Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

Actually Obama is well respected world-wide, always has been and always will be.

Obama hasn't had the world's respect in a long time, you dumb shit.

Now go back to playing in the sandbox like a good little....whatever you are.

The world likes him because he makes America week. Putin considers Obama a chew toy. How pathetic is it when the leader of the most powerful nation in the world makes himself out to be an international joke? As an American, I don't find that funny.

So well said, Kaz. :eusa_clap:

Plus there are those who like that we do the dirty work of cleaning out their global ghettos but aren't ever going to say it publicly.

And finally, who gives a shit - they don't vote in U.S. elections.
Coming from the person saying we should have left military in Iraq without an immunity agreement reveals you don't really know what stupid is, otherwise, you never would have made such an absurd proposal. At any rate, Iraq wouldn't agree to one no matter what you think people were predicting back then. You crying about it now isn't going to change that nor are moronic suggestions that we leave military in countries where they risk being the target of the host country, as if being a target of the enemy isn't bad enough.

There's a reason why presidents (not just Obama) don't leave troops behind like that without an immunity agreement, even though that evades you. Not to mention, I have no doubt after reading your posts, you would be blasting Obama for increasing the risk our troops face had he idiotically done so.

Yes, wildly unhinged. You claim he was hypocritical for sending advisors over there now yet I've yet to see you coherently explain how. And it's also amusing to read how you claim Obama was handed a stable Iraq while in the same post, claim this was waiting to happen; meanwhile, it was Bush who negotiated the deal to bring home all of the troops.

More Pawn derangement....

George W. Bush 2007: Pulling all troops from Iraq will risk throwing away gains

By his own word he fucked up, signed an agreement to pull all the troops out and then expected the Democrats to fix his fuck up?

But that's not really the case. It was the Iraqis who went to the UN and got them to end the authorization for the US occupation of Iraq. Bush had to sign a new agreement by the end of 2008 or defy the UN. The Iraqis never relented on the immunity issue.

Well after all Bush DID leave the obomanation $350 BILLION in unspent TARP funds, you would have thought it would have been a quid pro quo . Bush WAS A FOOL to think that anything done with a fucking subversive Democrat would be honored!
Putin's goons shoot down an airliner and kill 298 people while R-wingers man crush on Putin continues unabated on this board and elsewhere. Carry on Comrades!

U.S. accuses Russia in downing of plane - CNN.com

Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- A senior U.S. diplomat pointed the finger Friday at pro-Russian rebels in the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in Ukraine, an act that killed 298 people.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power told an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council that the plane was "likely downed by a surface-to-air missile ... operated from a separatist-held location in eastern Ukraine." If pro-Russian separatists are responsible for shooting down the plane with a missile, investigators can't rule out the possibility that Russia offered help to operate the system, she said.

Excellent point, I remember Palin and gang slobbering all over him a few weeks back. Love, love, love.

Funny, since Syria, I remember Putin simply bitch slapping and embarrassing the little Manchurian muslim in front of the world....and he still is. The pathetic fool in the White House has NO FOREIGN POLICY to deal with this dictator. How PATHETIC America has become in the eyes of the world!

By his own word he fucked up, signed an agreement to pull all the troops out and then expected the Democrats to fix his fuck up?

But that's not really the case. It was the Iraqis who went to the UN and got them to end the authorization for the US occupation of Iraq. Bush had to sign a new agreement by the end of 2008 or defy the UN. The Iraqis never relented on the immunity issue.

Well after all Bush DID leave the obomanation $350 BILLION in unspent TARP funds, you would have thought it would have been a quid pro quo . Bush WAS A FOOL to think that anything done with a fucking subversive Democrat would be honored!

Most people forgot how bad Bush's TARP was. It has zero oversight. They were just going to hand the money over to the bankers no fucking questions asked.

I hate Republicans. They should all die or be raptured.
By his own word he fucked up, signed an agreement to pull all the troops out and then expected the Democrats to fix his fuck up?

But that's not really the case. It was the Iraqis who went to the UN and got them to end the authorization for the US occupation of Iraq. Bush had to sign a new agreement by the end of 2008 or defy the UN. The Iraqis never relented on the immunity issue.

Well after all Bush DID leave the obomanation $350 BILLION in unspent TARP funds, you would have thought it would have been a quid pro quo . Bush WAS A FOOL to think that anything done with a fucking subversive Democrat would be honored!

Most people forgot how bad Bush's TARP was. It has zero oversight. They were just going to hand the money over to the bankers no fucking questions asked.

I hate Republicans. They should all die or be raptured.

Since Barry got to distribute HALF of TARP, do you hate him also, or are you just a subversive HYPOCRITE, Pond Scum?
By his own word he fucked up, signed an agreement to pull all the troops out and then expected the Democrats to fix his fuck up?

But that's not really the case. It was the Iraqis who went to the UN and got them to end the authorization for the US occupation of Iraq. Bush had to sign a new agreement by the end of 2008 or defy the UN. The Iraqis never relented on the immunity issue.

Well after all Bush DID leave the obomanation $350 BILLION in unspent TARP funds, you would have thought it would have been a quid pro quo . Bush WAS A FOOL to think that anything done with a fucking subversive Democrat would be honored!

Most people forgot how bad Bush's TARP was. It has zero oversight. They were just going to hand the money over to the bankers no fucking questions asked.

I hate Republicans. They should all die or be raptured.

Please... let's not stoop to their level.
Another commie-lover defending Putin and his goons I see

Another commie wishing Obama had the testosterone Putin has I see

And another anti-American driven into the arms of the KGB via their hatred for President Obama. Keep sucking that testosterone kaz.

It seems that the liberals are trying to whip up all kinds of anti-Russia hysteria like they did in the 60s when everyone thought the Russians were coming to get them.
Putin's goons shoot down an airliner and kill 298 people while R-wingers man crush on Putin continues unabated on this board and elsewhere. Carry on Comrades!

U.S. accuses Russia in downing of plane - CNN.com

Excellent point, I remember Palin and gang slobbering all over him a few weeks back. Love, love, love.

Funny, since Syria, I remember Putin simply bitch slapping and embarrassing the little Manchurian muslim in front of the world....and he still is. The pathetic fool in the White House has NO FOREIGN POLICY to deal with this dictator. How PATHETIC America has become in the eyes of the world!

Actually, Obama is playing Putin for the fool that Putin is manifesting into before all the world's eyes. President Obama is cool, calm, and collected while Putin is resembling a desperate tyrant.

America is looking better and better thanks to Putins shenanigans...

Ukraine: Russia pulled the trigger

MH17 crash: Who pulled the trigger? Russia? Ukraine says yes - CNN.com

Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- Did a Russian fire the missile that downed Malaysia Airlines Flight 17?

That depends on who you ask. A top Ukrainian official says he has no doubt.

Vitaly Nayda, Ukraine's director of informational security, told CNN the person who shot down the flight was "absolutely" a Russian. "A Russian-trained, well-equipped, well-educated officer ... pushed that button deliberately," he said.
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Another commie wishing Obama had the testosterone Putin has I see

And another anti-American driven into the arms of the KGB via their hatred for President Obama. Keep sucking that testosterone kaz.

It seems that the liberals are trying to whip up all kinds of anti-Russia hysteria like they did in the 60s when everyone thought the Russians were coming to get them.

LOL... That was you guys you low information idiot!
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MH17 crash: Who pulled the trigger? Ukraine says yes - CNN.com

Vitaly Nayda, Ukraine's director of informational security, told CNN the person who shot down the flight was "absolutely" a Russian. "A Russian-trained, well-equipped, well-educated officer ... pushed that button deliberately," he said.

"We taped conversations" between a Russian officer and his office in Moscow, Nayda said. "We know for sure that several minutes before the missile was launched, there was a report" to a Russian officer that the plane was coming, he said.

"They knew the plane was coming with constant speed, in constant direction," and should have known it was not a fighter jet but "a big civilian plane," he said.

AHA! There's the smoking gun boys and girl... the irrefutable truth!
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Lol at kidrocks. Even the US intelligence says Russia has no connection. Now he is grasping at refuted strawman arguments like the fake conversations the neo Nazi and Jewish mobster government of Kiev created. And the good news is the public doesn't stand with him either. Most Americans oppose sanctions and/or intervention
I created a thread asking for evidence that Russian weapons were used to down flight, and I asked moderators to close that thread if no evidence is presented in half an hour. good luck with your speculations
PVSI, it looks like the US Government would have lost your challenge as well. They failed to provide such evidence .
How come your way isn't catching on? Because it doesn't work. Either you are rich and greedy or middle class and really really ignorant. SNAP.

Rich and greedy, lol. Those bastards want to keep the money they earned, but you want to take it from them! And those greedy bastards won't give you, who didn't earn the money, the money they did earn. Did I mention they are greedy?

Two observations:

1) There are more strawmen in your post than in the State of Iowa.
2) You're a Marxist

At no point did you address my point, you just buried me in Marxist rhetoric on points I didn't make.
Obama hasn't had the world's respect in a long time, you dumb shit.

Now go back to playing in the sandbox like a good little....whatever you are.

The world likes him because he makes America week. Putin considers Obama a chew toy. How pathetic is it when the leader of the most powerful nation in the world makes himself out to be an international joke? As an American, I don't find that funny.

So well said, Kaz. :eusa_clap:

Plus there are those who like that we do the dirty work of cleaning out their global ghettos but aren't ever going to say it publicly.

And finally, who gives a shit - they don't vote in U.S. elections.

Absolutely. We carry the water for the world. They support us privately and attack us publicly.

Winston Churchill had been attacked in the press by a particular reporter. He ran into Churchill in the Mens room and said he knows he's been hard on him, he apologizes for that. Churchill in one of his classic quips replied, sir, in the future I would appreciate it if you insult me in the Mens room and apologize in the papers...
Another commie wishing Obama had the testosterone Putin has I see

And another anti-American driven into the arms of the KGB via their hatred for President Obama. Keep sucking that testosterone kaz.

It seems that the liberals are trying to whip up all kinds of anti-Russia hysteria like they did in the 60s when everyone thought the Russians were coming to get them.

They are still mad that Russia isn't Communist anymore, now they are down to China, Cuba and North Korea as people's paradises.
And another anti-American driven into the arms of the KGB via their hatred for President Obama. Keep sucking that testosterone kaz.

It seems that the liberals are trying to whip up all kinds of anti-Russia hysteria like they did in the 60s when everyone thought the Russians were coming to get them.

LOL... That was you guys you low information idiot!


From the guy who wrote the title of this thread!!! I gotta tell you, I couldn't care about you calling me a "low information idiot" after that no matter what you did.

Putin is the nemesis of the dickless bitch in the White House. He owns Obama. That is why you hate him. You're thinking that if the enemy of your enemy is your friend, your enemies must be friends. Actually, Obama haplessly flailing in international diplomacy doesn't make us happy, and our not pointing it would not t make him stop looking like the international wienie that he is. I recall that didn't bother you in the slightest when you were attacking W...
Actually Obama is well respected world-wide, always has been and always will be.
Obama hasn't had the world's respect in a long time, you dumb shit.
Now go back to playing in the sandbox like a good little....whatever you are.
The world likes him because he makes America week. Putin considers Obama a chew toy. How pathetic is it when the leader of the most powerful nation in the world makes himself out to be an international joke? As an American, I don't find that funny.
You attack the weak countries. You were not looking for friends or equal partners. You searched vassals. This is your foreign policy. Modern Russia is not a small country Papuans. Who will fight with axes against tanks.
When you beat the weak - you looked heroes. Strong. When you are faced with the same interests a strong country that has nuclear weapons and relations with which to think, it became clear that your policy does not know how to negotiate. They know how to lie. They know how to blame. They know how to look for reasons to get a gun. They can be intimidating. Constructively resolve issues peacefully - they do not know. And maybe do not want to. I repeat, this is not the fault of Obama. He such a policy inherited. Previously she has worked. With Iraq, Libya. Not now.
Another commie wishing Obama had the testosterone Putin has I see
And another anti-American driven into the arms of the KGB via their hatred for President Obama. Keep sucking that testosterone kaz.
It seems that the liberals are trying to whip up all kinds of anti-Russia hysteria like they did in the 60s when everyone thought the Russians were coming to get them.
So it is.
This is a primitive way to manipulate people. But it works, and this is a big problem.

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