Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

Let's see..... the carrot now is ISIS posing a threat but a couple of years ago there was no anticipation of a threat if we left?????

Holy fuck this has got to be one of the best zingers I've read from a liberal, and I've seen a lot of stupid ones.

What in the world do you read?? Do you seriously not know how many people warned this very thing would happen?

Hell even I could be found jumping up and down all over the internet when we left predicting Iraq's collapse. Look if you had a clue, you'd know that we were the glue, and when the glue gets removed, the house of cards comes down.

Wildy unhinged? Yeahhhhhh, watching the 1900 soldiers and police executed by ISIS, watching Iraq unravel, and knowing how many American lives were lost and how hard so many people worked to hand a relatively stable Iraq over to this idiot POTUS....only to watch those lives be lost in vain.....yeah, that gets people pretty emotional.

Look at some point, trying to debate with someone who insists the oceans are made of bubblegum and the skies are made of grass is just too hard to take seriously.

And thankfully the American public has finally started to see through such idiocy as well. Finally.
Coming from the person saying we should have left military in Iraq without an immunity agreement reveals you don't really know what stupid is, otherwise, you never would have made such an absurd proposal. At any rate, Iraq wouldn't agree to one no matter what you think people were predicting back then. You crying about it now isn't going to change that nor are moronic suggestions that we leave military in countries where they risk being the target of the host country, as if being a target of the enemy isn't bad enough.

There's a reason why presidents (not just Obama) don't leave troops behind like that without an immunity agreement, even though that evades you. Not to mention, I have no doubt after reading your posts, you would be blasting Obama for increasing the risk our troops face had he idiotically done so.

Yes, wildly unhinged. You claim he was hypocritical for sending advisors over there now yet I've yet to see you coherently explain how. And it's also amusing to read how you claim Obama was handed a stable Iraq while in the same post, claim this was waiting to happen; meanwhile, it was Bush who negotiated the deal to bring home all of the troops.

More Pawn derangement....

George W. Bush 2007: Pulling all troops from Iraq will risk throwing away gains

By his own word he fucked up, signed an agreement to pull all the troops out and then expected the Democrats to fix his fuck up?

But that's not really the case. It was the Iraqis who went to the UN and got them to end the authorization for the US occupation of Iraq. Bush had to sign a new agreement by the end of 2008 or defy the UN. The Iraqis never relented on the immunity issue.
so Vigilante one of the sole remaining Pootie Poot fluffers?

Even after all thats happened? :eusa_doh: He must be a card-carrying Repub-voter :thup:
so Vigilante one of the sole remaining Pootie Poot fluffers?

Even after all thats happened? :eusa_doh: He must be a card-carrying Repub-voter :thup:

He has been a blessing to this thread. Each time he makes one of his ridiculous, or stupid or just plain funny post he confirms the right wing fascination, support and hots for Putin.
Speculation being heard here in The English Midlands where I'm spending the night...speculation about WHO caused the crash of the airliner. People wondering if America's Apologist-in-Chief might have a hand in the thing. Perhaps one of His notorious drone strikes gone horribly wrong.

Could He have a whole lot more innocent blood on His hands than just those women and children who were "collateral damage" to some of His earlier Hi-Jinks?

Probably not but the speculation alone speaks volumes about what people not contaminated by the "logic" of either American party think of Him.
We get it -- you Hate it that the World doesn't Hate Obama.

Bottom line.


Actually, one of the big problems I have with Obama is that he has made us a global laughing stock. You hated Bush, and much of the rest of the third world did as well. BUT they feared him. Fucking with the USA was a terminal act, and they knew it.

What was it that Putin called Obama? Танцуя гомосексуалистом = "that flouncing fairy." We are a laughing stock, viewed as weak and cowardly. This is dangerous. No one fears or respects America with our gay leader. Putin runs wild in the Ukrain, Boco Harem in Africa, and Al Qaeda in Libya. Why would the worry about the reaction of twinkie in the White House?
Show me where I specifically said someone is admiring Putin for shooting down the airliner. I'll await.

Kidsuckscocks, you claimed that Republicans want to make Putin President.

Now look, you are a stupid motherfucker - one of the dumbest people on the board. Making him president would be a major act of admiration - shit fer brains.

I will give you kudos though - there is nothing I, or anyone on the right, can post that makes the left look worse than you do with your incessant idiocy.
Actually, one of the big problems I have with Obama is that he has made us a global laughing stock. You hated Bush, and much of the rest of the third world did as well. BUT they feared him
I don't agree.
Who was afraid America? Small countries? Probably.
Before Russia had big problems. We were occupied with internal problems. War in Chechnya. Your country didn't conduct any foreign policy. Your politicians made money in the war. That's all. They made money in the war and as result they with many quarreled. They simply didn't think of consequences. Because them interests of the country didn't interest.
There is nothing to be afraid of you. You never stood in equal fight. You only finish the weak.
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Actually, one of the big problems I have with Obama is that he has made us a global laughing stock. You hated Bush, and much of the rest of the third world did as well. BUT they feared him
I don't agree.
Who was afraid America? Small countries? Probably.
Before Russia had big problems. We were occupied with internal problems. War in Chechnya. Your country didn't conduct any foreign policy. Your politicians made money in the war. That's all. They made money in the war and as result they with many quarreled. They simply didn't think of consequences. Because them interests of the country didn't interest.

Chechnya was and is irrelevant - other than it is a home for Islamic terrorism. It is an internal issue for Russia.

Putin is moving to reconquer the nations that gained freedom thanks to Reagan. No chance Putin would have pulled this when Bush was in charge, as he WOULD face an American armed and backed Ukraine. But Obama is more flexible about the reestablishment of the USSR - downright supportive, one might say.
Actually, one of the big problems I have with Obama is that he has made us a global laughing stock. You hated Bush, and much of the rest of the third world did as well. BUT they feared him
I don't agree.
Who was afraid America? Small countries? Probably.
Before Russia had big problems. We were occupied with internal problems. War in Chechnya. Your country didn't conduct any foreign policy. Your politicians made money in the war. That's all. They made money in the war and as result they with many quarreled. They simply didn't think of consequences. Because them interests of the country didn't interest.

Chechnya was and is irrelevant - other than it is a home for Islamic terrorism. It is an internal issue for Russia.

Putin is moving to reconquer the nations that gained freedom thanks to Reagan. No chance Putin would have pulled this when Bush was in charge, as he WOULD face an American armed and backed Ukraine. But Obama is more flexible about the reestablishment of the USSR - downright supportive, one might say.

Georgia...what about Georgia?
Show me where I specifically said someone is admiring Putin for shooting down the airliner. I'll await.

Kidsuckscocks, you claimed that Republicans want to make Putin President.

Now look, you are a stupid motherfucker - one of the dumbest people on the board. Making him president would be a major act of admiration - shit fer brains.

I will give you kudos though - there is nothing I, or anyone on the right, can post that makes the left look worse than you do with your incessant idiocy.

Can't show me where I specifically said someone is admiring Putin for shooting down the airliner can you? You too are dismissed! :lol:

Putin's goons shoot down an airliner and kill 298 people while R-wingers man crush on Putin continues unabated on this board and elsewhere. Carry on Comrades!

U.S. accuses Russia in downing of plane - CNN.com

Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- A senior U.S. diplomat pointed the finger Friday at pro-Russian rebels in the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in Ukraine, an act that killed 298 people.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power told an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council that the plane was "likely downed by a surface-to-air missile ... operated from a separatist-held location in eastern Ukraine." If pro-Russian separatists are responsible for shooting down the plane with a missile, investigators can't rule out the possibility that Russia offered help to operate the system, she said.

You are one stupid motherfucker, and that's all of my time you rate!
I don't agree.
Who was afraid America? Small countries? Probably.
Before Russia had big problems. We were occupied with internal problems. War in Chechnya. Your country didn't conduct any foreign policy. Your politicians made money in the war. That's all. They made money in the war and as result they with many quarreled. They simply didn't think of consequences. Because them interests of the country didn't interest.

Chechnya was and is irrelevant - other than it is a home for Islamic terrorism. It is an internal issue for Russia.

Putin is moving to reconquer the nations that gained freedom thanks to Reagan. No chance Putin would have pulled this when Bush was in charge, as he WOULD face an American armed and backed Ukraine. But Obama is more flexible about the reestablishment of the USSR - downright supportive, one might say.

Georgia...what about Georgia?

They have to wait their turn, Vlad has them in mind, though.
We get it -- you Hate it that the World doesn't Hate Obama.

Bottom line.


Actually, one of the big problems I have with Obama is that he has made us a global laughing stock. You hated Bush, and much of the rest of the third world did as well. BUT they feared him. Fucking with the USA was a terminal act, and they knew it.

What was it that Putin called Obama? Танцуя гомосексуалистом = "that flouncing fairy." We are a laughing stock, viewed as weak and cowardly. This is dangerous. No one fears or respects America with our gay leader. Putin runs wild in the Ukrain, Boco Harem in Africa, and Al Qaeda in Libya. Why would the worry about the reaction of twinkie in the White House?

Actually Obama is well respected world-wide, always has been and always will be. Sarah Palin and the Tea Party are the laughing stock of the world my friend. Deal with that suckers. :D
How thick can someone be. How many times do I have to explain this. He could have gotten the fucking immunity if he really wanted it.

Just like he did 14 days ago.

I can't keep explaining the same thing over and over to you libs. It's like trying to explain the ocean tides to a 5 year old over and over.
Seems you missed a key word in my post ... "coherently."

Your explanation could be described as "mind-boggling," since it ignores the fact that the circumstances were different then as they are now. It could be described as "desperate," since it rests on Monday morning hindsight. It could even be described as "unhinged," since it rests on some fantasy that Obama had the ability to scare Iraq into agreeing into signing an immunity deal in an environment you described as, "stable." What it cannot be called, however, is "coherent," as it offer absolutely zero evidence that Obama could have convinced the Iraqi government into signing an immunity agreement back then when even Bush's best efforts failed to do so.

But coming from the person who says the best strategy would have been to screw our troops anyway and leave them exposed in a host country which refused to provide them immunity really does nothing other than to reveal how deeply dedicated you are in your hatred of Obama. So I take it with a grain of salt, as it so aptly deserves.
Ten grains of salt. You will also notice, when it came to giving concrete examples of solutions, just as I stated, she runs, and instead tosses insult.

All bluster. Just some bizarre imaginationland of latter day quarterbacking and incoherent critiquing.

No, what everyone saw was you having the reading comprehension of a 6 six-old.

As for running...LMAO, pal I was here till late last night waiting for your response. You never showed up. You ran like a sissy.

As for your bizarre imagineland....yeeeeeaaahhhhh, I'm sure the tens of thousands of troops, NGOs and contractors that were there for 10 years making a difference would call their/our experience imagineland. Yeahhh, that was all in our heads.

Especially while your uninformed ass sat back here doing nothing but probably critiquing something you clearly don't have the first clue about.

Look, we can all see you're intellectually bankrupt....your hero is crashing and burning.....and that depresses you so you lash out with the name calling. I understand that. I'm used to it with people who thrive on their up and down emotions.

But, just sit back..... and watch....while the rest of us actually go out and do. And enjoy the bennies of it. Plus feel free to run your unknowledgeable mouth. I served in the military just so you could have the right to sit here and spew all the bullshit you want.

You're welcome.
Chechnya was and is irrelevant - other than it is a home for Islamic terrorism. It is an internal issue for Russia.

Putin is moving to reconquer the nations that gained freedom thanks to Reagan. No chance Putin would have pulled this when Bush was in charge, as he WOULD face an American armed and backed Ukraine. But Obama is more flexible about the reestablishment of the USSR - downright supportive, one might say.

Georgia...what about Georgia?

They have to wait their turn, Vlad has them in mind, though.


Vlad invaded Georgia in 2008 under Bush.
Oh, and for the umpteenth time...I know some of you far lefties are really dense....the ten years many of us spent making progress in Iraq....the solution was all IDIOT had to do was sustain our gains by keeping a residual force and not lose what was gained.

That takes a tough inner core and tough negotiating skills, something IDIOT doesn't have. So my best solution would've been for the American public to have seen WHAT THEY'RE SEEING NOW - WHICH IS WHAT A TOTAL INCOMPETENT IDIOT OBABA IS.

The second best option was for IDIOT to negotiate hard and NOT, let me repeat NOT, wait, one more time for your thickkkkk fricken head, NOT.....throw the poison pill into the negotiations requiring something we don't require in SOFA with 40 other countries.

Now, I'm sure you will continue to not grasp this as you have a very small ,emotional brain. But plenty of Americans DO get it.

And they will tell you far left libs to fuck off in November as a result. You can take that to the bank.
Actually Obama is well respected world-wide, always has been and always will be. Sarah Palin and the Tea Party are the laughing stock of the world my friend. Deal with that suckers. :D

Obama is "well respected" in the third stall of the Greyhound depot - but NOWHERE else. Putin has open contempt for Obama, Jinping has open contempt for Obama, Hassan Rouhani has open contempt for Obama.

Obama wants to be Queen of America, and his Chicago gangsta posse has empowered him to run roughshod on the American people, sending the IRS after enemies with impunity. He openly pisses on the Constitution and Federal Law, using the AG as shock collar to attack political enemies.

But he is a deer in the headlights on the world stage. Without his thugs to harass and intimidate, he is utterly impotent. He is much like his twin Kim Jong Un - he pouts and whines, but has no power to do anything.
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