Putin says Russia will design new intermediate-range weapon after Trump withdrawal from nuclear pact

Yet again, Trump delivers a gift to Putin that hurts NATO and creates greater risk to international security.

Putin says Russia will follow US in abandoning nuclear arms pact
Putin is already testing these missiles. That's why Trump scrapped the deal, because Putin was cheating.

FYI, Obama pulled all of Europe's Polaris Missile defense out of NATO and scrapped a new missile defense system, so Putin took advantage of it.
Obama was a great friend to Russia, yet the corrupt media claims Trump is. The irony is massive.


Obama abandons missile defence shield in Europe
Romney: Obama stopped missile defense shield 'as a gift to Russia'
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FYI, Obama pulled all of Europe's Polaris Missile defense out of NATO and scrapped a new missile defense system

Or so you say as if it mattered.
Atomic weapons are a defensive weapon to assure status quo. They are not intended to be used; period. That is until the trumpit came along and now I am not so sure. If trump starts an atomic war I hope he survives so we can nail him to a cross while he is still alive.

Given that NATO has bases in the Baltics, I would think that the reintroduction of intermediate range missiles are by far more of a threat to Russia than to the U.S.

But, I'm no expert on the subject. Anybody have any ideas on why this would not be to Russia's disadvantage?
FYI, Obama pulled all of Europe's Polaris Missile defense out of NATO and scrapped a new missile defense system

Or so you say as if it mattered.
Atomic weapons are a defensive weapon to assure status quo. They are not intended to be used; period. That is until the trumpit came along and now I am not so sure. If trump starts an atomic war I hope he survives so we can nail him to a cross while he is still alive.

The word isn't Atomic....it's NUCLEAR.

Oh, and go fuck yourself.
From The Washington Examiner:

“The United States has fully adhered to the INF Treaty for more than 30 years,” President Trump wrote, “but we will not remain constrained by its terms while Russia misrepresents its actions.” The Russians, in Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s words, simply refuse to acknowledge that they are even doing anything wrong or violating their commitments in any way. “We have raised Russia’s noncompliance with Russian officials, including at the highest levels of government, more than 30 times, yet Russia continues to deny that its missile system is noncompliant and violates the treaty,” Pompeo remarked at the State Department.

The message from the administration is as clear as a mushroom cloud over the horizon: Moscow bears sole responsibility for shredding one of the most significant nonproliferation agreements in history.

the next time you hear trump claim he's tough on russia: remember that he has: _weakened nato and the eu _given putin cover on crimea _repeated kremlin talking point _ignored meddling and collusion _lifted sanctions on key oligarch _disregarded US intelligence
Yet again, Trump delivers a gift to Putin that hurts NATO and creates greater risk to international security.

Putin says Russia will follow US in abandoning nuclear arms pact
Putin is already testing these missiles. That's why Trump scrapped the deal, because Putin was cheating.

FYI, Obama pulled all of Europe's Polaris Missile defense out of NATO and scrapped a new missile defense system, so Putin took advantage of it.
Obama was a great friend to Russia, yet the corrupt media claims Trump is. The irony is massive.


Obama abandons missile defence shield in Europe
Romney: Obama stopped missile defense shield 'as a gift to Russia'

So when someone violates a law...you get rid of the law?

Great strategery there Donald.

Putin loves you
Russia will have no trouble at all in matching U.S. missile design standards.

Not when there are hundreds of "progressive", America-hating Democrats still lodged in the defense industry. Generous, giving liberals whose mommies taught them to share. Particularly with anyone "identifying" as a Communist. They should, of course, be investigated, prosecuted, convicted and then executed. But the liberal lower courts are children-of-Obama so will ignore all evidence that might be presented and, if they could, award "Heroes of The People" awards instead of convictions.

Which is another reason America needs a civil war.
Yet again, Trump delivers a gift to Putin that hurts NATO and creates greater risk to international security.

Putin says Russia will follow US in abandoning nuclear arms pact

Fuck off....Putin has already developed hypersonic cruise missiles and we have to catch up. Try knowing what you're talking about for once, whether you're a Con or a commie that day.

I suspect his missiles are rather like that robot they were claiming a month or so back.
I suspect his missiles are rather like that robot they were claiming a month or so back.

Maybe but we verified one successful test they did and our ABMs couldn't have touched it....too fast, changed course outside the atmosphere......these are scary weapons and can only be thwarted with space-based lasers. Does he have the money to build a lot of them?....probably not. But if 5 or 6 of them hit our major cities, we'd be pretty much fucked.
Anybody who doesn't think that Russia has already and long-since violated the Intermediate Range treaty is delusional.

Suspending (and then withdrawing from) the treaty is merely an acknowledgment of delusional.

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