Putin kills 298 people while r-wingers admire him here and elect him President.

It’s funny how Republicans just love Putin’s dictatorial style


From a worshiper of the messiah who believes he's dictator, and you agree with him? And you're worried the Republicans like his "dictatorial style?"

Let's just say self awareness is one of your strengths, big guy.
Jon Stewart :lmao:

Where good liberals get their marching orders, er...news

Do you want to argue his point? Is Obama weak or is he a dictator? The far right labels Obama both ways.

He portrays a weak America to the world, he's a dictator in terms of how he runs the country. What about that confuses you exactly?
Go figure a far left Obama drone believing a far left blog site based on faulty programmed propaganda.

All in a vein effort to cover up the fact that Obama is worse than Bush..
The GOP love affair with Vladimir Putin

It’s funny how Republicans just love Putin’s dictatorial style, while they accuse Obama of wearing “mommy jeans.” But then whenever Obama actually does something, like pass health care reform, the President suddenly becomes “Dictator Obama” who jams unconstitutional legislation down the throats of the American public (by letting the Congress vote on it 50 times).

Yes, it's a pitiful spectacle. If Putin were black - would they still love him?
Where is there any basis for claiming right wingers or the GOP likes or admires Putin in any way?
They would have started posting this drivel yesterday, but they were busy celebrating the fact that someone shot a plane with Americans on it out of the sky.
So she has a better grip of the geography of the region than RW.

That translates into worshiping Putin..how? exactly?
Daisy Mae Mooseburger's desperation to remain relevant is hilarious.
They would have started posting this drivel yesterday, but they were busy celebrating the fact that someone shot a plane with Americans on it out of the sky.


This is what is to be expected from a drug using ex-prostitute. Start doing your mouth exercises...your Teaper revolutionaries are going to need your services when they start their insurrection. will you give them a patriot discount?
This is what they do...take a tragedy, and then post thread after thread about it with the word "rightwinger" "conservative" "fundy" "Christian" or "republican" in the thread title in order to indicate some sort of culpability.

Liewinger is going nuts doing the same thing. This is what propagandists do.

Same old same old.

Also dont forget that defending Putin and not addressing the message also plays apart in you looking like an apologist.

Like you just did

The message is a lie, nobody elected Putin.

And I have never defended him.

Nice try, though. I can see you actually learned from my comment. This is encouraging. You can be taught.

Good because no one said you elected Putin

Yes you have, see by ignoring Putin and trying to make this about anyone else you are defending him by proxy. For example:

Police: Did James do it?
You: No one elected James IDK but Malcolm is an asshole
Where is there any basis for claiming right wingers or the GOP likes or admires Putin in any way?

There isn't one.

It just makes the lefty's uneasy because Putins a real leader unlike the current fuck in the WH. The man they think is doing a great job as POTUS.

Putins a thug and probably has committed a few murders in his day but he's a strong leader unlike Obama.

Kinda sorta funny they would compare their boy to Putin but do it they do.
Putin just put 298 bodies on the rolling fields of Ukraine. They are rotting in the sun and being devoured by wild animals and vultures because his mercenary army won't allow people into the area to do the job that needs to be done. They don't want anyone to find his missile parts and other evidence that he shot that plane load of innocent people out of the sky.

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