Putin Owns Trump

My favorite Trump word salad is the response he gave to a question during the debates about Putin's aggressive moves in Syria and Ukraine: "As far as the Ukraine is concerned, and you could Syria — as far as Syria, I like — if Putin wants to go in, and I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes, we were stablemates, and we did very well that night."

That response, besides leaving the same galaxy as the question at warp factor 9, was yet another Trump lie. Over the past several years, he has desperately wanted to meet and fondle Putin, and he has pretended on several occasions that he did.

And he did it again with that debate response. "We were stablemates". No, they weren't. Not even close. They were literally on opposite sides of the planet.

Unrequited love is such a pathetic sight...

I see , so the Obama/killary policy to directly confront Putin over Syria is the best approach?

Even though the US is in Syria solely to defend Israel?

I believe that mental retardation is the pathetic sight.

My favorite Trump word salad is the response he gave to a question during the debates about Putin's aggressive moves in Syria and Ukraine: "As far as the Ukraine is concerned, and you could Syria — as far as Syria, I like — if Putin wants to go in, and I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes, we were stablemates, and we did very well that night."

That response, besides leaving the same galaxy as the question at warp factor 9, was yet another Trump lie. Over the past several years, he has desperately wanted to meet and fondle Putin, and he has pretended on several occasions that he did.

And he did it again with that debate response. "We were stablemates". No, they weren't. Not even close. They were literally on opposite sides of the planet.

Unrequited love is such a pathetic sight...

I see , so the Obama/killary policy to directly confront Putin over Syria is the best approach?

Even though the US is in Syria solely to defend Israel?

I believe that mental retardation is the pathetic sight.

That's bizarre. From whom would the US be defending Israel?
My favorite Trump word salad is the response he gave to a question during the debates about Putin's aggressive moves in Syria and Ukraine: "As far as the Ukraine is concerned, and you could Syria — as far as Syria, I like — if Putin wants to go in, and I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes, we were stablemates, and we did very well that night."

That response, besides leaving the same galaxy as the question at warp factor 9, was yet another Trump lie. Over the past several years, he has desperately wanted to meet and fondle Putin, and he has pretended on several occasions that he did.

And he did it again with that debate response. "We were stablemates". No, they weren't. Not even close. They were literally on opposite sides of the planet.

Unrequited love is such a pathetic sight...

I see , so the Obama/killary policy to directly confront Putin over Syria is the best approach?

Even though the US is in Syria solely to defend Israel?

I believe that mental retardation is the pathetic sight.

That's bizarre. From whom would the US be defending Israel?

According to a policy paper adopted by the neocrazies in 1996 Syria and Iraq.

My favorite Trump word salad is the response he gave to a question during the debates about Putin's aggressive moves in Syria and Ukraine: "As far as the Ukraine is concerned, and you could Syria — as far as Syria, I like — if Putin wants to go in, and I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes, we were stablemates, and we did very well that night."

That response, besides leaving the same galaxy as the question at warp factor 9, was yet another Trump lie. Over the past several years, he has desperately wanted to meet and fondle Putin, and he has pretended on several occasions that he did.

And he did it again with that debate response. "We were stablemates". No, they weren't. Not even close. They were literally on opposite sides of the planet.

Unrequited love is such a pathetic sight...

I see , so the Obama/killary policy to directly confront Putin over Syria is the best approach?

Even though the US is in Syria solely to defend Israel?

I believe that mental retardation is the pathetic sight.

That's bizarre. From whom would the US be defending Israel?

According to a policy paper adopted by the neocrazies in 1996 Syria and Iraq.

That's nonsense. Israel never needed any help from US forces to defend itself. Israel defeated all of its major enemies in the ME in two wars in which it also kicked the USSR out of the ME.
My favorite Trump word salad is the response he gave to a question during the debates about Putin's aggressive moves in Syria and Ukraine: "As far as the Ukraine is concerned, and you could Syria — as far as Syria, I like — if Putin wants to go in, and I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes, we were stablemates, and we did very well that night."

That response, besides leaving the same galaxy as the question at warp factor 9, was yet another Trump lie. Over the past several years, he has desperately wanted to meet and fondle Putin, and he has pretended on several occasions that he did.

And he did it again with that debate response. "We were stablemates". No, they weren't. Not even close. They were literally on opposite sides of the planet.

Unrequited love is such a pathetic sight...

I see , so the Obama/killary policy to directly confront Putin over Syria is the best approach?

Even though the US is in Syria solely to defend Israel?

I believe that mental retardation is the pathetic sight.

That's bizarre. From whom would the US be defending Israel?

According to a policy paper adopted by the neocrazies in 1996 Syria and Iraq.

That's nonsense. Israel never needed any help from US forces to defend itself. Israel defeated all of its major enemies in the ME in two wars in which it also kicked the USSR out of the ME.

Excuse the fuck out of me.

US taxpayers have given Israel $125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion since 1949

Who pays for all those F16's and materiel?

Since 1996 Bibi has been demanding that the US destroy or weaken Iraq and Syria.

Israel has NEVER kicked out the USSR out of the middle east.

Israel wants Putin out of Syria , but the US will be the one actually doing the dirty work, including WWIII.

The EU is a matter between the nation states of Europe. It is obviously a BAD deal for them and they should shit can it, but I doubt that Trump will be very important in that process.

As he well should NOT.

There is no way that a declining nation like Russian can dominate the EU.

Trump's supporters think the Cold War is over, and that it is not our concern anymore.
If not for the Clintons, the Cold War would be over.

Sorry, the resurgence of friction between the two nations has been a bi-partisan problem.

GHWBush was a fool to allow NATO expansion.

Clinton was asleep at the wheel for 8 years.

GWBush should NOT have sent US forces to the BLack Sea, or been so confrontational with Russia.
It was Clinton who allowed 12 former Soviet states to join NATO, breaking Bush41's promise to Gorbachev that led to their liberation. Bush43 also blundered. Now we need Trump to repair the damage that was done by the Clintons in order to avoid continued conflict with Russia that will prevent any solution to the problems of he ME or eastern Europe.

mmm, did that much of nato expansion take place under Clinton? In that case he does deserve a fair share of the blame.

REgardless, we need to back off now.
Absolutely, we need to show the same respect for Russia's legitimate security concerns that we demand from Russia for our own security concerns and that is what Trump is proposing to do.

It would be excellent, but now, as I see, much of Americans have poor vision, what Obama\Clinton administration really doing in world.

If I could play on US size... US has excellent traditions of "soft power", which excellently made US "number one" in world. No one has anything against US position in soft play here.
But according to her local politic and money interests, Clinton wants to change game to hot war - where US have fifty-fifty chances... Such a giveaway chess... Does the US, having now a lot of internal problems, really need a risk at world politics chessboard?
What I don\t understand is why are we allowing OBAMA to try to put in place another Muslim Brotherhood nation in Syria?

We all know this is what this game is about and the son of a bitch has also given us ISIS.

Why is this allowed?

This is crimes against humanity. He should be before La Hague.
If not for the Clintons, the Cold War would be over.

Sorry, the resurgence of friction between the two nations has been a bi-partisan problem.

GHWBush was a fool to allow NATO expansion.

Clinton was asleep at the wheel for 8 years.

GWBush should NOT have sent US forces to the BLack Sea, or been so confrontational with Russia.
It was Clinton who allowed 12 former Soviet states to join NATO, breaking Bush41's promise to Gorbachev that led to their liberation. Bush43 also blundered. Now we need Trump to repair the damage that was done by the Clintons in order to avoid continued conflict with Russia that will prevent any solution to the problems of he ME or eastern Europe.

mmm, did that much of nato expansion take place under Clinton? In that case he does deserve a fair share of the blame.

REgardless, we need to back off now.
Absolutely, we need to show the same respect for Russia's legitimate security concerns that we demand from Russia for our own security concerns and that is what Trump is proposing to do.

It would be excellent, but now, as I see, much of Americans have poor vision, what Obama\Clinton administration really doing in world.

If I could play on US size... US has excellent traditions of "soft power", which excellently made US "number one" in world. No one has anything against US position in soft play here.
But according to her local politic and money interests, Clinton wants to change game to hot war - where US have fifty-fifty chances... Such a giveaway chess... Does the US, having now a lot of internal problems, really need a risk at world politics chessboard?

It won't work SBiker. She and her husband and their supporters really do live in the 90's.
My favorite Trump word salad is the response he gave to a question during the debates about Putin's aggressive moves in Syria and Ukraine: "As far as the Ukraine is concerned, and you could Syria — as far as Syria, I like — if Putin wants to go in, and I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes, we were stablemates, and we did very well that night."

That response, besides leaving the same galaxy as the question at warp factor 9, was yet another Trump lie. Over the past several years, he has desperately wanted to meet and fondle Putin, and he has pretended on several occasions that he did.

And he did it again with that debate response. "We were stablemates". No, they weren't. Not even close. They were literally on opposite sides of the planet.

Unrequited love is such a pathetic sight...

If Trump stops fucking with Russia, I bet that "love" will be very much requited.

And we can all act like the Cold War is over. Because it IS.
If not for the Clintons, the Cold War would be over.

Sorry, the resurgence of friction between the two nations has been a bi-partisan problem.

GHWBush was a fool to allow NATO expansion.

Clinton was asleep at the wheel for 8 years.

GWBush should NOT have sent US forces to the BLack Sea, or been so confrontational with Russia.
It was Clinton who allowed 12 former Soviet states to join NATO, breaking Bush41's promise to Gorbachev that led to their liberation. Bush43 also blundered. Now we need Trump to repair the damage that was done by the Clintons in order to avoid continued conflict with Russia that will prevent any solution to the problems of he ME or eastern Europe.

mmm, did that much of nato expansion take place under Clinton? In that case he does deserve a fair share of the blame.

REgardless, we need to back off now.
Absolutely, we need to show the same respect for Russia's legitimate security concerns that we demand from Russia for our own security concerns and that is what Trump is proposing to do.

It would be excellent, but now, as I see, much of Americans have poor vision, what Obama\Clinton administration really doing in world.

If I could play on US size... US has excellent traditions of "soft power", which excellently made US "number one" in world. No one has anything against US position in soft play here.
But according to her local politic and money interests, Clinton wants to change game to hot war - where US have fifty-fifty chances... Such a giveaway chess... Does the US, having now a lot of internal problems, really need a risk at world politics chessboard?

You are giving Hillary and the dems to much credit.

THey believe that Russia, since it was defeated in the Cold War is a weak defeated nation that they can push around for the purposes of internal politics without any of their bluffs ever being called.

They don't want a war, but they are doing their best to bumble their way into one.

And to be fair, many of the Republican Leadership that oppose(d) Trump are only slightly better. Which is one of the reasons that I have supported Trump and I HOPE one of the reasons the Republican voters as a whole have supported him.
What I don\t understand is why are we allowing OBAMA to try to put in place another Muslim Brotherhood nation in Syria?

We all know this is what this game is about and the son of a bitch has also given us ISIS.

Why is this allowed?

This is crimes against humanity. He should be before La Hague.

Russia suggested to make the agreements about Syria, achieved a couple of weeks ago in Moscow, public, but Washington is opposing it.

Vladimir Putin (last week): I can tell you why: this has to do with the difficulties that the United States is facing on the Syrian track. The difficulty is that they can in no way separate the so-called “healthy” part of the opposition from the semi-criminal and terrorist elements.

In my opinion, this is dictated by the desire to preserve the military potential in the fight against the lawful government of President Assad. However, this is a slippery slope; we have often spoken about this. Our US partners seem to be again falling into the same trap they have fallen into so many times. This is a dangerous scenario.

As for Russia, it meets its obligations in full. Moreover, we have reached agreements with President Assad and the Syrian Government. As we see it, the Syrian forces are implementing these agreements in full. As for making the agreements [between Russia and USA] public, well, perhaps they do not want to do this because it will become clear to the international community, as well as to the American and Russian people who is not fulfilling which obligations.

We agreed that Jabhat al-Nusra and others of their ilk have to be separated and it has been shown where they are and where these so-called “healthy” forces are. What do we see now? We see no separation of terrorists from this “healthy” part of the opposition, instead we see these terrorists making attempts to regroup, replace one set of signboards with another, replace one name with another and preserve their military potential.

Answers to media questions
What I don\t understand is why are we allowing OBAMA to try to put in place another Muslim Brotherhood nation in Syria?

We all know this is what this game is about and the son of a bitch has also given us ISIS.

Why is this allowed?

This is crimes against humanity. He should be before La Hague.


Where the fuck do you get that Obama wants to "place another Muslim Brotherhood nation in Syria?"

Assad is a Muslim, Syria is already a Muslim nation.

Obama wants to destroy or weaken Syria and place a Sunni puppet in power in order to please Israel and Saudi Arabia.

My favorite Trump word salad is the response he gave to a question during the debates about Putin's aggressive moves in Syria and Ukraine: "As far as the Ukraine is concerned, and you could Syria — as far as Syria, I like — if Putin wants to go in, and I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes, we were stablemates, and we did very well that night."

That response, besides leaving the same galaxy as the question at warp factor 9, was yet another Trump lie. Over the past several years, he has desperately wanted to meet and fondle Putin, and he has pretended on several occasions that he did.

And he did it again with that debate response. "We were stablemates". No, they weren't. Not even close. They were literally on opposite sides of the planet.

Unrequited love is such a pathetic sight...

I see , so the Obama/killary policy to directly confront Putin over Syria is the best approach?

Even though the US is in Syria solely to defend Israel?

I believe that mental retardation is the pathetic sight.

That's bizarre. From whom would the US be defending Israel?

According to a policy paper adopted by the neocrazies in 1996 Syria and Iraq.

That's nonsense. Israel never needed any help from US forces to defend itself. Israel defeated all of its major enemies in the ME in two wars in which it also kicked the USSR out of the ME.

Excuse the fuck out of me.

US taxpayers have given Israel $125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion since 1949

Who pays for all those F16's and materiel?

Since 1996 Bibi has been demanding that the US destroy or weaken Iraq and Syria.

Israel has NEVER kicked out the USSR out of the middle east.

Israel wants Putin out of Syria , but the US will be the one actually doing the dirty work, including WWIII.

It's hard to excuse so much misinformation in one post.

Major US military aid to Israel began in 1973 when the US decided Israel would win the war without US help but that the US would have no influence over Israeli policy, and thus no influence in that part of the ME, if it refused to provide the military supplies Israel was asking for. That was the first time the US provided military assistance to Israel.

The USSR backed the Arab states in two wars against Israel and in 1973, Soviet pilots flew Egyptian airplanes and were decimated by the IAF, Soviet officers and technicians manned the Egyptian SAM batteries that were destroyed by the IDF and nothing prevented the IDF from proceeding on to Alexandria and even Cairo. This was the fourth humiliating defeat for Egyptian forces by tiny Israel and a terrible blow to the prestige of Soviet weaponry and military tactics and it persuaded Sadat to kick the Soviets out of Egypt and to seek peace with Israel and become a client state of the US. It was the influence the US had purchased from Israel that allowed it to play a major role in the peace between Israel and Egypt and that peace set the policy of arming Israel and Egypt sufficiently to deter attacks on each other or by others to keep the peace. That's how Israel kicked the USSR out of the ME and allowed the US to establish itself the only superpower in the region.

Why would Israel want Russia out of Syria? Israel has excellent relations with Russia and both countries respect the legitimate security concerns of the other. The only reason the US is in Syria and has encouraged the European to become involved in Syria is because the dumbass in the WH has no idea what he is doing and is more interested in poll ratings than in policy.

Americans do the dirty work for Europeans and die for Europeans but never for Israel.
My favorite Trump word salad is the response he gave to a question during the debates about Putin's aggressive moves in Syria and Ukraine: "As far as the Ukraine is concerned, and you could Syria — as far as Syria, I like — if Putin wants to go in, and I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes, we were stablemates, and we did very well that night."

That response, besides leaving the same galaxy as the question at warp factor 9, was yet another Trump lie. Over the past several years, he has desperately wanted to meet and fondle Putin, and he has pretended on several occasions that he did.

And he did it again with that debate response. "We were stablemates". No, they weren't. Not even close. They were literally on opposite sides of the planet.

Unrequited love is such a pathetic sight...

If Trump stops fucking with Russia, I bet that "love" will be very much requited.

And we can all act like the Cold War is over. Because it IS.
I just love the naivete of the innocent rubes...

Putin the KGB thug is now all about puppies and rainbows. :lol:
My favorite Trump word salad is the response he gave to a question during the debates about Putin's aggressive moves in Syria and Ukraine: "As far as the Ukraine is concerned, and you could Syria — as far as Syria, I like — if Putin wants to go in, and I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes, we were stablemates, and we did very well that night."

That response, besides leaving the same galaxy as the question at warp factor 9, was yet another Trump lie. Over the past several years, he has desperately wanted to meet and fondle Putin, and he has pretended on several occasions that he did.

And he did it again with that debate response. "We were stablemates". No, they weren't. Not even close. They were literally on opposite sides of the planet.

Unrequited love is such a pathetic sight...

If Trump stops fucking with Russia, I bet that "love" will be very much requited.

And we can all act like the Cold War is over. Because it IS.
I just love the naivete of the innocent rubes...

Putin the KGB thug is now all about puppies and rainbows. :lol:

That's a nice strawman.

So, as you were unable to actually address what I said, my point stands.

If Trump stops fucking with Russia, I bet that "love" will be very much requited.

And we can all act like the Cold War is over. Because it IS.
I see , so the Obama/killary policy to directly confront Putin over Syria is the best approach?

Even though the US is in Syria solely to defend Israel?

I believe that mental retardation is the pathetic sight.

That's bizarre. From whom would the US be defending Israel?

According to a policy paper adopted by the neocrazies in 1996 Syria and Iraq.

That's nonsense. Israel never needed any help from US forces to defend itself. Israel defeated all of its major enemies in the ME in two wars in which it also kicked the USSR out of the ME.

Excuse the fuck out of me.

US taxpayers have given Israel $125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion since 1949

Who pays for all those F16's and materiel?

Since 1996 Bibi has been demanding that the US destroy or weaken Iraq and Syria.

Israel has NEVER kicked out the USSR out of the middle east.

Israel wants Putin out of Syria , but the US will be the one actually doing the dirty work, including WWIII.

It's hard to excuse so much misinformation in one post.

Major US military aid to Israel began in 1973 when the US decided Israel would win the war without US help but that the US would have no influence over Israeli policy, and thus no influence in that part of the ME, if it refused to provide the military supplies Israel was asking for. That was the first time the US provided military assistance to Israel.

The USSR backed the Arab states in two wars against Israel and in 1973, Soviet pilots flew Egyptian airplanes and were decimated by the IAF, Soviet officers and technicians manned the Egyptian SAM batteries that were destroyed by the IDF and nothing prevented the IDF from proceeding on to Alexandria and even Cairo. This was the fourth humiliating defeat for Egyptian forces by tiny Israel and a terrible blow to the prestige of Soviet weaponry and military tactics and it persuaded Sadat to kick the Soviets out of Egypt and to seek peace with Israel and become a client state of the US. It was the influence the US had purchased from Israel that allowed it to play a major role in the peace between Israel and Egypt and that peace set the policy of arming Israel and Egypt sufficiently to deter attacks on each other or by others to keep the peace. That's how Israel kicked the USSR out of the ME and allowed the US to establish itself the only superpower in the region.

Why would Israel want Russia out of Syria? Israel has excellent relations with Russia and both countries respect the legitimate security concerns of the other. The only reason the US is in Syria and has encouraged the European to become involved in Syria is because the dumbass in the WH has no idea what he is doing and is more interested in poll ratings than in policy.

Americans do the dirty work for Europeans and die for Europeans but never for Israel.

It's hard to excuse so much misinformation in one post

The USSR threatened but never participated in the Six day War and back them , as now, its concern was Syria

As tensions between Israel and Syria increased, Israel felt the threat of force was the only deterrent left.[21] On May 12 the Politburo was told that the IDF had formulated a large-scale attack on Syria and was simply waiting for a good time to begin it.[22] A day later, on May 13, 1967 the Soviet’s gave the Egyptian President, Gamal Abd al-Nasser an intelligence report that claimed there were Israeli troops gathering on the Syrian border.[23] Dmitri Chuvakhin, Soviet ambassador to Israel, refused an Israeli Invitation to visit the border in order to disprove the report.[24] On May 14, Nasser sent his chief of staff, General Mohamed Fawzi to the border to investigate the report, and was told there were no Israeli troop concentrations.[25] Although, Nasser knew that the Soviet report was wrong, he perhaps interpreted it to indicate Soviet support of an Egyptian offensive towards Israel.[26] On May 15, Nasser sent the Egyptian army to Sinai and on May 18, 1967 Nasser requested that the U.N. Emergency Force (UNEF) withdraw from Egypt.[27] Furthermore, on May 22 he closed the Tiran straits to Israeli ships. The Israeli's interpreted the closing of the straits of Tiran as an act of war, and attacked Egypt on June 5, 1967, destroying hundreds of airplanes.[28] Russia reacted to Israel’s offensive in two ways. Firstly it severed diplomatic relations with Israel and threatened sanctions if fighting with Syria did not cease immediately. Secondly, it told the White House that unless Israel stopped military operations, the Soviet Union would get involved. In the following six days Israel achieved massive victories, until the war ended on June 10, 1967 with a cease-fire.[29]

The role the USSR played in the June 1967 war, between the State of Israel and the surrounding Arab countries, remains fiercely debated. Some scholars have argued that Moscow started the war in order to further its position in the area and increase Arab reliance on Soviet Aid. Expanding on the notion that a key goal of the Soviet Union in the Middle East in the 1960s was to expand its military presence through the procurement of both naval and air bases.[30]

Furthermore, the Soviets chose to involve Egypt in the conflict due to the fear that an incident between Syria and Israel would likely lead to Syria’s defeat.[31] Others claim it was due to miscalculations and the Soviets' lack of control over the Arabs. Another theory was that Moscow was attempting to use the Middle East in order to divert attention from Vietnam.[32] Recently a theory has emerged that claims that the main reason for the Soviet move was to demolish Israel’s nuclear development before it had obtained a working atomic weapon.[33]
If not for the Clintons, the Cold War would be over.

Sorry, the resurgence of friction between the two nations has been a bi-partisan problem.

GHWBush was a fool to allow NATO expansion.

Clinton was asleep at the wheel for 8 years.

GWBush should NOT have sent US forces to the BLack Sea, or been so confrontational with Russia.
It was Clinton who allowed 12 former Soviet states to join NATO, breaking Bush41's promise to Gorbachev that led to their liberation. Bush43 also blundered. Now we need Trump to repair the damage that was done by the Clintons in order to avoid continued conflict with Russia that will prevent any solution to the problems of he ME or eastern Europe.

mmm, did that much of nato expansion take place under Clinton? In that case he does deserve a fair share of the blame.

REgardless, we need to back off now.
Absolutely, we need to show the same respect for Russia's legitimate security concerns that we demand from Russia for our own security concerns and that is what Trump is proposing to do.

It would be excellent, but now, as I see, much of Americans have poor vision, what Obama\Clinton administration really doing in world.

If I could play on US size... US has excellent traditions of "soft power", which excellently made US "number one" in world. No one has anything against US position in soft play here.
But according to her local politic and money interests, Clinton wants to change game to hot war - where US have fifty-fifty chances... Such a giveaway chess... Does the US, having now a lot of internal problems, really need a risk at world politics chessboard?
I don't think Hillary has any idea what she wants to do. It is simply in her nature to demonize anyone who does not see things exactly as she wants them to. This is because, despite her extensive political experience, she has never been in a position of responsibility where she would be held accountable for the consequences of her decisions. Hillary is demonizing Russia for the sole purpose of being able to attack Trump for his friendly relations with Russia and has no interest in what consequences for the world this will have.

There is no reason for a conflict between the US and Russia today. Somehow when the Clintons were in the WH, they were unable to understand the Cold War was over and they continued to build up forces and form alliances as if in preparation for a war with the USSR. The humiliations the Clintons made Russia suffer by taking all those former Soviets states into NATO and the economic and political chaos they caused Russians to suffer under the guise of offering advice and aid in turning Russia into a capitalist nations are the sources of Russian security anxieties and distrust of the US.

Bush43 tried to reverse the damage the Clintons had done to US Russia relations, but never figured out how to do this without running into conflict with European allies that wanted Russia surrounded by NATO forces. Obama either has no understanding of the issue or no interest in it. Trump is the only person who is able to repair the damage to US Russia relations and end the conflicts in the ME and eastern Europe because he is the only person who is willing to take a fresh look at everything, including NATO and US relations with western European countries.
An explanation for why Trump is such a brown noser when it comes to Putin, and why he must never release his tax returns if he hopes to stay in the race for President:

In 2008, Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. said at a New York real estate conference that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.” Referring to the Trump Organization, where he works with his father, he added that “we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

That boast would make perfect sense. Following the bankruptcy of Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts in 2004 — which involved three casinos in Atlantic City and one in Indiana, and allowed Trump to get out from under an estimated $1.8 billion in debt — banks became wary of lending to Trump, according to widespread reports.

A 2010 federal lawsuit alleged that much of the money that financed the Trump SoHo luxury hotel development in Manhattan, which broke ground in 2006, came from a shadowy Iceland-based corporate entity. The suit alleged that “the money behind” the firm was “mostly Russian,” and that the Russians involved “were in favor with Putin.”

Trump loves Vladimir Putin. Could his tax returns explain why?
Putin owns Europe… Fact
That's bizarre. From whom would the US be defending Israel?

According to a policy paper adopted by the neocrazies in 1996 Syria and Iraq.

That's nonsense. Israel never needed any help from US forces to defend itself. Israel defeated all of its major enemies in the ME in two wars in which it also kicked the USSR out of the ME.

Excuse the fuck out of me.

US taxpayers have given Israel $125 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion since 1949

Who pays for all those F16's and materiel?

Since 1996 Bibi has been demanding that the US destroy or weaken Iraq and Syria.

Israel has NEVER kicked out the USSR out of the middle east.

Israel wants Putin out of Syria , but the US will be the one actually doing the dirty work, including WWIII.

It's hard to excuse so much misinformation in one post.

Major US military aid to Israel began in 1973 when the US decided Israel would win the war without US help but that the US would have no influence over Israeli policy, and thus no influence in that part of the ME, if it refused to provide the military supplies Israel was asking for. That was the first time the US provided military assistance to Israel.

The USSR backed the Arab states in two wars against Israel and in 1973, Soviet pilots flew Egyptian airplanes and were decimated by the IAF, Soviet officers and technicians manned the Egyptian SAM batteries that were destroyed by the IDF and nothing prevented the IDF from proceeding on to Alexandria and even Cairo. This was the fourth humiliating defeat for Egyptian forces by tiny Israel and a terrible blow to the prestige of Soviet weaponry and military tactics and it persuaded Sadat to kick the Soviets out of Egypt and to seek peace with Israel and become a client state of the US. It was the influence the US had purchased from Israel that allowed it to play a major role in the peace between Israel and Egypt and that peace set the policy of arming Israel and Egypt sufficiently to deter attacks on each other or by others to keep the peace. That's how Israel kicked the USSR out of the ME and allowed the US to establish itself the only superpower in the region.

Why would Israel want Russia out of Syria? Israel has excellent relations with Russia and both countries respect the legitimate security concerns of the other. The only reason the US is in Syria and has encouraged the European to become involved in Syria is because the dumbass in the WH has no idea what he is doing and is more interested in poll ratings than in policy.

Americans do the dirty work for Europeans and die for Europeans but never for Israel.

It's hard to excuse so much misinformation in one post

The USSR threatened but never participated in the Six day War and back them , as now, its concern was Syria

As tensions between Israel and Syria increased, Israel felt the threat of force was the only deterrent left.[21] On May 12 the Politburo was told that the IDF had formulated a large-scale attack on Syria and was simply waiting for a good time to begin it.[22] A day later, on May 13, 1967 the Soviet’s gave the Egyptian President, Gamal Abd al-Nasser an intelligence report that claimed there were Israeli troops gathering on the Syrian border.[23] Dmitri Chuvakhin, Soviet ambassador to Israel, refused an Israeli Invitation to visit the border in order to disprove the report.[24] On May 14, Nasser sent his chief of staff, General Mohamed Fawzi to the border to investigate the report, and was told there were no Israeli troop concentrations.[25] Although, Nasser knew that the Soviet report was wrong, he perhaps interpreted it to indicate Soviet support of an Egyptian offensive towards Israel.[26] On May 15, Nasser sent the Egyptian army to Sinai and on May 18, 1967 Nasser requested that the U.N. Emergency Force (UNEF) withdraw from Egypt.[27] Furthermore, on May 22 he closed the Tiran straits to Israeli ships. The Israeli's interpreted the closing of the straits of Tiran as an act of war, and attacked Egypt on June 5, 1967, destroying hundreds of airplanes.[28] Russia reacted to Israel’s offensive in two ways. Firstly it severed diplomatic relations with Israel and threatened sanctions if fighting with Syria did not cease immediately. Secondly, it told the White House that unless Israel stopped military operations, the Soviet Union would get involved. In the following six days Israel achieved massive victories, until the war ended on June 10, 1967 with a cease-fire.[29]

The role the USSR played in the June 1967 war, between the State of Israel and the surrounding Arab countries, remains fiercely debated. Some scholars have argued that Moscow started the war in order to further its position in the area and increase Arab reliance on Soviet Aid. Expanding on the notion that a key goal of the Soviet Union in the Middle East in the 1960s was to expand its military presence through the procurement of both naval and air bases.[30]

Furthermore, the Soviets chose to involve Egypt in the conflict due to the fear that an incident between Syria and Israel would likely lead to Syria’s defeat.[31] Others claim it was due to miscalculations and the Soviets' lack of control over the Arabs. Another theory was that Moscow was attempting to use the Middle East in order to divert attention from Vietnam.[32] Recently a theory has emerged that claims that the main reason for the Soviet move was to demolish Israel’s nuclear development before it had obtained a working atomic weapon.[33]
Of course, none of this supports your claim that the US is involved in the ME only to defend Israel or disputes the fact that Israeli victories against Egypt and Syria resulted in the USSR being kicked out of the ME.

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