Putin Owns Obama..

Never thought I would see so many Conservatives singing the praises of a brute like Putin

Then again, I am not surprised

It is more like hilarious to us, that nobel peace prize winner got stopped by a commie for trying to start another war. But by him running it did set bad leadership skills of the free world.
Obama bullied Putin into getting Syria to cough up the weapons or else

It worked
Never thought I would see so many Conservatives singing the praises of a brute like Putin

Then again, I am not surprised

Recognizing that Putin regularly beats Obama has nothing to do with singing his praises.

I will give Putin though that at least he's clear about which side he's on. Obama, not so much.

Lol... obama will be back a minute he is checking his pol number's to decide what to do next.
Never thought I would see so many Conservatives singing the praises of a brute like Putin

Then again, I am not surprised

It is more like hilarious to us, that nobel peace prize winner got stopped by a commie for trying to start another war. But by him running it did set bad leadership skills of the free world.
Obama bullied Putin into getting Syria to cough up the weapons or else

It worked

'twould be nice if WE had a strong leader who would do the job himself! Just sayin'.
Never thought I would see so many Conservatives singing the praises of a brute like Putin

Then again, I am not surprised

I never thought I would see the day when a Russian leader was less repressive than and American leader. But Putin is less repressive than Obama.

This might be the single most ignorant statement you've ever posted on this board.

Which is certainly saying something.


It's like they lap up what ever they're toss'd.
Syria, Iran the defense shied..

Obama's response.. send a gay group to the Olympics...
Obama did not send a "gay group" to the Olympics. He sent a delegation to the Olympics, some of whom happened to be gay. There is a huge difference between sending a gay group and sending a group that contained some gays.
In fact, I would be willing to bet that previous delegations sent by other presidents probably consisted of some gays also.

You are correct.. I seem to have pulled an Obama and not given the whole story..(If you like your insurance, doctor etc. you can keep it/them..)
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Never thought I would see so many Conservatives singing the praises of a brute like Putin

Then again, I am not surprised

It is more like hilarious to us, that nobel peace prize winner got stopped by a commie for trying to start another war. But by him running it did set bad leadership skills of the free world.
Obama bullied Putin into getting Syria to cough up the weapons or else

It worked

OMG, I am laughing my ass off right now.

Stupid people are everywhere, they see what they want to see...

Obama got zip. Putin kept his base, kept his ally Iran out of a war, kept his puppet in place and blocked the gulf pipeline. Obama got nothing, what you are saying didn't even happen.

Obama got to run after Putin yelling, I'm the real winner, I WANTED you to kick sand in my eyes and take my lunch money. Bam, loser!
Never thought I would see so many Conservatives singing the praises of a brute like Putin

Then again, I am not surprised

It is more like hilarious to us, that nobel peace prize winner got stopped by a commie for trying to start another war. But by him running it did set bad leadership skills of the free world.
Obama bullied Putin into getting Syria to cough up the weapons or else

It worked

Wow .. immediate revisionist history, that's something new

...or do you actually have a link? ..:lol:
It is more like hilarious to us, that nobel peace prize winner got stopped by a commie for trying to start another war. But by him running it did set bad leadership skills of the free world.
Obama bullied Putin into getting Syria to cough up the weapons or else

It worked

'twould be nice if WE had a strong leader who would do the job himself! Just sayin'.

Doing the job himself would have involved US boots on the ground. A strong leader uses it as a last resort. If only Bush were that strong a leader
This might be the single most ignorant statement you've ever posted on this board.

Which is certainly saying something.


Coming from Dr. Porkchop, who doesn't even know who Dr. Porkchop is~! You are nothing if not entertaining.

Feel free to prove my statement about Russia incorrect, Dr. Porkchop.


That's not how works. The burden of proof is on you to back up your ridiculous claim, not on me to prove it wrong.


I take it we are now free to flame in the Politics forum without posting any topic related content. Being that an admin did it and all.

You think my claim is 'ignorant'. It is up to you to prove me wrong.
Obama bullied Putin into getting Syria to cough up the weapons or else

It worked

'twould be nice if WE had a strong leader who would do the job himself! Just sayin'.

Doing the job himself would have involved US boots on the ground. A strong leader uses it as a last resort. If only Bush were that strong a leader

Bush is now out of office. We are talking about Obama.

And I can tell you one thing, nothing Putin did under pressure from Obama was gratis. Payback is coming.
Never thought I would see so many Conservatives singing the praises of a brute like Putin

Then again, I am not surprised

It is more like hilarious to us, that nobel peace prize winner got stopped by a commie for trying to start another war. But by him running it did set bad leadership skills of the free world.
Obama bullied Putin into getting Syria to cough up the weapons or else

It worked

Lol. If that's your story. Remember Kerry opened his big mouth. And Putin was sending over advanced radar / early warning ships to Syria.
Never thought I would see so many Conservatives singing the praises of a brute like Putin

Then again, I am not surprised

I never thought I would see the day when a Russian leader was less repressive than and American leader. But Putin is less repressive than Obama.

Really? Putin is responsible for a law that imprisons gay people. Gay people in Russia are being hunted and beaten. What is Obama doing in comparison? You twit.
What world do you live in? Focus, Obama couldn't even get great Britain to go along with attacking Syria. France wanted to do it but Obama ran and had to cop out, he didn't need congress approval to attack but he ran France doesn't have the military strength.

Remember Kerry said one week or we attack.
Also, as I remember, Obama said during the elections that Syria using gas was a red line in the sand (Saddam's stash, but I digress). Syria used gas and Obama said it wasn't his red line. WTF? So Putin deals with them and Obama goes golfing. Anyone paying attention knows he's a paper tiger at most. JFK had the stones but he wouldn't be accepted as a Democrat today.
Never thought I would see so many Conservatives singing the praises of a brute like Putin

Then again, I am not surprised

It is more like hilarious to us, that nobel peace prize winner got stopped by a commie for trying to start another war. But by him running it did set bad leadership skills of the free world.
Obama bullied Putin into getting Syria to cough up the weapons or else

It worked
After how many RED LINES Obama drew?

Coming from Dr. Porkchop, who doesn't even know who Dr. Porkchop is~! You are nothing if not entertaining.

Feel free to prove my statement about Russia incorrect, Dr. Porkchop.


That's not how works. The burden of proof is on you to back up your ridiculous claim, not on me to prove it wrong.


I take it we are now free to flame in the Politics forum without posting any topic related content. Being that an admin did it and all.

You think my claim is 'ignorant'. It is up to you to prove me wrong.

I believe when a moderator posts unofficially in a thread they are open to ridicule and satisfaction from a member.. unless they're chickenshit and change the rules of course.
'twould be nice if WE had a strong leader who would do the job himself! Just sayin'.

Doing the job himself would have involved US boots on the ground. A strong leader uses it as a last resort. If only Bush were that strong a leader

Bush is now out of office. We are talking about Obama.

And I can tell you one thing, nothing Putin did under pressure from Obama was gratis. Payback is coming.

We are talking Republican foreign policy. What they showed us the last time we risked putting them in office was their first course of action was invasion. Cost us 8000 American lives
No thanks, I'll take Obama diplomacy any day. Even if he has to use Putin to do it
Obama bullied Putin into getting Syria to cough up the weapons or else

It worked

'twould be nice if WE had a strong leader who would do the job himself! Just sayin'.

Doing the job himself would have involved US boots on the ground. A strong leader uses it as a last resort. If only Bush were that strong a leader

What the heck? Obama made a time line to attack and then backed dowm. And boots were used on the ground to kill bin Laden.

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