Putin soon to unleash full fury of Russian Army on Ukrainian forces.

Russia has a large industrial infrastructure and manufactures its own Tanks, assault vehicles, missile systems, etc.
It's silly to claim they don't have the in house ability to repair them. ... :cuckoo:
Yet they have to import critical components which they lack the production capability

Russia has never been big on maintaining their equipment. They are paying a price
If Russia wants to g
Russia has a large industrial infrastructure and manufactures its own Tanks, assault vehicles, missile systems, etc.
It's silly to claim they don't have the in house ability to repair them. ... :cuckoo:
If Russia wants to go back to building T-55s and Saggers that use vacuum tube tech it can repair them. The embargo cut off all access to modern semi-conductors for anything better.
If Russia wants to g
If Russia wants to go back to building T-55s and Saggers that use vacuum tube tech it can repair them. The embargo cut off all access to modern semi-conductors for anything better.
Guidance systems, targeting, avionics, command and control, communications all rely on semiconductors
Denmark, Sweden and Germany are working on finding who destroyed Nordstream and if it was the US that will be the end of that relationship.
Sweden just rejected being part if the pipeline destruction investigation and Denmark and Germany haven't moved forward with their investigation either.
It's assumed they all know who did the bombing but don't want to expose the truth because it would have huge political ramifications.
(although everybody and their mother knows it was the U.S.)Sweden shuns formal joint investigation of Nord Stream leak, citing national security
Russia is one of the very few, maybe only, country that has every natural resource to be self sustaining, and its own manufacturing infrastructure to produce everything it needs.
Sweden just rejected being part if the pipeline destruction investigation and Denmark and Germany haven't moved forward with their investigation either.
It's assumed they all know who did the bombing but don't want to expose the truth because it would have huge political ramifications.
(although everybody and their mother knows it was the U.S.)Sweden shuns formal joint investigation of Nord Stream leak, citing national security
They haven't rejected being part of a pipeline destruction investigation. They will still do that but not with the original judicial cooperation agency but to some extent the reason could be what you mention. Not wanting to make things public.

2 minute readOctober 14, 20227:39 PM GMT+1Last Updated 3 days ago

Sweden shuns formal joint investigation of Nord Stream leak, citing national security​


Mats Ljungqvist, the prosecutor involved in Sweden's criminal investigation into the Nord Stream leaks in the Swedish economic zone, said Sweden was already co-operating with Denmark and Germany on the matter.

He said Sweden had rejected the proposal for a Joint Investigation Team (JIT) from judicial co-operation agency Eurojust because a such a joint investigation would include legal agreements under which Sweden would have to share information from its own investigation that it deemed confidential.

"This is because there is information in our investigation that is subject to confidentiality directly linked to national security," Ljungqvist told Reuters.

A Swedish Security Services spokesperson said the security police were co-operating closely with other authorities, also internationally, as part of the Swedish criminal investigation.

German TV programme Tagesschau on German public broadcaster ARD said that Denmark, too, had turned down setting up a joint investigation team.

Germany has finished its investigation. Sweden and Denmark had turned down the initial agency. They will all know or find out. If that is two investigations saying the same thing that is good. They also may be somewhat subject to intimidation. I have been surprised that after making clear France would not respond with nukes even if Russia used them, France rather than moving away from Ukraine has promised to get its act together very quickly.

Informative objective interview about the politics and current situation on the ground in Ukraine with Col. Douglas MacGregor former Senior Advisor to the Sec. of Defense.
Detailed analysis you'll never hear on the U.S. media.
(new video 18 minutes long)

What's he been doing this whole time, playing around?
IF the video is recent, and it's in Minsk like the title says, then this train is not going to Eastern Ukraine.

There are no tanks or missiles, and no IFV's or armored assault vehicles. There are 2 command and staff vehicles, a couple mobile kitchens, and a bunch of trucks. A handful of BM-21 Grads and a few BM-27 Uragan MRLS launch vehicles and a couple transloaders.

And a scooby-doo van, There is always a scooby-doo van, lol.

My guess is they will be part of the Russian component of the Regional Group Force with Belarus.

All dated equipment, but it looks refurbished. Fresh paint and new tires, and they're not alll banged up and dirty. There are no invasion markings, but the symbol on the door on the trucks identify them as belonging to the 4th Guards Tank Division.

4th GTD is part of 1st GTA, which is commanding the RGF.

My guess, assuming the video is legit- recruits sent to Belarus as part of the RGF, and they will join the self-propelled artillery regiment of the 4th GTD.

If Putin takes another run at Kiev, these vehicles would be part of it. More likely they will just shoot their rockets from Belarus territory...
There are dozens of youtube videos taken by individual's cell phones showing trains pulling long lines of flatbed cars with Tanks and every other kind of Russian military vehicle on top heading east towards Ukraine to be used in the upcoming offensive.
There are dozens of youtube videos taken by individual's cell phones showing trains pulling long lines of flatbed cars with Tanks and every other kind of Russian military vehicle on top heading east towards Ukraine to be used in the upcoming offensive.
Yes, but the one you posted (and I was commenting on) is not a cell phone video- it was professionally produced.

The youtube channel says "fan produced" and makes no claims of authenticity or ownership of the material.

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