Putin seizes moral authority from obama


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2011
Putin lays out his objection to terrorists in very simple terms that anyone can understand.

G8: Putin rips the West for supporting Cannibals in Syria; West... has... no... Coherent... Response | Walid ShoebatWalid Shoebat

In icy exchanges at a press conference, Putin said: “You will not deny that one does not really need to support the people who not only kill their enemies, but open up their bodies, eat their intestines in front of the public and cameras. Are these the people you want to support? Is it them who you want to supply with weapons? Then this probably has little relation to humanitarian values that have been preached in Europe for hundreds of years.”

obama says no one is as smart as he is and can't figure it out so he doesn't need to explain himself.

Obama on Syria: Americans Just Don?t Understand | Fox News

“What I’m saying is, that if you haven’t been in the Situation Room… Unless you’ve been involved in those conversations, then it’s kind of hard for you to understand the complexity of the situation and how we have to not rush into one more war in the Middle East.”

He makes this statement at the same time he's rushing into war in the middle east.

Obama, though, says he can tell. He told Charlie Rose that if Americans, strongly opposed to U.S. intervention in Syria, could see what he saw in the Situation Room at the White House they would be cool with the idea of arming the rebels, but not too well.
The rebel crew in Syria seems to be the roughest lot of any to emerge in the Islamist awakening across the region. But Obama’s implicit promise is that we can help the ones who don’t eat the internal organs of their enemies or shoot children in the face for telling a joke about Mohammed.
Well, hey, we can all forgive Putin for stealing that Super Bowl ring.


And after 8 years the guy suddenly remembers he didn't really give it away after all.

You can't twist this that easily. Putin left obama looking like not only a fool, but an evil fool.
ummm, Obama for all his dithering has been doing everything to keep the gop war lovers from dragging us into this clusterfk.

Clinton wants him to join the clusterfuck

True. And Hill was the one who bushed for boots on the ground in Afghan, and smilin' joe was for special forces and drone strikes. But the political heat on obama to save the poor freedom fighters is coming directly from McCain and his cadre of chickenhawks.
ummm, Obama for all his dithering has been doing everything to keep the gop war lovers from dragging us into this clusterfk.

Clinton wants him to join the clusterfuck

True. And Hill was the one who bushed for boots on the ground in Afghan, and smilin' joe was for special forces and drone strikes. But the political heat on obama to save the poor freedom fighters is coming directly from McCain and his cadre of chickenhawks.

Bill just jumped his ass the other day. Don't try to blame this one on the vanishing GOP party.
"Putin seizes moral authority from obama"

Putin lays out his objection to terrorists in very simple terms that anyone can understand.

G8: Putin rips the West for supporting Cannibals in Syria; West... has... no... Coherent... Response | Walid ShoebatWalid Shoebat

In icy exchanges at a press conference, Putin said: “You will not deny that one does not really need to support the people who not only kill their enemies, but open up their bodies, eat their intestines in front of the public and cameras. Are these the people you want to support? Is it them who you want to supply with weapons? Then this probably has little relation to humanitarian values that have been preached in Europe for hundreds of years.”

obama says no one is as smart as he is and can't figure it out so he doesn't need to explain himself.

Obama on Syria: Americans Just Don?t Understand | Fox News

“What I’m saying is, that if you haven’t been in the Situation Room… Unless you’ve been involved in those conversations, then it’s kind of hard for you to understand the complexity of the situation and how we have to not rush into one more war in the Middle East.”

He makes this statement at the same time he's rushing into war in the middle east.

Obama, though, says he can tell. He told Charlie Rose that if Americans, strongly opposed to U.S. intervention in Syria, could see what he saw in the Situation Room at the White House they would be cool with the idea of arming the rebels, but not too well.
The rebel crew in Syria seems to be the roughest lot of any to emerge in the Islamist awakening across the region. But Obama’s implicit promise is that we can help the ones who don’t eat the internal organs of their enemies or shoot children in the face for telling a joke about Mohammed.

(My bold)

Putin seizes moral authority - I like that. Prexy Putin is a 16-year veteran of the KGB, retiring with the rank of Lt. Colonel, from the bad old days of the Gulag & political prisoners tortured, beat up, "disappeared" or sentenced to hard labor for years or held in psychiatric prisons & drugged to incoherence. See Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Putin Yes, of course, rising to rank in the KGB is just like - if not morally superior to - community organizing. Yes, the scales have fallen from my eyes.

& "eating enemies' intestines" - really. Putin must not be a farm boy - nobody eats intestines, fresh or not, without first flushing them thoroughly, end to end. & if you're really dainty, probably running some ammonia or some dilute acid through, just to make sure. & even then, you still cook them. Yah, in the old country, small intestines are used as casings for sausage, right enough. The stills I remember seeing (in the cannibalism incident referred to) showed someone allegedly chewing on a fallen soldier's lung - & I believe he spat it out after the photo op. (There's not much to lung tissue, that's one reason it's not popular even as an organ meat. Probably due to the lack of fat, not enough taste - or the relative lack of striated muscle tissue - as I recall, most of the lung action is powered by contraction/expansion of the ribcage & diaphragm.)

All in all, I'd take this story with an, um, wheelbarrow full of salt ...
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You might have a point if that photo of the guy gutting and eating the insides of some other poor soul. Or even if the "rebels" shooting a 14 year old boy in the head hadn't gone around the world.

obama supports cannibals that shoot children and Putin does not. obama has no moral authority, Putin took it all.

I'm glad it happened. obama, fool that he is then explains it away by saying "you are all just too stupid to understand me".

It couldn't be better.

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