Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.


ill take Putin anyday over that limp dick "DARKIE" you alleged Americans voted for. he's the reason nukes are now pointed at your limp dick ass's

Negged you for being a racist asshole. Enjoy! :D

Negged you for being a race baiting little shitstain

Thanks racist...

Coming from you I'll wear that neg as a badge of honor. :D
Negged you for being a racist asshole. Enjoy! :D

Wow, that will hurt his score.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Didn't neg him to hurt his score. You just don't get it (his racism)... do you?

I get his racism, I have on other threads gotten on racists. You don't get it, he doesn't care whether you neg him or not. I ignore idiots, why spur the idiots on.

He and others like him expose us to what there real mind set is. They aren't going to change, they like to remain ignorant it pushes their intolerant agenda.

They thrive on hate and you giving it back to him, gives him a lot of satisfaction, if you ignore him, it will irritate him.
Ukraine and NATO shot down the plane Putin had nothing to do with this act of terrorism by NATO and their Ukrainian puppets.

And another commie-lover chimes in. :lol:

The only commies here are who support Obama/EU/NATO aggression against east Ukraine. The EU is the new USSR and these brave freedom fighters in the East are resisting it.

Putin is more anti-commie than any limp wristed leftist western leader.

Putin was close friends with anti-communist dissident Alexander Solhstinitken.
WikiLeaks cables: Solzhenitsyn praise for Vladimir Putin | World news | theguardian.com

Putin is a reincarnation of the old Russian tsars and fights for European Christendom.

Hail Vladimir Putin
Ukraine and NATO shot down the plane Putin had nothing to do with this act of terrorism by NATO and their Ukrainian puppets.

And another commie-lover chimes in. :lol:

The only commies here are who support Obama/EU/NATO aggression against east Ukraine. The EU is the new USSR and these brave freedom fighters in the East are resisting it.

Putin is more anti-commie than any limp wristed leftist western leader.

Putin was close friends with anti-communist dissident Alexander Solhstinitken.
WikiLeaks cables: Solzhenitsyn praise for Vladimir Putin | World news | theguardian.com

Putin is a reincarnation of the old Russian tsars and fights for European Christendom.

Hail Vladimir Putin

So you're a Putin-lover AND an anti-American. I get it now. Carry on comrade.
And another commie-lover chimes in. :lol:

The only commies here are who support Obama/EU/NATO aggression against east Ukraine. The EU is the new USSR and these brave freedom fighters in the East are resisting it.

Putin is more anti-commie than any limp wristed leftist western leader.

Putin was close friends with anti-communist dissident Alexander Solhstinitken.
WikiLeaks cables: Solzhenitsyn praise for Vladimir Putin | World news | theguardian.com

Putin is a reincarnation of the old Russian tsars and fights for European Christendom.

Hail Vladimir Putin

So you're a Putin-lover AND an anti-American. I get it now. Carry on comrade.
Obama is anti-American. As an American patriot whose family has been here since the 1600s and fought in the American Revolution, I spit on anti-constitutional tyrants like Obama.

I support Putin and his fight for western civilization because Christian Russia and America share that western heritage.
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Here are the facts -

Putin is a man

Obama is a pussy

Any questions?

Not to mention he is a pussy who aids and abets islamic terrorists in Libya and Syria while Putin aids those who fight them.

Putin is a anti-terrorist fighter and Christian hero.

Putin is a commie-terrorist, anti-American pussy. You, my friend, are a Putin/commie-lover anti-American. See the similarities?
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