Putin says Russia will design new intermediate-range weapon after Trump withdrawal from nuclear pact

Anybody who doesn't think that Russia has already and long-since violated the Intermediate Range treaty is delusional.

Suspending (and then withdrawing from) the treaty is merely an acknowledgment of delusional.
Absolutely wrong.

Trump just gave them PERMISSION to do whatever they want
Fuck off....Putin has already developed hypersonic cruise missiles and we have to catch up. Try knowing what you're talking about for once, whether you're a Con or a commie that day.

Our military does not have its head stuck in a paper bag.
Mutual assured destruction or mutually assureddestruction (MAD) is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender (see pre-emptive nuclear strike and ...

Trump is the only one who cannot grasp that fact
Yet again, Trump delivers a gift to Putin that hurts NATO and creates greater risk to international security.

Putin says Russia will follow US in abandoning nuclear arms pact
Putin is already testing these missiles. That's why Trump scrapped the deal, because Putin was cheating.

FYI, Obama pulled all of Europe's Polaris Missile defense out of NATO and scrapped a new missile defense system, so Putin took advantage of it.
Obama was a great friend to Russia, yet the corrupt media claims Trump is. The irony is massive.


Obama abandons missile defence shield in Europe
Romney: Obama stopped missile defense shield 'as a gift to Russia'

So when someone violates a law...you get rid of the law?

Great strategery there Donald.

Putin loves you

That's a very warped way of thinking about it.....which explains why you support Democrats.
They know the laws....and they try to go around them.
If that doesn't work....they try to change them.
When it comes to treaties......if the other side cheats...you scrap the treaty......

And here's the part you don't seem to understand......if only one side follows the treaty who do you think is getting screwed?

The moral of the story is never make deals with:

  • Muslims
  • Russians
  • Democrats
They all cheat.
Anybody who doesn't think that Russia has already and long-since violated the Intermediate Range treaty is delusional.

Suspending (and then withdrawing from) the treaty is merely an acknowledgment of delusional.
Absolutely wrong.

Trump just gave them PERMISSION to do whatever they want
Newsflash, Sparky... they were doing it already...

This latest round of Russian bad behaviors accelerated when Obumble didn't left a finger to help Ukraine-Crimea...
Newsflash, Sparky... they were doing it already...

This latest round of Russian bad behaviors accelerated when Obumble didn't left a finger to help Ukraine-Crimea..

Is that the latest Kremlin line?
Newsflash, Sparky... they were doing it already...

This latest round of Russian bad behaviors accelerated when Obumble didn't left a finger to help Ukraine-Crimea..

Is that the latest Kremlin line?
Da, Tvaritch... we smarter than American Capitalist Yankee Pig-Dogs...

We "out" our secret bad behaviors so Yankee Pig-Dogs will tear-up useless piece of paper...

Giving Yankee Pig-Dogs chance to start competing with us again on Intermediate Nuclear Weapons systems...

Da... that
big advantage to Holy Mother Russia...


Yeah... sure kid... you tell 'em...

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