Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

Modern Russia is not a small country Papuans. Who will fight with axes against tanks.

Why do you talk about Hungarians and Czechs fighting with Russian tanks. It was long time ago? Did Chechens fight with axes?
Most people forgot how bad Bush's TARP was. It has zero oversight. They were just going to hand the money over to the bankers no fucking questions asked.

I hate Republicans. They should all die or be raptured.

Well let's see...

You hate JOOOOOZZZ, you hate Christians, you hate Republicans.

Who do you NOT hate?

Oh yeah, Muslims - you LOVE Muslims.

9/11 made them your bestest friends for all time.
It seems that the liberals are trying to whip up all kinds of anti-Russia hysteria like they did in the 60s when everyone thought the Russians were coming to get them.

You realize of course that the USSR really was trying to conquer the USA? That there was a battle plan in motion that involved large forces of Soviet troops in Nicaragua, moving North through Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico?

This is why, when the Soviets and the American 5th Column under Jim Wright failed in Nicaragua, the USSR itself collapsed.

This actually IS another of those moments, IF Putin suffers defeat in his bid to conquer the Ukraine, the rebuilding of the Soviet Empire dies.
Actually, Obama is playing Putin for the fool that Putin is manifesting into before all the world's eyes. President Obama is cool, calm, and collected while Putin is resembling a desperate tyrant.


You just can't make this shit up, folks.

America is looking better and better thanks to Putins shenanigans...

What a fucking moron you are, little sycophant.
MH17 crash: Who pulled the trigger? Ukraine says yes - CNN.com

AHA! There's the smoking gun boys and girl... the irrefutable truth!

You are a fucking liar, but you make up for it with utter stupidity.

From your own link, fuckwad;

{U.S. officials say pro-Russian rebels were responsible for shooting down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, but they now believe it's likely the rebels didn't know the plane was a commercial airliner when they opened fire, U.S. intelligence officials said Tuesday.}
I created a thread asking for evidence that Russian weapons were used to down flight, and I asked moderators to close that thread if no evidence is presented in half an hour. good luck with your speculations

An SA-11 was used. That is a Russian made weapon.

But it means nothing, because all three groups involved have them.
Lol at kidrocks. Even the US intelligence says Russia has no connection. Now he is grasping at refuted strawman arguments like the fake conversations the neo Nazi and Jewish mobster government of Kiev created. And the good news is the public doesn't stand with him either. Most Americans oppose sanctions and/or intervention

You are presented with the irrefutable truth and yet you are still in denial and lie? What a tool!
It seems that the liberals are trying to whip up all kinds of anti-Russia hysteria like they did in the 60s when everyone thought the Russians were coming to get them.

LOL... That was you guys you low information idiot!


From the guy who wrote the title of this thread!!! I gotta tell you, I couldn't care about you calling me a "low information idiot" after that no matter what you did.

Putin is the nemesis of the dickless bitch in the White House. He owns Obama. That is why you hate him. You're thinking that if the enemy of your enemy is your friend, your enemies must be friends. Actually, Obama haplessly flailing in international diplomacy doesn't make us happy, and our not pointing it would not t make him stop looking like the international wienie that he is. I recall that didn't bother you in the slightest when you were attacking W...

Keep sucking that testosterone you like so much you commie-lover. :lol:
Obama hasn't had the world's respect in a long time, you dumb shit.
Now go back to playing in the sandbox like a good little....whatever you are.
The world likes him because he makes America week. Putin considers Obama a chew toy. How pathetic is it when the leader of the most powerful nation in the world makes himself out to be an international joke? As an American, I don't find that funny.
You attack the weak countries. You were not looking for friends or equal partners. You searched vassals. This is your foreign policy. Modern Russia is not a small country Papuans. Who will fight with axes against tanks.
When you beat the weak - you looked heroes. Strong. When you are faced with the same interests a strong country that has nuclear weapons and relations with which to think, it became clear that your policy does not know how to negotiate. They know how to lie. They know how to blame. They know how to look for reasons to get a gun. They can be intimidating. Constructively resolve issues peacefully - they do not know. And maybe do not want to. I repeat, this is not the fault of Obama. He such a policy inherited. Previously she has worked. With Iraq, Libya. Not now.



Can I have a hit of that? You have some great shit there.
LOL... That was you guys you low information idiot!


From the guy who wrote the title of this thread!!! I gotta tell you, I couldn't care about you calling me a "low information idiot" after that no matter what you did.

Putin is the nemesis of the dickless bitch in the White House. He owns Obama. That is why you hate him. You're thinking that if the enemy of your enemy is your friend, your enemies must be friends. Actually, Obama haplessly flailing in international diplomacy doesn't make us happy, and our not pointing it would not t make him stop looking like the international wienie that he is. I recall that didn't bother you in the slightest when you were attacking W...

Keep sucking that testosterone you like so much you commie-lover. :lol:

Commie lover? Dude, I don't love you, you suck and are trying to destroy us. What have I ever said that would make you think I'm on your side? You're just delusional. Have you stopped taking your meds again?
The world likes him because he makes America week. Putin considers Obama a chew toy. How pathetic is it when the leader of the most powerful nation in the world makes himself out to be an international joke? As an American, I don't find that funny.
You attack the weak countries. You were not looking for friends or equal partners. You searched vassals. This is your foreign policy. Modern Russia is not a small country Papuans. Who will fight with axes against tanks.
When you beat the weak - you looked heroes. Strong. When you are faced with the same interests a strong country that has nuclear weapons and relations with which to think, it became clear that your policy does not know how to negotiate. They know how to lie. They know how to blame. They know how to look for reasons to get a gun. They can be intimidating. Constructively resolve issues peacefully - they do not know. And maybe do not want to. I repeat, this is not the fault of Obama. He such a policy inherited. Previously she has worked. With Iraq, Libya. Not now.



Can I have a hit of that? You have some great shit there.
"Great shit" are told you by your politicians. And you believe everything that to you speak on TV. Though didn't see anything the eyes. I can tell only that I see as the simple person. If someone wants an objective picture of the world - it will hear. If you don't want - listen to lies. Its your business. Sapienti sat
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You attack the weak countries. You were not looking for friends or equal partners. You searched vassals. This is your foreign policy. Modern Russia is not a small country Papuans. Who will fight with axes against tanks.
When you beat the weak - you looked heroes. Strong. When you are faced with the same interests a strong country that has nuclear weapons and relations with which to think, it became clear that your policy does not know how to negotiate. They know how to lie. They know how to blame. They know how to look for reasons to get a gun. They can be intimidating. Constructively resolve issues peacefully - they do not know. And maybe do not want to. I repeat, this is not the fault of Obama. He such a policy inherited. Previously she has worked. With Iraq, Libya. Not now.



Can I have a hit of that? You have some great shit there.
"Great shit" are told you by your politicians. And you believe everything that to you speak on TV. Though didn't see anything the eyes. I can tell only that I see as the simple person. If someone wants an objective picture of the world - it will hear. If you don't want - listen to lies. Its your business.

No idea what you are talking about or what it has to do with anything I said.

From the guy who wrote the title of this thread!!! I gotta tell you, I couldn't care about you calling me a "low information idiot" after that no matter what you did.

Putin is the nemesis of the dickless bitch in the White House. He owns Obama. That is why you hate him. You're thinking that if the enemy of your enemy is your friend, your enemies must be friends. Actually, Obama haplessly flailing in international diplomacy doesn't make us happy, and our not pointing it would not t make him stop looking like the international wienie that he is. I recall that didn't bother you in the slightest when you were attacking W...

Keep sucking that testosterone you like so much you commie-lover. :lol:

Commie lover? Dude, I don't love you, you suck and are trying to destroy us. What have I ever said that would make you think I'm on your side? You're just delusional. Have you stopped taking your meds again?

Your admiration for Der Fuhrer Putin knows no bounds... does it? Keep on sucking.
MH17 crash: Who pulled the trigger? Ukraine says yes - CNN.com

AHA! There's the smoking gun boys and girl... the irrefutable truth!

You are a fucking liar, but you make up for it with utter stupidity.

From your own link, fuckwad;

{U.S. officials say pro-Russian rebels were responsible for shooting down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, but they now believe it's likely the rebels didn't know the plane was a commercial airliner when they opened fire, U.S. intelligence officials said Tuesday.}

Like the Russian military couldn't tell an airliner from a war plane?? Jeeze folks are stupid.

Russian seperatists shot the plane down. They probably used Russian munitions but they shot it down not the Russian Military.

To read the lefties on this board Purtin stood on a hill with a rocket launcher and shot it down knowing it was an airliner. Good God. Can people be any more idiotic??
Obama hasn't had the world's respect in a long time, you dumb shit.

Now go back to playing in the sandbox like a good little....whatever you are.

The world likes him because he makes America week. Putin considers Obama a chew toy. How pathetic is it when the leader of the most powerful nation in the world makes himself out to be an international joke? As an American, I don't find that funny.

So well said, Kaz. :eusa_clap:

Plus there are those who like that we do the dirty work of cleaning out their global ghettos but aren't ever going to say it publicly.

And finally, who gives a shit - they don't vote in U.S. elections.

Yep. Kudo's to Kaz a well made point.
Boo, that was a negotiating tactic, like I mentioned in earlier posts.

You know how when you negotiate the price on a house and one side starts high and the other side starts low knowing they're going to meet in the middle.

That's the analogy.

If you google for awhile you can see that everyone from the Bush team (incl Bush) wanted to leave a residual force....McCain, Graham, Petraeus, Amb Corker, and other generals, diplomats and legislators that were part of the Bush team.

What HE (his team) wrote was not binding and he knew it because he knew he'd be out of office.

Of course it was binding. Bush would have agreed to residual force if the Iragis had agreed to the immunity part of the deal. Obama tried until late 2011 to get the Iraqi to agree to immunity. They didn't, and no amount of negotiating was going to change their mind.

Except the negotiating that came two weeks ago! Point, set, match. You've been caught in a major contradiction.

When you say of course it was binding, that's like pretending lawyers never renegotiate anything, or judges never over turn, or diplomats never renegotiate.

You seem smarter than that, Boo.

It makes no sense to keep sitting here pretending that president Obama thinks that once he's out of office, whatever agreements he's drawn up in Afghanistan aren't subject to change after the new Prez comes in and does things his way.

I don't mind repeating this a certain amount of times for people who aren't used to being involved in negotiations or being in war-torn countries, but at some point it'll get tiring and folks will just have to re-read what I've been saying, instead of my typing it over and over.

Like I said President Obama would have jumped at the chance to leave a residual force behind but only if the Iraqis agree to give our troops immunity. A new president cannot just ignore sofa agreements made by previous administration. They can try to renegotiate the terms but like the case of Iraq, Obama could not just unilaterally decide to keep combat troops in Iraq after Bush had agreed to withdraw them.

By his own word he fucked up, signed an agreement to pull all the troops out and then expected the Democrats to fix his fuck up?

But that's not really the case. It was the Iraqis who went to the UN and got them to end the authorization for the US occupation of Iraq. Bush had to sign a new agreement by the end of 2008 or defy the UN. The Iraqis never relented on the immunity issue.

Well after all Bush DID leave the obomanation $350 BILLION in unspent TARP funds, you would have thought it would have been a quid pro quo . Bush WAS A FOOL to think that anything done with a fucking subversive Democrat would be honored!

WTF does that have to do with the Iraqis being the ones who used the UN to drive us out? Or the fact that they never relented on the immunity issue? :doubt:
Lol at kidrocks. Even the US intelligence says Russia has no connection. Now he is grasping at refuted strawman arguments like the fake conversations the neo Nazi and Jewish mobster government of Kiev created. And the good news is the public doesn't stand with him either. Most Americans oppose sanctions and/or intervention

You are presented with the irrefutable truth and yet you are still in denial and lie? What a tool!

Interesting, now you are claiming the US Government is lying when it says there is no Russian connection.

Maybe you aren't an Obama lackey, perhaps a Ukrainian government lackey trying to gin up a military intervention in the east of Ukraine or more sanctions against Russia.

Well look Adolf, we don't support the Ukrainian war of ethnic cleansing against ethnic russians who oppose an illegal coup government. Tho yokels and costume nazis will have to fight on their own. And reports now are that Ukrainian military and their nazi militias are being pushed back.

So of course you are desperate in pushing these lies which have no proof, Ukraine might very well lose this war.
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