Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

Without photoshop



One of these guys needs to be sure he is not photographed with his shirt off
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provide a link and give the audience something to think about

Four U.S. citizens killed in Obama drone strikes, but 3 were not intended targets | PolitiFact Texas

Rogers says on her campaign website that Obama violated the Fifth Amendment "with the avowed assassination of at least four American citizens, Anwar Al-Awlaki, his 16-year-old son, Samir Khan, and Jude Mohammed, without benefit of due process of law. Indeed, the death warrants against these individuals were effectively signed in secret, in a committee which is overseen directly by the president."

How you degenerates pretend not to know is amazing.

rot in hell

It will not matter to the Leftist that you proved your assertion. Truth to a liberal is like garlic to a vampire. They are willful Zombies who care about one thing: OBAMA and his power structure. I've said it before and it bears repeating.. I often used to wonder how Adolf Hitler got away with simply marching people in to the ovens and then came Obama and his Mushbrained robotic subjects who cheered when he asked them to turn in their neighbors if they spoke badly about the Administration.. who have turned one blind eye after another whether it's dead Americans, using the government to intimidate people , etc.. These far lefters are dangerous and not representative of the true American spirit.

Edit to add: I'm not talking about the entire Democrat Party-- The far left kooks are thankfully a small percentage.

After the down was over the player took the ball and ran into the end zone and claimed touchdown!
Putin's goons shoot down an airliner and kill 298 people while R-wingers man crush on Putin continues unabated on this board and elsewhere. Carry on Comrades!

U.S. accuses Russia in downing of plane - CNN.com

There is no proof the Russians were involved in anything. No has even seen the crash site yet.Back away from y7our keyboard and quit listening to the bobbleheads on cable

You're kidding right?

It's the Russians that got the whole Ukrainian war started in the first place.

Ukraine suspends talks on EU trade pact as Putin wins tug of war | World news | The Guardian

Ukraine has abruptly ditched its plans to sign a historic pact with the European Union aimed at shifting the country out of the Kremlin's orbit. The decision handed victory to President Vladimir Putin in the increasingly vicious tug of war between Russia and the west for Ukraine's future, and looked like turning a special EU summit next week focused on Ukraine into a debacle.

BBC News - Ukraine protests after Yanukovych EU deal rejection

Some 10,000 Demonstrators in Independence Square carried Ukrainian and EU flags late on Friday and chanted "Ukraine is Europe".

Mr Yanukovych, who attended an EU summit in Lithuania on Friday cited pressure from Russia for his decision.
Wow, this isn't even a contest anymore. It's like watching the Hulk wrestle Chicken Little.

Obama's done so much damage to the Democrat cause that libs can't even give somewhat believable retorts anymore.

There used to be a day when you could at least enjoy a spirited debate. Now that the proof is there for all to see that the liberal approach to economics and foreign policy is a disaster, intellectual Dems can't be found and the only ones left to defend the cause are stuck on the accusation of something as "believable" as cannibalism. I mean racism.
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Wow, this isn't even a contest anymore. It's like watching the Hulk wrestle Chicken Little.

Obama's done so much damage to the Democrat cause that libs can't even give somewhat believable retorts anymore.

There used to be a day when you could at least enjoy a spirited debate. Now that the proof is there for all to see that the liberal approach to economics and foreign policy is a disaster, intellectual Dems can't be found and the only ones left to defend the cause are stuck on the accusation of something as "believable" as cannibalism. I mean racism.

I can't wait to see all the people voting Republican in the 2016 election. All the way to 130 Electoral votes
Wow, this isn't even a contest anymore. It's like watching the Hulk wrestle Chicken Little.

Obama's done so much damage to the Democrat cause that libs can't even give somewhat believable retorts anymore.

There used to be a day when you could at least enjoy a spirited debate. Now that the proof is there for all to see that the liberal approach to economics and foreign policy is a disaster, intellectual Dems can't be found and the only ones left to defend the cause are stuck on the accusation of something as "believable" as cannibalism. I mean racism.

And Putin reached out his mighty hand and smashed that airliner right out of the sky all by himself. :lol:
ill take Putin anyday over that limp dick "DARKIE" you alleged Americans voted for. he's the reason nukes are now pointed at your limp dick ass's

Most conservatives would

That is why the world finds them repulsive

Would that be the same world that is laughing at America's Kenyan "President" or are you really on another planet?

For more than a decade, the Pew Research Center has been asking people around the world about their opinion of the United States. The upshot: In every region of the globe except the Middle East (where the United States was wildly unpopular under George W. Bush and remains so), America’s favorability is way up since Obama took office. In Spain, approval of the United States is 29 percentage points higher than when Bush left office. In Italy, it’s up 23 points. In Germany and France, it’s 22. With the exception of China, where the numbers have remained flat, the trend is the same in Asia. The U.S. is 19 points more popular in Japan, 24 points more popular in Indonesia, and 28 points more popular in Malaysia. Likewise among the biggest powers in Latin America and Africa: Approval of the United States has risen 19 points in Argentina and 12 points in South Africa.

Is the World Really Losing Faith in Obama? - Peter Beinart - The Atlantic
Wow, this isn't even a contest anymore. It's like watching the Hulk wrestle Chicken Little.

Obama's done so much damage to the Democrat cause that libs can't even give somewhat believable retorts anymore.

There used to be a day when you could at least enjoy a spirited debate. Now that the proof is there for all to see that the liberal approach to economics and foreign policy is a disaster, intellectual Dems can't be found and the only ones left to defend the cause are stuck on the accusation of something as "believable" as cannibalism. I mean racism.

I can't wait to see all the people voting Republican in the 2016 election. All the way to 130 Electoral votes

If you like your Democrat Senate Majority, you can keep it. Period.

Nah, only fucking with you
Wow, this isn't even a contest anymore. It's like watching the Hulk wrestle Chicken Little.

Obama's done so much damage to the Democrat cause that libs can't even give somewhat believable retorts anymore.

There used to be a day when you could at least enjoy a spirited debate. Now that the proof is there for all to see that the liberal approach to economics and foreign policy is a disaster, intellectual Dems can't be found and the only ones left to defend the cause are stuck on the accusation of something as "believable" as cannibalism. I mean racism.

I can't wait to see all the people voting Republican in the 2016 election. All the way to 130 Electoral votes

If you like your Democrat Senate Majority, you can keep it. Period.

Nah, only fucking with you

If Republicans take the Senate, it will be by the slimmest margin and short lived. 2016 will see the Democratic margin increase to over 55 again

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We do know that AlQaida leadership has been decimated in the drone attacks and that their capability for international terrorism has been depleted

How do we respond to international terrorism?
1 Invasion and nation building
2. Targeted drone attacks against leadership
3. Ignore it and hope it goes away

Here's the tricky question, big guy. Are you ready? What President who's currently in office has followed all three of those policies during his tenure?

I wouldn't know.....you will have to enlighten me

If I were capable of that, I would have written a book on how to enlighten stupid people and made millions.
Most conservatives would

That is why the world finds them repulsive

Would that be the same world that is laughing at America's Kenyan "President" or are you really on another planet?

For more than a decade, the Pew Research Center has been asking people around the world about their opinion of the United States. The upshot: In every region of the globe except the Middle East (where the United States was wildly unpopular under George W. Bush and remains so), America’s favorability is way up since Obama took office. In Spain, approval of the United States is 29 percentage points higher than when Bush left office. In Italy, it’s up 23 points. In Germany and France, it’s 22. With the exception of China, where the numbers have remained flat, the trend is the same in Asia. The U.S. is 19 points more popular in Japan, 24 points more popular in Indonesia, and 28 points more popular in Malaysia. Likewise among the biggest powers in Latin America and Africa: Approval of the United States has risen 19 points in Argentina and 12 points in South Africa.

Is the World Really Losing Faith in Obama? - Peter Beinart - The Atlantic
Great link and story.

Obama is anti-American. As an American patriot whose family has been here since the 1600s and fought in the American Revolution, I spit on anti-constitutional tyrants like Obama.

I support Putin and his fight for western civilization because Christian Russia and America share that western heritage.

When did Russia become part of western civilization? Are you on drugs or just drunk.

With Peter the Great they became integrated with Western Europe.
Peter the Great - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

European Christendom=Western Civilization.

Whereas Obama is an enemy of Western Civilization and wishes to destroy it.

You sound like a typical dumb sheep on pharmaceuticals to me.

Western Civilization is a unique form of civilization in which religion plays little if any role in societal governance. By this characteristic alone it is highly unusual compared to previous and other current civilizations. Instead, Western Civilization is primarily based upon three institutions: science, capitalism, and democracy that work together in a system of checks and balances. Western Civilization has strong roots in the Judeo-Christian God, but religion currently serves as a conscience rather than a central role.

Dr. Sheedy - The Triumvirate of Western Civilization
Most conservatives would

That is why the world finds them repulsive

Would that be the same world that is laughing at America's Kenyan "President" or are you really on another planet?

For more than a decade, the Pew Research Center has been asking people around the world about their opinion of the United States. The upshot: In every region of the globe except the Middle East (where the United States was wildly unpopular under George W. Bush and remains so), America’s favorability is way up since Obama took office. In Spain, approval of the United States is 29 percentage points higher than when Bush left office. In Italy, it’s up 23 points. In Germany and France, it’s 22. With the exception of China, where the numbers have remained flat, the trend is the same in Asia. The U.S. is 19 points more popular in Japan, 24 points more popular in Indonesia, and 28 points more popular in Malaysia. Likewise among the biggest powers in Latin America and Africa: Approval of the United States has risen 19 points in Argentina and 12 points in South Africa.

Is the World Really Losing Faith in Obama? - Peter Beinart - The Atlantic

Conservatives think the rest of the world watches FoxNews
The setup for your argument is erroneous. Democrats and Bush were correct to threaten military action if necessary in October 2002 because Saddam Hussein had not key the inspectors in. It was Bush alone in March 17 2003 who lied when he claimed to have intelligence that SH was hiding WMD from the inspectors that were in Iraq for over three months disarming Iraq peacefully.

Its the Bush WMD lie in March 2003 that is real. Bush was not lying before November 2002 when the UN inspectors were not on the ground in Iraq. Bush lied in March 2003.

Your waterboarding argument is a farce anyway. You are wrong on both points.

You fucking liar.

Bush did not go it alone.

Full list of coalition countries:

Afghanistan, Albania, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Colombia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, the Philippines, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom and Uzbekistan.

Democrats' Responsibility

The Democrats who voted to support the war and rationalized that vote by making false claims about Iraq's WMD programs were responsible for allowing the Bush administration to get away with lying about Iraq's alleged threat. For example, Bush was able to note how "more than a hundred Democrats in the House and the Senate - who had access to the same intelligence - voted to support removing Saddam Hussein from power."

In a 2005 speech attacking anti-war activists, Bush noted how, "Many of these critics supported my opponent during the last election, who explained his position to support the resolution in the Congress this way: 'When I vote to give the President of the United States the authority to use force, if necessary, to disarm Saddam Hussein, it is because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a threat, and a grave threat, to our security.'"

Indeed, the fact that 2004 Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry chose to make such demonstrably false statements and voted in favor of the resolution likely cost the Democrats the White House since it led many potential supporters, myself included, to refuse to vote for him. Furthermore, because of Kerry's vote in support for the war and his false claims about Iraq's weapons capabilities, the debate during the fall campaign was not about who was right about Iraq (since they were both wrong), but Kerry's alleged "flip-flopping" for belatedly raising questions about the conduct of the war.
Kerry was not alone in rushing to the defense of the Bush administration.

Despite serious doubts being raised by arms control specialists, including some within the US government, about Iraq having proscribed weapons and a series of articles in academic journals, daily newspapers and elsewhere disputing the administration's claims, Senator Hillary Clinton, in justification of her vote to authorize the invasion, falsely insisted that Iraq's possession of such weapons was "not in doubt" and was "undisputed." Despite her lies, Obama named her his first secretary of State.

Similarly, Senator Joe Biden, then head of the Senate foreign Relations Committee, falsely claimed that Iraq under Saddam Hussein - severely weakened by UN disarmament efforts and comprehensive international sanctions - somehow constituted both "a long-term threat and a short-term threat to our national security" and was an "extreme danger to the world." Despite the absence in Iraq of any "weapons of mass destruction" or offensive military capabilities, Biden - when reminded of those remarks during an interview in 2007 - replied, "That's right, and I was correct about that."

Here are the Democratic Senators who voted YEA on October 2002.

Baucus (D-MT), Yea
Bayh (D-IN), Yea
Biden (D-DE), Yea
Breaux (D-LA), Yea
Cantwell (D-WA), Yea
Carnahan (D-MO), Yea
Carper (D-DE), Yea
Cleland (D-GA), Yea
Clinton (D-NY), Yea
Daschle (D-SD), Yea
Dodd (D-CT), Yea
Dorgan (D-ND), Yea
Edwards (D-NC), Yea
Feinstein (D-CA), Yea
Harkin (D-IA), Yea
Hollings (D-SC), Yea
Johnson (D-SD), Yea
Kerry (D-MA), Yea
Kohl (D-WI), Yea
Landrieu (D-LA), Yea
Lieberman (D-CT), Yea
Lincoln (D-AR), Yea
Miller (D-GA), Yea
Nelson (D-FL), Yea
Nelson (D-NE), Yea
Reid (D-NV), Yea
Rockefeller (D-WV), Yea
Schumer (D-NY), Yea
Torricelli (D-NJ), Yea

James Love: Who voted to authorize force in Iraq October 2002?

You fucking liar.

Our soldiers were water boarded in basic training, you fucking ignorant moron.

Duncan Hunter says we have waterboarded our own military as part of training exercises | PolitiFact

"We waterboard, incidentally, hundreds of our own military personnel. They waterboard themselves in training to toughen themselves up."
Duncan Hunter on Monday, August 31st, 2009 in an interview on MSNBC


U.S. special operations troops have, in the past, sometimes used a form of waterboarding as part of survival exercises, called Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape training. The idea is to prepare them in the event they are ever captured and interrogated with such means.

According to reports in the New York Times and Vanity Fair, the CIA adopted some of the interrogation techniques used on terror suspects from that SERE training, including the use of waterboarding.

According to the Vanity Fair story, three-week SERE training for the U.S. soldiers included waterboarding, forced nudity, extreme temperatures, sexual and religious ridicule, agonizing stress positions, and starvation-level rations. The story quotes Michael Rolince, former section chief of the FBI's International Terrorism Operations: "You're not going to die, but you think you are."


Liberals are pathetic, double talking, intolerant, intolerable, arrogant, ignorant, hypocritical pissants.

You stupid fucking obama voters, are just that fucking stupid.

My hat's off to anyone that still has enough patience with liberal revisionist lunkheads to still attempt to teach them the facts about this topic. After doing it myself for a number of years now, I'm just glad Obama et.al have stepped on their dicks enough that no one will want to keep Dems in power come November.....and truth will finally start to break though liberal censorship, distortion, and flat out suppression of information when we throw their asses out

Like the whole SOFA cluster fuck. Obama claimed he couldn't renegotiate the SOFA in 2012. Yet that's just what he did a few weeks ago. He was SOO unequivocally caught red handed in yet another lie.

Even liberal media types are starting to bail. All the libs ran for cover on Meet The Press today.

So tell me, why did President Bush agree to pull our troops out by 2012? Was there a particular point that prevented him from agreeing to keep a residual force behind?
And you left wing whackos have a lot of nerve bitching about less than 400 civilian deaths in this tragedy when Obama has assassinated thousands of innocent civilians as he has played Assassinator in Chief and you never say a damn thing about it.

Screw you and your rabid anti-Obama crap.

Screw you and your bastard, Godless hero Putin.

400 civilian deaths may mean nothing to you but the whole world is outraged at that commie, KGB pussy Vladimir Putin.

Where is your outrage when Netanyahu kills thousands of innocent women and children at will and yet you remain silent. Screw you hypocrite!

Rabid anti Obama crap? What a liar you are. I stated quite clearly "our Western leaders". I brought Obama up specifically regarding the drone kills that he loves so much.

Hey, the truth is out there on all the innocents the drones have killed. That's not anti Obama. That's just a fact Jack.

Liar again to state that Putin is my hero.

Liar again that 400 civilian deaths mean nothing to me. I can be outraged over this tragedy and still be outraged at drone deaths of innocent civilians. Let's just say I can multi task my anger at the deaths of innocent civilians no matter the where when who or how they die.

Liar again over Netanyahu. Israel does not purposefully target civilians. Hamas does.

Fuck you back you liar.

Netanyahu. Israel does not purposefully target civilians. Hamas does?

God will get you for that bald face lie!!!

My, what a foul mouth you have lately.
Without photoshop



One of these guys needs to be sure he is not photographed with his shirt off
This horse should be charged with killing 299 people, because it was from his back that the missiles were fired.
Would that be the same world that is laughing at America's Kenyan "President" or are you really on another planet?

For more than a decade, the Pew Research Center has been asking people around the world about their opinion of the United States. The upshot: In every region of the globe except the Middle East (where the United States was wildly unpopular under George W. Bush and remains so), America’s favorability is way up since Obama took office. In Spain, approval of the United States is 29 percentage points higher than when Bush left office. In Italy, it’s up 23 points. In Germany and France, it’s 22. With the exception of China, where the numbers have remained flat, the trend is the same in Asia. The U.S. is 19 points more popular in Japan, 24 points more popular in Indonesia, and 28 points more popular in Malaysia. Likewise among the biggest powers in Latin America and Africa: Approval of the United States has risen 19 points in Argentina and 12 points in South Africa.

Is the World Really Losing Faith in Obama? - Peter Beinart - The Atlantic

Conservatives think the rest of the world watches FoxNews

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