Putin Supported Trump And The Deplorables.

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Total bullshit.

When Putin found out Hillaryous and Obamakov were "meddling" in Russia's elections (proven fact) he made it a point to start kicking sand in their face, personally and on the world stage. He seen NATO getting complacent, evidenced by their not contributing the required defense spending, and started pushing his agenda world wide. Oil prices were sky high and he was getting rich so he could funnel money into his restoration of Russia pride which had been decimated. His approval rating has never fallen below 85%. This continued to embolden him and Obama didn't have the stones to fight back. And Obama just sat around with his thumb up his ass when Putin invaded Crimea. He thought his Iran give away was more important than pushing back against Putin. From that point on Putin knew he could do whatever he wanted. In other words Obama is a pussy and Putin knew it.

Trump's election victory was similar to Putin's as Trump's win was based on restoring our self esteem which has been constantly under attack with identity politics over that last decade. Trump is Putin's worse nightmare and he knows it. Trump has increased military spending which Putin doesn't want, demanded NATO meet their defense spending commitments, bombed the fuck out of Syria for crossing Obama's failed red line. And to make things worse for Putin, Trump is doing everything to promote oil and gas production here which crushes Russia's revenue. Let alone the improving financial markets here which strengthens the dollar and crushes Russia's purchasing power.

So face the facts, libtardos, Putin is weaker with Trump as President and we're all better off with Trump.
Another thread defending Russia, you need to remember what country you live in and are allegedly a patriot for. Putin fucked with us, there must be a price to pay for that. Speculating on his motives is useless, it was done and people like you seem bent on protecting him and Russia even at the cost of the dignity and integrity of your own country. If you are in fact a Russian disregard what I said and fuck off back to the miserable piece of garbage you call a country.
Another thread defending Russia, you need to remember what country you live in and are allegedly a patriot for. Putin fucked with us, there must be a price to pay for that. Speculating on his motives is useless, it was done and people like you seem bent on protecting him and Russia even at the cost of the dignity and integrity of your own country. If you are in fact a Russian disregard what I said and fuck off back to the miserable piece of garbage you call a country.

What part of we're better off with Trump and Putin is weaker with Trump as President did you not understand?

Your post was basically a feeble attempt to defend the position Obama placed this country in.
This is what Putin said before Trump was even elected.

“The image [that Russia supports a candidate in the US presidential election] was created by the media,
Putin said at the Valdai Discussion Club in Sochi, adding that it was done deliberately and on purpose.

“This idea was planted into the US public consciousness… with only one goal… to protect the interests of the Democratic candidate in her competition with the candidate of the Republicans, in this case – with Mr. Trump,” the Russian president stressed.

The US media “first portrayed Russia as an enemy and then said that Trump is our [Russia’s] favorite,” Putin said, denouncing these tactics as “absolute nonsense.”

“He [Trump] just represents ordinary people and portrays himself as an ordinary guy, who criticizes those who have been in power for decades,” Putin said, adding that only voting will show if this strategy is effective.

Calling Trump Moscow’s favorite is nonsense created by media – Putin
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At this point I don't even care if Putin himself hacked the fucking voting machines and overturned a landslide hitlery win into a loss.

The fucking criminally insane sociopath hag would have destroyed what was left of the country, that the meat puppet faggot didn't get around to. Trump is rolling back regressive policy and undermining the democrook party better than I could have dreamed. So if Putin did anything, he did us a fucking favor.

Another thread defending Russia, you need to remember what country you live in and are allegedly a patriot for. Putin fucked with us, there must be a price to pay for that. Speculating on his motives is useless, it was done and people like you seem bent on protecting him and Russia even at the cost of the dignity and integrity of your own country. If you are in fact a Russian disregard what I said and fuck off back to the miserable piece of garbage you call a country.

What part of we're better off with Trump and Putin is weaker with Trump as President did you not understand?

Your post was basically a feeble attempt to defend the position Obama placed this country in.
My post was me rejecting your argument and inviting you to return to Russia. Putin is still clearly thrilled that Trump got elected and that means nothing good for America.
Another thread defending Russia, you need to remember what country you live in and are allegedly a patriot for. Putin fucked with us, there must be a price to pay for that. Speculating on his motives is useless, it was done and people like you seem bent on protecting him and Russia even at the cost of the dignity and integrity of your own country. If you are in fact a Russian disregard what I said and fuck off back to the miserable piece of garbage you call a country.

So did the Ukraine. Why no outrage Because the Nazis in Kiev supported Hillary?
Total bullshit.

When Putin found out Hillaryous and Obamakov were "meddling" in Russia's elections (proven fact) he made it a point to start kicking sand in their face, personally and on the world stage. He seen NATO getting complacent, evidenced by their not contributing the required defense spending, and started pushing his agenda world wide. Oil prices were sky high and he was getting rich so he could funnel money into his restoration of Russia pride which had been decimated. His approval rating has never fallen below 85%. This continued to embolden him and Obama didn't have the stones to fight back. And Obama just sat around with his thumb up his ass when Putin invaded Crimea. He thought his Iran give away was more important than pushing back against Putin. From that point on Putin knew he could do whatever he wanted. In other words Obama is a pussy and Putin knew it.

Trump's election victory was similar to Putin's as Trump's win was based on restoring our self esteem which has been constantly under attack with identity politics over that last decade. Trump is Putin's worse nightmare and he knows it. Trump has increased military spending which Putin doesn't want, demanded NATO meet their defense spending commitments, bombed the fuck out of Syria for crossing Obama's failed red line. And to make things worse for Putin, Trump is doing everything to promote oil and gas production here which crushes Russia's revenue. Let alone the improving financial markets here which strengthens the dollar and crushes Russia's purchasing power.

So face the facts, libtardos, Putin is weaker with Trump as President and we're all better off with Trump.
Hillary has been dealing business with Putin before and during, and after the Russian's election. It was just recently that Hillary and Obama started to attack Putin, by spreading false rumors that Putin hates Gays and he kills them. But really Putin wants to lock up their type of peoples.


Another thread defending Russia, you need to remember what country you live in and are allegedly a patriot for. Putin fucked with us, there must be a price to pay for that. Speculating on his motives is useless, it was done and people like you seem bent on protecting him and Russia even at the cost of the dignity and integrity of your own country. If you are in fact a Russian disregard what I said and fuck off back to the miserable piece of garbage you call a country.

So did the Ukraine. Why no outrage Because the Nazis in Kiev supported Hillary?
The only people calling anyone in Kiev Nazis are Russian state media and Putin's useful tools like you. Seriously why do you think Russia's tightly controlled media is worth listening to? They are not going to say shit that does not issue directly from the Kremlin.
Another thread defending Russia, you need to remember what country you live in and are allegedly a patriot for. Putin fucked with us, there must be a price to pay for that. Speculating on his motives is useless, it was done and people like you seem bent on protecting him and Russia even at the cost of the dignity and integrity of your own country. If you are in fact a Russian disregard what I said and fuck off back to the miserable piece of garbage you call a country.

So did the Ukraine. Why no outrage Because the Nazis in Kiev supported Hillary?
The only people calling anyone in Kiev Nazis are Russian state media and Putin's useful tools like you. Seriously why do you think Russia's tightly controlled media is worth listening to? They are not going to say shit that does not issue directly from the Kremlin.

Do you know why I call them nazis? Because their hero is Stepan Bandera. Western Ukraine was notorious for supporting and working with the nazis. I know my history well. Half my family came from the Ukraine.

Till today, western Ukrainians revere Bandera and consider him a hero. And yes he actually fought with the nazis and is buried in Munich. His best known massacre was in Poland. Over 70,000.

World recognized massacre. So when I call the Ukrainians in power now I know exactly what I am talking about. You don't. You have some fucking nerve to call me a useful tool.


Lviv soccer fans at a game against Donetsk. The banner reads in Ukrainian, "Bandera – our hero" This is a western vs easter match.

Blood oozed through the soil at grave sites. You could see the pits move, some of them were still alive': The secrets of Ukraine's shameful 'Holocaust of Bullets' killing centre where 1.6million Jews were executed
  • Jews were humiliated and murdered one by one in Ukraine during WW2
  • Many of them were forced to stand in front of mass graves and shot dead
  • Women were stripped naked, beaten in the streets during 'organised riots'

  • Witnesses today have broken their silence to tell of Ukraine's killing centre
The secrets of Ukraine's shameful 'Holocaust of Bullets' | Daily Mail Online

Oh and here's Euromaiden. You know. The assholes our governments supported.

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Another thread defending Russia, you need to remember what country you live in and are allegedly a patriot for. Putin fucked with us, there must be a price to pay for that. Speculating on his motives is useless, it was done and people like you seem bent on protecting him and Russia even at the cost of the dignity and integrity of your own country. If you are in fact a Russian disregard what I said and fuck off back to the miserable piece of garbage you call a country.

So did the Ukraine. Why no outrage Because the Nazis in Kiev supported Hillary?
The only people calling anyone in Kiev Nazis are Russian state media and Putin's useful tools like you. Seriously why do you think Russia's tightly controlled media is worth listening to? They are not going to say shit that does not issue directly from the Kremlin.

Do you know why I call them nazis? Because their hero is Stepan Bandera. Western Ukraine was notorious for supporting and working with the nazis. I know my history well. Half my family came from the Ukraine.

Till today, western Ukrainians revere Bandera and consider him a hero. And yes he actually fought with the nazis and is buried in Munich. His best known massacre was in Poland. Over 70,000.

World recognized massacre. So when I call the Ukrainians in power now I know exactly what I am talking about. You don't. You have some fucking nerve to call me a useful tool.
I will call you anything I wish as long as you keep acting like a douche nozzle. When I hear one of you so-called American patriots repeating the official Kremlin narrative I have no choice than to denounce you for what you are, a Russian tool.
Since no evidence that the Russian government was behind the DNC and Podesta email leaks has been released and both wikileaks and Russia has denied that they got the files from the Russian government, I'm doubtful that they had anything to do with it. But if the Russians were behind it then they did the USA a huge favor by exposing the corruption of the DNC.

I do know that Putin certainly had plenty of motive to do it. After all, while Crooked Hillary was Secretary of State she flat out accused Putin's United Russia party of rigging the Russian election. Now we know that the DNC rigged the primary election for Hillary. Makes me wonder how many other elections the DNC rigged for Hillary. I highly doubt this was a first offense.
Another thread defending Russia, you need to remember what country you live in and are allegedly a patriot for. Putin fucked with us, there must be a price to pay for that. Speculating on his motives is useless, it was done and people like you seem bent on protecting him and Russia even at the cost of the dignity and integrity of your own country. If you are in fact a Russian disregard what I said and fuck off back to the miserable piece of garbage you call a country.
Unfortunately the country we live in is being poisoned by democrats. It is degraded and corrupted. The heart of the nation is rotted out.

The sad part is, Putin knows this. He has had to deal with the incompetence of 8 years of imposing internal rot on the nation. Putin deserves a civilian medal just for tolerating the Democrat regime without dropping a bomb in the center of DC. He has shown himself to be a patient man. He would have been within his rights to drag obama out of the white hut by a chain around his ankles.

Opposing democrats making any effort to mop up the stain they inflicted is the highest form of patriotism there ever could be.

The United States I live in would have hitched democrats behind a wagon and drove the horses across the river.
Another thread defending Russia, you need to remember what country you live in and are allegedly a patriot for. Putin fucked with us, there must be a price to pay for that. Speculating on his motives is useless, it was done and people like you seem bent on protecting him and Russia even at the cost of the dignity and integrity of your own country. If you are in fact a Russian disregard what I said and fuck off back to the miserable piece of garbage you call a country.
Unfortunately the country we live in is being poisoned by democrats. It is degraded and corrupted. The heart of the nation is rotted out.

The sad part is, Putin knows this. He has had to deal with the incompetence of 8 years of imposing internal rot on the nation. Putin deserves a civilian medal just for tolerating the Democrat regime without dropping a bomb in the center of DC. He has shown himself to be a patient man. He would have been within his rights to drag obama out of the white hut by a chain around his ankles.

Opposing democrats making any effort to mop up the stain they inflicted is the highest form of patriotism there ever could be.

The United States I live in would have hitched democrats behind a wagon and drove the horses across the river.
You absolutely suck at being an American. Move to Russia soon, it's an absolute paradise for those like you who hate practically everything good, kind, gentle or fair.
Another thread defending Russia, you need to remember what country you live in and are allegedly a patriot for. Putin fucked with us, there must be a price to pay for that. Speculating on his motives is useless, it was done and people like you seem bent on protecting him and Russia even at the cost of the dignity and integrity of your own country. If you are in fact a Russian disregard what I said and fuck off back to the miserable piece of garbage you call a country.

So did the Ukraine. Why no outrage Because the Nazis in Kiev supported Hillary?
The only people calling anyone in Kiev Nazis are Russian state media and Putin's useful tools like you. Seriously why do you think Russia's tightly controlled media is worth listening to? They are not going to say shit that does not issue directly from the Kremlin.

Do you know why I call them nazis? Because their hero is Stepan Bandera. Western Ukraine was notorious for supporting and working with the nazis. I know my history well. Half my family came from the Ukraine.

Till today, western Ukrainians revere Bandera and consider him a hero. And yes he actually fought with the nazis and is buried in Munich. His best known massacre was in Poland. Over 70,000.

World recognized massacre. So when I call the Ukrainians in power now I know exactly what I am talking about. You don't. You have some fucking nerve to call me a useful tool.
I will call you anything I wish as long as you keep acting like a douche nozzle. When I hear one of you so-called American patriots repeating the official Kremlin narrative I have no choice than to denounce you for what you are, a Russian tool.

So I show you proof of Western Ukraine's historical ties to the Nazis and the best you can come up with is "Russian tool".


You are a perfect example of the modern Democrat and why your party has lost seats not just in the House and not just in the Senate but at every level state and municipal. All you can do is call people names. By all means keep it up.
French first lady to Trump: You look so fat in person...how do you haul that huge ass around all day ?
Another thread defending Russia, you need to remember what country you live in and are allegedly a patriot for. Putin fucked with us, there must be a price to pay for that. Speculating on his motives is useless, it was done and people like you seem bent on protecting him and Russia even at the cost of the dignity and integrity of your own country. If you are in fact a Russian disregard what I said and fuck off back to the miserable piece of garbage you call a country.

So did the Ukraine. Why no outrage Because the Nazis in Kiev supported Hillary?
The only people calling anyone in Kiev Nazis are Russian state media and Putin's useful tools like you. Seriously why do you think Russia's tightly controlled media is worth listening to? They are not going to say shit that does not issue directly from the Kremlin.

Do you know why I call them nazis? Because their hero is Stepan Bandera. Western Ukraine was notorious for supporting and working with the nazis. I know my history well. Half my family came from the Ukraine.

Till today, western Ukrainians revere Bandera and consider him a hero. And yes he actually fought with the nazis and is buried in Munich. His best known massacre was in Poland. Over 70,000.

World recognized massacre. So when I call the Ukrainians in power now I know exactly what I am talking about. You don't. You have some fucking nerve to call me a useful tool.
I will call you anything I wish as long as you keep acting like a douche nozzle. When I hear one of you so-called American patriots repeating the official Kremlin narrative I have no choice than to denounce you for what you are, a Russian tool.

So I show you proof of Western Ukraine's historical ties to the Nazis and the best you can come up with is "Russian tool".


You are a perfect example of the modern Democrat and why your party has lost seats not just in the House and not just in the Senate but at every level state and municipal. All you can do is call people names. By all means keep it up.
Name calling and insults are all the dems have TD. LOL

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