Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

KR is just projecting, ignore.

The leftist propagandists are going nuts with this.
Does linking to an article full of lies about Republicans, make them come true?

lies? you can prove that those quotes are lies can't you ?


What quotes would those be?

The GOP doesn't faun over Putin,nor do they like the guy,they see him for what he is,its the pathetic left that look for anything ,absolutely anything they can turn to shit and fling it like little monkeys.
Does linking to an article full of lies about Republicans, make them come true?

Obviously you didn't bother to read the article:

Jon Stewart did two segments on Russian President Vladimir Putin, the first looking at Putin’s autocratic style, and the second looking at how Republicans in the US are just fawning over the man.

Stewart makes a great point, among many. It’s funny how Republicans just love Putin’s dictatorial style, while they accuse Obama of wearing “mommy jeans.” But then whenever Obama actually does something, like pass health care reform, the President suddenly becomes “Dictator Obama” who jams unconstitutional legislation down the throats of the American public (by letting the Congress vote on it 50 times).

And this is in fact true, those on the partisan right first accuse the president of being 'weak' and 'feckless,' when fawning over the 'strong,' 'decisive' Puntin, then accuse the president of being a 'dictator' who is 'destroying America' and acting as a 'tyrant.'

Which is it rightists, the president can't be both.
this is the type of GARBAGE you get off these left wing HATE SITES

never click the links to support them, ever
Jon Stewart :lmao:

Where good liberals get their marching orders, er...news
Seven threads already

wow, Putty make's the left and Obots go stupid for sure

Is it because he puts Obama to shame?

Majority of the people see that...You all can just stomp around like children

These are the people in charge of our country folks...GET A CLUE...vote all of them out our lives

46,000 posts to your credit and YOU"RE counting ???

break out a calculator and call someone who gives a crap in the morning ..
What you family has done or even is doing does not give you some kind of pass. You are responsible for what you say and do. If people think you are being anti American you need to take a look at yourself and not go into denial.
This is what they do...take a tragedy, and then post thread after thread about it with the word "rightwinger" "conservative" "fundy" "Christian" or "republican" in the thread title in order to indicate some sort of culpability.

Liewinger is going nuts doing the same thing. This is what propagandists do.

Same old same old.

Also dont forget that defending Putin and not addressing the message also plays apart in you looking like an apologist.

Like you just did
the lefts fweeeelings are hurt

waaaa waa waaa
The left is OUTRAGED about Putin supposedly being behind this act, but where were they when.....,

US-Backed Syrian Rebels Murdering Christians!

US-Backed Syrian Rebels Murdering Christians | Gerard Direct

HYPOCRISY is the only thing these pond scum have to offer!!!

US backed Rebels? So we should not be mad at Putin but focus on being mad at ourselves?

Will you say anything to avoid discussing Putin's wrong doings? Yes

Of course, anything to dismiss the obomanations incompetence,

You just said you wanted someone from the left to address it. I did, what is the problem now?

but what may or may not be involved with Putin is OK.....

I think you are saying that Putin is Ok no matter what he does or what happens...If you arent then I dont know what you are saying here.

Do you seriously think Putin gave the order to shoot down that plane...but we KNOW that Obuma knew what the Syrian rebels would do, they had done it before!

Those are always the words of someone who has no evidence. It doesnt matter if I think he did only the facts matter and fact is that the plane was shot down and you're in here stroking Putins dick like you are taking a russian facial just to "piss off liberals" or some other excuse
This is what they do...take a tragedy, and then post thread after thread about it with the word "rightwinger" "conservative" "fundy" "Christian" or "republican" in the thread title in order to indicate some sort of culpability.

Liewinger is going nuts doing the same thing. This is what propagandists do.

Same old same old.

I know! Look at LadyGunSlingers thread...

Obama fundraises while Putin runs amok

Talk about LGS's taking advantage of 'tragedy"!
This is what they do...take a tragedy, and then post thread after thread about it with the word "rightwinger" "conservative" "fundy" "Christian" or "republican" in the thread title in order to indicate some sort of culpability.

Liewinger is going nuts doing the same thing. This is what propagandists do.

Same old same old.

Also dont forget that defending Putin and not addressing the message also plays apart in you looking like an apologist.

Like you just did

The message is a lie, nobody elected Putin.

And I have never defended him.

Nice try, though. I can see you actually learned from my comment. This is encouraging. You can be taught.
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Obama executed a US minor w/o a trial and was re-elected in an actual election by leftist and not in a mock poll.

You think about that you degenerate fuck.

provide a link and give the audience something to think about

Oh, he is whining about the teen age son of an American traitor terrorist working out of Yemen for al Qaeda. The little gonna be terrorist went to Yemen to visit his Dad and friends and decided to stick around with his new friends. So he got blasted by a drone aimed at an al Qaeda leader. Moral of the story, sons of terrorist should not hang out with terrorist in Yemen.

Nope, just fyi, he was living in Yemen with his Grandfather since he was about 7. His grandfather wrote about it in the NYT's

Early one morning in September 2011, Abdulrahman set out from our home in Sana by himself. He went to look for his father, whom he hadn’t seen for years. He left a note for his mother explaining that he missed his father and wanted to find him, and asking her to forgive him for leaving without permission.


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