Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

Those associating with known terrorists are at risk. Drone attacks are preferable to the invasions and nation building demanded by conservative war hawks. How about the 100,000 dead "colateral damage" from the Bush Iraq invasion?

How do you know there are accounts on innocent people dying from these attacks, and these people have nothing to do with terrorism.

I am not a war hawk, I did not want to go into a war with no clear direction. Both Afghanistan and Iraq had no clear vision or exit strategy. Both are good ideas, however I am less than impressed with Obama and the drones. We can wait now until it is used by a Republican President, then you will be against drones. I am against them now and in the future.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Didn't the use of drones start with President George W. Bush?

Here's the difference, my view of drones didn't change when the occupant of the Oval Office changed from an R to a D...


Rightwingers love Putin.
Didn't the use of drones start with President George W. Bush?

Yep, and I was against it, are you for it? Were you for it under Bush? Will you be for it when they start using it in this country?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

HELL YES I'm for the use of drones!

I can't imagine any more future wars fought without the use of drones. In the long run, drones save lives by the hundreds of thousands including our precious troops lives.

Nothing put fear in a terrorist heart like the thought of a well aimed drone with his/her name on it! NOTHING!

They don't sleep well.
I've thought about this long and hard, and initially, the idea of drones made me uncomfortable, but I realized, they saved lives, and it is the way of modern warfare. Better than putting so many of our troops at risk to kill these terrorists who want to destroy us.

I also realized, even if i said -- I am against drones! -- as some dumb clucks here keep clucking,

even if -- yeah, you can stand there shout - I AM AGAINST DRONES! you can scream till the cows come home,

and it's like saying in other eras: I am against cannons! or I am against tanks! or I am against missiles! ...

Doesn't matter a friggin hoot in hell. It's going to happen. You or them. The most sophisticated weaponry is always going to be built.

In this case - it is working. Downsides? Yes. Has there ever been any that didn't have any?

So to the stupid emo's, flower-power peacenicks who go on an on about NO DRONES

and worse, the tragedarians of late: previous war-hawk cons who are now shedding tears for drone-obliterated terrorists --

I say piss off: You're all a bunch of fakes and phonies, and it's about 100 times more apparent just *how* phony than the animal scruff they call a toupee that sits on the top of Donald Trump's head.
BTW author of at least one of those toons is rightwinger.....so blows up your premise doesnt it

So, you're suggesting that Ukraine could have fought off Russia? BTW, they were mostly old and outdated Soviet weapons.
I will post this every time I see a David Martosko piece. Cons: Take note: When you link to the Daily Fail, check out the byline. KNOW your Liars. Know if you link to a David Martosko article, you will likely be made a fool. In this case, Obama a junior Senator, and had nothing to do with "disarming Ukraine" Keeeeeerist.


I took one look at the Daily Mail (aka Daily Fail) and said that had to be a David Martosko piece.

Sure as shit, it was.

For a little background on who David Martosko is (remember that name) - He used to work for Tucker Calson's Daily Caller. He fucked up bad then for them (tells you a lot, eh?) - and look at some of the shit he pulled.

I wrote this over a year ago:

[It had to do with the discredited Menendez piece the Daily Caller made up shit out of whole cloth...]

Look at this: ----> Daily Mail U.S. politics editor ---> David Martosko.

Guess where David Martosko used to be Executive Editor at? THE DAILY CALLER.

He also can be heard occasionally on, wait for it ---> Alex Jones' show.

But now he's off for London, to soon "open the Washington office of the largest news outlet in the world." The Daily Fucking Mail.

You may recall his last big piece of crapped out "journalism."

Not long ago, he was the center of story where he admitted in a deposition under oath to faking ...[LINK] and Report: Outgoing Daily Caller editor was a bad impostor - The Washington Post

That's part of a defamation case against him.

And here notes his rap sheet.
Before Daily Caller Editor in Chief Tucker Carlson hired [Martosko] in 2011—a controversial choice given Martosko's previous arrests and lack of experience in journalism—

Anyway, you may recall just how bad that DC story was on Menendez.

Piles of steamy fraudulent bullcrap, so what does the author of that mess do? Why, write for the Daily Mail now and make up stories with more shittyy unknown sources, that's what.
So, just like when you see the name Todd Starnes, of Fox news radio -- whenever you see the name David Martosko as a by-line, expect what you are reading to be mostly maggot-infested bullshit.

I suspect more of this trash in the future carted here from the already reviled Daily Mail UK tabloid, just it's going to get worse with David Martosko as head of the Washington/UK office.

Much worse.

Like I said, I wrote that last year. Has it gotten worse? Proof. Pudding.

So, you're suggesting that Ukraine could have fought off Russia? BTW, they were mostly old and outdated Soviet weapons.
actually have a better chance when youre armed than not dont ya think.......Ukraine gave up its nukes too.....for people who hate running around the world playing policeman rather odd to be defending disarming people resulting in current situation

Thanks, I didn't know Obama was involved with that. It was twenty years ago. Don't think the Ukraine military is short on AK-47's and ammo. They definitely don't need over 20 year old anti aircraft missiles.
yeah no need for weapons or ammo.....just wait for Clinton and Obama to save you with .......worked out real well didnt it..........
Putin's goons shoot down an airliner and kill 298 people while R-wingers man crush on Putin continues unabated on this board and elsewhere. Carry on Comrades!

U.S. accuses Russia in downing of plane - CNN.com[/url]

Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- A senior U.S. diplomat pointed the finger Friday at pro-Russian rebels in the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in Ukraine, an act that killed 298 people.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power told an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council that the plane was "likely downed by a surface-to-air missile ... operated from a separatist-held location in eastern Ukraine." If pro-Russian separatists are responsible for shooting down the plane with a missile, investigators can't rule out the possibility that Russia offered help to operate the system, she said.

Kidrocks, it is a strange fact but true. The former head of KGB does have some admirers amongst his former #1 enemies, American conservatives. I know some conservatives that have turned down jobs with RT because Putin is behind it.

How can there be admirers? Part of it is that Putin is masculine and Obama is effeminate, just a matter of style.

Part of it is Russia has improved from where it was 30 years ago and USA has gone downhill, freedom wise that is.

It is strange bedfellows. Without Obama being who he is, may not have happened.

Nah, those conservatives just passionately hate Obama and they will oppose Obama at any cost including aiding and abetting and comforting the enemy.

So, you're suggesting that Ukraine could have fought off Russia? BTW, they were mostly old and outdated Soviet weapons.
actually have a better chance when youre armed than not dont ya think.......Ukraine gave up its nukes too.....for people who hate running around the world playing policeman rather odd to be defending disarming people resulting in current situation
The Ukrainian T-84 Oplot Main Battle Tank | TankNutDave

Ukraine does not have a weapons acquisition problem. They have a surplus. They produce them and have a thriving export business.

[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=PcdMBIh65DU]BTR 3E1 Thailand - YouTube[/ame]

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