Putin Owns Trump

Sorry, the resurgence of friction between the two nations has been a bi-partisan problem.

GHWBush was a fool to allow NATO expansion.

Clinton was asleep at the wheel for 8 years.

GWBush should NOT have sent US forces to the BLack Sea, or been so confrontational with Russia.
It was Clinton who allowed 12 former Soviet states to join NATO, breaking Bush41's promise to Gorbachev that led to their liberation. Bush43 also blundered. Now we need Trump to repair the damage that was done by the Clintons in order to avoid continued conflict with Russia that will prevent any solution to the problems of he ME or eastern Europe.

mmm, did that much of nato expansion take place under Clinton? In that case he does deserve a fair share of the blame.

REgardless, we need to back off now.
Absolutely, we need to show the same respect for Russia's legitimate security concerns that we demand from Russia for our own security concerns and that is what Trump is proposing to do.

It would be excellent, but now, as I see, much of Americans have poor vision, what Obama\Clinton administration really doing in world.

If I could play on US size... US has excellent traditions of "soft power", which excellently made US "number one" in world. No one has anything against US position in soft play here.
But according to her local politic and money interests, Clinton wants to change game to hot war - where US have fifty-fifty chances... Such a giveaway chess... Does the US, having now a lot of internal problems, really need a risk at world politics chessboard?

You are giving Hillary and the dems to much credit.

THey believe that Russia, since it was defeated in the Cold War is a weak defeated nation that they can push around for the purposes of internal politics without any of their bluffs ever being called.

They don't want a war, but they are doing their best to bumble their way into one.

And to be fair, many of the Republican Leadership that oppose(d) Trump are only slightly better. Which is one of the reasons that I have supported Trump and I HOPE one of the reasons the Republican voters as a whole have supported him.

They already started proxy-war against Russia in Sirya and Ukraine. But bluffing so much, they able to regard Russian nuclear shield as bluff and try to strike Russia with nuclear missiles...
Funny thing is that RWNJ traitors actually believe they'll get some of Fred Trump's money.

OP - Gotta love it when one of the crooked Drumpf's lets something slip. How long before Pooting cuts him off? Right not, Russia is the only one who will give Drumpf more money because he has reneged on too many loans in the past.

Besides the ego stroking, Drumpf is running for prez for the money.
but then there's this:

Sorry, the resurgence of friction between the two nations has been a bi-partisan problem.

GHWBush was a fool to allow NATO expansion.

Clinton was asleep at the wheel for 8 years.

GWBush should NOT have sent US forces to the BLack Sea, or been so confrontational with Russia.
It was Clinton who allowed 12 former Soviet states to join NATO, breaking Bush41's promise to Gorbachev that led to their liberation. Bush43 also blundered. Now we need Trump to repair the damage that was done by the Clintons in order to avoid continued conflict with Russia that will prevent any solution to the problems of he ME or eastern Europe.

mmm, did that much of nato expansion take place under Clinton? In that case he does deserve a fair share of the blame.

REgardless, we need to back off now.
Absolutely, we need to show the same respect for Russia's legitimate security concerns that we demand from Russia for our own security concerns and that is what Trump is proposing to do.

It would be excellent, but now, as I see, much of Americans have poor vision, what Obama\Clinton administration really doing in world.

If I could play on US size... US has excellent traditions of "soft power", which excellently made US "number one" in world. No one has anything against US position in soft play here.
But according to her local politic and money interests, Clinton wants to change game to hot war - where US have fifty-fifty chances... Such a giveaway chess... Does the US, having now a lot of internal problems, really need a risk at world politics chessboard?
I don't think Hillary has any idea what she wants to do. It is simply in her nature to demonize anyone who does not see things exactly as she wants them to. This is because, despite her extensive political experience, she has never been in a position of responsibility where she would be held accountable for the consequences of her decisions. Hillary is demonizing Russia for the sole purpose of being able to attack Trump for his friendly relations with Russia and has no interest in what consequences for the world this will have.

There is no reason for a conflict between the US and Russia today. Somehow when the Clintons were in the WH, they were unable to understand the Cold War was over and they continued to build up forces and form alliances as if in preparation for a war with the USSR. The humiliations the Clintons made Russia suffer by taking all those former Soviets states into NATO and the economic and political chaos they caused Russians to suffer under the guise of offering advice and aid in turning Russia into a capitalist nations are the sources of Russian security anxieties and distrust of the US.

Bush43 tried to reverse the damage the Clintons had done to US Russia relations, but never figured out how to do this without running into conflict with European allies that wanted Russia surrounded by NATO forces. Obama either has no understanding of the issue or no interest in it. Trump is the only person who is able to repair the damage to US Russia relations and end the conflicts in the ME and eastern Europe because he is the only person who is willing to take a fresh look at everything, including NATO and US relations with western European countries.

I hope to agree with you...
There's really no reasons consider Trump as "friend of Russia" or something else. Only one thing I hope - he can stop Clinton's dishonest game. No they trying to dehumanize Russian (Russian are alcoholic, slaves of tyrannic Putin and Stalin and so on...) in a sight of future big war... But do you know, how they really dehumanizing Americans in world? Are you sure, future enemies of US will keep the Geneva convention for US soldiers with such Clinton's image in world politics?
It's like the 1930's Mussolini and Hitler, you can almost interchange them. Hitler was at first enamored with Mussolini and his rise to power. Look at "the donald"!! with Putin!

An explanation for why Trump is such a brown noser when it comes to Putin, and why he must never release his tax returns if he hopes to stay in the race for President:

In 2008, Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. said at a New York real estate conference that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.” Referring to the Trump Organization, where he works with his father, he added that “we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

That boast would make perfect sense. Following the bankruptcy of Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts in 2004 — which involved three casinos in Atlantic City and one in Indiana, and allowed Trump to get out from under an estimated $1.8 billion in debt — banks became wary of lending to Trump, according to widespread reports.

A 2010 federal lawsuit alleged that much of the money that financed the Trump SoHo luxury hotel development in Manhattan, which broke ground in 2006, came from a shadowy Iceland-based corporate entity. The suit alleged that “the money behind” the firm was “mostly Russian,” and that the Russians involved “were in favor with Putin.”

Trump loves Vladimir Putin. Could his tax returns explain why?
I almost hope Trump wins so we can see what cockamamie nonsense drumpfodder will come up with to explain away why Trump is consenting to the annexation of the US by the Russian Federation. Almost. My love of country overrides my morbid curiosity.
The one upside I can think of to a Trump presidency is that at least it won't be boring. We'll all need to arm up and plan out a bug out spot just in case shit hits the fan, but it won't be boring.
I think one thing people, the RW, fail to understand is that Trump is loathed by Muslims. Now, the vast majority of Muslims are not terrorists, but those that are will be wanting to kill Americans, and it will also be a way to recruit more terrorists. Trump has and will incite more terror attacks against Americans. That will be fun.
I almost hope Trump wins so we can see what cockamamie nonsense drumpfodder will come up with to explain away why Trump is consenting to the annexation of the US by the Russian Federation. Almost. My love of country overrides my morbid curiosity.
The one upside I can think of to a Trump presidency is that at least it won't be boring. We'll all need to arm up and plan out a bug out spot just in case shit hits the fan, but it won't be boring.
I think one thing people, the RW, fail to understand is that Trump is loathed by Muslims. Now, the vast majority of Muslims are not terrorists, but those that are will be wanting to kill Americans, and it will also be a way to recruit more terrorists. Trump has and will incite more terror attacks against Americans. That will be fun.
Isn't it hilarious that because of Trump, Americans are and will be more victimized by terrorism than they already are?
[QUOTE="Esmeralda, post: 15343749

Trump has and will incite more terror attacks against Americans. That will be fun.

Esmeralda you are a sick woman.

it's what one does when one like her have nothing of value to add.
Trump is going to push for the breakup of the EU and for Russian dominion over the former Soviet bloc. The question many Americans seem to be asking, is if this is a good idea or not. Trump's supporters think that yes it is.

A nation that was communist for almost 80 years trying to be a market economy and INVESTING here bothers you? Of course it does because you're little more than a communist yourself.
Isn't it hilarious that because of Trump, Americans are and will be more victimized by terrorism than they already are?

"hilarious"? Now TRUMP is causing terrorism? I have no idea what the state of your mental health is but if I were you I'd go in for a tune-up.
Isn't it hilarious that because of Trump, Americans are and will be more victimized by terrorism than they already are?

"hilarious"? Now TRUMP is causing terrorism? I have no idea what the state of your mental health is but if I were you I'd go in for a tune-up.
I'd avoid the place that Hitlery's been going. Wow seen her face plant? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
It was Clinton who allowed 12 former Soviet states to join NATO, breaking Bush41's promise to Gorbachev that led to their liberation. Bush43 also blundered. Now we need Trump to repair the damage that was done by the Clintons in order to avoid continued conflict with Russia that will prevent any solution to the problems of he ME or eastern Europe.

mmm, did that much of nato expansion take place under Clinton? In that case he does deserve a fair share of the blame.

REgardless, we need to back off now.
Absolutely, we need to show the same respect for Russia's legitimate security concerns that we demand from Russia for our own security concerns and that is what Trump is proposing to do.

It would be excellent, but now, as I see, much of Americans have poor vision, what Obama\Clinton administration really doing in world.

If I could play on US size... US has excellent traditions of "soft power", which excellently made US "number one" in world. No one has anything against US position in soft play here.
But according to her local politic and money interests, Clinton wants to change game to hot war - where US have fifty-fifty chances... Such a giveaway chess... Does the US, having now a lot of internal problems, really need a risk at world politics chessboard?

You are giving Hillary and the dems to much credit.

THey believe that Russia, since it was defeated in the Cold War is a weak defeated nation that they can push around for the purposes of internal politics without any of their bluffs ever being called.

They don't want a war, but they are doing their best to bumble their way into one.

And to be fair, many of the Republican Leadership that oppose(d) Trump are only slightly better. Which is one of the reasons that I have supported Trump and I HOPE one of the reasons the Republican voters as a whole have supported him.

They already started proxy-war against Russia in Sirya and Ukraine. But bluffing so much, they able to regard Russian nuclear shield as bluff and try to strike Russia with nuclear missiles...

A First Strike out of the blue would not be their style.

More likely would be foolishly putting us forces in close proximity with Russia forces with very poor orders, under some incompetent promoted because of political reasons, manages to bumble into a clash with RUssian forces.

THEN they decide they need to Shock and Awe Putin and the Russia people into backing down.

That's more how WWIII would start with these clowns.
I almost hope Trump wins so we can see what cockamamie nonsense drumpfodder will come up with to explain away why Trump is consenting to the annexation of the US by the Russian Federation. Almost. My love of country overrides my morbid curiosity.
The one upside I can think of to a Trump presidency is that at least it won't be boring. We'll all need to arm up and plan out a bug out spot just in case shit hits the fan, but it won't be boring.
I think one thing people, the RW, fail to understand is that Trump is loathed by Muslims. Now, the vast majority of Muslims are not terrorists, but those that are will be wanting to kill Americans, and it will also be a way to recruit more terrorists. Trump has and will incite more terror attacks against Americans. That will be fun.

The primary "recruiting" tool for the Terrorist is that we have prevented them from driving the Jews into the sea.

As long as we are anti-genocide, there will be easy recruiting for terrorists.
Trump has and will incite more terror attacks against Americans. That will be fun.

Who performed civilian killing in US at nine\eleven? Saudi Arabia.

9/11 report details Saudi Arabia funding of Muslim extremists in U.S.

What they doing now? Training how to kill civilian in Hodeidah:


Who sponsoring them now by new weapons?

27 U.S. Senators Rebel Against Arming Saudi Arabia

Where's Trump and which target will be next, how do you think?
Trump has and will incite more terror attacks against Americans. That will be fun.

Who performed civilian killing in US at nine\eleven? Saudi Arabia.

9/11 report details Saudi Arabia funding of Muslim extremists in U.S.

What they doing now? Training how to kill civilian in Hodeidah:


Who sponsoring them now by new weapons?

27 U.S. Senators Rebel Against Arming Saudi Arabia

Where's Trump and which target will be next, how do you think?
Trump has said things that make the entire Muslim world loathe him. This is causing terrorists to focus on American interests. If he is elected, it will get even worse.
Trump has and will incite more terror attacks against Americans. That will be fun.

Who performed civilian killing in US at nine\eleven? Saudi Arabia.

9/11 report details Saudi Arabia funding of Muslim extremists in U.S.

What they doing now? Training how to kill civilian in Hodeidah:


Who sponsoring them now by new weapons?

27 U.S. Senators Rebel Against Arming Saudi Arabia

Where's Trump and which target will be next, how do you think?
Trump has said things that make the entire Muslim world loathe him. This is causing terrorists to focus on American interests. If he is elected, it will get even worse.

:)) Just understand, muslim people are like your and me. With hot temperament and understanding of it. They will not fight for something exaggregations in words only.

In other side, if your mean Islamists - they don't able to understand anything except elimination. Does Trump say or not say any words - they will try to perform terroristic acts where they can for the "Will of Allah". Could the words of anyone change your behaviour, if you would sure, God directly whispering you, how to live?

Recipe of peace with Muslim world is very simple - don't kill civilians in traditional Muslim countries and don't feed Islamists' terroristic organizations, like Al-Kaeda, ISIS, an-Nusra and so on...

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