Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

We get it -- you Hate it that the World doesn't Hate Obama.

Bottom line.


Actually, one of the big problems I have with Obama is that he has made us a global laughing stock. You hated Bush, and much of the rest of the third world did as well. BUT they feared him. Fucking with the USA was a terminal act, and they knew it.

What was it that Putin called Obama? Танцуя гомосексуалистом = "that flouncing fairy." We are a laughing stock, viewed as weak and cowardly. This is dangerous. No one fears or respects America with our gay leader. Putin runs wild in the Ukrain, Boco Harem in Africa, and Al Qaeda in Libya. Why would the worry about the reaction of twinkie in the White House?

Actually Obama is well respected world-wide, always has been and always will be. Sarah Palin and the Tea Party are the laughing stock of the world my friend. Deal with that suckers. :D

So is the Pillsbury dough boy. :D Shoot, that fat little boneless doughboy's even he's got more backbone than Obama.

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Can't show me where I specifically said someone is admiring Putin for shooting down the airliner can you? You too are dismissed! :lol:


Uh fuckwad, you titled the thread;

Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

You are a leftist, because you are stupid.

Yes. R-wingers admiration for Putin is well established on this forum, that, you cannot deny. R-wingers voted for Putin as their president over Obama in another thread is also established.

This is what I said...

Putin's goons shoot down an airliner and kill 298 people while R-wingers man crush on Putin continues unabated on this board and elsewhere. Carry on Comrades!

Now... where did I specifically name names that I said admired Putin for shooting down that airliner?

You can't, can you, you dipshit. Learn to read properly. It's called reading comprehension... stupid.
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Can't show me where I specifically said someone is admiring Putin for shooting down the airliner can you? You too are dismissed! :lol:


Uh fuckwad, you titled the thread;

Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

You are a leftist, because you are stupid.

Yes. R-wingers admiration for Putin is well established on this forum, that, you cannot deny. R-wingers voted for Putin as their president over Obama in another thread is also established.

This is what I said...

Putin's goons shoot down an airliner and kill 298 people while R-wingers man crush on Putin continues unabated on this board and elsewhere. Carry on Comrades!

Now... where did I specifically name names that I said admired Putin for shooting down that airliner?

You can't, can you, you dipshit. Learn to read properly. It's called reading comprehension... stupid.

Trying to move the goal posts - yet another stupid move, but the moron leftists.

You stated that "r-wingers" admire Putin for shooting down the Airliner.

A few things, moron - first, no one "admires Putin." We laugh at the weakness of Obama in the face of Putin, but it is a nervous laugh, knowing that Obama cannot represent our nation in the face of this dictator. Second, it is VERY unlikely that Putin had anything to do with the downing of the plane. It is virtually certain that the separatists shot the plane down - thinking it a Ukrainian cargo plane. Putin backs these rebels, and gives them dangerous toys - still, he did not order or authorize the attack.

You are a partisan hack, and not very bright. You make stupid claims and then try to hide from them when you are rightfully mocked.

As I said before, you are a leftist BECAUSE you are stupid.
Actually, one of the big problems I have with Obama is that he has made us a global laughing stock. You hated Bush, and much of the rest of the third world did as well. BUT they feared him. Fucking with the USA was a terminal act, and they knew it.

What was it that Putin called Obama? Танцуя гомосексуалистом = "that flouncing fairy." We are a laughing stock, viewed as weak and cowardly. This is dangerous. No one fears or respects America with our gay leader. Putin runs wild in the Ukrain, Boco Harem in Africa, and Al Qaeda in Libya. Why would the worry about the reaction of twinkie in the White House?

Actually Obama is well respected world-wide, always has been and always will be. Sarah Palin and the Tea Party are the laughing stock of the world my friend. Deal with that suckers. :D

So is the Pillsbury dough boy. :D Shoot, even he's got more backbone than Obama.


Pillsbury dough boy? That the best you can do? :lame2:
Actually, one of the big problems I have with Obama is that he has made us a global laughing stock. You hated Bush, and much of the rest of the third world did as well. BUT they feared him
I don't agree.
Who was afraid America? Small countries? Probably.
Before Russia had big problems. We were occupied with internal problems. War in Chechnya. Your country didn't conduct any foreign policy. Your politicians made money in the war. That's all. They made money in the war and as result they with many quarreled. They simply didn't think of consequences. Because them interests of the country didn't interest.

Chechnya was and is irrelevant - other than it is a home for Islamic terrorism. It is an internal issue for Russia.

Putin is moving to reconquer the nations that gained freedom thanks to Reagan.
I often read it on English-speaking sites. But here, in Russia it seems to all obvious nonsense.
You are deceived by your politicians.

We constructed recently good economy. We have a free medicine. We have no problems with unemployment.

All these programs are calculated on tens years.
The small countries (Belarus, etc.) are poor. Why to us to take them to itself? To share what we earned and constructed in 20 years?

I know that there will be questions about the Crimea. The Crimea attached. Means you want to attach everything.

That occurs in Ukraine began not today. It began in 1600. The Russo-Polish War of 1654–1667. In Ukraine always there were those who for Russia and those who against. You can find information about 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Ukrainian), Stepan Bandera. It was in 1940-th. There always was hot. The situation started becoming aggravated, and in the Crimea at us submarines with the nuclear weapon (The Crimea was ours) It very seriously. Thus we agreed with the old government for 20 years and paid money for our base. In Ukraine illegally overthrew this government. And the new government has to nothing to us. You saw what there were disputes on gas. They recognized illegal those contracts. But gas is gas. And atomic weapons these atomic weapons. What did we have to make? To present all military infrastructure which we there built?

I think your military analysts understood that the Crimea for Russia a question very basic. What will be if you start taking away the weapon from the police officer?
This beginning of war. Nuclear most likely. You want to burn down for fools in Kiev?

The situation can look mistakenly. As though we attack. Actually we are compelled to protect our property. From people who ILLEGALLY cancelled all previous arrangements. Our hostility is 400 years old. And they could take control of our nuclear weapon.

We needed to take away the Crimea. Other small countries for us a burden. They it is pulled us back. Putin makes impression of very reasonable person. Not silly dreamer. I will repeat - we have programs of health care, the social sphere which are calculated on tens years. And other countries (the former Soviet Union) will tear down all our plans.
Actually, one of the big problems I have with Obama is that he has made us a global laughing stock. You hated Bush, and much of the rest of the third world did as well. BUT they feared him
I don't agree.
Who was afraid America? Small countries? Probably.
Before Russia had big problems. We were occupied with internal problems. War in Chechnya. Your country didn't conduct any foreign policy. Your politicians made money in the war. That's all. They made money in the war and as result they with many quarreled. They simply didn't think of consequences. Because them interests of the country didn't interest.

Chechnya was and is irrelevant - other than it is a home for Islamic terrorism. It is an internal issue for Russia.

Putin is moving to reconquer the nations that gained freedom thanks to Reagan. No chance Putin would have pulled this when Bush was in charge, as he WOULD face an American armed and backed Ukraine. But Obama is more flexible about the reestablishment of the USSR - downright supportive, one might say.

When Bush gazed into Putins' eyes, Putin just laughed. Russia is facing a new government in Kiev with closer ties to the EU. No doubt that Putin's escalation is backfiring on him.


Uh fuckwad, you titled the thread;

Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

You are a leftist, because you are stupid.

Yes. R-wingers admiration for Putin is well established on this forum, that, you cannot deny. R-wingers voted for Putin as their president over Obama in another thread is also established.

This is what I said...

Putin's goons shoot down an airliner and kill 298 people while R-wingers man crush on Putin continues unabated on this board and elsewhere. Carry on Comrades!

Now... where did I specifically name names that I said admired Putin for shooting down that airliner?

You can't, can you, you dipshit. Learn to read properly. It's called reading comprehension... stupid.

Trying to move the goal posts - yet another stupid move, but the moron leftists.

You stated that "r-wingers" admire Putin for shooting down the Airliner.

A few things, moron - first, no one "admires Putin." We laugh at the weakness of Obama in the face of Putin, but it is a nervous laugh, knowing that Obama cannot represent our nation in the face of this dictator. Second, it is VERY unlikely that Putin had anything to do with the downing of the plane. It is virtually certain that the separatists shot the plane down - thinking it a Ukrainian cargo plane. Putin backs these rebels, and gives them dangerous toys - still, he did not order or authorize the attack.

You are a partisan hack, and not very bright. You make stupid claims and then try to hide from them when you are rightfully mocked.

As I said before, you are a leftist BECAUSE you are stupid.

FAIL! :lol:
It's a virtual certainty the Putin had to ask Obama's permission to engage the plane

Why did Obama consent?
Oh, and for the umpteenth time...I know some of you far lefties are really dense....the ten years many of us spent making progress in Iraq....the solution was all IDIOT had to do was sustain our gains by keeping a residual force and not lose what was gained.

That takes a tough inner core and tough negotiating skills, something IDIOT doesn't have. So my best solution would've been for the American public to have seen WHAT THEY'RE SEEING NOW - WHICH IS WHAT A TOTAL INCOMPETENT IDIOT OBABA IS.

The second best option was for IDIOT to negotiate hard and NOT, let me repeat NOT, wait, one more time for your thickkkkk fricken head, NOT.....throw the poison pill into the negotiations requiring something we don't require in SOFA with 40 other countries.

Now, I'm sure you will continue to not grasp this as you have a very small ,emotional brain. But plenty of Americans DO get it.

And they will tell you far left libs to fuck off in November as a result. You can take that to the bank.

Why didn't President Bush get an agreement to keep a residual force in the country after 2011? What was it the forced him to sign an agreement that basically undid everything he accomplished in Iraq?
Oh, and for the umpteenth time...I know some of you far lefties are really dense....the ten years many of us spent making progress in Iraq....the solution was all IDIOT had to do was sustain our gains by keeping a residual force and not lose what was gained.

That takes a tough inner core and tough negotiating skills, something IDIOT doesn't have. So my best solution would've been for the American public to have seen WHAT THEY'RE SEEING NOW - WHICH IS WHAT A TOTAL INCOMPETENT IDIOT OBABA IS.

The second best option was for IDIOT to negotiate hard and NOT, let me repeat NOT, wait, one more time for your thickkkkk fricken head, NOT.....throw the poison pill into the negotiations requiring something we don't require in SOFA with 40 other countries.

Now, I'm sure you will continue to not grasp this as you have a very small ,emotional brain. But plenty of Americans DO get it.

And they will tell you far left libs to fuck off in November as a result. You can take that to the bank.

Why didn't President Bush get an agreement to keep a residual force in the country after 2011? What was it the forced him to sign an agreement that basically undid everything he accomplished in Iraq?

Boo, that was a negotiating tactic, like I mentioned in earlier posts.

You know how when you negotiate the price on a house and one side starts high and the other side starts low knowing they're going to meet in the middle.

That's the analogy.

If you google for awhile you can see that everyone from the Bush team (incl Bush) wanted to leave a residual force....McCain, Graham, Petraeus, Amb Corker, and other generals, diplomats and legislators that were part of the Bush team.

What HE (his team) wrote was not binding and he knew it because he knew he'd be out of office.
There are virtually hundreds of variables taken into consideration during a negotiation like that including economic, military, political, diplomatic, arms sales, allies, etc., etc., etc.
Libs are going to find this hard to believe but he also wanted to leave wiggle room for whoever the next President was going to be, Democrat or Republican to redesign however they needed to. People at that level don't fight about a topic like that the way we do as citizens.
Russia provides strong evidence of Ukranian responsibility for the attack. To this day our government has provided no evidence of Russian involvement in the attack. They just demonize and agitate for violence, war and sanctions.

Russia has nothing to gain from attacking civilians, where as the criminal conspiracy of jewish gangsters and neo nazis in Kiev has everything to gain in the way of more support from the west and potential NATO intervention in East Ukraine from shooting down MH17.
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Russia provides strong evidence of Ukranian responsibility for the attack. To this day our government has provided no evidence of Russian involvement in the attack. They just demonize and agitate for violence, war and sanctions.


Russia has nothing to gain from attacking civilians, where as the criminal conspiracy of jewish gangsters and neo nazis in Kiev has everything to gain in the way of more support from the west and potential NATO intervention in East Ukraine from shooting down MH17.

Another commie-lover defending Putin and his goons I see. How anti-American can you get RW? We shall see no doubt.

Carry on Comrade.
Russia provides strong evidence of Ukranian responsibility for the attack. To this day our government has provided no evidence of Russian involvement in the attack. They just demonize and agitate for violence, war and sanctions.


Russia has nothing to gain from attacking civilians, where as the criminal conspiracy of jewish gangsters and neo nazis in Kiev has everything to gain in the way of more support from the west and potential NATO intervention in East Ukraine from shooting down MH17.

Another commie-lover defending Putin and his goons I see. How anti-American can you get RW? We shall see no doubt.

Carry on Comrade.

So what are you?

A neo nazi that supports the neo nazi militias in east ukraine killing ethnic russian civilians?

A jewish gangster that supports his buddies in Kiev looting the place?

A faggot who is mad he cant give gay propaganda to children in Russia anymore?

Or a typical America sheep that believes the conjecture of your government and media with no actual proof?

You certainly don't have a lick of common sense, you call putin a communist, which shows you don't understand politics at all. You sound like a dumb shit eating neo con to me. Russia isn't the Soviet Union anymore, get your head out of your ass, it isn't the 80s anymore.
Russia provides strong evidence of Ukranian responsibility for the attack. To this day our government has provided no evidence of Russian involvement in the attack. They just demonize and agitate for violence, war and sanctions.


Russia has nothing to gain from attacking civilians, where as the criminal conspiracy of jewish gangsters and neo nazis in Kiev has everything to gain in the way of more support from the west and potential NATO intervention in East Ukraine from shooting down MH17.

Another commie-lover defending Putin and his goons I see. How anti-American can you get RW? We shall see no doubt.

Carry on Comrade.

So what are you?

A neo nazi that supports the neo nazi militias in east ukraine killing ethnic russian civilians?

A jewish gangster that supports his buddies in Kiev looting the place?

A faggot who is mad he cant give gay propaganda to children in Russia anymore?

Or a typical America sheep that believes the conjecture of your government and media with no actual proof?

You certainly don't have a lick of common sense, you call putin a communist, which shows you don't understand politics at all. You sound like a dumb shit eating neo con to me. Russia isn't the Soviet Union anymore, get your head out of your ass, it isn't the 80s anymore.


You attacked Jews, gays, the free press and the U.S. gov't all in one breath. I rest my case!
Another commie-lover defending Putin and his goons I see. How anti-American can you get RW? We shall see no doubt.

Carry on Comrade.

So what are you?

A neo nazi that supports the neo nazi militias in east ukraine killing ethnic russian civilians?

A jewish gangster that supports his buddies in Kiev looting the place?

A faggot who is mad he cant give gay propaganda to children in Russia anymore?

Or a typical America sheep that believes the conjecture of your government and media with no actual proof?

You certainly don't have a lick of common sense, you call putin a communist, which shows you don't understand politics at all. You sound like a dumb shit eating neo con to me. Russia isn't the Soviet Union anymore, get your head out of your ass, it isn't the 80s anymore.


You attacked Jews, gays, the free press and the U.S. gov't all in one breath. I rest my case!
Or the fifth option, you seem like a whining hypersensitive liberal that makes specious empty claims that amount to nothing of actual substance. And you have yet to provide any evidence to counter the Russian Defense Ministry presentation.

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