Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

Confirming exactly what I said. They (Iraqis) refused to give US soldiers immunity in 2008 when the Bush Administration tried and in 2011 when the Obama Administration tried as well.

This is another one of the conz stealing the ball after it is down, then running it into the End Zone and claiming TOUCHDOWN!

Do you people not know the first thing about diplomacy?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/

It's a fucking negotiation.

Nothing is in stone in a negotiation.

If Barry actually wanted a good agreement, he would've negotiated one using some other carrot and/or stick. Just like the way ALL foreign relations are negotiated. Jesus, no wonder we wound up with the biggest idiot in the White House in our country's history.

Your point proves nothing but your enormous lack of sophistication in anything requiring complex thinking.

One could say the same thing about President Bush. But that would be just as stupid considering it was the Iraqis who forced his hand with the UN to begin the process of kicking the US forces out of Iraq.

I guess when you lose the argument about immunity it's time to jump to the next distraction about a subject you know little about.
Do you people not know the first thing about diplomacy?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/

It's a fucking negotiation.

Nothing is in stone in a negotiation.

If Barry actually wanted a good agreement, he would've negotiated one using some other carrot and/or stick. Just like the way ALL foreign relations are negotiated. Jesus, no wonder we wound up with the biggest idiot in the White House in our country's history.

Your point proves nothing but your enormous lack of sophistication in anything requiring complex thinking.

One could say the same thing about President Bush. But that would be just as stupid considering it was the Iraqis who forced his hand with the UN to begin the process of kicking the US forces out of Iraq.

I guess when you lose the argument about immunity it's time to jump to the next distraction about a subject you know little about.

Another TOUCHDOWN! Good for you!
Still waiting for the OP to show us the posts where rw'ers admire Putin for shooting down the airliner.
Putin as U.S. President?


The man wasn't born in America as required by The Constitution.

Although recent precedent does sorta blow a hole in that......
One could say the same thing about President Bush. But that would be just as stupid considering it was the Iraqis who forced his hand with the UN to begin the process of kicking the US forces out of Iraq.

I guess when you lose the argument about immunity it's time to jump to the next distraction about a subject you know little about.

Another TOUCHDOWN! Good for you!

I want miss thinks-she-knows-it-all to tell us in concrete terms what carrot and stick SHE would have offered as a solution.

I really want to hear it. G'head E-Chicky.

You start poking these nabobbing cons who do nothing but criticize and Monday morning quarterback with a snear to present actual solutions -- and they usually wither or hummunna hummina...

So let's hear it. Bring out your Carrots & Iraqi Sticks, E-Chick.

We be listening.
Where is your outrage when Netanyahu kills thousands of innocent women and children at will and yet you remain silent. Screw you hypocrite!

Where's your outrage when Hamas is using schools for weapons storage?

And if Israel is killing that many civilians, it's probably because Hamas is hiding amongst them. It's not unusual for Islamic Freaks to use civilians as shields.
What I noticed is that anti-American conservatives threw America under the bus the minute President Obama was elected.

You're right: America got thrown under the bus the minute Obama got elected.

But it wasn't "Anti-American Conservatives" who did it. It was done by the millions of lunkheads who voted for Obama.
Putin's goons shoot down an airliner and kill 298 people while R-wingers man crush on Putin continues unabated on this board and elsewhere. Carry on Comrades!

U.S. accuses Russia in downing of plane - CNN.com

Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- A senior U.S. diplomat pointed the finger Friday at pro-Russian rebels in the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in Ukraine, an act that killed 298 people.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power told an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council that the plane was "likely downed by a surface-to-air missile ... operated from a separatist-held location in eastern Ukraine." If pro-Russian separatists are responsible for shooting down the plane with a missile, investigators can't rule out the possibility that Russia offered help to operate the system, she said.

Show us the specific posts where someone is admiring him for shooting down the airliner.

Don't expect Kiddie to answer.

If he does, it'll be to call you a commie lover/Putin lover/Anti-American/racist to deflect.
The Liberal Chickenhawks(aka pussyhawks), have provided no proof Putin had anything to do with this as of yet. Very good chance the Kiev criminals did it deliberately to get more aid from the west, more sanactions on russia, and potential military intervention from NATO on their side.
The Liberal Chickenhawks(aka pussyhawks), have provided no proof Putin had anything to do with this as of yet. Very good chance the Kiev criminals did it deliberately to get more aid from the west, more sanactions on russia, and potential military intervention from NATO on their side.

Shouldn't you be on the plane back to Moscow? Oh, and try not to fly over eastern Ukraine. You comrades may not recognize you from the altitude.
My assessment of his rock star status was by watching the TV, not reading the Pew Poll numbers in 2009. Like I said over and over I don't trust international polls at any time by any source.

Polls in general have a value when used in addition to other information or patterns of information, but not as a stand alone, and internat'l ones are much worse than domestic ones.

You seem thoroughly confused. You point out how popular Obama was internationally back then and the polls show that. Whether you understand it or not that means you're agreeing with the polls back then insofar that both you and the polls indicate Obama was popular internationally.

The translation of your words is that you are saying the polls were correct back then but they're not correct now.

Is any of this getting through to you?

Your post commits a number of fallacies. Remember the ones I listed??

Correlation does not mean causation for one. Besides there was no numerical number given on the TV when anyone could intuitively see he was welcomed like a rock star. The spread could have been enormous in comparison to the Pew Polls.

You keep comparing apples to oranges to grapes in a sense.

There could be dozens of different variables in the Pew Polls that Pew didn't capture. I keep saying that over and over.

Look you libs can believe he's popular overseas if you want. It doesn't matter. They're not the ones who elect him. If you think by posting dumbass polls with little credibility - when clearly the world is also disappointed with him - is going to help in the elections or his sagging polls or credibility, it won't.

That's the problem. Who is THEY? The people that matter overseas are governments or any number of entities with power. That's not who Pew Polls get their data from.
The variables in the polls are meaningless in terms of you admit he was popular internationally and the polls reflected that. No matter what Pew's methods were, they were clearly accurate then. You, pointing out he was popular, and the polls, indicating he was popular, puts your opinion in agreement with their results from back then whether you realize it or not.

According to you, the polls were accurate then but not now.

Regardless of your inconsistencies, all polls have a margin of error due largely to those variables and scientific polling has about a 95% accuracy of hitting within the margin of error. So while they're not perfect, they are close enough to keep companies like Gallup in business for a long time.
The Liberal Chickenhawks(aka pussyhawks), have provided no proof Putin had anything to do with this as of yet. Very good chance the Kiev criminals did it deliberately to get more aid from the west, more sanactions on russia, and potential military intervention from NATO on their side.

Shouldn't you be on the plane back to Moscow? Oh, and try not to fly over eastern Ukraine. You comrades may not recognize you from the altitude.

East Ukraine? You mean Novorossiya... :cool:
The only response of which this thread is worthy is to say that this thread is not worthy of a response or even serious consideration…

Another stupid jerk defending Putin. God, if it weren't for the KoolAid you guys wouldn't have anything to drink.

So, Einstein, who ordered that plane to be shot down? Edward Snowden? Did ISIS do it? Oh wait, I forgot....It's Obama's fault.
Putin's approval rating in Russia: 83 percent

The Gallup poll said Putin's approval rating stands at 83 percent.

Read more: Putin's Russian approval rating highest in 6 years - UPI.com

Why would he care what the world thinks, they can do nothing, shall we start a war over it...even subversives think not...but it does matter to him that his approval rating with his people (The Obumanation should be so lucky!) has gone up 30% in 1 year!

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