Putin put 15 year prison term for "fake news"

Dude..Russia invaded Ukraine.

They are blowing the shit out of it.
There's nothing to be said after that
Which is why im on Ukraines side, but i dont like being fed lies. As a democrat you are comfortable with your left wing media peddling lies, but I dont like it.
I'm very sorry, Sunni Man, but "Auchwitz lies" came from the Nazi Camp led by Adolph Hitler. Hitler had as I recall, camps all over Europe, and Auschwitz was only one of them. It's been awhile since I studied about the Nazis, but they established prisoner camps beginning in 1933, for enemies of the Nazi Party, and in 1941, they established the first known Nazi Extermination camps. Here's a map of the MAJOR concentration camps and extermination camps:

During the Holocaust, the Nazis established concentration camps across Europe. In this map of concentration and death camps, you can see how far the Nazi Reich expanded over Eastern Europe and get an idea of how many lives were affected by their presence.
At first, these concentration camps were meant to hold political prisoners; but by the beginning of World War II, these concentration camps had transformed and expanded to house vast numbers of non-political prisoners whom the Nazis exploited through forced labor. Many concentration camp prisoners died from horrible living conditions or from being literally worked to death. To the best of my knowledge by the time WWII rolled around, Auschwitz is only one of about 6 death camps, where Jews weren't the only victims. They also killed Jehovah's Witnesses and Gypsies. The Europeans were fed up with religious people, and before all was said and done, there were

From Political Prisons to Concentration Camps​


These are some of the Gypsies

Most of the Jews' bodies laying in pits and ravines deep in secret places
are no longer online, because they made living Jews crazy to see them or
whatever the leaders of the various and sundry museums around Europe
and some in the USA. In truth, nobody deserves to grow up with parental
paranoia, whose lives after camps were not a pleasant ordeal to tell about.

By 1941, the Nazis began building Chelmno, the first extermination camp
(also called a death camp),
to "exterminate" both Jews and Gypsies. In 1942, three more death camps were built
(Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec) and used solely for mass murder.Around this time,
killing centers were also added at the concentration camps of Auschwitz and Majdanek.
It is estimated that the Nazis used these camps to kill approximately 11 million people.
Estimates of other detention (not killing) camps numbered 44,000.
That said, what the Russians are doing today has absolutely nothing, zero, nada, to do with the "Holocaust" that nobody cares to even vaguely think about in this day and age.
However, what concerns me is that this organized attempt at genocide of all the people in the Ukraine has nothing to do with Germany, and it has everything to do with the methods of killing Stalin used to conveniently get rid of people who annoyed the majority of the Russian nation. so instead of establishing thousands of holding prisons in far away places where nobody is allowed to go to. The Russian solution is to just kill everyone, cremate the bodies instead of leaving them to lie in open or closed pits that would at least leave countable bodies like the Nazis did. That way, they can neatly and clean up the millions of people they kill in the war that takes no prisoners. The reason there are reports of cremation equipment being delivered is obvious. It's a lot easier to call something a "hoax" than to have the fear that someone will dig up bodies to strengthen their case that an atrocity occurred. Genius?

Current issue: Vladimir Putin has put the UK on his shit list:
March 4 2022
Just weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine, a former Fox News staffer was arrested in London on February 3 for allegedly violating sanctions in his efforts to launch a pro-Putin TV network.

The US Department of Justice announced on Thursday that it has indicted Jack Hanick, who worked at Fox for 15 years, over his work with Russian oligarch Konstantin Malofeyev.

DOJ alleges that Hanick knowingly helped Malofeyev in his business venture, despite Malofeyev's financing of Russian-backed separatist soldiers in Ukraine's Donbas region since 2014.

"The defendant Hanick knowingly chose to help Malofeyev spread his destabilizing messages by establishing, or attempting to establish, TV networks in Russia, Bulgaria and Greece, in violation of those sanctions," the DOJ statement read.

A representative for Fox News told Insider that Hanick worked as a director across daytime programming and left the network in 2011.
March 4 2022
Just weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine, a former Fox News staffer was arrested in London on February 3 for allegedly violating sanctions in his efforts to launch a pro-Putin TV network.

The US Department of Justice announced on Thursday that it has indicted Jack Hanick, who worked at Fox for 15 years, over his work with Russian oligarch Konstantin Malofeyev.

DOJ alleges that Hanick knowingly helped Malofeyev in his business venture, despite Malofeyev's financing of Russian-backed separatist soldiers in Ukraine's Donbas region since 2014.

"The defendant Hanick knowingly chose to help Malofeyev spread his destabilizing messages by establishing, or attempting to establish, TV networks in Russia, Bulgaria and Greece, in violation of those sanctions," the DOJ statement read.

A representative for Fox News told Insider that Hanick worked as a director across daytime programming and left the network in 2011.
Did you forget something? Hint: A link.
March 4 2022
Just weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine, a former Fox News staffer was arrested in London on February 3 for allegedly violating sanctions in his efforts to launch a pro-Putin TV network.

The US Department of Justice announced on Thursday that it has indicted Jack Hanick, who worked at Fox for 15 years, over his work with Russian oligarch Konstantin Malofeyev.

DOJ alleges that Hanick knowingly helped Malofeyev in his business venture, despite Malofeyev's financing of Russian-backed separatist soldiers in Ukraine's Donbas region since 2014.

"The defendant Hanick knowingly chose to help Malofeyev spread his destabilizing messages by establishing, or attempting to establish, TV networks in Russia, Bulgaria and Greece, in violation of those sanctions," the DOJ statement read.

A representative for Fox News told Insider that Hanick worked as a director across daytime programming and left the network in 2011.
Mr. Hanick hasn't worked for Fox News for eleven years, when he left the organization, Smokin OP? I'm dumbfounded, I'm tellin' ya, I'm shocked!
American news sources justified Bill Clinton's bombing campaign on Yugoslavia when he was caught with his pants down. Propaganda goes both ways.
Nice try, Colon. Dull weapon. This time I agree.
Colon? I've increased my standing now. I used to be a communist fascist with no brains but now I'm just full of shit.

I love terms of endearment.
You are terrified of dissent.

What a pansy.
Really? Me frightened of dissent?

How many lefties are on here sticking it up you guys? Thats not dissentnon a right wing forum like this?
I'll bet you wouldn't leave your comfort zone of this bubble and join a left wing side. They would tear you to bits
Colon? I've increased my standing now. I used to be a communist fascist with no brains but now I'm just full of shit.

I love terms of endearment.

Really? Me frightened of dissent?

How many lefties are on here sticking it up you guys? Thats not dissentnon a right wing forum like this?
I'll bet you wouldn't leave your comfort zone of this bubble and join a left wing side. They would tear you to bits
Why would I join the side that hates me? You really are an idiot.

Meanwhile, conservatives support free speech. Leftists don't. That isn't even up for debate.
Why would I join the side that hates me? You really are an idiot.
What makes you think they would recruit a brain dead fool like you.
Meanwhile, conservatives support free speech. Leftists don't. That isn't even up for debate.

Of course they don't. You are an expert on the subject. That's why Trump was beaten. Democrats exercised their freedom and threw mogadon out.

Youre are little frustrated son. Settle down with a valium and cuddle your MAGA cap. Nothing going to change because of your ignorance and hate.
What makes you think they would recruit a brain dead fool like you.

Of course they don't. You are an expert on the subject. That's why Trump was beaten. Democrats exercised their freedom and threw mogadon out.

Youre are little frustrated son. Settle down with a valium and cuddle your MAGA cap. Nothing going to change because of your ignorance and hate.
It's always funny when leftists display an arrogance they've never earned. :auiqs.jpg:
It's always funny when leftists display an arrogance they've never earned. :auiqs.jpg:
The hypocrisy of you.
You thugs think you rule the world, with democrats eliminated and Trump as a dictator potus yet its me who is arrogant????

Do you ever read anything before you post? I keep picking you off like a like of ducks and you repeat it every day. How dumb are you?
The hypocrisy of you.
You thugs think you rule the world, with democrats eliminated and Trump as a dictator potus yet its me who is arrogant????

Do you ever read anything before you post? I keep picking you off like a like of ducks and you repeat it every day. How dumb are you?
You lead an interesting fantasy life, that's for sure. What do they call you? "Stud"?

I don't think anything of the sort, and you can't find a post of mine to support your asinine claim.

I want government to leave me alone. You want government to run my life. Stop projecting your weakness and failures on others.
You lead an interesting fantasy life, that's for sure. What do they call you? "Stud"?

I don't think anything of the sort, and you can't find a post of mine to support your asinine claim.

I want government to leave me alone. You want government to run my life. Stop projecting your weakness and failures on others.
You support Trump and his fascist regime yet think he will leave you in peace?
Dont worry about what I say, prove me wrong. See how good you are.
You didn't mind Trump running your miserable life. Suddenly your feeling pressured. Bullshit. Youre a liar.
Mr. Hanick hasn't worked for Fox News for eleven years, when he left the organization, Smokin OP? I'm dumbfounded, I'm tellin' ya, I'm shocked!
Doesn't matter, seems like republicans/FOX have been Russian sympathizers for that long.

January 25 2022
Riffing on the looming conflict during his show Monday night, Mr Carlson invited his audience to question “who benefits” from the prospect of a war with Russia. “We don’t ask that question enough. The United States certainly doesn’t benefit, that’s obvious to anyone who thinks about it for a second. It’s so glaringly obvious, in fact, that the people pushing this war immediately denounce you as a traitor if you point that out.”

“Why is it disloyal to side with Russia but loyal to side with Ukraine? They’re both foreign countries that don’t care anything about the United States. Kind of strange. It’s all an absurd performance, but it’s all they’ve got in the end.”
Democrats are jealous that Putin got to skip the whole censorship/propaganda phase and went right to putting dissenters in jail.
You support Trump and his fascist regime yet think he will leave you in peace?
Dont worry about what I say, prove me wrong. See how good you are.
You didn't mind Trump running your miserable life. Suddenly your feeling pressured. Bullshit. Youre a liar.
Yup, more fantasy. Trump's not a fascist; that's you believing your programming. Hint: It's all bullshit.

The difference between you and me is I don't need anyone running my life.

You do.

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