Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.


I want miss thinks-she-knows-it-all to tell us in concrete terms what carrot and stick SHE would have offered as a solution.

I really want to hear it. G'head E-Chicky.

You start poking these nabobbing cons who do nothing but criticize and Monday morning quarterback with a snear to present actual solutions -- and they usually wither or hummunna hummina...

So let's hear it. Bring out your Carrots & Iraqi Sticks, E-Chick.

We be listening.

And....since you're a liberal you would obviously not understand the concept of "you better back up your words with action," and "weakness invites aggression."

If you're afraid to use power, then you shouldn't be president. You should be in Hollywood or somewhere getting paid for emoting.

Yeah, the whole kumbya tactic used by libs.?....ain't workin.
See? Nothin.


/ criticism. Never solutions.

It's easy to be a critic. Not so easy to be the one in charge.

Which you aren't. And will never be. Judging by your stupid words.

I've given you solutions all over the place. I can't help you lack the intellect, the context, or the comprehension to grasp them.
Let's start with what the hell is meant by favorable?? You could drive a truck through the size of the hole in the interpretation of that word.
You get that mamooth? People in the UK, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, China, etc.., don't understand the word "favorable."

Let's not forget this E-Chick also thinks foreigners only view Obama in the way we do the Aussie Prime Minister - in other words, they barely know who he is, according to the E-chick.

This newby is a hoot, I tell ya.

Well on her way to crash & burn. I await her know-it-all express so we may more laugh and point.

Bring it on, E-Chicky chick! ::lol:
And....since you're a liberal you would obviously not understand the concept of "you better back up your words with action," and "weakness invites aggression."

If you're afraid to use power, then you shouldn't be president. You should be in Hollywood or somewhere getting paid for emoting.

Yeah, the whole kumbya tactic used by libs.?....ain't workin.
See? Nothin.


/ criticism. Never solutions.

It's easy to be a critic. Not so easy to be the one in charge.

Which you aren't. And will never be. Judging by your stupid words.

I've given you solutions all over the place. I can't help you lack the intellect, the context, or the comprehension to grasp them.

Not one solution have you given. Not one.

Make a fool out of me and link to your solutions:

Here: ______________________________________
Let's start with what the hell is meant by favorable?? You could drive a truck through the size of the hole in the interpretation of that word.
You get that mamooth? People in the UK, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, China, etc.., don't understand the word "favorable."

Let's not forget this E-Chick also thinks foreigners only view Obama in the way we do the Aussie Prime Minister - in other words, they barely know who he is, according to the E-chick.

This newby is a hoot, I tell ya.

Well on her way to crash & burn. I await her know-it-all express so we may more laugh and point.

Bring it on, E-Chicky chick! ::lol:

Why thank you. Happy to oblige.
See? Nothin.


/ criticism. Never solutions.

It's easy to be a critic. Not so easy to be the one in charge.

Which you aren't. And will never be. Judging by your stupid words.

I've given you solutions all over the place. I can't help you lack the intellect, the context, or the comprehension to grasp them.

Not one solution have you given. Not one.

Make a fool out of me and link to your solutions:

You've made quite the fool out of yourself already. You didn't need my help. I've put tons of substance in this thread and you've put nothing. How bout you show me where you've put some substance?

I'm waiting.

But I won't hold my breath.

Besides as fun as it is showing what a dullard you are, this thread is about mh17. Remember that?????????????
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If only E-Chick was in the room with Maliki --- you just know, the skank could have made it werk out alright.

Cuz, yanno, she's da bomb.

LMAO, all this diversion of yours to simply hide the fact your man's WAYYYY in over his head. I know it. You know it. The public knows it. :lol:
If only E-Chick was in the room with Maliki --- you just know, the skank could have made it werk out alright.

Cuz, yanno, she's da bomb.

LMAO, all this diversion of yours to simply hide the fact your man's WAYYYY in over his head. I know it. You know it. The public knows it. :lol:
We get it -- you Hate it that the World doesn't Hate Obama.

Bottom line.

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We get it -- you Hate it that the World doesn't Hate Obama.

Bottom line.


And that has to do with what the fuck, LMAO ?????

Do the people in that poll elect him? Elect dumbass Dems in November? Elect anyone in 2016.

I'm not surprised you're wasting energy over something that has zero meaning here.

But please keep revealing your irrelevance.:lol:
I hope you have a nice stay here E-Chick.

You'll get crushed by people who have long histories in combating bullshit.

Yes, I wish you luck...

It gets tiresome after a while, I'll grant you. We'll keep trudging.

Obama is no messiah. He is flawed and fucked as every politician. They ALL fucking suck. Every last one of them. Every last one single one of them BJ's for our vote. Don't kid yourself.

So play the the coy marmoset game all you like, but the black president you hate will still rise in approval, his careful negotiations and diplomacy will go on record, the Dow will keep rising, fretful cons will keep fuming as they get snookered at every corner -

--and the best part --

the sun will still rise beautifully and sunshinilly tomorrow, Polls will up down and still astound -- no matter how much cons wish they wouldn't.
If only E-Chick was in the room with Maliki --- you just know, the skank could have made it werk out alright.

Cuz, yanno, she's da bomb.

LMAO, all this diversion of yours to simply hide the fact your man's WAYYYY in over his head. I know it. You know it. The public knows it. :lol:
We get it -- you Hate it that the World doesn't Hate Obama.

Bottom line.


Paper Mache getting his ass handed to him by a newbie CONSERVATIVE woman.... Oh, the HILARITY!!!

So play the the coy marmoset game all you like, but the black president you hate will still rise in approval, his careful negotiations and diplomacy will go on record, the Dow will keep rising, fretful cons will keep fuming as they get snookered at every corner -

Not only have you revealed a lack of understanding about the topic in this thread, but the complete absurdity in this statement certainly sheds light on just how low the level of class is that you bring to this board.

Where on this entire board have you seen me mention anything to do with race? I'm sorry that you liberals that throw this race card have such an inferiority complex..... but please, for your sake..... go see a shrink or something. The only thing you're doing is damaging your own credibility.

As for your delusions about the mid terms....take stronger meds or something.
Do you dullards not know the first thing about diplomacy?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/

It's a fucking negotiation.

Nothing is in stone in a negotiation.

If Barry actually wanted a good agreement, he would've negotiated one using some other carrot and/or stick. Just like the way ALL foreign relations are negotiated. Jesus, no wonder we wound up with the biggest idiot in the White House in our country's history.

Your point proves nothing but your enormous lack of sophistication in anything requiring complex thinking.
You seem wildly unhinged and appear to be one of those righties who criticize Obama no matter what he does. The "carrot" dangling now for Iraq is ISIS posing a serious threat to take over. A couple of years ago, there was no such "carrot" to motivate Iraq into agreeing to immunity.

I still don't see the hypocrisy you claim is there? :dunno:

Let's see..... the carrot now is ISIS posing a threat but a couple of years ago there was no anticipation of a threat if we left?????

Holy fuck this has got to be one of the best zingers I've read from a liberal, and I've seen a lot of stupid ones.

What in the world do you read?? Do you seriously not know how many people warned this very thing would happen?

Hell even I could be found jumping up and down all over the internet when we left predicting Iraq's collapse. Look if you had a clue, you'd know that we were the glue, and when the glue gets removed, the house of cards comes down.

Wildy unhinged? Yeahhhhhh, watching the 1900 soldiers and police executed by ISIS, watching Iraq unravel, and knowing how many American lives were lost and how hard so many people worked to hand a relatively stable Iraq over to this idiot POTUS....only to watch those lives be lost in vain.....yeah, that gets people pretty emotional.

Look at some point, trying to debate with someone who insists the oceans are made of bubblegum and the skies are made of grass is just too hard to take seriously.

And thankfully the American public has finally started to see through such idiocy as well. Finally.
Coming from the person saying we should have left military in Iraq without an immunity agreement reveals you don't really know what stupid is, otherwise, you never would have made such an absurd proposal. At any rate, Iraq wouldn't agree to one no matter what you think people were predicting back then. You crying about it now isn't going to change that nor are moronic suggestions that we leave military in countries where they risk being the target of the host country, as if being a target of the enemy isn't bad enough.

There's a reason why presidents (not just Obama) don't leave troops behind like that without an immunity agreement, even though that evades you. Not to mention, I have no doubt after reading your posts, you would be blasting Obama for increasing the risk our troops face had he idiotically done so.

Yes, wildly unhinged. You claim he was hypocritical for sending advisors over there now yet I've yet to see you coherently explain how. And it's also amusing to read how you claim Obama was handed a stable Iraq while in the same post, claim this was waiting to happen; meanwhile, it was Bush who negotiated the deal to bring home all of the troops.
You seem wildly unhinged and appear to be one of those righties who criticize Obama no matter what he does. The "carrot" dangling now for Iraq is ISIS posing a serious threat to take over. A couple of years ago, there was no such "carrot" to motivate Iraq into agreeing to immunity.

I still don't see the hypocrisy you claim is there? :dunno:

Let's see..... the carrot now is ISIS posing a threat but a couple of years ago there was no anticipation of a threat if we left?????

Holy fuck this has got to be one of the best zingers I've read from a liberal, and I've seen a lot of stupid ones.

What in the world do you read?? Do you seriously not know how many people warned this very thing would happen?

Hell even I could be found jumping up and down all over the internet when we left predicting Iraq's collapse. Look if you had a clue, you'd know that we were the glue, and when the glue gets removed, the house of cards comes down.

Wildy unhinged? Yeahhhhhh, watching the 1900 soldiers and police executed by ISIS, watching Iraq unravel, and knowing how many American lives were lost and how hard so many people worked to hand a relatively stable Iraq over to this idiot POTUS....only to watch those lives be lost in vain.....yeah, that gets people pretty emotional.

Look at some point, trying to debate with someone who insists the oceans are made of bubblegum and the skies are made of grass is just too hard to take seriously.

And thankfully the American public has finally started to see through such idiocy as well. Finally.
Coming from the person saying we should have left military in Iraq without an immunity agreement reveals you don't really know what stupid is, otherwise, you never would have made such an absurd proposal. At any rate, Iraq wouldn't agree to one no matter what you think people were predicting back then. You crying about it now isn't going to change that nor are moronic suggestions that we leave military in countries where they risk being the target of the host country, as if being a target of the enemy isn't bad enough.

There's a reason why presidents (not just Obama) don't leave troops behind like that without an immunity agreement, even though that evades you. Not to mention, I have no doubt after reading your posts, you would be blasting Obama for increasing the risk our troops face had he idiotically done so.

Yes, wildly unhinged. You claim he was hypocritical for sending advisors over there now yet I've yet to see you coherently explain how. And it's also amusing to read how you claim Obama was handed a stable Iraq while in the same post, claim this was waiting to happen; meanwhile, it was Bush who negotiated the deal to bring home all of the troops.

More Pawn derangement....

George W. Bush 2007: Pulling all troops from Iraq will risk throwing away gains
You seem wildly unhinged and appear to be one of those righties who criticize Obama no matter what he does. The "carrot" dangling now for Iraq is ISIS posing a serious threat to take over. A couple of years ago, there was no such "carrot" to motivate Iraq into agreeing to immunity.

I still don't see the hypocrisy you claim is there? :dunno:

Let's see..... the carrot now is ISIS posing a threat but a couple of years ago there was no anticipation of a threat if we left?????

Holy fuck this has got to be one of the best zingers I've read from a liberal, and I've seen a lot of stupid ones.

What in the world do you read?? Do you seriously not know how many people warned this very thing would happen?

Hell even I could be found jumping up and down all over the internet when we left predicting Iraq's collapse. Look if you had a clue, you'd know that we were the glue, and when the glue gets removed, the house of cards comes down.

Wildy unhinged? Yeahhhhhh, watching the 1900 soldiers and police executed by ISIS, watching Iraq unravel, and knowing how many American lives were lost and how hard so many people worked to hand a relatively stable Iraq over to this idiot POTUS....only to watch those lives be lost in vain.....yeah, that gets people pretty emotional.

Look at some point, trying to debate with someone who insists the oceans are made of bubblegum and the skies are made of grass is just too hard to take seriously.

And thankfully the American public has finally started to see through such idiocy as well. Finally.
Coming from the person saying we should have left military in Iraq without an immunity agreement reveals you don't really know what stupid is, otherwise, you never would have made such an absurd proposal. At any rate, Iraq wouldn't agree to one no matter what you think people were predicting back then. You crying about it now isn't going to change that nor are moronic suggestions that we leave military in countries where they risk being the target of the host country, as if being a target of the enemy isn't bad enough.

There's a reason why presidents (not just Obama) don't leave troops behind like that without an immunity agreement, even though that evades you. Not to mention, I have no doubt after reading your posts, you would be blasting Obama for increasing the risk our troops face had he idiotically done so.

Yes, wildly unhinged. You claim he was hypocritical for sending advisors over there now yet I've yet to see you coherently explain how. And it's also amusing to read how you claim Obama was handed a stable Iraq while in the same post, claim this was waiting to happen; meanwhile, it was Bush who negotiated the deal to bring home all of the troops.

How thick can someone be. How many times do I have to explain this. He could have gotten the fucking immunity if he really wanted it.

Just like he did 14 days ago.

I can't keep explaining the same thing over and over to you libs. It's like trying to explain the ocean tides to a 5 year old over and over.
Let's see..... the carrot now is ISIS posing a threat but a couple of years ago there was no anticipation of a threat if we left?????

Holy fuck this has got to be one of the best zingers I've read from a liberal, and I've seen a lot of stupid ones.

What in the world do you read?? Do you seriously not know how many people warned this very thing would happen?

Hell even I could be found jumping up and down all over the internet when we left predicting Iraq's collapse. Look if you had a clue, you'd know that we were the glue, and when the glue gets removed, the house of cards comes down.

Wildy unhinged? Yeahhhhhh, watching the 1900 soldiers and police executed by ISIS, watching Iraq unravel, and knowing how many American lives were lost and how hard so many people worked to hand a relatively stable Iraq over to this idiot POTUS....only to watch those lives be lost in vain.....yeah, that gets people pretty emotional.

Look at some point, trying to debate with someone who insists the oceans are made of bubblegum and the skies are made of grass is just too hard to take seriously.

And thankfully the American public has finally started to see through such idiocy as well. Finally.
Coming from the person saying we should have left military in Iraq without an immunity agreement reveals you don't really know what stupid is, otherwise, you never would have made such an absurd proposal. At any rate, Iraq wouldn't agree to one no matter what you think people were predicting back then. You crying about it now isn't going to change that nor are moronic suggestions that we leave military in countries where they risk being the target of the host country, as if being a target of the enemy isn't bad enough.

There's a reason why presidents (not just Obama) don't leave troops behind like that without an immunity agreement, even though that evades you. Not to mention, I have no doubt after reading your posts, you would be blasting Obama for increasing the risk our troops face had he idiotically done so.

Yes, wildly unhinged. You claim he was hypocritical for sending advisors over there now yet I've yet to see you coherently explain how. And it's also amusing to read how you claim Obama was handed a stable Iraq while in the same post, claim this was waiting to happen; meanwhile, it was Bush who negotiated the deal to bring home all of the troops.

More Pawn derangement....

George W. Bush 2007: Pulling all troops from Iraq will risk throwing away gains

Hey, look at that! You found a neocon on the Internet who shares your opinion. Good for you. :eusa_whistle:
Coming from the person saying we should have left military in Iraq without an immunity agreement reveals you don't really know what stupid is, otherwise, you never would have made such an absurd proposal. At any rate, Iraq wouldn't agree to one no matter what you think people were predicting back then. You crying about it now isn't going to change that nor are moronic suggestions that we leave military in countries where they risk being the target of the host country, as if being a target of the enemy isn't bad enough.

There's a reason why presidents (not just Obama) don't leave troops behind like that without an immunity agreement, even though that evades you. Not to mention, I have no doubt after reading your posts, you would be blasting Obama for increasing the risk our troops face had he idiotically done so.

Yes, wildly unhinged. You claim he was hypocritical for sending advisors over there now yet I've yet to see you coherently explain how. And it's also amusing to read how you claim Obama was handed a stable Iraq while in the same post, claim this was waiting to happen; meanwhile, it was Bush who negotiated the deal to bring home all of the troops.

More Pawn derangement....

George W. Bush 2007: Pulling all troops from Iraq will risk throwing away gains

Hey, look at that! You found a neocon on the Internet who shares your opinion. Good for you. :eusa_whistle:

Just bitch slappin' a bitch! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Let's see..... the carrot now is ISIS posing a threat but a couple of years ago there was no anticipation of a threat if we left?????

Holy fuck this has got to be one of the best zingers I've read from a liberal, and I've seen a lot of stupid ones.

What in the world do you read?? Do you seriously not know how many people warned this very thing would happen?

Hell even I could be found jumping up and down all over the internet when we left predicting Iraq's collapse. Look if you had a clue, you'd know that we were the glue, and when the glue gets removed, the house of cards comes down.

Wildy unhinged? Yeahhhhhh, watching the 1900 soldiers and police executed by ISIS, watching Iraq unravel, and knowing how many American lives were lost and how hard so many people worked to hand a relatively stable Iraq over to this idiot POTUS....only to watch those lives be lost in vain.....yeah, that gets people pretty emotional.

Look at some point, trying to debate with someone who insists the oceans are made of bubblegum and the skies are made of grass is just too hard to take seriously.

And thankfully the American public has finally started to see through such idiocy as well. Finally.
Coming from the person saying we should have left military in Iraq without an immunity agreement reveals you don't really know what stupid is, otherwise, you never would have made such an absurd proposal. At any rate, Iraq wouldn't agree to one no matter what you think people were predicting back then. You crying about it now isn't going to change that nor are moronic suggestions that we leave military in countries where they risk being the target of the host country, as if being a target of the enemy isn't bad enough.

There's a reason why presidents (not just Obama) don't leave troops behind like that without an immunity agreement, even though that evades you. Not to mention, I have no doubt after reading your posts, you would be blasting Obama for increasing the risk our troops face had he idiotically done so.

Yes, wildly unhinged. You claim he was hypocritical for sending advisors over there now yet I've yet to see you coherently explain how. And it's also amusing to read how you claim Obama was handed a stable Iraq while in the same post, claim this was waiting to happen; meanwhile, it was Bush who negotiated the deal to bring home all of the troops.

How thick can someone be. How many times do I have to explain this. He could have gotten the fucking immunity if he really wanted it.

Just like he did 14 days ago.

I can't keep explaining the same thing over and over to you libs. It's like trying to explain the ocean tides to a 5 year old over and over.
Seems you missed a key word in my post ... "coherently."

Your explanation could be described as "mind-boggling," since it ignores the fact that the circumstances were different then as they are now. It could be described as "desperate," since it rests on Monday morning hindsight. It could even be described as "unhinged," since it rests on some fantasy that Obama had the ability to scare Iraq into agreeing into signing an immunity deal in an environment you described as, "stable." What it cannot be called, however, is "coherent," as it offer absolutely zero evidence that Obama could have convinced the Iraqi government into signing an immunity agreement back then when even Bush's best efforts failed to do so.

But coming from the person who says the best strategy would have been to screw our troops anyway and leave them exposed in a host country which refused to provide them immunity really does nothing other than to reveal how deeply dedicated you are in your hatred of Obama. So I take it with a grain of salt, as it so aptly deserves.

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