Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

Putin just put 298 bodies on the rolling fields of Ukraine. They are rotting in the sun and being devoured by wild animals and vultures because his mercenary army won't allow people into the area to do the job that needs to be done. They don't want anyone to find his missile parts and other evidence that he shot that plane load of innocent people out of the sky.

Gee. Last I heard Russian seperatists, Ukranians, shot down that bird.

Have you got a pic of Putin out there with a rocket launcher??

No. Thought not. Wise the fuck up you idiot.
Where is there any basis for claiming right wingers or the GOP likes or admires Putin in any way?

There isn't one.

It just makes the lefty's uneasy because Putins a real leader unlike the current fuck in the WH. The man they think is doing a great job as POTUS.

Putins a thug and probably has committed a few murders in his day but he's a strong leader unlike Obama.

Kinda sorta funny they would compare their boy to Putin but do it they do.

sounds like admiration to me! It certainly isn't condemnation....or is his cock to far up your ass for you to spit that out?
I don't admire murderers. Nor do I admire liars or those such as your ilk, who make politics out of loss of life.

Quiet you.

they never let dead bodies get in their way
they were barely gathered up and here they are already

everything is politics, spreading hate about others, etc for them

it's a sick trait I think they are born with


and the Benghazi Freaks are different HOW ?
Any American politician, especially one who once shared one of the major political party's ticket for President or Vice-President, who compares ANY American president unfavorably to a Russian leader who's little better than a dictator, has some very serious loyalty issues. Of course, this is a big joke to American conservatives for a reason that's very easy to understand. They have loyalty issues of their own. They've morphed into an anti-American movement whose primary interest is one solely of regaining power. They have little if any loyalty to America at all if they're not running it. That's why Republicans are not just an opposition party anymore; that's why they undermine the country and its leadership in the hope that they can more easily win the next election.
St. Vladimir: The Putin Worship Continues On Fox News | News Corpse

The old saying that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” has been taken to heart by Fox News and much of the Republican Party. That is the only explanation for the ongoing love affair that is playing out on Fox News for the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. Given an opportunity to compare Putin with President Obama, Fox News invariably comes out on Putin’s side

Just this morning Fox strategic analyst Ralph Peters called Putin “gifted” and said that “He is a dynamic, powerful leader with a clear vision of what he wants and the west is leaderless.” Sarah Palin’s schoolgirl crush causes her to see Putin as “one who wrestles bears and drills for oil. They look at our president as one who wears mom jeans.” Sean Hannity was “humiliated for my country” after seeing photos of a shirtless Putin doing a butterfly stroke next to a picture of Obama riding a bike (which was a manly pastime when George W. Bush did it).

Palin uses "mom jeans" as an insult? And the Fox guy Peters also admires Putin? This is sick. Putin is KGB & a killer. Hannity, he'll say anything.
Here we go, lol.

Remember...capitalizing on a tragedy requires that you somehow imply a connection between your enemy and whatever happened.

We will have many more of these threads, just as we always have a dozen threads pretending republicans and christians are to blame for school shootings. It's how the left uses the dead.

remember Benghazi ... turning death into politics... Republicans pretending they would never stoop that low, notwithstanding countless threads proving they do EXACTLY that.
Also dont forget that defending Putin and not addressing the message also plays apart in you looking like an apologist.

Like you just did

The message is a lie, nobody elected Putin.

And I have never defended him.

Nice try, though. I can see you actually learned from my comment. This is encouraging. You can be taught.

Good because no one said you elected Putin

Yes you have, see by ignoring Putin and trying to make this about anyone else you are defending him by proxy. For example:

Police: Did James do it?
You: No one elected James IDK but Malcolm is an asshole

Is English your second..or third...language?

I said: the message is a lie, nobody elected Putin.
This is the message and the title of the thread:

"... r-wingers admire him here and elect him President"

And I re-iterate, I have never defended Putin.
By proxy? WTF are you talking about? Add "by proxy" to English phrases you obviously don't understand.
This is what they do...take a tragedy, and then post thread after thread about it with the word "rightwinger" "conservative" "fundy" "Christian" or "republican" in the thread title in order to indicate some sort of culpability.

Same old same old.

Also dont forget that defending Putin and not addressing the message also plays apart in you looking like an apologist.

The message is a lie, nobody elected Putin.

And I have never defended him.

I have Russian friends who tell me this all the time.
Daisy Mae Mooseburger's desperation to remain relevant is hilarious.

Too ignorant to see that article was from March, just jump on off that cliff. Maybe you can find an article from last year to spam the board and join the left wing caravan.
Corpses rot in the field while Obabble waits on further evidence of what happened and who done it.

MH17: Grim trawl for bodies at crash site - Nation | The Star Online

What knee jerk action do you propose? Fucking idiots.

"Shep wasn’t the only one baffled by the White House’s insistence on pretending today was a day for the normal shake run and spin."

Video: Pretty much everyone expressing dismay over White House response to world falling apart « Hot Air
Wasn't Putin the evil enemy that Palin cited by name in 2008 when she was trying to hawk her imaginary foreign policy credentials?

I swear if President Obama were to publicly denounce Satan,

the entire Rightwing Nuthouse would become Satanists.
I highly doubt that the GOP have a love affair with Putin. Do they like to use Putin against Obama? Yes. Some have started threads praising Putin, some have said they wished Putin was president. There's even a thread asking poster who they would vote for between Putin, McCain and Obama. The poll showed that we have posters who favored Putin (including a few liberals,maybe a tongue in cheek vote?). Now I'm sure that if it really got down to a serious vote, maybe a few extreme ideologues would vote for Putin, but I imagine most righties would vote for McCain over Putin or Obama.
This admiration for Putin is simply driven by ideological hate for Obama.
It's that simple.

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