Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

The Liberal Chickenhawks(aka pussyhawks), have provided no proof Putin had anything to do with this as of yet. Very good chance the Kiev criminals did it deliberately to get more aid from the west, more sanactions on russia, and potential military intervention from NATO on their side.

Well it seems very likely at this point that the plane was shot down by the separatist insurgency which is being supported and armed by Russia. Just days earlier, rebels shot down a Ukrainian cargo plane, also flying at too high of an altitude to be hit by an antiaircraft missile they had used in the past. Highly doubtful that Kiev is shooting down their own planes with a weapon they are not known to be in possession of.
Putin's goons shoot down an airliner and kill 298 people while R-wingers man crush on Putin continues unabated on this board and elsewhere. Carry on Comrades!

You shouldn't post while you are drunk and whacked out on huffing easyoff - shit fer brains.

Well it seems very likely at this point that the plane was shot down by the separatist insurgency which is being supported and armed by Russia. Just days earlier, rebels shot down a Ukrainian cargo plane, also flying at too high of an altitude to be hit by an antiaircraft missile they had used in the past. Highly doubtful that Kiev is shooting down their own planes with a weapon they are not known to be in possession of.

SA-11? Kiev most assuredly does have them.

Still, there is about a 90% that the Russian backed rebels indeed shot the airliner down. More out of stupidity than malice, they thought they were downing a Ukrainian cargo plane, I speculate.

All three groups have SA-11's at there disposal.
Well it seems very likely at this point that the plane was shot down by the separatist insurgency which is being supported and armed by Russia. Just days earlier, rebels shot down a Ukrainian cargo plane, also flying at too high of an altitude to be hit by an antiaircraft missile they had used in the past. Highly doubtful that Kiev is shooting down their own planes with a weapon they are not known to be in possession of.

SA-11? Kiev most assuredly does have them.

Still, there is about a 90% that the Russian backed rebels indeed shot the airliner down. More out of stupidity than malice, they thought they were downing a Ukrainian cargo plane, I speculate.

All three groups have SA-11's at there disposal.

......and in our hemisphere, even Venezuela has 'em.
The only response of which this thread is worthy is to say that this thread is not worthy of a response or even serious consideration…

Another stupid jerk defending Putin. God, if it weren't for the KoolAid you guys wouldn't have anything to drink.

So, Einstein, who ordered that plane to be shot down? Edward Snowden? Did ISIS do it? Oh wait, I forgot....It's Obama's fault.

Some local yokel Militiaman most likely----or do you have evidence that Putin is giving direct orders from the Kremlin ?
I swear ...you guys have to be on really bad acid.


The problem is that you are a mindless hack. Reality to you is simply what the hate sites say it is.

We on the other hand, deal with real life;

{Obama, during talks in Seoul, urged Moscow to give him "space" until after the November ballot, and Medvedev said he would relay the message to incoming Russian president Vladimir Putin.

The unusually frank exchange came as Obama and Medvedev huddled together on the eve of a global nuclear security summit in the South Korean capital, unaware their words were being picked up by microphones as reporters were led into the room}

Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election | Reuters
I guess when you lose the argument about immunity it's time to jump to the next distraction about a subject you know little about.

Another TOUCHDOWN! Good for you!

I want miss thinks-she-knows-it-all to tell us in concrete terms what carrot and stick SHE would have offered as a solution.

I really want to hear it. G'head E-Chicky.

You start poking these nabobbing cons who do nothing but criticize and Monday morning quarterback with a snear to present actual solutions -- and they usually wither or hummunna hummina...

So let's hear it. Bring out your Carrots & Iraqi Sticks, E-Chick.

We be listening.

Seriously? What part of "leave a residual force" is so hard for you to grasp??

And let me ask you, have you been to Iraq? Are you speaking from your experience there, or are you just parroting the typical liberal media talking points?

You certainly aren't talking from any firsthand experience.
I guess when you lose the argument about immunity it's time to jump to the next distraction about a subject you know little about.

Another TOUCHDOWN! Good for you!

I want miss thinks-she-knows-it-all to tell us in concrete terms what carrot and stick SHE would have offered as a solution.

I really want to hear it. G'head E-Chicky.

You start poking these nabobbing cons who do nothing but criticize and Monday morning quarterback with a snear to present actual solutions -- and they usually wither or hummunna hummina...

So let's hear it. Bring out your Carrots & Iraqi Sticks, E-Chick.

We be listening.

And....since you're a liberal you would obviously not understand the concept of "you better back up your words with action," and "weakness invites aggression."

If you're afraid to use power, then you shouldn't be president. You should be in Hollywood or somewhere getting paid for emoting.

Yeah, the whole kumbya tactic used by libs.?....ain't workin.
Confirming exactly what I said. They (Iraqis) refused to give US soldiers immunity in 2008 when the Bush Administration tried and in 2011 when the Obama Administration tried as well.

This is another one of the conz stealing the ball after it is down, then running it into the End Zone and claiming TOUCHDOWN!

Do you dullards not know the first thing about diplomacy?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/

It's a fucking negotiation.

Nothing is in stone in a negotiation.

If Barry actually wanted a good agreement, he would've negotiated one using some other carrot and/or stick. Just like the way ALL foreign relations are negotiated. Jesus, no wonder we wound up with the biggest idiot in the White House in our country's history.

Your point proves nothing but your enormous lack of sophistication in anything requiring complex thinking.
You seem wildly unhinged and appear to be one of those righties who criticize Obama no matter what he does. The "carrot" dangling now for Iraq is ISIS posing a serious threat to take over. A couple of years ago, there was no such "carrot" to motivate Iraq into agreeing to immunity.

I still don't see the hypocrisy you claim is there? :dunno:

Let's see..... the carrot now is ISIS posing a threat but a couple of years ago there was no anticipation of a threat if we left?????

Holy fuck this has got to be one of the best zingers I've read from a liberal, and I've seen a lot of stupid ones.

What in the world do you read?? Do you seriously not know how many people warned this very thing would happen?

Hell even I could be found jumping up and down all over the internet when we left predicting Iraq's collapse. Look if you had a clue, you'd know that we were the glue, and when the glue gets removed, the house of cards comes down.

Wildy unhinged? Yeahhhhhh, watching the 1900 soldiers and police executed by ISIS, watching Iraq unravel, and knowing how many American lives were lost and how hard so many people worked to hand a relatively stable Iraq over to this idiot POTUS....only to watch those lives be lost in vain.....yeah, that gets people pretty emotional.

Look at some point, trying to debate with someone who insists the oceans are made of bubblegum and the skies are made of grass is just too hard to take seriously.

And thankfully the American public has finally started to see through such idiocy as well. Finally.
Those variables cancel out? You gotta be kidding me. You cited one!!! Obviously you failed to understand the list of fallacies I listed.

Yes, yes, your claims were full of fallacies. Your biggest one was spouting a list of fallacies that had nothing to do with the issue, then pretending it meant something, and getting huffy when it was pointed out you don't know what you're talking about.

Now, kindly show us you can back up your claims. Specifically, what fallacies make it invalid to compare a poll that asks "Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the USA?" with a poll that asks "Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the USA?" to the same statistical populations?

And while "Because I didn't like the results!" would be an honest answer on your part, it's not a good answer.
And to bring this back to topic, Obama is a fucking disaster when it comes to anything significant in foreign relations. Even Jimmy Carter wasn't this fucking dumb, and he was pretty fucking dumb.
Another TOUCHDOWN! Good for you!

I want miss thinks-she-knows-it-all to tell us in concrete terms what carrot and stick SHE would have offered as a solution.

I really want to hear it. G'head E-Chicky.

You start poking these nabobbing cons who do nothing but criticize and Monday morning quarterback with a snear to present actual solutions -- and they usually wither or hummunna hummina...

So let's hear it. Bring out your Carrots & Iraqi Sticks, E-Chick.

We be listening.

Seriously? What part of "leave a residual force" is so hard for you to grasp??

And let me ask you, have you been to Iraq? Are you speaking from your experience there, or are you just parroting the typical liberal media talking points?

You certainly aren't talking from any firsthand experience.
That's not even close, not even pringly touching near to --

an actual solution.

You're all bluster. Just as I said. As is totally fucking apparent.

Try again with your next hummunna hummina.

This should be good.
Those variables cancel out? You gotta be kidding me. You cited one!!! Obviously you failed to understand the list of fallacies I listed.

Yes, yes, your claims were full of fallacies. Your biggest one was spouting a list of fallacies that had nothing to do with the issue, then pretending it meant something, and getting huffy when it was pointed out you don't know what you're talking about.

Now, kindly show us you can back up your claims. Specifically, what fallacies make it invalid to compare a poll that asks "Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the USA?" with a poll that asks "Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the USA?" to the same statistical populations?

And while "Because I didn't like the results!" would be an honest answer on your part, it's not a good answer.

Let's start with what the hell is meant by favorable?? You could drive a truck through the size of the hole in the interpretation of that word.

What are you favorable about???? The president? The people? Our way of life? Our green pastures? Our penchant for loud debate? Our big sky? Our big economy? Our political system? Our constitution?

If I ask you a question 5 years ago while you're unemployed and ask the same question now while you're making 6 figs, your state of mind would impact your answer.

It's shocking that I have to keep moving to lower and lower elementary grades to keep explaining this.

Sorry at some point, it's hopeless to explain things to a mathematically challenged mind.
Another TOUCHDOWN! Good for you!

I want miss thinks-she-knows-it-all to tell us in concrete terms what carrot and stick SHE would have offered as a solution.

I really want to hear it. G'head E-Chicky.

You start poking these nabobbing cons who do nothing but criticize and Monday morning quarterback with a snear to present actual solutions -- and they usually wither or hummunna hummina...

So let's hear it. Bring out your Carrots & Iraqi Sticks, E-Chick.

We be listening.

And....since you're a liberal you would obviously not understand the concept of "you better back up your words with action," and "weakness invites aggression."

If you're afraid to use power, then you shouldn't be president. You should be in Hollywood or somewhere getting paid for emoting.

Yeah, the whole kumbya tactic used by libs.?....ain't workin.
See? Nothin.


/ criticism. Never solutions.

It's easy to be a critic. Not so easy to be the one in charge.

Which you aren't. And will never be. Judging by your stupid words.

I want miss thinks-she-knows-it-all to tell us in concrete terms what carrot and stick SHE would have offered as a solution.

I really want to hear it. G'head E-Chicky.

You start poking these nabobbing cons who do nothing but criticize and Monday morning quarterback with a snear to present actual solutions -- and they usually wither or hummunna hummina...

So let's hear it. Bring out your Carrots & Iraqi Sticks, E-Chick.

We be listening.

Seriously? What part of "leave a residual force" is so hard for you to grasp??

And let me ask you, have you been to Iraq? Are you speaking from your experience there, or are you just parroting the typical liberal media talking points?

You certainly aren't talking from any firsthand experience.
That's not even close, not even pringly touching near to --

an actual solution.

You're all bluster. Just as I said. As is totally fucking apparent.

Try again with your next hummunna hummina.

This should be good.

LOL, the solution was handed to him on a platter. I can't help if you don't know the first thing about what was happening on the ground. All he had to do is not be more interested in fulfilling a campaign promise about removing all troops and adding the poison pill about the legislature's approval. It was that fucking easy.

And I'm sure as hell not going to waste several hundred hours giving you a complete sitrep. Try getting off the liberal media teet and doing your own research.

Soooooooo.....I take it you were never there. Fine, so you're both a wildly naïve and uninformed liberal who also doesn't have the benefit of having been there.

Got it. Thanks for the confirmation.

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm the one that spent years there and worked in every Province but I'm the one who doesn't know what I'm talking about.

Libs are a trip.

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