handed Obama his ass.

Obama and Kerry were quick to blame Russia for the plane crash even before any evidence was in. We know it was likely rebels, but the left blames all of Russia. They don't follow that rule when it comes to Muslims. When the radicals act up, they are quick to separate them from the Muslim Brotherhood.

Funny how the left fell out of love with Russia when Putin showed the world just how weak Obama really is when it comes to foreign policy.

George W. Bush openly admired Putin. It follows that dittoheads march in lockstep to their dear leader to this day. You just demonstrated your admiration for Putin via your contempt for President Obama. Dittohead much?

Did you notice that we had NO PROBLEM with Russia, until the little girlie man became president?


This fails as a post hoc fallacy.
My hat's off to anyone that still has enough patience with liberal revisionist lunkheads to still attempt to teach them the facts about this topic. After doing it myself for a number of years now, I'm just glad Obama et.al have stepped on their dicks enough that no one will want to keep Dems in power come November.....and truth will finally start to break though liberal censorship, distortion, and flat out suppression of information when we throw their asses out

Like the whole SOFA cluster fuck. Obama claimed he couldn't renegotiate the SOFA in 2012. Yet that's just what he did a few weeks ago. He was SOO unequivocally caught red handed in yet another lie.

Even liberal media types are starting to bail. All the libs ran for cover on Meet The Press today.

I'm saying Bush did not lie about WMD in October 2002 and before that. Am I wrong?
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Putin is nobodies hero but he is a much stronger leader than the fuck who currently occupies the WH.

Hell out POTUS doesn't salute the flag and in fact turns his back on it. Anyone who thinks he gives a shit about America is living in la la land.

Putins a thug and probably a murderer but he loves Russia. Can't say the same about fuckoff in the WH and America.

"Putin is nobodies hero...". Are you delusional? How do you make that comment and continue on into the sentence with praise for Putin while you disparage your own President? Do you just ignore the post in this thread that do the same thing, only a bit harsher and with graphics?
Putin is popular in his own country. He polls at over 75% approval. It should be easy to find good things to say about him in regards to his leadership. The obsession with hatred of the black man in the White House becomes very obvious when these ridiculous pro Putin anti Obama comments are posted. The posters post with no clue how obvious their over the top racist obsession is.
They will claim they are not racist, a few of them will proudly admit it, but most will deem it appropriate to insist they are not racist, but rather simply hate those who don' share their exact political beliefs instead, deluding themselves into thinking that that is somehow OK. Hate is OK to these folks. They believe in hate.
Putin's goons shoot down an airliner and kill 298 people while R-wingers man crush on Putin continues unabated on this board and elsewhere. Carry on Comrades!

U.S. accuses Russia in downing of plane - CNN.com

Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- A senior U.S. diplomat pointed the finger Friday at pro-Russian rebels in the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in Ukraine, an act that killed 298 people.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power told an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council that the plane was "likely downed by a surface-to-air missile ... operated from a separatist-held location in eastern Ukraine." If pro-Russian separatists are responsible for shooting down the plane with a missile, investigators can't rule out the possibility that Russia offered help to operate the system, she said.

Only in your alternate universe. Back here in the real world the last GOP nominee called Russia our greatest geo-political foe, and the last GOP President said of Putin that all he sees in him is KGB.

Putin is a product of decades of communist corruption, there is nothing "rightwing" about him.

Just because Obama is made a fool of by this thug, doesn't mean we admire him. Although we like to joke about it, it's embarrassing beyond belief that a US President is outwitted so easily.

The Boy-Prez has become a laughingstock on the world stage. You can try to blame "rightwingers" all you want, but his actions speak for themselves, plus he still has the media trying to cover and spin for him for every mishap he makes.
Putin is nobodies hero but he is a much stronger leader than the fuck who currently occupies the WH.

Hell out POTUS doesn't salute the flag and in fact turns his back on it. Anyone who thinks he gives a shit about America is living in la la land.

Putins a thug and probably a murderer but he loves Russia. Can't say the same about fuckoff in the WH and America.

"Putin is nobodies hero...". Are you delusional? How do you make that comment and continue on into the sentence with praise for Putin while you disparage your own President? Do you just ignore the post in this thread that do the same thing, only a bit harsher and with graphics?
Putin is popular in his own country. He polls at over 75% approval. It should be easy to find good things to say about him in regards to his leadership. The obsession with hatred of the black man in the White House becomes very obvious when these ridiculous pro Putin anti Obama comments are posted. The posters post with no clue how obvious their over the top racist obsession is.
They will claim they are not racist, a few of them will proudly admit it, but most will deem it appropriate to insist they are not racist, but rather simply hate those who don' share their exact political beliefs instead, deluding themselves into thinking that that is somehow OK. Hate is OK to these folks. They believe in hate.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO. Obsession of hatred for the black man? Please. I have better things to do than hate someone. Hate's a strong emotion and most people, that fuck included, aren't worth the time or the effort. Your a moron.

Your Another moron who see's anyone who doesn't agree with that fuck in the WH as a racist.

You really should try to rearrange your post there Camp. You sound just like the rest of the Obamabots.

Say Camp. You ever seen a sitting POTUS of this country who never salutes the flag and who, in fact, turns his back on it?? Take a good look at fuckoff in the WH and you'll see it.

Now go spew your racist garbage somewhere else. Your a fucking moron.
Putin is nobodies hero but he is a much stronger leader than the fuck who currently occupies the WH.

Hell out POTUS doesn't salute the flag and in fact turns his back on it. Anyone who thinks he gives a shit about America is living in la la land.

Putins a thug and probably a murderer but he loves Russia. Can't say the same about fuckoff in the WH and America.

"Putin is nobodies hero...". Are you delusional? How do you make that comment and continue on into the sentence with praise for Putin while you disparage your own President? Do you just ignore the post in this thread that do the same thing, only a bit harsher and with graphics?
Putin is popular in his own country. He polls at over 75% approval. It should be easy to find good things to say about him in regards to his leadership. The obsession with hatred of the black man in the White House becomes very obvious when these ridiculous pro Putin anti Obama comments are posted. The posters post with no clue how obvious their over the top racist obsession is.
They will claim they are not racist, a few of them will proudly admit it, but most will deem it appropriate to insist they are not racist, but rather simply hate those who don' share their exact political beliefs instead, deluding themselves into thinking that that is somehow OK. Hate is OK to these folks. They believe in hate.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO. Obsession of hatred for the black man? Please. I have better things to do than hate someone. Hate's a strong emotion and most people, that fuck included, aren't worth the time or the effort. Your a moron.

Your Another moron who see's anyone who doesn't agree with that fuck in the WH as a racist.

You really should try to rearrange your post there Camp. You sound just like the rest of the Obamabots.

Say Camp. You ever seen a sitting POTUS of this country who never salutes the flag and who, in fact, turns his back on it?? Take a good look at fuckoff in the WH and you'll see it.

Now go spew your racist garbage somewhere else. Your a fucking moron.

Thanks for making my point. You have chosen to post with others in a thread full of ugly racist comments. Any rational person can see some of these post as such. You are who you hang out with. A normal person would recognize the ugliness and perversion of these post. They recognize the racism. Some of it is straight forward and precise. Yet you and some others are not repulsed. Instead you are motivated to join in. Look how ridiculous your response is. The suggestion is made you may be racist and your response it a childish "no I'm not, you are".
"Putin is nobodies hero...". Are you delusional? How do you make that comment and continue on into the sentence with praise for Putin while you disparage your own President? Do you just ignore the post in this thread that do the same thing, only a bit harsher and with graphics?
Putin is popular in his own country. He polls at over 75% approval. It should be easy to find good things to say about him in regards to his leadership. The obsession with hatred of the black man in the White House becomes very obvious when these ridiculous pro Putin anti Obama comments are posted. The posters post with no clue how obvious their over the top racist obsession is.
They will claim they are not racist, a few of them will proudly admit it, but most will deem it appropriate to insist they are not racist, but rather simply hate those who don' share their exact political beliefs instead, deluding themselves into thinking that that is somehow OK. Hate is OK to these folks. They believe in hate.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO. Obsession of hatred for the black man? Please. I have better things to do than hate someone. Hate's a strong emotion and most people, that fuck included, aren't worth the time or the effort. Your a moron.

Your Another moron who see's anyone who doesn't agree with that fuck in the WH as a racist.

You really should try to rearrange your post there Camp. You sound just like the rest of the Obamabots.

Say Camp. You ever seen a sitting POTUS of this country who never salutes the flag and who, in fact, turns his back on it?? Take a good look at fuckoff in the WH and you'll see it.

Now go spew your racist garbage somewhere else. Your a fucking moron.

Thanks for making my point. You have chosen to post with others in a thread full of ugly racist comments. Any rational person can see some of these post as such. You are who you hang out with. A normal person would recognize the ugliness and perversion of these post. They recognize the racism. Some of it is straight forward and precise. Yet you and some others are not repulsed. Instead you are motivated to join in. Look how ridiculous your response is. The suggestion is made you may be racist and your response it a childish "no I'm not, you are".

I didn't make your point at all there campy.

Your just another Obama lover who see's anyone who disagrees with that fuck as a racist. You're entitled to your opinion and guess what, so am I.

You go along believing your bullshit about everyone being a racist. I'll believe your a moron.

Have fun.
Wonder how long it will take him to blame Bush.

We lost allies because of the Iraq disaster, we gained them back in the last few years, I posted the G-7 condemnation of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The primary group of people holding the US back now are the victims of ODS, here IN the US.

You do know that in 1994 the US, Russia and Great Britain sign a treaty with Ukraine pledging to defend them if they gave up their nukes. They gave up the nukes, did your dear leader abide by the treaty to defend them?

The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances was not a defense treaty. No matter how many times the claim gets throw out there.
This is insanity.

Republicans don't admire Putin. Just because someone notices that he is able to outsmart Obama doesn't mean they like the guy. He made Obama look like a fool and that is the only thing liberals seem to hate about him.

The Republicans had nothing to do with electing the guy. Republicans HATE socialism and communism and it was the right who wanted the Berlin Wall down and communism has been something they fought against.

Liberals, in general, seem to embrace communism and socialism. I've never heard criticism of Russia from the left until Putin handed Obama his ass.

Obama and Kerry were quick to blame Russia for the plane crash even before any evidence was in. We know it was likely rebels, but the left blames all of Russia. They don't follow that rule when it comes to Muslims. When the radicals act up, they are quick to separate them from the Muslim Brotherhood.

Funny how the left fell out of love with Russia when Putin showed the world just how weak Obama really is when it comes to foreign policy.

George W. Bush openly admired Putin. It follows that dittoheads march in lockstep to their dear leader to this day. You just demonstrated your admiration for Putin via your contempt for President Obama. Dittohead much?

Did you notice that we had NO PROBLEM with Russia, until the little girlie man became president?


George W. Bush openly admired Putin. It follows that dittoheads march in lockstep to their dear leader to this day. You just demonstrated your admiration for Putin via your contempt for President Obama. Dittohead much?

Did you notice that we had NO PROBLEM with Russia, until the little girlie man became president?



I still fail to see the attraction that conservatives have with a short bald man with manboobs

The photoshop of Putin isn't good, he's 5'5", flabby, not muscular. Obama could step on him, easily.


Obunghole could not step on a one winged fly. :lmao:

Putin has many in the US choosing Russia over their own country.

Right----try shaming the opposition into going along with the lie. No one supports Putin. They are merely pointing out the truth to counter the lies that demonize him.
Obunghole could not step on a one winged fly. :lmao:

Putin has many in the US choosing Russia over their own country.

Right----try shaming the opposition into going along with the lie. No one supports Putin. They are merely pointing out the truth to counter the lies that demonize him.

Yup. If your an Obamabot the truth just about hits ya in the chops.

I don't admire either of em.

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