To have a friendly government you should follow some wiser policy than just invade and occupy. You can't take out two heavily pro- Russian regions from a political field and expect some friendly government take power.

It is something like taking out California and New York and expecting the Dems still having majority in the House.
You can complain about it all you want, but everyone has known that is how the Russians feel about Ukraine. But Biden provoked them anyway, because he is an Establishment Stooge who obeys the warmongers without question. The warmongers have been wanting this war for a long time.

Here is a video from 2016 of warmongers John Mc-shit-Stain and Lindsay Graham visiting Ukrainian soldiers and telling them that their fight is our fight. That “2017 will be the year of offense.”

So if you want to play dumb and act as though only Russia has acted as an aggressor, go ahead and keep looking like a fool.
warmongers John Mc-shit-Stain
ivan, you will pay for for your war-crimes, in the Hague , do you know it , right ?

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Indeed, doesn't want. It just wants a friendly puppet government there. That makes huge difference. Jesus, what a bunch of morons you are.
So, it is your conviction that the american puppet government in place (as we speak) in Ukraine is better than a russian puppet in place. I think you people should fuck off and leave us alone.
You can complain about it all you want, but everyone has known that is how the Russians feel about Ukraine. But Biden provoked them anyway, because he is an Establishment Stooge who obeys the warmongers without question. The warmongers have been wanting this war for a long time.

Here is a video from 2016 of warmongers John Mc-shit-Stain and Lindsay Graham visiting Ukrainian soldiers and telling them that their fight is our fight. That “2017 will be the year of offense.”

So if you want to play dumb and act as though only Russia has acted as an aggressor, go ahead and keep looking like a fool.

You seem to be a bit slow, so I repeat again. If Russia had followed a wise policy, Ukraine might have a pro-Russian government now, without war, sanctions and other shit.

Play stupid games, get stupid prizes. The Kremlin tries to play in the league it doesn't belong.

Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008
So, it is your conviction that the american puppet government in place (as we speak) in Ukraine is better than a russian puppet in place. I think you people should fuck off and leave us alone.
What is better depends on personal preferences. Leave 'us' alone? Who is us. It is your government decided to get rid of neutrality and join NATO.
You make one absurd claim after another with regards to Putin, Russia, and what I have said (or what you insinuate I have said) and It is not worth my time trying to have an intelligent discussion with you while you continue to boast pre-conceived convictions. I have given you a down-to-earth, motivated opinion on the subject but you offer little more than one-sided rhetoric fueled by American propaganda, lacking insight and earnestness. Furthermore, you ignore (intentionally or otherwise) the details that give the issue fibre. Instead, you sew up all the points that you think mean something and interpret them to an "it is clear" conclusion. I think I am finished with you.
In other words, you drool out Putin bullshit about the invasion and when you are challenged you find it impossible to defend the invasion.
You seem to be a bit slow, so I repeat again. If Russia had followed a wise policy, Ukraine might have a pro-Russian government now, without war, sanctions and other shit.
It is you who is "a bit slow". Russia has nothing to do with it. Everything was fine then came the f-ing Yankees who orchestrated a coup and put their puppet (by the name of Zelinsky) in the seat. This is a carbon copy of the coup the CIA inflicted on Iran back in 1954.
Play stupid games, get stupid prizes. The Kremlin tries to play in the league it doesn't belong.
Once again you get the stupid prize for misplacing just about everything. The upstart is Zalinsky. He is a clown who's been duped just as the Yankees duped the Shah of Iran. Russia IS a power and has been for centuries. Apparently, you know nothing at all so why are you here? What is your gain? There must be one.
..... It is your government decided to get rid of neutrality and join NATO.
Yes, that is correct. Our politicians have been duped (bought off). As it stands there are only two political parties that refuse to accept NATO membership: One is the ridiculous Communist Party and the other is (possibly) a Nazi wanna-be. But once again ... as always ... it was an american coup (of sorts) than paved the way for Yankee treachery and control of our government. The CIA murdered the best leader my country has had in at least 100 years and now we see the purpose behind it.
In other words, you drool out Putin bullshit about the invasion and when you are challenged you find it impossible to defend the invasion.
You are a waste of earnest endeavour and you are unwilling to "get real". That's fine with me because I am not responsible for your education.
It is you who is "a bit slow". Russia has nothing to do with it. Everything was fine then came the f-ing Yankees who orchestrated a coup and put their puppet (by the name of Zelinsky) in the seat. This is a carbon copy of the coup the CIA inflicted on Iran back in 1954.

Once again you get the stupid prize for misplacing just about everything. The upstart is Zalinsky. He is a clown who's been duped just as the Yankees duped the Shah of Iran. Russia IS a power and has been for centuries. Apparently, you know nothing at all so why are you here? What is your gain? There must be one.
After the 'orchestrated coup' there was Turchynov at first, for a short time, then Poroshenko, and after him Zelensky is.

I repeat it again, because you seem to be twin-brothers in mental abilities. You can't expect a friendly government to come into power, while taking away the electoral base out of it. Is it so hard to grasp?

I have forgotten more about Ukraine-Russia relations than you will ever know. Read some books about the subject, kid.
After the 'orchestrated coup' there was Turchynov at first, for a short time, then Poroshenko, and after him Zelensky is.

I repeat it again, because you seem to be twin-brothers in mental abilities. You can't expect a friendly government to come into power, while taking away the electoral base out of it. Is it so hard to grasp?

I have forgotten more about Ukraine-Russia relations than you will ever know.
So, if your knowledge on the subject is superior then why is it you are feigning ignorance about US involvement and manipulation in Ukraine? The bottom line is, then, either you don’t know very much at all or you know plenty but are intentionally obscuring the most significant facts on the issue to keep in line with US false propaganda. Which one is it?
Read some books about the subject, kid.
Gauging by your performance so far there is a fair chance that I am as old as your grandfather, sonny boy.
So, if your knowledge on the subject is superior then why is it you are feigning ignorance about US involvement and manipulation in Ukraine? The bottom line is, then, either you don’t know very much at all or you know plenty but are intentionally obscuring the most significant facts on the issue to keep in line with US false propaganda. Which one is it?

Gauging by your performance so far there is a fair chance that I am as old as your grandfather, sonny boy.
I choose the latter. I prefer to keep in line with false US propaganda. Propaganda will always be 'false', because it follows the principle of half-truth.

I prefer false US propaganda over false Russian one. Your preference is opposite, obviously.
I choose the latter. I prefer to keep in line with false US propaganda. Propaganda will always be 'false', because it follows the principle of half-truth.
In other words, you are a (paid or volunteer) government shill.
I prefer false US propaganda over false Russian one. Your preference is opposite, obviously.
You have no idea what I believe. Not even a clue.

BOTTOM LINE: You are here with an agenda.
In other words, you are a (paid or volunteer) government shill.

You have no idea what I believe. Not even a clue.

BOTTOM LINE: You are here with an agenda.
Just like you are.

How interesting. And what this agenda is?

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