Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.


Our President is doing just fine without me

Your president is a pussy - fucking up everything he touches. But your nose is so deeply imbedded in his arse and its aroma, you can't smell reality. Come on up for a sniff, man-child-lover.

Can you imagine a president who actually hunts down terrorists where they are hiding? Who is unconcerned with international borders. Who actually cared about finding and killing bin Laden

Compared with Bush who went on a snipe hunt looking for WMDs and killing 5000 Americans to satisfy his fantasies

Our President is doing just fine without me

Your president is a pussy - fucking up everything he touches. But your nose is so deeply imbedded in his arse and its aroma, you can't smell reality. Come on up for a sniff, man-child-lover.

Can you imagine a president who actually hunts down terrorists where they are hiding? Who is unconcerned with international borders. Who actually cared about finding and killing bin Laden

Compared with Bush who went on a snipe hunt looking for WMDs and killing 5000 Americans to satisfy his fantasies

What is it with you and Bush?
Wipe that Obama shit off the side of your mouth and get back in there and breath deeply the Kenyan aroma. Taste good?
Your president is a pussy - fucking up everything he touches. But your nose is so deeply imbedded in his arse and its aroma, you can't smell reality. Come on up for a sniff, man-child-lover.

Can you imagine a president who actually hunts down terrorists where they are hiding? Who is unconcerned with international borders. Who actually cared about finding and killing bin Laden

Compared with Bush who went on a snipe hunt looking for WMDs and killing 5000 Americans to satisfy his fantasies

What is it with you and Bush?
Wipe that Obama shit off the side of your mouth and get back in there and breath deeply the Kenyan aroma. Taste good?

What is it about me and the man who lied to take us to war? who openly engaged in torture? Who brought us in to two wars and botched the execution of both? Who made decisions that killed 7000 Americans and hundreds of thousands innocent Iraqis and Afghans?
I'm beginning to think that our failing Western leaders who have blown every thing they have touched lately are desperate to pin the woes of the planet on Putin.

Why? It's a no brainer. They need a "bad guy". They need a Snowball because they have royally fucked up every thing they have touched lately.

Our failing Western leaders screwed up in Egypt big time by backing the Muslim Brotherhood and helping to overthrow Mubarak a steadfast and true friend of the West;

Our failing Western leaders who have blown Libya by removing Gaddafi who as distasteful as he was had become an ally of the West and had kept a lid on the extremists in Libya. Libya is now run by whacked out militias.;

Our failing Western leaders who wanted Assad deposed so badly that not only did they supply arms to the paid mercenaries who then allowed our weapons to fall into AQ and other terrorist groups hands in Syria but they turned a blind eye to what has now become the most wealthy and powerful terrorist army.

They wanted Assad gone so badly that they allowed ISIS to grow in stature and power because they were willing to have Assad thrown over at any cost.

The bloody idiots that run our governments obviously didn't think ahead. I mean what could possibly go wrong?

You bettcha. ISIS invades Syria's next door neighbor and destabilizes Iraq. Fools;

Our Western leaders who as if they haven't fucked up the ME enough decide to encourage and support a coup in the Ukraine and overthrow a duly elected government and Prime Minister AND NOW we have a civil war in the Ukraine because the East will not put up with this bastardization of a puppet government for EU and NATO.

To lay out the fuck ups of our leaders is not to be pro Putin you left wing whackos. Get it you morons?
And you left wing whackos have a lot of nerve bitching about less than 400 civilian deaths in this tragedy when Obama has assassinated thousands of innocent civilians as he has played Assassinator in Chief and you never say a damn thing about it.
You are just further exposing your ignorance. Russia has the lower tax rates than corporate socialist America these days. In fact many of the rich in western europe are fleeing to Russia for tax haven(especially french due to their 70% tax rates).

The only pussies here are anti american weaklings like you who support Obama. No real man supports this current government.

No real American supports KGB Putin. Except for you Tea-Party commie-lovers that is.
you are just exposing yourself as a leftist agitator through your repetitive trolling. Thanks for putting it on display.

And I have nothing to do with the Tea Party, unfortunately many hold the leftist/neo-con anti-russian view you do.

Glad to oblige. I take my oath of allegiance to my country America, seriously.

I, kidrocks, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic... and that includes defending her against Putin-loving, Godless commie-lovers such as yourself and others. :salute:
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I'm beginning to think that our failing Western leaders who have blown every thing they have touched lately are desperate to pin the woes of the planet on Putin.

Why? It's a no brainer. They need a "bad guy". They need a Snowball because they have royally fucked up every thing they have touched lately.

Our failing Western leaders screwed up in Egypt big time by backing the Muslim Brotherhood and helping to overthrow Mubarak a steadfast and true friend of the West;

Our failing Western leaders who have blown Libya by removing Gaddafi who as distasteful as he was had become an ally of the West and had kept a lid on the extremists in Libya. Libya is now run by whacked out militias.;

Our failing Western leaders who wanted Assad deposed so badly that not only did they supply arms to the paid mercenaries who then allowed our weapons to fall into AQ and other terrorist groups hands in Syria but they turned a blind eye to what has now become the most wealthy and powerful terrorist army.

They wanted Assad gone so badly that they allowed ISIS to grow in stature and power because they were willing to have Assad thrown over at any cost.

The bloody idiots that run our governments obviously didn't think ahead. I mean what could possibly go wrong?

You bettcha. ISIS invades Syria's next door neighbor and destabilizes Iraq. Fools;

Our Western leaders who as if they haven't fucked up the ME enough decide to encourage and support a coup in the Ukraine and overthrow a duly elected government and Prime Minister AND NOW we have a civil war in the Ukraine because the East will not put up with this bastardization of a puppet government for EU and NATO.

To lay out the fuck ups of our leaders is not to be pro Putin you left wing whackos. Get it you morons?

Putin has been given a lot of latitude. But his international goodwill has eroded and the EU has finally realized that the US is right in demanding increased sanctions

Economic warfare against Russia will be more effective than military warfare
And you left wing whackos have a lot of nerve bitching about less than 400 civilian deaths in this tragedy when Obama has assassinated thousands of innocent civilians as he has played Assassinator in Chief and you never say a damn thing about it.

Screw you and your rabid anti-Obama crap.

Screw you and your bastard, Godless hero Putin.

400 civilian deaths may mean nothing to you but the whole world is outraged at that commie, KGB pussy Vladimir Putin.

Where is your outrage when Netanyahu kills thousands of innocent women and children at will and yet you remain silent. Screw you hypocrite!
Can you imagine a president who actually hunts down terrorists where they are hiding? Who is unconcerned with international borders. Who actually cared about finding and killing bin Laden

Compared with Bush who went on a snipe hunt looking for WMDs and killing 5000 Americans to satisfy his fantasies

What is it with you and Bush?
Wipe that Obama shit off the side of your mouth and get back in there and breath deeply the Kenyan aroma. Taste good?

What is it about me and the man who lied to take us to war? who openly engaged in torture? Who brought us in to two wars and botched the execution of both? Who made decisions that killed 7000 Americans and hundreds of thousands innocent Iraqis and Afghans?

When/where did you serve?
What is it with you and Bush?
Wipe that Obama shit off the side of your mouth and get back in there and breath deeply the Kenyan aroma. Taste good?

What is it about me and the man who lied to take us to war? who openly engaged in torture? Who brought us in to two wars and botched the execution of both? Who made decisions that killed 7000 Americans and hundreds of thousands innocent Iraqis and Afghans?

When/where did you serve?

Relevant how?
When/where did you serve?

Relevant how?

If you dont see the relevance, you are dumber than originally thought

He still thinks water boarding is torture, even though our own soldiers are water boarded in training.

Ever notice how pathetic, lying piece of shit liberals who still insist Booooosh lied about wmds, even though the democrats propagated the existence of wmds before Boooooosh ever took office, never seem to say one fucking word about our own soldiers being water boarded but pretend to care by feigning outrage over the brown terrorists who would gladly decapitate every last homosexual and bathe in their intestines, just because they are brown?

Cause I notice that.
Relevant how?

If you dont see the relevance, you are dumber than originally thought

He still thinks water boarding is torture, even though our own soldiers are water boarded in training.

Ever notice how pathetic, lying piece of shit liberals who still insist Booooosh lied about wmds, even though the democrats propagated the existence of wmds before Boooooosh ever took office, never seem to say one fucking word about our own soldiers being water boarded but pretend to care by feigning outrage over the brown terrorists who would gladly decapitate every last homosexual and bathe in their intestines, just because they are brown?

Cause I notice that.

Wow! Another r-wing pussy racist chimes in. Good! Keep em coming out of the woodwork.

Relevant how?

If you dont see the relevance, you are dumber than originally thought

He still thinks water boarding is torture, even though our own soldiers are water boarded in training.

Ever notice how pathetic, lying piece of shit liberals who still insist Booooosh lied about wmds, even though the democrats propagated the existence of wmds before Boooooosh ever took office, never seem to say one fucking word about our own soldiers being water boarded but pretend to care by feigning outrage over the brown terrorists who would gladly decapitate every last homosexual and bathe in their intestines, just because they are brown?

Cause I notice that.

They are indeed pussies. Just following their pussy Kenyan leader….
Ever notice how pathetic, lying piece of shit liberals who still insist Booooosh lied about wmds, even though the democrats propagated the existence of wmds before Boooooosh ever took office,...

The setup for your argument is erroneous. Democrats and Bush were correct to threaten military action if necessary in October 2002 because Saddam Hussein had not let the inspectors in. It was Bush alone in March 17 2003 who lied when he claimed to have intelligence that SH was hiding WMD from the inspectors that were in Iraq for over three months disarming Iraq peacefully.

Its the Bush WMD lie in March 2003 that is real. Bush was not lying before November 2002 when the UN inspectors were not on the ground in Iraq. Bush lied in March 2003.

Your waterboarding argument is a farce anyway. You are wrong on both points.
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