Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

Wasting your time. People get all thrilled when they think they have made some kind of intellectual discovery that 60 years after the Hitler and Nazi era, they have proven themselves to be smarter than everyone else in the world. Hmm, it says national socialist, hitler must have been a liberal, left wing socialist!!!!

All of your denials, and all of your stupidity, and all of your ignorance does not dismiss the fact that hitler was indeed a socialist by every and any definition.

You can pout and cry that FDR did not appease him for a lot more reasons than one. You can deny it all you want.

I also find it funny, how you left wing assholes, who always deny you are socialists get offended by the fact the nazi stands for national socialist party. For people that claim they are not socialists, you all sure take that personally. You stupid ignorant brainwashed lying sack of shit.

There is a lot of evidence that hitler was a socialist, as defined by todays terms. You, of course cannot stand that, for curious reasons. As I said, you left wing liars always deny you are socialists.

There you are of course, hating Israel. Hating America. Hating anything that has to do with capitalism. You can deny too that hitler despised capitalism. Just like you.

You fucking liars.

There is a lot of evidence that hitler was a socialist and most importantly a PROGRESSIVE !! :up:

The world laughs at us because they see we have organized idiots who show their idiocy on a regular basis. They are amazed at the Tea Party and the do nothing useless Congress. They are shocked and frightened at the childish behavior of a seemingly immature and hateful Congressional leadership that is dysfunctional and obsessed with attacking the black man in the White House. They see boards like this and Americans calling their leader "darkie" and "Kenyan" constantly and frequently and they worry the US has declined to some low point and may never be able to rebound back to its greatness, decency and stalwart good character. They fear we have lost our character as a people. They are wise enough to know Presidents come and go and the damage they may do is repairable. The loss of character of a people is irreparable.
Then again, there are untold millions of your fellow countrymen who think the Republic lost its way long ago, and that electing a rookie first-term junior Senator of low accomplishment to its highest office was, itself, an act of insanity and idiocy, triggered by a surplus of rare plebian orgasmic excitement, which has proven largely disasterous, in a quiet and understated sort of way, for both the Nation and much of the world at-large. The occasional racial epithet is merely a short-lived symptom and indicator of resentment against a Failed Messiah.

Another school of thought, and equally valid, in theory.

And of course bush was high quality material, right? We found out what a high quality clown we got stuck with on 9-11.
Shrub? Who said anything about Shrub? The only reason he was at least marginally functional is because he had Daddy's old advisory team in tow, and he acted as the mouthpiece for George H.W. Bush's second and third terms.

No, we were talking about the Failed Messiah, and America's eventual and accelerating abandonment of him, and the bemusement of the rest of the world, while that unfolds.
All of your denials, and all of your stupidity, and all of your ignorance does not dismiss the fact that hitler was indeed a socialist by every and any definition.

You can pout and cry that FDR did not appease him for a lot more reasons than one. You can deny it all you want.

I also find it funny, how you left wing assholes, who always deny you are socialists get offended by the fact the nazi stands for national socialist party. For people that claim they are not socialists, you all sure take that personally. You stupid ignorant brainwashed lying sack of shit.

There is a lot of evidence that hitler was a socialist, as defined by todays terms. You, of course cannot stand that, for curious reasons. As I said, you left wing liars always deny you are socialists.

There you are of course, hating Israel. Hating America. Hating anything that has to do with capitalism. You can deny too that hitler despised capitalism. Just like you.

You fucking liars.

There is a lot of evidence that hitler was a socialist and most importantly a PROGRESSIVE !! :up:


Yes, one word, "socialist" convinces those who ignore the word NATIONAL. Hitler never promoted, nor imposed, equality among any in the police state. Nazi party members were ALWAYS above other Germans, churches that did not swear alliegence to Hitler were destroyed, when possible. Hitler loathed what he termed "liberals":

"The main plank in the Nationalist Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute for them the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood." (4)

The concept of humanity and to substitute for them the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound togeth
"All the human culture, all the results of art, science, and technology that we see before us today, are almost exclusively the creative product of the Aryan." (9)

"Aryan races -- often absurdly small numerically -- subject foreign peoples, and then… develop the intellectual and organizational capacities dormant within them." (10)

"If beginning today all further Aryan influence on Japan should stop… Japan's present rise in science and technology might continue for a short time; but even in a few years the well would dry up… the present culture would freeze and sink back into the slumber from which it awakened seven decades ago by the wave of Aryan culture." (11)

"Every racial crossing leads inevitably sooner or later to the decline of the hybrid product…" (12)

"It is the function above all of the Germanic states first and foremost to call a fundamental halt to any further bastardization." (13)

"What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood…" (14)

Far, far, from clasical "socialism".
Did you learn absolutely nothing in all those years of military service? I guess it shows how much responsibility you were given

Drones do not kill one person with each strike. You asked how many drones were used not how many people were killed

Frankly, I am not impressed with your tears over dead terrorists

What about the innocent people that have been killed by the drones, they are okay, just collateral damage?

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Those associating with known terrorists are at risk. Drone attacks are preferable to the invasions and nation building demanded by conservative war hawks. How about the 100,000 dead "colateral damage" from the Bush Iraq invasion?
Makes you wonder if they even hear themselves when they ask these kinds of questions.

FTR, by the IBC, that number is low: "[F]igures by the Iraq Body Count from 20 March 2003 to 14 March 2013 indicate that of 174,000 casualties only 39,900 were combatants, resulting in a civilian casualty rate of 77%."
Unlike Bush, the Obama Administration will not bow down to Putin:

US Turns up Heat on Russia Over Downed Plane - ABC News

Sorry, Commie lovers.

Two heros of the Republican party

Did you learn absolutely nothing in all those years of military service? I guess it shows how much responsibility you were given

Drones do not kill one person with each strike. You asked how many drones were used not how many people were killed

Frankly, I am not impressed with your tears over dead terrorists

What about the innocent people that have been killed by the drones, they are okay, just collateral damage?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Those associating with known terrorists are at risk. Drone attacks are preferable to the invasions and nation building demanded by conservative war hawks. How about the 100,000 dead "colateral damage" from the Bush Iraq invasion?

How do you know there are accounts on innocent people dying from these attacks, and these people have nothing to do with terrorism.

I am not a war hawk, I did not want to go into a war with no clear direction. Both Afghanistan and Iraq had no clear vision or exit strategy. Both are good ideas, however I am less than impressed with Obama and the drones. We can wait now until it is used by a Republican President, then you will be against drones. I am against them now and in the future.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
What about the innocent people that have been killed by the drones, they are okay, just collateral damage?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Those associating with known terrorists are at risk. Drone attacks are preferable to the invasions and nation building demanded by conservative war hawks. How about the 100,000 dead "colateral damage" from the Bush Iraq invasion?

How do you know there are accounts on innocent people dying from these attacks, and these people have nothing to do with terrorism.

I am not a war hawk, I did not want to go into a war with no clear direction. Both Afghanistan and Iraq had no clear vision or exit strategy. Both are good ideas, however I am less than impressed with Obama and the drones. We can wait now until it is used by a Republican President, then you will be against drones. I am against them now and in the future.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

I certainly don't like the idea of innocents dying. But the use of drones is meant to prevent the deaths of US military. Would you prefer to put our military people at risk and have more of them dying?
What about the innocent people that have been killed by the drones, they are okay, just collateral damage?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Those associating with known terrorists are at risk. Drone attacks are preferable to the invasions and nation building demanded by conservative war hawks. How about the 100,000 dead "colateral damage" from the Bush Iraq invasion?

How do you know there are accounts on innocent people dying from these attacks, and these people have nothing to do with terrorism.

I am not a war hawk, I did not want to go into a war with no clear direction. Both Afghanistan and Iraq had no clear vision or exit strategy. Both are good ideas, however I am less than impressed with Obama and the drones. We can wait now until it is used by a Republican President, then you will be against drones. I am against them now and in the future.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

We do know that AlQaida leadership has been decimated in the drone attacks and that their capability for international terrorism has been depleted

How do we respond to international terrorism?
1 Invasion and nation building
2. Targeted drone attacks against leadership
3. Ignore it and hope it goes away
Those associating with known terrorists are at risk. Drone attacks are preferable to the invasions and nation building demanded by conservative war hawks. How about the 100,000 dead "colateral damage" from the Bush Iraq invasion?

How do you know there are accounts on innocent people dying from these attacks, and these people have nothing to do with terrorism.

I am not a war hawk, I did not want to go into a war with no clear direction. Both Afghanistan and Iraq had no clear vision or exit strategy. Both are good ideas, however I am less than impressed with Obama and the drones. We can wait now until it is used by a Republican President, then you will be against drones. I am against them now and in the future.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

We do know that AlQaida leadership has been decimated in the drone attacks and that their capability for international terrorism has been depleted

How do we respond to international terrorism?
1 Invasion and nation building
2. Targeted drone attacks against leadership
3. Ignore it and hope it goes away
Here's a count of the civilians /militants killed per year, in Pakistan, since 2004.

Drone Wars Pakistan: Analysis | The International Security Program

Look at the ratio of civilian to militants during the Bush years to now.

All said and done, it's sad some civilian/innocents (yes, approx 10%) are collateral damage as they are in close proximity to terrorists, but some would say (nay most conservatives *did* say) - it's a small price to pay to keep us safe.
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Those associating with known terrorists are at risk. Drone attacks are preferable to the invasions and nation building demanded by conservative war hawks. How about the 100,000 dead "colateral damage" from the Bush Iraq invasion?

How do you know there are accounts on innocent people dying from these attacks, and these people have nothing to do with terrorism.

I am not a war hawk, I did not want to go into a war with no clear direction. Both Afghanistan and Iraq had no clear vision or exit strategy. Both are good ideas, however I am less than impressed with Obama and the drones. We can wait now until it is used by a Republican President, then you will be against drones. I am against them now and in the future.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

We do know that AlQaida leadership has been decimated in the drone attacks and that their capability for international terrorism has been depleted

How do we respond to international terrorism?
1 Invasion and nation building
2. Targeted drone attacks against leadership
3. Ignore it and hope it goes away

Bush detoured into Iraq, the Saudis did not approve of going after al Qaeda it seems.
How many drones has Obama killed innocent people with?
Two, three thousand?

What difference does it make how many drones were used to hunt down and kill terrorist who are trying to kill us? Pretty sure they are used over and over. They don't self destruct after they fire their missiles. They return to their base like good sky robots and rearm to go back up into the sky to search and destroy more terrorist. Why would we tell the terrorist how many sky robots we have?
How many drones has Obama killed innocent people with?
Two, three thousand?

What difference does it make how many drones were used to hunt down and kill terrorist who are trying to kill us? Pretty sure they are used over and over. They don't self destruct after they fire their missiles. They return to their base like good sky robots and rearm to go back up into the sky to search and destroy more terrorist. Why would we tell the terrorist how many sky robots we have?

Dense much?
Those associating with known terrorists are at risk. Drone attacks are preferable to the invasions and nation building demanded by conservative war hawks. How about the 100,000 dead "colateral damage" from the Bush Iraq invasion?

How do you know there are accounts on innocent people dying from these attacks, and these people have nothing to do with terrorism.

I am not a war hawk, I did not want to go into a war with no clear direction. Both Afghanistan and Iraq had no clear vision or exit strategy. Both are good ideas, however I am less than impressed with Obama and the drones. We can wait now until it is used by a Republican President, then you will be against drones. I am against them now and in the future.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

We do know that AlQaida leadership has been decimated in the drone attacks and that their capability for international terrorism has been depleted

How do we respond to international terrorism?
1 Invasion and nation building
2. Targeted drone attacks against leadership
3. Ignore it and hope it goes away

Here's the tricky question, big guy. Are you ready? What President who's currently in office has followed all three of those policies during his tenure?
Those associating with known terrorists are at risk. Drone attacks are preferable to the invasions and nation building demanded by conservative war hawks. How about the 100,000 dead "colateral damage" from the Bush Iraq invasion?

How do you know there are accounts on innocent people dying from these attacks, and these people have nothing to do with terrorism.

I am not a war hawk, I did not want to go into a war with no clear direction. Both Afghanistan and Iraq had no clear vision or exit strategy. Both are good ideas, however I am less than impressed with Obama and the drones. We can wait now until it is used by a Republican President, then you will be against drones. I am against them now and in the future.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

I certainly don't like the idea of innocents dying. But the use of drones is meant to prevent the deaths of US military. Would you prefer to put our military people at risk and have more of them dying?

I prefer we get out of there. You can't change people, they have hated each other for centuries, they are ignorant and will continue to be so. Bosnia and Serbia are two other hell holes. You want to hold their hands, it doesn't work, want to kill them, it doesn't work. We need to close all foreign bases and bring all the troops home. We need to quit sending money to all foreign countries and take care of our poor, and our issues, such has the violence that exists our cities. We need to tell the UN we will no longer support them and ask them to leave our country, they are not for world peace, they are for lining their pockets and bilking the US out of theirs.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Lots of libberhoids in here talking military
I recommend a recruiter/enlist
Try serving your country vs armchairing warfare, like that fucking chickenhawk kenyan
Libtards trying to divert the discussion away from today and how Obama has fucked up with Ukraine by bringing up Iraq, etc.....typical.

Obama has fucked up in Ukraine by not aggressively responding to Russia invading Ukraine and now fermenting a civil war in other parts of Ukraine, which has now caused Russian troops working inside Ukraine to murder ~300 people in a civilian airplane.

Obama will drag it out and try not to punish Putin out of fear of Putin/Russia.

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