Putin Owns Trump

It would be nice, however, if the Democrats (Obama and Hillary) would stop funding and arming Al Qaeida, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Mexican Drug Cartels...

So you think Israel needs to be defended by the US from enemies it has repeatedly defeated without any US help? There may be a pill for that.

Israel has defended against the aggressive Caliphate with significant aid from the USA.

Far better to provide financial support than troops.
Indeed, and if only our European allies had been as capable as Israel in defending themselves 500,000 Americans wouldn't have had to die in European wars and the US would not have to spend huge amounts of money on military deployments in Europe to protect them now. This is one reason why it is so important that Trump win this election because he is the only candidate who is committed to taking a fresh look at these commitments in Europe and demand the Europeans step up and take some responsibility for their own defense.

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