Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

Hey, look at that! You found a neocon on the Internet who shares your opinion. Good for you. :eusa_whistle:

Just bitch slappin' a bitch! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

LOL, V....I think the revisionists are panicking ....on every other site I'm on no one even listens to the stupid shit they're dishing out on this thread anymore. Only the hardest of the hardcore Obama supporters are still hanging onto the lies after what happened weeks ago....:D
Putin's goons shoot down an airliner and kill 298 people while R-wingers man crush on Putin continues unabated on this board and elsewhere. Carry on Comrades!

U.S. accuses Russia in downing of plane - CNN.com

Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- A senior U.S. diplomat pointed the finger Friday at pro-Russian rebels in the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in Ukraine, an act that killed 298 people.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power told an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council that the plane was "likely downed by a surface-to-air missile ... operated from a separatist-held location in eastern Ukraine." If pro-Russian separatists are responsible for shooting down the plane with a missile, investigators can't rule out the possibility that Russia offered help to operate the system, she said.

Show us the specific posts where someone is admiring him for shooting down the airliner.

Show me where I specifically said someone is admiring Putin for shooting down the airliner. I'll await.
Hey, look at that! You found a neocon on the Internet who shares your opinion. Good for you. :eusa_whistle:

Just bitch slappin' a bitch! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

LOL, V....I think the revisionists are panicking ....on every other site I'm on no one even listens to the stupid shit they're dishing out on this thread anymore. Only the hardest of the hardcore Obama supporters are still hanging onto the lies after what happened weeks ago....:D

There are probably 15 or so truly hardcore subversives in here, they usually travel in packs, so they can back up anyone of them that is called out, and having trouble in a debate! They are my entertainment, as they will become yours, they are giants in their own minds! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Just bitch slappin' a bitch! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

LOL, V....I think the revisionists are panicking ....on every other site I'm on no one even listens to the stupid shit they're dishing out on this thread anymore. Only the hardest of the hardcore Obama supporters are still hanging onto the lies after what happened weeks ago....:D

There are probably 15 or so truly hardcore subversives in here, they usually travel in packs, so they can back up anyone of them that is called out, and having trouble in a debate! They are my entertainment, as they will become yours, they are giants in their own minds! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Get over yourself you freaking dittohead! :lol:
LOL, V....I think the revisionists are panicking ....on every other site I'm on no one even listens to the stupid shit they're dishing out on this thread anymore. Only the hardest of the hardcore Obama supporters are still hanging onto the lies after what happened weeks ago....:D

There are probably 15 or so truly hardcore subversives in here, they usually travel in packs, so they can back up anyone of them that is called out, and having trouble in a debate! They are my entertainment, as they will become yours, they are giants in their own minds! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Get over yourself you freaking dittohead! :lol:

I'll let others play "pull my string" with this baby subversive.... I have others HARDCORE idiots to slap around! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
The only response of which this thread is worthy is to say that this thread is not worthy of a response or even serious consideration…
so you respond ... :lol:

if the boards resident traitors can't worship a Communist who allows his thugs to invade peaceful countries and shoot down commercial flights, then who can they worship?
As far as the U.S. is concerned Iraq was a peaceful country (zero aggression toward us) when Bush chose to invade. And you might be surprised to know in 1988 the U.S. shot down an Iranian commercial airliner with 290 civilian passengers aboard, killing every one of them.

So your denouncement of "resident traitors" is an example of pot calling kettle black-ass.
The worst thing from Ukraine instability is all these ukies(who are borderline third world yokels that come from the anus of Europe on the border of Asia) will flood western europe and potentially the USA.

Great, just what we need, more uncivilized hordes overrunning our nation.
There are probably 15 or so truly hardcore subversives in here, they usually travel in packs, so they can back up anyone of them that is called out, and having trouble in a debate! They are my entertainment, as they will become yours, they are giants in their own minds! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Get over yourself you freaking dittohead! :lol:

I'll let others play "pull my string" with this baby subversive.... I have others HARDCORE idiots to slap around! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Smart move little girl. Move on.
Seems I did it in the Waco thread....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

:lmao::lmao::lmao: Sure, Vagisil. Uh-huh. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

You're welcome, Pawn....:dev3::dev3::dev3::dance:

Well you do have your delusions, I'll grant you that. But it seems your idea of bitch-slapping is making a complete and utter fool of yourself, and then, declaring yourself the winner. But since you want to dredge up the Waco thread, let me remind you how your response to me pointing out that a Branch Davidian was seen starting at least one of the fires was to make the empty claim that such an accusation came from the FBI and how they were not to be believed -- yet it was YOU who earlier posted a video of an independent researcher who made that claim. Do you get it, Vagisil?? YOU destroyed your own argument (before declaring yourself the wiener) :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Hey, thanks for rehashing the thrashing you took on Waco! Watching you make a fool of yourself is always fun. G'head, bitch-slap me some more, Vagisil, you're tickling me.
:lmao::lmao::lmao: Sure, Vagisil. Uh-huh. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

You're welcome, Pawn....:dev3::dev3::dev3::dance:

Well you do have your delusions, I'll grant you that. But it seems your idea of bitch-slapping is making a complete and utter fool of yourself, and then, declaring yourself the winner. But since you want to dredge up the Waco thread, let me remind you how your response to me pointing out that a Branch Davidian was seen starting at least one of the fires was to make the empty claim that such an accusation came from the FBI and how they were not to be believed -- yet it was YOU who earlier posted a video of an independent researcher who made that claim. Do you get it, Vagisil?? YOU destroyed your own argument (before declaring yourself the wiener) :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Hey, thanks for rehashing the thrashing you took on Waco! Watching you make a fool of yourself is always fun. G'head, bitch-slap me some more, Vagisil, you're tickling me.

And who saw this branch Davidian? The independent researcher or the FBI, who we know are liars especially after Ruby Ridge?

Keep digging, we can have fun with this if you care to! Why not open up that old thread and we can go at it? LOVE THAT! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You're welcome, Pawn....:dev3::dev3::dev3::dance:

Well you do have your delusions, I'll grant you that. But it seems your idea of bitch-slapping is making a complete and utter fool of yourself, and then, declaring yourself the winner. But since you want to dredge up the Waco thread, let me remind you how your response to me pointing out that a Branch Davidian was seen starting at least one of the fires was to make the empty claim that such an accusation came from the FBI and how they were not to be believed -- yet it was YOU who earlier posted a video of an independent researcher who made that claim. Do you get it, Vagisil?? YOU destroyed your own argument (before declaring yourself the wiener) :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Hey, thanks for rehashing the thrashing you took on Waco! Watching you make a fool of yourself is always fun. G'head, bitch-slap me some more, Vagisil, you're tickling me.

And who saw this branch Davidian? The independent researcher or the FBI, who we know are liars especially after Ruby Ridge?

Keep digging, we can have fun with this if you care to! Why not open up that old thread and we can go at it? LOVE THAT! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Gladly .......
Coming from the person saying we should have left military in Iraq without an immunity agreement reveals you don't really know what stupid is, otherwise, you never would have made such an absurd proposal. At any rate, Iraq wouldn't agree to one no matter what you think people were predicting back then. You crying about it now isn't going to change that nor are moronic suggestions that we leave military in countries where they risk being the target of the host country, as if being a target of the enemy isn't bad enough.

There's a reason why presidents (not just Obama) don't leave troops behind like that without an immunity agreement, even though that evades you. Not to mention, I have no doubt after reading your posts, you would be blasting Obama for increasing the risk our troops face had he idiotically done so.

Yes, wildly unhinged. You claim he was hypocritical for sending advisors over there now yet I've yet to see you coherently explain how. And it's also amusing to read how you claim Obama was handed a stable Iraq while in the same post, claim this was waiting to happen; meanwhile, it was Bush who negotiated the deal to bring home all of the troops.

How thick can someone be. How many times do I have to explain this. He could have gotten the fucking immunity if he really wanted it.

Just like he did 14 days ago.

I can't keep explaining the same thing over and over to you libs. It's like trying to explain the ocean tides to a 5 year old over and over.
Seems you missed a key word in my post ... "coherently."

Your explanation could be described as "mind-boggling," since it ignores the fact that the circumstances were different then as they are now. It could be described as "desperate," since it rests on Monday morning hindsight. It could even be described as "unhinged," since it rests on some fantasy that Obama had the ability to scare Iraq into agreeing into signing an immunity deal in an environment you described as, "stable." What it cannot be called, however, is "coherent," as it offer absolutely zero evidence that Obama could have convinced the Iraqi government into signing an immunity agreement back then when even Bush's best efforts failed to do so.

But coming from the person who says the best strategy would have been to screw our troops anyway and leave them exposed in a host country which refused to provide them immunity really does nothing other than to reveal how deeply dedicated you are in your hatred of Obama. So I take it with a grain of salt, as it so aptly deserves.
Ten grains of salt. You will also notice, when it came to giving concrete examples of solutions, just as I stated, she runs, and instead tosses insult.

All bluster. Just some bizarre imaginationland of latter day quarterbacking and incoherent critiquing.

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