Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

Here are the facts -

Putin is a man

Obama is a pussy

Any questions?

Not to mention he is a pussy who aids and abets islamic terrorists in Libya and Syria while Putin aids those who fight them.

Putin is a anti-terrorist fighter and Christian hero.

Putin is a commie-terrorist, anti-American pussy. You, my friend, are a Putin/commie-lover anti-American. See the similarities?
You are just further exposing your ignorance. Russia has the lower tax rates than corporate socialist America these days. In fact many of the rich in western europe are fleeing to Russia for tax haven(especially french due to their 70% tax rates).

The only pussies here are anti american weaklings like you who support Obama. No real man supports this current government.
The only commies here are who support Obama/EU/NATO aggression against east Ukraine. The EU is the new USSR and these brave freedom fighters in the East are resisting it.

Putin is more anti-commie than any limp wristed leftist western leader.

Putin was close friends with anti-communist dissident Alexander Solhstinitken.
WikiLeaks cables: Solzhenitsyn praise for Vladimir Putin | World news | theguardian.com

Putin is a reincarnation of the old Russian tsars and fights for European Christendom.

Hail Vladimir Putin

So you're a Putin-lover AND an anti-American. I get it now. Carry on comrade.
Obama is anti-American. As an American patriot whose family has been here since the 1600s and fought in the American Revolution, I spit on anti-constitutional tyrants like Obama.

I suppor Putin and his fight for western civilization because Christian Russia and America share that western heritage.

Oh, I get the connection now. Your hero Putin hates gays just like you American Christians. :smiliehug:
Not to mention he is a pussy who aids and abets islamic terrorists in Libya and Syria while Putin aids those who fight them.

Putin is a anti-terrorist fighter and Christian hero.

Putin is a commie-terrorist, anti-American pussy. You, my friend, are a Putin/commie-lover anti-American. See the similarities?
You are just further exposing your ignorance. Russia has the lower tax rates than corporate socialist America these days. In fact many of the rich in western europe are fleeing to Russia for tax haven(especially french due to their 70% tax rates).

The only pussies here are anti american weaklings like you who support Obama. No real man supports this current government.

No real American supports KGB Putin. Except for you Tea-Party commie-lovers that is.
So you're a Putin-lover AND an anti-American. I get it now. Carry on comrade.
Obama is anti-American. As an American patriot whose family has been here since the 1600s and fought in the American Revolution, I spit on anti-constitutional tyrants like Obama.

I suppor Putin and his fight for western civilization because Christian Russia and America share that western heritage.

Oh, I get the connection now. Your hero Putin hates gays just like you American Christians. :smiliehug:

Yea, some of us don't think we should be hostile with Russia and risk a new cold war just because he opposes gay marriage.
The only commies here are who support Obama/EU/NATO aggression against east Ukraine. The EU is the new USSR and these brave freedom fighters in the East are resisting it.

Putin is more anti-commie than any limp wristed leftist western leader.

Putin was close friends with anti-communist dissident Alexander Solhstinitken.
WikiLeaks cables: Solzhenitsyn praise for Vladimir Putin | World news | theguardian.com

Putin is a reincarnation of the old Russian tsars and fights for European Christendom.

Hail Vladimir Putin

So you're a Putin-lover AND an anti-American. I get it now. Carry on comrade.
Obama is anti-American. As an American patriot whose family has been here since the 1600s and fought in the American Revolution, I spit on anti-constitutional tyrants like Obama.

I support Putin and his fight for western civilization because Christian Russia and America share that western heritage.

When did Russia become part of western civilization? Are you on drugs or just drunk.
The only commies here are who support Obama/EU/NATO aggression against east Ukraine. The EU is the new USSR and these brave freedom fighters in the East are resisting it.

Putin is more anti-commie than any limp wristed leftist western leader.

Putin was close friends with anti-communist dissident Alexander Solhstinitken.
WikiLeaks cables: Solzhenitsyn praise for Vladimir Putin | World news | theguardian.com

Putin is a reincarnation of the old Russian tsars and fights for European Christendom.

Hail Vladimir Putin

So you're a Putin-lover AND an anti-American. I get it now. Carry on comrade.
Obama is anti-American. As an American patriot whose family has been here since the 1600s and fought in the American Revolution, I spit on anti-constitutional tyrants like Obama.

I support Putin and his fight for western civilization because Christian Russia and America share that western heritage.

Putin announced hid Christianity when Kirill gained power, Putin is a COMMUNIST, just he was 26 years ago.
Unlike Bush, the Obama Administration will not bow down to Putin:

US Turns up Heat on Russia Over Downed Plane - ABC News

Sorry, Commie lovers.

Sorry assholes, but even when we don't like the TRUTH, even you subversives have to realize....

Obama, wouldn't be in this situation, if he had taken strong measures, backed by the NATO nations, had actually done something about the U.S. becoming a dominant power in the oil business so WE could have supplied Europe, instead of Russia, and HURT Putin in the pocketbook where it really matters.... IF the obomanation was as adroit in this matter as he is at playing GOLF, going on Vacation, and DOING FUND RAISERS, he'd have a FOREIGN POLICY that wouldn't be the laughing stock of the world....BTW, WTF is his foreign policy.....BOWING?

Putin's goons shoot down an airliner and kill 298 people while R-wingers man crush on Putin continues unabated on this board and elsewhere. Carry on Comrades!

U.S. accuses Russia in downing of plane - CNN.com

Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- A senior U.S. diplomat pointed the finger Friday at pro-Russian rebels in the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in Ukraine, an act that killed 298 people.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power told an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council that the plane was "likely downed by a surface-to-air missile ... operated from a separatist-held location in eastern Ukraine." If pro-Russian separatists are responsible for shooting down the plane with a missile, investigators can't rule out the possibility that Russia offered help to operate the system, she said.

Obama is glad he could be more flexible for Putin since his re-election. :badgrin:
The Putin lovers probably also love Nutanyahoo.

Yes, we admire both men for being strong and leading their people which apparently the shitstain in the White House can't and WON'T do! Glad to see another subversive, SQUAW, liberal, that is anti-Semitic! .... They ALWAYS show their true colors sooner or later!

Putin's goons shoot down an airliner and kill 298 people while R-wingers man crush on Putin continues unabated on this board and elsewhere. Carry on Comrades!

U.S. accuses Russia in downing of plane - CNN.com

Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- A senior U.S. diplomat pointed the finger Friday at pro-Russian rebels in the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in Ukraine, an act that killed 298 people.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power told an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council that the plane was "likely downed by a surface-to-air missile ... operated from a separatist-held location in eastern Ukraine." If pro-Russian separatists are responsible for shooting down the plane with a missile, investigators can't rule out the possibility that Russia offered help to operate the system, she said.

Obama is glad he could be more flexible for Putin since his re-election. :badgrin:

I believe this was the start of his FLEXIBILITY, and it only got worst from there!


From that it wasn't even a STRETCH for Barry to compromise everything!

Last edited:
Putin is a commie-terrorist, anti-American pussy. You, my friend, are a Putin/commie-lover anti-American. See the similarities?
You are just further exposing your ignorance. Russia has the lower tax rates than corporate socialist America these days. In fact many of the rich in western europe are fleeing to Russia for tax haven(especially french due to their 70% tax rates).

The only pussies here are anti american weaklings like you who support Obama. No real man supports this current government.

No real American supports KGB Putin. Except for you Tea-Party commie-lovers that is.
you are just exposing yourself as a leftist agitator through your repetitive trolling. Thanks for putting it on display.

And I have nothing to do with the Tea Party, unfortunately many hold the leftist/neo-con anti-russian view you do.
So you're a Putin-lover AND an anti-American. I get it now. Carry on comrade.
Obama is anti-American. As an American patriot whose family has been here since the 1600s and fought in the American Revolution, I spit on anti-constitutional tyrants like Obama.

I support Putin and his fight for western civilization because Christian Russia and America share that western heritage.

When did Russia become part of western civilization? Are you on drugs or just drunk.

With Peter the Great they became integrated with Western Europe.
Peter the Great - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

European Christendom=Western Civilization.

Whereas Obama is an enemy of Western Civilization and wishes to destroy it.

You sound like a typical dumb sheep on pharmaceuticals to me.
So you're a Putin-lover AND an anti-American. I get it now. Carry on comrade.
Obama is anti-American. As an American patriot whose family has been here since the 1600s and fought in the American Revolution, I spit on anti-constitutional tyrants like Obama.

I support Putin and his fight for western civilization because Christian Russia and America share that western heritage.

Putin announced hid Christianity when Kirill gained power, Putin is a COMMUNIST, just he was 26 years ago.
LOL, as though he has to answer to Kirill. Putin is the most powerful man in Russia, he goes his own way, and this is the Christian way with the Holy Orthodox Church.

Putin is a nationalist. He was part of the nationalist faction of the KGB. He brought back many anti-communists to Russia who were in exile. He has also jailed many oligarchs who looted Russia in the 90s.

He continues to White Russian(Anti-Communist) legacy of the tsars against red bolsheviks. The modern Bolsheviks are the USA and the EU.

Hail Christ and his servant Putin, Amen.
How do you know there are accounts on innocent people dying from these attacks, and these people have nothing to do with terrorism.

I am not a war hawk, I did not want to go into a war with no clear direction. Both Afghanistan and Iraq had no clear vision or exit strategy. Both are good ideas, however I am less than impressed with Obama and the drones. We can wait now until it is used by a Republican President, then you will be against drones. I am against them now and in the future.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

We do know that AlQaida leadership has been decimated in the drone attacks and that their capability for international terrorism has been depleted

How do we respond to international terrorism?
1 Invasion and nation building
2. Targeted drone attacks against leadership
3. Ignore it and hope it goes away

Here's the tricky question, big guy. Are you ready? What President who's currently in office has followed all three of those policies during his tenure?

I wouldn't know.....you will have to enlighten me
How do you know there are accounts on innocent people dying from these attacks, and these people have nothing to do with terrorism.

I am not a war hawk, I did not want to go into a war with no clear direction. Both Afghanistan and Iraq had no clear vision or exit strategy. Both are good ideas, however I am less than impressed with Obama and the drones. We can wait now until it is used by a Republican President, then you will be against drones. I am against them now and in the future.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

I certainly don't like the idea of innocents dying. But the use of drones is meant to prevent the deaths of US military. Would you prefer to put our military people at risk and have more of them dying?

I prefer we get out of there. You can't change people, they have hated each other for centuries, they are ignorant and will continue to be so. Bosnia and Serbia are two other hell holes. You want to hold their hands, it doesn't work, want to kill them, it doesn't work. We need to close all foreign bases and bring all the troops home. We need to quit sending money to all foreign countries and take care of our poor, and our issues, such has the violence that exists our cities. We need to tell the UN we will no longer support them and ask them to leave our country, they are not for world peace, they are for lining their pockets and bilking the US out of theirs.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

I prefer that terrorists be subjected to instant death at any moment. That they be afraid to trust anyone. That they be afraid to use a phone for fear of their location being established. A life under siege......always being hunted
A fitting ending for a terrorist

That is why I like drones
Obama is anti-American. As an American patriot whose family has been here since the 1600s and fought in the American Revolution, I spit on anti-constitutional tyrants like Obama.

I support Putin and his fight for western civilization because Christian Russia and America share that western heritage.

When did Russia become part of western civilization? Are you on drugs or just drunk.

With Peter the Great they became integrated with Western Europe.
Peter the Great - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

European Christendom=Western Civilization.

Whereas Obama is an enemy of Western Civilization and wishes to destroy it.

You sound like a typical dumb sheep on pharmaceuticals to me.

Integrated with Western Europe? Oh, you mean the old Communist Block countries behind the Iron Curtain like Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungry? Etc?

Our President is doing just fine without me

Your president is a pussy - fucking up everything he touches. But your nose is so deeply imbedded in his arse and its aroma, you can't smell reality. Come on up for a sniff, man-child-lover.

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