Putin Owns Obama..

It is more like hilarious to us, that nobel peace prize winner got stopped by a commie for trying to start another war. But by him running it did set bad leadership skills of the free world.
Obama bullied Putin into getting Syria to cough up the weapons or else

It worked
After how many RED LINES Obama drew?


Could Putin have convinced Syria to surrender their weapons without the threat of Obamas Red line?

If he could, why didn't he do so?
Doing the job himself would have involved US boots on the ground. A strong leader uses it as a last resort. If only Bush were that strong a leader

Bush is now out of office. We are talking about Obama.

And I can tell you one thing, nothing Putin did under pressure from Obama was gratis. Payback is coming.

We are talking Republican foreign policy. What they showed us the last time we risked putting them in office was their first course of action was invasion. Cost us 8000 American lives
No thanks, I'll take Obama diplomacy any day. Even if he has to use Putin to do it

How many lives did world one cost,? How many lives did world war 2 cost? How many lives did nam' cost? All democrat war's.
Obama bullied Putin into getting Syria to cough up the weapons or else

It worked
After how many RED LINES Obama drew?


Could Putin have convinced Syria to surrender their weapons without the threat of Obamas Red line?

If he could, why didn't he do so?
You think Putin FEARS Obama? Really? Putin ATE his lunch and is working on his dinner and midnight snack. Putin outhugged Obama and YOU can't stand it.
PUTIN won the Syria debate on the International stage. Putin now directs what goes on in the region. Get used to it.
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Obama bullied Putin into getting Syria to cough up the weapons or else

It worked

'twould be nice if WE had a strong leader who would do the job himself! Just sayin'.

Doing the job himself would have involved US boots on the ground. A strong leader uses it as a last resort. If only Bush were that strong a leader

And a coward kills people from the air because he's too power hungry to leave it alone and too big a coward to commit.

Limited warfare is bullshit. We should never use our military unless we're absolutely committed to winning. And that would result in a lot less use of our military, which would be a very good thing. Killing people from the air and hoping we kill enough of them to either get them to give up or hope it's enough for their enemies to topple them is bullshit, and the favored tactic of a coward like Obama.
Obama bullied Putin into getting Syria to cough up the weapons or else

It worked
After how many RED LINES Obama drew?


Could Putin have convinced Syria to surrender their weapons without the threat of Obamas Red line?

If he could, why didn't he do so?

Obama's red line don't have no merit any more like qudaffi's red line and Regan slammed it and killed one of his daughter's.. Obama ran from putting plain and simple
Never thought I would see so many Conservatives singing the praises of a brute like Putin

Then again, I am not surprised

I never thought I would see the day when a Russian leader was less repressive than and American leader. But Putin is less repressive than Obama.

Really? Putin is responsible for a law that imprisons gay people. Gay people in Russia are being hunted and beaten. What is Obama doing in comparison? You twit.

Obama sent gays from the safety of America to Russia to be hunted down and beaten. And he attempted to get authority to kill American citizens on American soil without due process of law.
Syria, Iran the defense shied..

Obama's response.. send a gay group to the Olympics...

The right's love affair with Pootin is hilarious. Why don't y'all just move over there for this lovefest? I'm sure he could use some more serfs!

Oh, and Bumpy?

How smart was it of Pootin to put his winter olympics in a dive that has averaged 64 degrees the past week and put his "welcomed" visitors in shoddy half built motels? Not to mention he had to call Obama for his advice and help on security.
After how many RED LINES Obama drew?


Could Putin have convinced Syria to surrender their weapons without the threat of Obamas Red line?

If he could, why didn't he do so?
You think Putin FEARS Obama? Really? Putin ATE his lunch and is working on his dinner and midnight snack. Putin outhugged Obama and YOU can't stand it.
PUTIN won the Syria debate on the International stage. Putin now directs what goes on in the region. Get used to it.

Bye bye seat in the UN for Obama!
Of course the jackass thing and everything else here is controversy/pubcrappe/ratings media BS.

The OP shows how the ignorant, gossipy, arrogant, ugly American, chickenhawk, immature GOP suqs at diplomacy and foreign policy- then they take their isolationist ball and go home like they did between the wars- another disaster...

The article is political satire. Jesus Christ.....You are fucking stupid.
Did you used to drink the water in Love Canal?
It's funny watching the right take joke in a guy who is more of a dictator than there false claims of Obama being one.
Anything and anyone they will support if they attack the other side that they hate.

How sad we are as a nation.

Yes....You will NOT make jokes about Dear Leader....Ever!
Bush is now out of office. We are talking about Obama.

And I can tell you one thing, nothing Putin did under pressure from Obama was gratis. Payback is coming.

We are talking Republican foreign policy. What they showed us the last time we risked putting them in office was their first course of action was invasion. Cost us 8000 American lives
No thanks, I'll take Obama diplomacy any day. Even if he has to use Putin to do it

How many lives did world one cost,? How many lives did world war 2 cost? How many lives did nam' cost? All democrat war's.
None of the current Republicans or Democrats were alive in WWI or WWII. It is TODAY'S Republicans who are incapable of diplomacy and whose only course of action is invasion
Yes, I will take Obamas diplomacy any day over another Republican "Mission Accomplished"
Could Putin have convinced Syria to surrender their weapons without the threat of Obamas Red line?

If he could, why didn't he do so?
You think Putin FEARS Obama? Really? Putin ATE his lunch and is working on his dinner and midnight snack. Putin outhugged Obama and YOU can't stand it.
PUTIN won the Syria debate on the International stage. Putin now directs what goes on in the region. Get used to it.

Bye bye seat in the UN for Obama!
and the left so loves to defend a coward like Obama, he can take his Chicago politics national, But that shenanigans don't work on the world stage. Obama is the comander and chief of the biggest military inworld history and he got outplayed by Putin.
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Syria, Iran the defense shied..

Obama's response.. send a gay group to the Olympics...

The right's love affair with Pootin is hilarious. Why don't y'all just move over there for this lovefest? I'm sure he could use some more serfs!

Oh, and Bumpy?

How smart was it of Pootin to put his winter olympics in a dive that has averaged 64 degrees the past week and put his "welcomed" visitors in shoddy half built motels? Not to mention he had to call Obama for his advice and help on security.

You're pathetic at making any sense, comprehending a thread and basically you're a waste my time..on the brighter side you have babbling down to a humorous art form.
We are talking Republican foreign policy. What they showed us the last time we risked putting them in office was their first course of action was invasion. Cost us 8000 American lives
No thanks, I'll take Obama diplomacy any day. Even if he has to use Putin to do it

How many lives did world one cost,? How many lives did world war 2 cost? How many lives did nam' cost? All democrat war's.
None of the current Republicans or Democrats were alive in WWI or WWII. It is TODAY'S Republicans who are incapable of diplomacy and whose only course of action is invasion
Yes, I will take Obamas diplomacy any day over another Republican "Mission Accomplished"

Give us one example of anyone who switched sides and supported us after Obama took over
Putin bitch slaps Obama on the world stage over Syria and now china or NK is not fraid of Obama or will take anything he says serious and you are proud of it?

You guys got a really funny idea of what a bitch slap is..

President Obama, rightly, took a stand against Syria's use of Chemical weapons.

Russia and Syria denied they even HAD them.

Then the Obama administration threatened military strikes.

Conservatives in congress howled "Not without our consent".

Obama says, "fine, come back and vote".

Conservatives howled again, "Cut our vacations short, no way."

Meanwhile Syria, quaking in their boots, wondered what to do.

Kerry, offhandedly says, "Destroy the weapons".

In seconds, Putin says "Yes, comrades in Syria, it shall be so!"

Obama administered not one, not two, but three bitch slaps.
We are talking Republican foreign policy. What they showed us the last time we risked putting them in office was their first course of action was invasion. Cost us 8000 American lives
No thanks, I'll take Obama diplomacy any day. Even if he has to use Putin to do it

How many lives did world one cost,? How many lives did world war 2 cost? How many lives did nam' cost? All democrat war's.
None of the current Republicans or Democrats were alive in WWI or WWII. It is TODAY'S Republicans who are incapable of diplomacy and whose only course of action is invasion
Yes, I will take Obamas diplomacy any day over another Republican "Mission Accomplished"

What ? my grand father is still alive. And fyi the last civil war soldier died im 1964 I think. . I always thought that was interesting

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