Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

The GOP love affair with Vladimir Putin

It’s funny how Republicans just love Putin’s dictatorial style, while they accuse Obama of wearing “mommy jeans.” But then whenever Obama actually does something, like pass health care reform, the President suddenly becomes “Dictator Obama” who jams unconstitutional legislation down the throats of the American public (by letting the Congress vote on it 50 times).

Obama LET Congress vote on it 50 times! I am really impressed with your knowledge of how our elected Congress works.
rightwinger's point flew right over your head, didn't it?

The GOP love affair with Vladimir Putin

It’s funny how Republicans just love Putin’s dictatorial style, while they accuse Obama of wearing “mommy jeans.” But then whenever Obama actually does something, like pass health care reform, the President suddenly becomes “Dictator Obama” who jams unconstitutional legislation down the throats of the American public (by letting the Congress vote on it 50 times).

Obama LET Congress vote on it 50 times! I am really impressed with your knowledge of how our elected Congress works.
rightwinger's point flew right over your head, didn't it?


They don't understand what a dictator is but they love to throw the term around
The world "socialist" of course had a definition not used today, and the German word isn't exactly comparable to the English. That noted, Hitler was at the point where "left & right" as Americans use the term, meet, in TOTALITARIANISM. I know people from other countries who say Democrats and Republicans, and all US political parties are identical, all we argue about is the intent of the same founding documents.

No pictures, just history. No points are made by pretending Hitler was "liberal" nor pretending the USSR, North Korea, Cuba, and China are "people's" governments. Hitler on LIBERALS:

"Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction."

Adolf Hitler quotes

Wasting your time. People get all thrilled when they think they have made some kind of intellectual discovery that 60 years after the Hitler and Nazi era, they have proven themselves to be smarter than everyone else in the world. Hmm, it says national socialist, hitler must have been a liberal, left wing socialist!!!!

All of your denials, and all of your stupidity, and all of your ignorance does not dismiss the fact that hitler was indeed a socialist by every and any definition.

You can pout and cry that FDR did not appease him for a lot more reasons than one. You can deny it all you want.

I also find it funny, how you left wing assholes, who always deny you are socialists get offended by the fact the nazi stands for national socialist party. For people that claim they are not socialists, you all sure take that personally. You stupid ignorant brainwashed lying sack of shit.

There is a lot of evidence that hitler was a socialist, as defined by todays terms. You, of course cannot stand that, for curious reasons. As I said, you left wing liars always deny you are socialists.

There you are of course, hating Israel. Hating America. Hating anything that has to do with capitalism. You can deny too that hitler despised capitalism. Just like you.

You fucking liars.

There is a lot of evidence that hitler was a socialist and most importantly a PROGRESSIVE !! :up:
Wasting your time. People get all thrilled when they think they have made some kind of intellectual discovery that 60 years after the Hitler and Nazi era, they have proven themselves to be smarter than everyone else in the world. Hmm, it says national socialist, hitler must have been a liberal, left wing socialist!!!!

All of your denials, and all of your stupidity, and all of your ignorance does not dismiss the fact that hitler was indeed a socialist by every and any definition.

You can pout and cry that FDR did not appease him for a lot more reasons than one. You can deny it all you want.

I also find it funny, how you left wing assholes, who always deny you are socialists get offended by the fact the nazi stands for national socialist party. For people that claim they are not socialists, you all sure take that personally. You stupid ignorant brainwashed lying sack of shit.

There is a lot of evidence that hitler was a socialist, as defined by todays terms. You, of course cannot stand that, for curious reasons. As I said, you left wing liars always deny you are socialists.

There you are of course, hating Israel. Hating America. Hating anything that has to do with capitalism. You can deny too that hitler despised capitalism. Just like you.

You fucking liars.

There is a lot of evidence that hitler was a socialist and most importantly a PROGRESSIVE !! :up:

That statement is overwhelming proof that you are an idiot.
Wasting your time. People get all thrilled when they think they have made some kind of intellectual discovery that 60 years after the Hitler and Nazi era, they have proven themselves to be smarter than everyone else in the world. Hmm, it says national socialist, hitler must have been a liberal, left wing socialist!!!!

All of your denials, and all of your stupidity, and all of your ignorance does not dismiss the fact that hitler was indeed a socialist by every and any definition.

You can pout and cry that FDR did not appease him for a lot more reasons than one. You can deny it all you want.

I also find it funny, how you left wing assholes, who always deny you are socialists get offended by the fact the nazi stands for national socialist party. For people that claim they are not socialists, you all sure take that personally. You stupid ignorant brainwashed lying sack of shit.

There is a lot of evidence that hitler was a socialist, as defined by todays terms. You, of course cannot stand that, for curious reasons. As I said, you left wing liars always deny you are socialists.

There you are of course, hating Israel. Hating America. Hating anything that has to do with capitalism. You can deny too that hitler despised capitalism. Just like you.

You fucking liars.

There is a lot of evidence that hitler was a socialist and most importantly a PROGRESSIVE !! :up:

There is more evidence that during that time the socialist fought other socialist to define what a socialist was and fascist fought each other to define what a fascist was. You could compare it to how Republicans are fighting today, except that back in those old days the fights often turned violent. The violence included purges where people were murdered to be taken out of the picture. But can you define a Republican today? Can you define a Democrat?
The claim that Hitler despised capitalism is confusing. He didn't march the capitalist into oblivion, he marched the socialist, communist and other Marxist into oblivion. The capitalist did very well. He used them to build Germany. The German companies that thrived during the war are still thriving today. Porsche is still building cars.

ill take Putin anyday over that limp dick "DARKIE" you alleged Americans voted for. he's the reason nukes are now pointed at your limp dick ass's

ill take Putin anyday over that limp dick "DARKIE" you alleged Americans voted for. he's the reason nukes are now pointed at your limp dick ass's

Most conservatives would

That is why the world finds them repulsive
ill take Putin anyday over that limp dick "DARKIE" you alleged Americans voted for. he's the reason nukes are now pointed at your limp dick ass's

Most conservatives would

That is why the world finds them repulsive

Would that be the same world that is laughing at America's Kenyan "President" or are you really on another planet?

ill take Putin anyday over that limp dick "DARKIE" you alleged Americans voted for. he's the reason nukes are now pointed at your limp dick ass's

Most conservatives would

That is why the world finds them repulsive
The world finds Conservatives repulsive?

Well, the poor Third-World part of the world, yeah, maybe, they're into Bread and Circuses and Free Government Cheese, so... of course.

But, beyond the Unwashed Masses... ummmm... not so much... that's the part of the world that elects Conservative governments around the world to offset Liberal ones, when the Liberals have been running things for too long and inevitably phukked things up..

You know... like what we're going to see here in THIS country, in November 2014, and November 2016... now that the Liberals have spent eight years turning a bad situation into pure shit - again.
The world laughs at us because they see we have organized idiots who show their idiocy on a regular basis. They are amazed at the Tea Party and the do nothing useless Congress. They are shocked and frightened at the childish behavior of a seemingly immature and hateful Congressional leadership that is dysfunctional and obsessed with attacking the black man in the White House. They see boards like this and Americans calling their leader "darkie" and "Kenyan" constantly and frequently and they worry the US has declined to some low point and may never be able to rebound back to its greatness, decency and stalwart good character. They fear we have lost our character as a people. They are wise enough to know Presidents come and go and the damage they may do is repairable. The loss of character of a people is irreparable.
ill take Putin anyday over that limp dick "DARKIE" you alleged Americans voted for. he's the reason nukes are now pointed at your limp dick ass's

Most conservatives would

That is why the world finds them repulsive

Would that be the same world that is laughing at America's Kenyan "President" or are you really on another planet?

The President they laughed at was the one who invaded Iraq looking for WMDs

ill take Putin anyday over that limp dick "DARKIE" you alleged Americans voted for. he's the reason nukes are now pointed at your limp dick ass's

Most conservatives would

That is why the world finds them repulsive
The world finds Conservatives repulsive?

Well, the poor Third-World part of the world, yeah, maybe, they're into Bread and Circuses and Free Government Cheese, so... of course.

But, beyond the Unwashed Masses... ummmm... not so much... that's the part of the world that elects Conservative governments around the world to offset Liberal ones, when the Liberals have been running things for too long and inevitably phukked things up..

You know... like what we're going to see here in THIS country, in November 2014, and November 2016... now that the Liberals have spent eight years turning a bad situation into pure shit - again.

No, actually the industrialized world finds conservatives repulsive. The conservatives who destabilize the world markets while threatening to default on debt, the ones who gridlock congress, the ones who are repulsed by birth control and cheer for the death penalty
The world laughs at us because they see we have organized idiots who show their idiocy on a regular basis. They are amazed at the Tea Party and the do nothing useless Congress. They are shocked and frightened at the childish behavior of a seemingly immature and hateful Congressional leadership that is dysfunctional and obsessed with attacking the black man in the White House. They see boards like this and Americans calling their leader "darkie" and "Kenyan" constantly and frequently and they worry the US has declined to some low point and may never be able to rebound back to its greatness, decency and stalwart good character. They fear we have lost our character as a people. They are wise enough to know Presidents come and go and the damage they may do is repairable. The loss of character of a people is irreparable.
Then again, there are untold millions of your fellow countrymen who think the Republic lost its way long ago, and that electing a rookie first-term junior Senator of low accomplishment to its highest office was, itself, an act of insanity and idiocy, triggered by a surplus of rare plebian orgasmic excitement, which has proven largely disasterous, in a quiet and understated sort of way, for both the Nation and much of the world at-large. The occasional racial epithet is merely a short-lived symptom and indicator of resentment against a Failed Messiah.

Another school of thought, and equally valid, in theory.
Last edited:
Maybe a couple hundred

But it sure beats those invasions and nation building the right is so fond of.

You're only off by 2,200 - but keep sucking nutsack.
Pull harder....

The Toll Of 5 Years Of Drone Strikes: 2,400 Dead

Did you learn absolutely nothing in all those years of military service? I guess it shows how much responsibility you were given

Drones do not kill one person with each strike. You asked how many drones were used not how many people were killed

Frankly, I am not impressed with your tears over dead terrorists

In all those years of military service maybe he was in the kitchen cooking the meals?
Maybe a couple hundred

But it sure beats those invasions and nation building the right is so fond of.

You're only off by 2,200 - but keep sucking nutsack.
Pull harder....

The Toll Of 5 Years Of Drone Strikes: 2,400 Dead

Did you learn absolutely nothing in all those years of military service? I guess it shows how much responsibility you were given

Drones do not kill one person with each strike. You asked how many drones were used not how many people were killed

Frankly, I am not impressed with your tears over dead terrorists

What about the innocent people that have been killed by the drones, they are okay, just collateral damage?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
The world laughs at us because they see we have organized idiots who show their idiocy on a regular basis. They are amazed at the Tea Party and the do nothing useless Congress. They are shocked and frightened at the childish behavior of a seemingly immature and hateful Congressional leadership that is dysfunctional and obsessed with attacking the black man in the White House. They see boards like this and Americans calling their leader "darkie" and "Kenyan" constantly and frequently and they worry the US has declined to some low point and may never be able to rebound back to its greatness, decency and stalwart good character. They fear we have lost our character as a people. They are wise enough to know Presidents come and go and the damage they may do is repairable. The loss of character of a people is irreparable.
Then again, there are untold millions of your fellow countrymen who think the Republic lost its way long ago, and that electing a rookie first-term junior Senator of low accomplishment to its highest office was, itself, an act of insanity and idiocy, triggered by a surplus of rare plebian orgasmic excitement, which has proven largely disasterous, in a quiet and understated sort of way, for both the Nation and much of the world at-large. The occasional racial epithet is merely a short-lived symptom and indicator of resentment against a Failed Messiah.

Another school of thought, and equally valid, in theory.

And of course bush was high quality material, right? We found out what a high quality clown we got stuck with on 9-11.
You're only off by 2,200 - but keep sucking nutsack.
Pull harder....

The Toll Of 5 Years Of Drone Strikes: 2,400 Dead

Did you learn absolutely nothing in all those years of military service? I guess it shows how much responsibility you were given

Drones do not kill one person with each strike. You asked how many drones were used not how many people were killed

Frankly, I am not impressed with your tears over dead terrorists

What about the innocent people that have been killed by the drones, they are okay, just collateral damage?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Those associating with known terrorists are at risk. Drone attacks are preferable to the invasions and nation building demanded by conservative war hawks. How about the 100,000 dead "colateral damage" from the Bush Iraq invasion?
The world laughs at us because they see we have organized idiots who show their idiocy on a regular basis. They are amazed at the Tea Party and the do nothing useless Congress. They are shocked and frightened at the childish behavior of a seemingly immature and hateful Congressional leadership that is dysfunctional and obsessed with attacking the black man in the White House. They see boards like this and Americans calling their leader "darkie" and "Kenyan" constantly and frequently and they worry the US has declined to some low point and may never be able to rebound back to its greatness, decency and stalwart good character. They fear we have lost our character as a people. They are wise enough to know Presidents come and go and the damage they may do is repairable. The loss of character of a people is irreparable.
Then again, there are untold millions of your fellow countrymen who think the Republic lost its way long ago, and that electing a rookie first-term junior Senator of low accomplishment to its highest office was, itself, an act of insanity and idiocy, triggered by a surplus of rare plebian orgasmic excitement, which has proven largely disasterous, in a quiet and understated sort of way, for both the Nation and much of the world at-large. The occasional racial epithet is merely a short-lived symptom and indicator of resentment against a Failed Messiah.

Another school of thought, and equally valid, in theory.

No argument from me. I based my comment and opinion on empirical data from my own travels and habit of reading international newspapers. Only responding to the idea that the world is laughing at our President or us. I never see it. I see what I described.
The world laughs at us because they see we have organized idiots who show their idiocy on a regular basis. They are amazed at the Tea Party and the do nothing useless Congress. They are shocked and frightened at the childish behavior of a seemingly immature and hateful Congressional leadership that is dysfunctional and obsessed with attacking the black man in the White House. They see boards like this and Americans calling their leader "darkie" and "Kenyan" constantly and frequently and they worry the US has declined to some low point and may never be able to rebound back to its greatness, decency and stalwart good character. They fear we have lost our character as a people. They are wise enough to know Presidents come and go and the damage they may do is repairable. The loss of character of a people is irreparable.
Then again, there are untold millions of your fellow countrymen who think the Republic lost its way long ago, and that electing a rookie first-term junior Senator of low accomplishment to its highest office was, itself, an act of insanity and idiocy, triggered by a surplus of rare plebian orgasmic excitement, which has proven largely disasterous, in a quiet and understated sort of way, for both the Nation and much of the world at-large. The occasional racial epithet is merely a short-lived symptom and indicator of resentment against a Failed Messiah.

Another school of thought, and equally valid, in theory.

And of course bush was high quality material, right? We found out what a high quality clown we got stuck with on 9-11.

Bushes biggest problem was with his "highly experienced" advisors Cheney and Rumsfeld

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